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Show There it 4 ConjNgaiNnioH, fides that when in a fentence there w~nts a Verb, it is more ufual to u~det!land the Verb Eft, My Beloved is tom~ and 1 to·htm-; we tnnllate }t i< minr. Thefe two Verfes, (as is before noted by a very va- 5 Faitb, ?_ luable Interpreter,) contains the Spoures :"2 Prayer.) 1• Her F aitb, and that both with refpect to the rime prrfent, My Beloved ;, mine, and I am his , and wtth refpect to the Tune t• come, until the d".V brea~, and the lhadowJ fire aw.ay. 2 • Her Pr•yr, that is in the hfi words: .Turn my_ Beloved, and bt tUCH fik! a Roe and a young Hart upon the monntatnt of Bethtr. The Doctrines from thefe words are thde; . . There i< a conjugal Vnion brtween Chrift and ~ belutllng So~/, and that fuch as feme withdra\\-ings .of-Chnfi do not dtf-folve. · db bl d h TbJt tbt believing SoHl may '"'-'""" thifV111on, all e a e "". er .' e withdrawiwgJ ofChii{hO-J.y,l am m_yBel•vedJ,and my~rlovedu mtnt. Chrijl i< firfl ourr, then we •re hlf. . Af th•fame time iH which a Believer can [a_y, I am m) Btlovedt, he i< mine.; it mufi be afro }ble to fay, I am hw. . . . A Belirvrr "'a) not an!Y_·k•'w bt if Chrij!J, and Chrift u IJI< , bnt that it fh"H b8 [o, untiU the day break, and the fhJdowJ flee a-way:. J 'hat every gracioHJ SoHl,even rm dt r h . hd . fCbrtijl I e."''' rarl'lltt,J o , defireth that Chrijl would rett<rll, and tba~,.tth aU pofJ;ble Jpetd Hnta /;er • ts a R~t ( with the pace of a 'Roe or a young Hart) up~n the ',0unt#ins~fBethtr. Of all thefe, ( God·willing) I !hall dtf· courfe in their order. . . . ·u f; 11 You fee here four or ·five great points of Drvtm.ty wr a •into difcourfe. The firfi concerning the myftzcal Vnton between Chrifi and a Soul. The fecor.d concerning A.ffurance, _or the cer• tainty a believing Soul may have of this Vnion. The thtrd concerning Per[evm•nce, and the certainty the Believer m•y ~ave oflf th~ abiding of this Union, 'liU tbt day brtal(,, and ~he_fha owJ . ee a. ;:t The fourth concerning the order of Grace'" ItS operauons • and a fifth concerning the· duty of a ~hrifiian upon t~tscerf taidty and in order to the maintaining of II, and the certamty -~ it• und~r the Lords withdrawings from it: Of all thefe God Wt • ling in their order. 'Ibm 431 Tbtre is a Conjttga/Vnion brtw1xt Chrift and the brlirving SoNl, 1. Prop, and that Juch a one, aJ the wJthdrawmgJ of Chr~jl in fume drgrees doth not d,fJo/vr, nur argue "!JJilvrd. Chrill was at this time wi1h dra"'n, She ca11s unto him to TNrn unto btr; yet faith !he, Myb.-lovrd iJ mine, and 1 am biJ: though !Jte be not in my eye, yet I knc w I am in his hrart, yea, and he is in my bearttao. There is, I fay, a conjugJ/ 11nion betwixt Chrifi and his Church, between Chrift and the Soul that hath r<ceived him. This is a great myfierie, the Doctrine of the M;flica/ union brtwcen Cbri/l a•d the SeN/, Toe Scripture plainly fpeaketh it, and by many things refembleth it ; but it is an hard thins for us to comprehend it, how the whole pcrfon of him who is the fecond perfon in the Trinity, ffi ould be uni ted to the whole perfon of the Believer ; I inyru, faith Chi ill, and JOlt in mr. But ( intend not to fpeak to this DoCl:rine in the compafs of it. It is admirably fpoken to by many Divines , fulliciently by none, nor is any tongue able to exprefs it. ft is !had owed out to us .by many things in Scripture, but they. are all but !hadows: One while ou• Lord expre!Rth it to us by the union of the Vi,re and thr branchu, John r 5· 1:. lam tlie Vine, yo" are the branchu. Another· while by the refemblance of the head Jnd mrmberJ: Another time by the union of the Corner-ftonn, and other ftonu in the BHilding; but ftold you, I defigned not upon the advantage of this Text to difcourfe that point in the compafs of it. Amongfi other refem, !i!ances, the union betwixt the hruband and the wife i5 one: and that is that which is m•de ufe of here. The Spoufe dnth not fay Chrift is min' and I am his·; but my Btlc~rd iJ mine, and I am his: and this refemblance is much made ufe of in Sctipture. You !hall li"dit, l.fnthepromifiso[holy Writ, 2. lntheaffirtioou ofScriptur_ e, 3• In the Scriptures difcourfe of Divine Pro~idencrr, as leadrng to it. Haf. 2. 16, 19, ~o. Thou Jhalt in thai d.y caD me l(hi, tboufhalt caU me Hg m•re Baali, l(hi i< m1 buJband; Baali is my Lord. Ver. i9. And I will betroth thee unto me for ever yea I wiU bet:otb thee 111111 me in rightea•foefs and in judgmtnt, a~d in1lovmg-~ mdHr]i, a11d tn nttrciu; I "'iU tvett betroth thee unto· mt in faithfulnefi. EJ.y 6~. 4• The Lord delighteth in thee , and thy land fh•U be marmd. 2. The Scriptures that affert fuch a llate between Chrill and the Church : C~rill and a believing Soul are very many. I will bul touch upon lOme, you have them both in the •ld Te/lammt, - and |