OCR Text |
Show Fuxn little Foxn, who, and what, 371, 405, 406, 407. h.ow thry ar;to be tai{!n. By tbe Ch11r~b, hy the Ma~ijlrate, by. the particular . kditving So11l, 408, 40,9, 410. aU preffid t.ta~e them for Chrijl, · and fir tbemfilvu. . . 4.11, 412. ad 438 Fruit qf Chri{f, what, 48. fourfold, 1b!d. H11 {r111t moft exceUmt, ,73.· G ·Gofpel-difpeufatioiiJ,CbrijiJ banquttting-hou[e, .78. Gojpel-preaclling the voice of the Turtle, bow fitly compared tott, 2,9$ Special Grace in it.tlea{l m~nifeftationJ, ~ pletig •{mort, 130, n>byjo, 13. How it maybedifcerned, m tt.Jieifo mea[Hru, 133,13.4• Graciow Souls thank.jztlly to acknowledg the leaft rectttl of Jpmal gra"1 why. 1,34,13$ Grapes, tender Grapu, what meant by them, 38z H .fiiappineji of believer~ from their conjHgal Vnio11 with Chrifl ~HtJ. I 440,441 Hidingoftheface, how ufediH Script11re, 345 HmderaHceJ o[Chrif/1 coming to his Spozrfe, what, aoa lnfluenm o{Gract, Chrift's .Banquet of Wine; L 1 So f.atteffes through which Chrift look.f,what. 2;9 Luping andsi<Jpping, what it lignifietb. 201 Lifuterflal, Chri(ls fruit. 64, 6 5 Lilly,· whe>tce it hath its name i11 the Hel>r. p. 3· how the Spoufe if ~11he Lzlly of tbr VaUiu , 6. whyfhe is fo, 7. her dttty upon it. 9· h< what rrfpeCisfhe if as a LiYy amongft tl" Thorns. 'LookjJig in 41 the windows, what it J!gnifiu as Chriflsaliio1f! 220 Love Chrtjt'l B•nner il! whJt refptCis, ,96, 97· how it wiUjhrw itfclf towarJ alt pb[e11t Cbrift, 160, 161, whence it proceedrtb, 163 Mans M Mans-power to J'_Odd afliOIIJ: variotts OpinionJaboHt it. ?~ 1. Th~ · trt~tb conceming it, 32 I, 32 2. He hath no po.,er to fptmualaclt• nJ formally good ; Nor if Chri{ts fpeakjng to men by h11 Word t· Nou!(h to produce them, proved, 3 2 2, 3 2 3, 3 2 4· Hi1 power t' good i>t his Rtgmrratufi:ate, 306 · Miniflers and othrrswiU he caUed to by Souls fie~ of love for Cbrift1 Wine and Applu. 107. It if their duty to give them oNt. 1<!>8. MhtijlerJ and Chri11ianJ therefore ought to be ablf,ready andfattbful. I 10. H>w MmiJfm are to be loo%ed upon by diflreffed Souls. 117 Mifery of Sot~IJ not conjugally rmited t• Chrift; •P:ned, 4~? • ~38 Mountain! t~nd HtUs 11pon which Chrift cometh /eaptng alld sktpp,ng, n>hat. 200 MouJttaiHJ of Bet her ; what. S 2 o 0 Obje8ionsag•i•ft Chriftt wiUingnefs to comfort a Soul fic~of lovr, an- [t'lered. . 126· Ordinancrs : fomt of Cl;ri(!s fruitt, and (weet to BelteverJ taft, 58. bo"' they appear f' 59· how they are [weet: M jigns, an:! M fJ cred lnjlrnments. ' 6J, 6z, 63 p p erfe verance; 'The Sport[fl priviledg, jhe may be aJJitrtd •f. it. 'IhU !ff0eftion ab1ut Per(everance ftated: againft Adverfmu on a hands, 496,497 , 498,499, sao. Eijl,ht formdatiOH~ of •[, 50~, 0 2 0 3 , 504. How it it or may be aflur<d to a Bel"''": 5 0 J, ~o6~ ibe proofofit, 507· The applicatton of that DoGlr~1e, f or In!lrMGi ion a11rl Exhortation v:ri3us wJys. ~ 12, 5 '3 Papijls need '1 10t pray te s am. ts .· "'h , . 3 68 Popifh opinion of Free-wiU,. 3 2 I. Of the vifibility of tbe Churcb. 3 H Their trite '1'"(110n anfwered. 337· Pray": bow re(lrJincd from God in 2 cafcs: 368. Vocd pr;~; ottr duty. I ji L .1' Lovr 1 c9 Propbane per'iJHsadmoltijhed n•tto mock,. at Sou I "'"- 01 : h J" ,R•g teotu |