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Show GoC:f' di{po[<th tb' m, 22, 2 3, 2 4· what ufe to mal<! ofthefo cmz. p>ri[:ms. ib1d.2 5· Thrir dl}f<rmce as to their a{/: The ex.·eUencyf tbeir jlate in 411 ez,i/ day , 4.9· exherred to their duty ,45-what tlxir taji IS , 49· how they are aefferenced from others , 65, 66. Their doubts an(wt rrd 7 2.they are to labour Chri{fs frt<it "'"Y be /iPeet to their '"/1, 73· injfm{]ed wbatto dot hat they m•y be admitted to the banq~~et of Wine, 81 82. how they are fick,_ of love at1d whence it · proceed.th, 94 95· rvhtrrin thry•reto belik.! Viner. 378,379 TJ behold Chri(t coming, whJI required, what it is. 2 IO, 2 17. why -~ c ~ Ch·rill, n>by OJ an Appletree amQng the rreeJ oft he Wood, for fh•d•w, for jruitfulne[s, 2~ , 29 30. what hi[jhador:tt is, hawplea[am, 39, 40. wh•t bis fruit i1, 48. , bis a{/J of RedemptiOJt, wbat, how Jweet, 5o: bis fruit in Ordin>nces, i11 Spiritual _influences, 58. his banquetting houfe, what, 76. hoR> hirbanner tJ.Iove, 84, 85. 86. why he utbe only re,Jirftofick. Souls, 113,114, 1~5-lo~e fimf!.ht to, 117. not by f~tch, Sou/s t.o be.provok.!r!, 118. }111 readfnefs to {lay and comfort Soul(fi.ck.,of Love, 120. he iJ able, .rr>iUing, proved, 1 2 1. ChrijfJ fejl, and· peep what it Jignifirr, 1 +3. what to a..,ak.!, a~tdftir him up, 144. Though abfentto belovtd, 158, 15)1, J6o. he iJ comin!(, how, and hew it appears, 187, 188, 189. what ufe aU fh ,,;/d mab,.e of the profoe{/ of hiJ eo>1fi11[1 1,94, 195, 196. fig•s afit, 198, 199· his coming to his S~ottfe, not-;obeht~derel), and why, ~02, 203, 204, 2c6. to ~e beheld; ~ow, ~09, 210.. of what acfv•ntagc to behold it, ibid, jign1 of h1s comtng to ,hll Church, a11d to the ' Jaft Judgmmt, 213, 2 14· hoi» a11d why he jbnds bebind the waU, 2 2 4· be k,nows bis Spoufn /late, 2 2 9>~'30, 2 3 1. he look.} jiJmetimes through the J,-_attefi, wbat0 and.Jfhl;, ~ow a·mlabtr, how profitable, 241 , 2 42· h, is fornetrmes filent; buttbeyjhaU agaiit he.r hit v·•ice,_bo,.,, 225. prrved, 256, he '.s the Spou(es friend, comp.rnion, f,Uo,.,, 27)• and this in ber Wmtrr, _ bote> it appear~, 273· and that (be is tben his.fair OJU', 275, 2,76, · 2.77. ffi mull fpe rk,.t> the Vnregenerate and Regenerate befor9they wiU a rife and came aW·'Y, how, po, 32 1, 32-2, 3 2 6. why, zffinnert have of themfeh'fi no powe~, Clmf! caYs to them to arife and co"'e a• way, 329,330. Huorefur tmder Grapes jherwd ill fevtral partiw/; rs ;,nmedtately., mediately, 389, &c, wby be batb {Itch a care ofthem.. 393-394· Cbrefb fhe Table. Cf,rift fir{! ours, 'hefor< we are his, horr>, 487, 488. proved, 4pplied, 489,490. how he may be [aid to be ours, or we his, 485. ho<P he fe<d<th amanil,lfthe LiUi~s. ' 4.91 Cbrij!J prejmce with bis people, what; his abfence, what, 522,5231 5 '4· why his comillj!. 1!~, a Koe, and a you11g hart upon the Mount~ ins ofBe ther,, is d,jirable. p6, 527, 528 Church, its priviled!(,to be the k,:eper of Chrills Flaggons andApples, f.,. Love-fie~ Souls, 1 c8, 109. whether the Church mu/1 pe always vifible, B4·33S· Protejlants Church b<fure LZ<ther,where, 3 37, 338' Corne, how the Church is rrquiredtocome away. 25D,J c8, 309 Comelimfi oftheSpoufe,wbat. 3~9 ·ct.fts of the Rock.,what. 332 . D Daughters, who are. 17 Del~?,ht oft he Spoe<.fe ilf Cbrills jh'dvw,w!Ht, whence, 4 2, 43 Defertion-tirne, the Spoufes Winter, how prvperly fo caUed, 264, 265, Diff wafives from (lirriitg up and an"kJngChrift. Several argumentt, . . . ' 150,1)1,152 , 1)3 ttjrq; Doves of Chrift, notet oftbem, 33 8. wh;• they fly to the clefts of the Rock,. · 3 3 2, 333 DoHbts {tom a believers not apprehending a fweetncfs in Cbrijls fruit anfwered. 7• Duty of believers ariji11~ from ,Chrif!, f!Jndi.ng bef;ind tbe.W, U, 22-) •. from hit lookjug ill at•lhe Wtitdoiv, 2 36. in order 10 tl7t•ir hiari!tg Chrijfs voice ajlfr a jilrnce, 2 57. with reference to their Winterfl• tes, 269. Dut;• of (frong Ch•ifti,ns tow.rd wea~": 398, 399• ofweab,. Cbrijfians, 400, 401. ~rifng from their CO")!tgal V~ion · , wjtb Chri(l, 4t8, 449· From .ChriJ! being.Jir{l theirs, 482, 483, .. '"' . 4,84. ,, ,, ~ ' Figtree,puttingfurth Grem Figs, what it jrgnifinh, 298 Flaggons, wbattbey [tg,nijie, IOF what are Chr~1~ 'FI•ggm pro-· videdfo~SuH lsftck.,o[Lvve. , 103 F]ower1, what h remark.!•bk it< them,-298. ••h•t mea111 by Flvwers app.Nring on the Earth. 298 lo~es, |