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Show Cone!. chrifli41tsjbo~tld 1114~e Chriflt on her wings: fo God faith, I bavt carrird you 11po11 E~glet rr>ingt ; a~ it makes the Hr11 gather her Cbick,;nt ~nder her wings, fo it maketh Chrill gather his Saints under his wings. The Scripture i~ full of inllances to this purpofc,l fpare them ; for 'tis of the N aturc of Love to protect the Beloved Object. LoYe could not be Love ifit did it not. It is a piece of that good which Love alway$ commands for its correlate. Vjr.Let therefore Cbri_{1i411J take 110 cort 'tl!battbry jhaV do i>t evil timeJ. They have but one thing to take care of, vi:r:;, to find evidence~ ofChrills fpecia\ love to them; and to find in their hearts a fountain of unfained and not-failing Love to Chrill;let them take care to keep clofe to the Commandments of God, that they m1y abide in his Love, and for Proteliton let them expect what Chrifi can give them. 6, The Love ofChri~ difplay•·a to the World, /ig~tifietb bi< Vilio~ y ovel" hif E•umiu,yea and the Cburchu, and every tr11/y believing Sou!J Vtliory. Conquerors when they have :won a Town or C.ity, difplay their Colours {)O the walls: Our great Captain, having conquered the World, the Flejh and the Devil, hath difPI")ed bif . Love; a:nd ordered us to hang out his Colours,to preach his Love to the world, as a Sign that the enemies are beaten, Salvation is· wane, the Saints are Conquerors. As, Vfe.Oh' Thatj.ou would btliwe thil Sit,n (blc!fed be God,your eyes fcc this Sign: yet) Oh you that arc cowardly, doubting, feariug Chrifiians, you that arc faying, that your lulls, your Grandadvcrfary the Devil will one day overcome you! Oh! that yoll would confider that Chrifi hath conquered Sin, Death, Hell, the World, the body of Death; fo that Sin jhzU lia~e Ha Domiltion: The D•vil (hJll never trittmph over you, the world (],all never preVlil againll you. Only fight Valiautly,you !hall overcome certain· ly. 7· Tbe Lovr ofChrift t• /,;, P'nple. if tb4t •whieh(hJuldmak; bil Cburcb·and tme believerJ lerrible to aU bi<-altd tbeir E11imin. The Bonners of an Army make it terrible; Chrifls Banner over his Church,over his Saints, is Love. A thing like :1 pillar of fire to his ljr.ulito to direct and guidcthem,and ro comfort thcm;likc a darkCloud to their enemies, to benight and confound them ; when Sa" I had got procefs out of the Eccktia!lical Courts of-the Jews, ro· pcrfecutc the poor Saints; he heard a Voice from Heaven fay- • in!), Sattl! SJ11I' Whyprafecute[/ tbau me? it u harrifor thee to I:Jck, ~~~~~ ~ whm the Souli~· sick._ of Love: Vfi. Let me tell thofe that have a tooth again~ .R.t!igioli and Gadlimfi and the fincm and llrld Profelfors of It, ( 1~ there be ~h lilch here) that they play a hard game : The Arm1~s of the cJurch and of Saints are terrible by the Banntr of Lo~t. Let my Soul never fee tile Ba~ner of Chrills Lov.e am,ong~ any ~r:tr.!~ whom I oppofe my felf. I am fure at one ume or at. cr I .• a : before them, Chrlll is Omnip•ttnt and can ~ell roy .lm Enem~es. _II L the behalf of his friends engage h1s Ommpotency, It w1ll b::'rad·encounter,for thofc that engage againll him : If you can ·. fi d arty whofe Banners are, The L.vr ofLuj!J, the Love of , D~u:J,,,Ji', Prafanrnefi, VncleanHefi, &c. T.here's nothing terrible in thefe Banners: the Almig~ty hath fa~d, .. he w1ll cut them off. and Sin infeel'lleth Souls. But 1f you fee any tn whofe Banners · 'l L .~ o·" Cbrza. whom your Confcience tellcth you Cbrift 1IS t "tl' an0"d" w~h ofe c"o' n, verfations tell you they lo~e Cb rt'[ / , ta ke . h ee d .• ~ve c'brifi is able to break through Briars and Thorrts, bccaufc h:is omnipotent; fo he is willing, bccaufe he lov~s them. AJtd there is no more dreadful Vengeance, thafl that wh1ch Lave tak;rh, u on tlrofe that abufe the Objeds ofit :. For the B•nner. of <:;hnfi~ L~ve amongll them,theChureh of Chnll!and·every true bclievlnij> So·Jl; fhould be terrible to ·their Advorfancs.. ,,,, Cant. 2. 5· StJ) "" rvith Fl•g!'.OHJ,,IItdComfart m:rr>itb, Appln; fori am Sick,,af Lovt. · IT is the Spbufc which' yet fpeaketh, yo_u may know h~r by her Lang;uagc lam Sic/t of Love •. 'Love IS a · Paffion whrch piC·· vails moll up~n the weaker Sex: Only· (which Bmr>rd•potes) whereas before fhe had fpoken to her beloved? here lhe . feer_ns- t.o !peak to htr Comp•nionJ, to the D•ut.htm ofHttr~<folrm; whrch IS .. evident alfo becaufe the verbs are plural; Stayyou me,Camfortyou me. She putly complains .. of a difoafe, l"O..,N n'7m: I am lick of Love. 2. She calls .to them for a remedy; .Stay .mt rr>lll> Fl•gonJ, Comfort merr>itb Applen The patient .her~ i~ the Chur~h, or l~e . particular believing Soul under t·he d1fgur(e of a Lovm Her dl•· feafe: ·- |