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Show The Dbl1rifle applied. 1, Lolly devoted, and given up to the fetvkc and. li\ter~fi of ~~l~r~l as your Lord. But 1 !hall add no more on thts Subject. Cant. 2, '7' ·VHiil the d#JI brta~, and thr jh&dor»s flet ar»ay. Ttmt my Belov~d, and be thou unto m•, as a Roe, or a young Harl upon the Mountams . •fBetber. FOR the clearing of our way to my [peaking to thofe words of ' the former part of this Verfe, until the d&.J break._, and thefh"'" dows flee away; Two difficulties mull be expounded ' and clear' d. · · .r h .r. d The firll concerning the conntxzo/1 OJ t 'J" war s. . The Second concerning the (enfe of them. . It may be quefhone~ whether thefe words be to be connected With the !mer part o this verfe. THrn thou' be ""'" '!''as-a Roe or y~ung Hart, &c. if fo the Spoufc prayes that Chntl would be ~lth per, !til !he {[ 'ld come to him that !he might not want hts company o_n e~~~ ; till !he !hould enjoy his company in Heaven : but thts feemeth not to be the fenfe, not only becaufe ?f the next Verb, ~u'!t. h . b t I obferve under the wordfhadows tn the Hebrew, tnetr 1 ~u t' th:y call Atbnach ~ which divideth the members of a fenfeo~~ e and fee~eth to hint to us, that this part of the fentence . ti 'fh d . thofe words uJttil the d.y brea!;,, and the {hadows ts 01 e ' 10 flee away. B t on the other fide it is dillinguifhed from the u ' b G · call words alfo oing before by the_llop, the He rew ra~manans Sob Pafok.. !hich is ~he fame with what we call a p_mod or [HUJlof• S that it feems to be left as a )Jtrfect fcntence of ltfelf, b!lt that tt 0 ot be for it carrieth not with it a perfect fenfe ; we are ~~~:efore l~ft at a great liberty to apply it to a parthO.f wha~ w~,{-! before or to the whole ofit,and we cannotmllc err_, cca 1 I' 1 't to the one or to the other claufe, tt hath a w Je~ t;r .~e al~p~ e' make the fenfe thus : He feedetb among~ the ~-~t 10 1 1:1 the day bre;k, and the jh.fdo::r>J flee away. It_ figmli.eth I '": un I er etual communion which Cbrijl wiUb~ve wztb bel~ev;~ s~:",u;~~h:fr Jwh,and with his Chur,h, until his fecond 'omt~~ d"J 6reaft, &c. to Jud&ment, nay for ever, which is a great truth. But I !hall rather dikotirfe it as relating to the fir(\ Claztft, My Belovrd il mine, and I amhi1: and fo (as I hinted to you before J it is interpre· ted ?Y a late Rev_mnd Atttbor: It fpeaketh the Spoufes Faith in Chrtll as to her own ilate for the future; My Beloved iJ mine, ••d I am his, yea, and it !hall be fo until the d,y bre.k,_, and the fhadorn flee Rway, But that pnrafe mull be opened, aud concerning it I . delire you to obferve, I. Some make it" the exprellion of the true lfraelit" in the 'Jewifl, Church, tXprtf!lng their faith [or Godi communion with them, Hnti/ the coming of the MeffitH r»hrn. the ctremomal La~ which Will nothing but jhadow1 ofthilfglto oome,foou/d flee away, ~nd the glo· riousGofpel-day _lhouldbrMk, But I do not at all favour the opinion of thoJe who rellrain the txcellent matter in this thing to the Jewifh Chorch. . . 2. Sorpe by the fhado-w, here underlland the darkft•te of defer· tion in which at this time was, or at leall unto which ll1e was, entring. Indeed there's no fo dark 01adow as a fla re ofdefertion, oc<alion~d by fome influences of him who is the Sun oj]:{ighteoujnefi, But yet J do not think this the fenfe here, in which it would only figni~e her faith in Chrill, for fomething of his prefcnce, and maintaini,n~ an union with her, even whi)es her communion with him was dar~ ned throNgh the abfc11ce offome of his gracious manifellations. 3· J had ratlltr therefore gree with thofe, ( and thex are the moll ofExpofitors,) who tnterpret this either of the day ot particular judgmmt, or of general judgnwtt, and principally with reference to the !all : for indeed Death doth not put an end to our , union with our Beloved, though it dif-uniteth our Souls and Bodies. In that great Day of the Lord, the DJy will indeed break, and all the fhadow; will flepway ; we ihall ferve the Lord no more with this body of Death : no more in Orrfinanm, (which though wonderfully more lightfome and glo.rio11s than thofe of the Jewiih Church, yet our communion with .God in ! hem,is bur like a night, like as in !had ow compared with the Communion 'llltith the Saints ihall have with their Beloved in Heaven, when iLlioeryd !.h)a ll •fo e himdfhe'il, face to face, and for ever be with the Well, but !hall not our ll,e!oved be ours, and we hi> bey•nd th11t time l Thatisthe ltfi thing, (and it is but an ordinary notion) S ff whkh |