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Show S1\vation op~nd; a way of mercy prepared, through the vail of his fldh it is that we ha•e a new and living way to the boly ofbolirr, but the millical 1111ion only affureth us of an Interell in this Saviour. .The Hypo!latical union fpeaksChri!l, a beloved, or an objtct lit to be our Beloved; but it is the Mijlical uni;,, rhat only {peaks to him, my or tby Bdovrd. Hert's love in all irs dimenii -_ ons; here's a htighth, and dtpth, and lc~gth., and breadrh o! Love oflovc which when we have founded It with the bell plum· met _;,e have, will be found a love pall finding out, a Lovr paf!ing k.,HoR'Itdg; you cannot mifs raking a fcantling ofit beyond your comprehentions, if you either confider, r. Wbo this Chrijl was. 2. Or who this bdiever was or is. r. If we look upon the Beloved, we lind him, the Son nf God The only begottm Son ofGod,f~tU ofgrace~nd truth, ~heb~igbtnrfs of his Fatbers glor;•. 'Ihe exprefi [,.age nfhu prrfon ; tnhmtely more above any of his Creatures, than the Heavens are above the Earth, God over aU bleffed for ever, he in whom did aO fr<IHefs dR~efl. An infinite autarky, and felt:fufficiency to himfelf. 2. If we look upon the bride, the objea of this lovt, we find her a cre•tHr<, a piece ofc/J), in the hands of this potter, a Worm: Htr birtb a11d Hatiuity of tbe land of Canaan; btr Father a>J Ammtt,her Moth~r<>n Ihttitt. We find her in the day of her Nativity ; n>itb- Ezck. 16. 3>4· out a navel c•t, not wajhed at aU, not folttd, n.ot [wadled, we fee nolle pitying ' her; none having compaf!ion o>J btr, we fee her caft out in tbe ope11 field, to the loatbi~g of her perfon; polluted in btrblood. Now for the fairellamongfi men, for the chiefetl of ten thoufand to lix his eye upon fuch a poor wretch, for him to pafs by her, and to look upo;r her, and to fay, behold thy time is a time of Love; to fpread his Jkjrt owr her, and to cover her nak,rdHtjs; for the Lord to eHttr into a ca~mant with f~ch a Soul, and to fay, Thou art become minc,as E""~· 16. 8. for htm to wafh thts Soul, this pittiful lilly Soul, with his .own blood to wafh aw_ay her blood from her, and to anoiHt her wlth Otl; . to cloth· her wtth broidered work., and to !hoe her R'itb a Badgtrs skJns;to gird her about · with fine liqnen a11d to cover her witb (ilk.,, to deck_ her tl'izb ornaments; to put b~acelets upon her bands, _and a cbain Hpon fur •rei;., and a j•R'el upon the forebead, and ear-rmgs 111 h~T e~rs, an~ a br.tt· tifu't crown uf>oll her bead, to deck_ her R'lth G_old· and Sliver, and mall! ber rayment of fine liHntn and fill(_ and brotdered R'Otk.,, to gwe her his fine ft•wer •nd Honey and Oil, and to mali! her e;cmdmg ' brautifnl. buttl}f,.J: To mak.r h<t eomtly thro,.gh hi< co,;uline[t put upm her. Be alloni01ed, 0 Het>vens! be amazed, 0 Earth! No wonder if Angtls delire to look into this millery. It would be the only wonder (were not thofe bldfed Spirits fo confirm'd in goodnefs that they are not capable of fo dirty a paffion ; ) that they do no~ ~nvy us, (as the Devils do.) For he in his hypollatical union , took not the nature of Angels, fo though the Angels are ever before him and never difpleafi:d him; yet he no-where fpeal<eth himfelf united conjugally to Angels. Concerning Angels h<: never faid, I am married to Y•" ( faith the Lord) wonder no more, that Mofes (though a great Prince thould marry an .lEtbiopi~ n, (an EtbiopiaH might be bl•cftbutcomelynaturally.) That David, though th~ anointed King both of l[rael and Judah , thould fend to tell .Abigal, (who thought her quality bette< fitted that of a maidcn·lervanr in his royal houfe:) he deuced ro hneber to be his wife. But 0 wonder at this that thee eternal Son of God, fhould ever fend a mcffage to thine' Soul, thine, who wert ~orfe 1ban an Ethi•pian, a child of ...,.gth b.y llltHre. 'I fay, that the eternal Son ef God lbl>uld ftn<H1.i$ Minillers',br his Spirit to tell thee, he Jifl"•.!.'#hy beauty, thar when thou r~fufe<:!ll him once & again,ancf faidll <batt Wm.lllll have none ofhim,thou h:~dJt chofeo thy lulls, and faid after them I "'iUgo,and didll go one after "hi~ drnnkennefs, another after her wanronnefs, a thitd after his CQ1!'etoufnefs; he woul4 'flOt· leavt thee .but fent tpe~ •letter aftcr Iett't:r, and at'lall his SplHr~ which t.vmild have ni;, denial but final- 1y ~ori~ueN:d thy 1ftarr ( lthou , ~nowcll . no! how) and iri the day of His po~er made thee will ink ~o lccept of him , and fo tbot< bccame!t his :-won del" no! that God came and talkt with Abraham and Mo{u and otpers, as a man nlkS'with his friend; bur won de: ~ this, that<Ged'lh61>1d c~f!la Jli(J."'e•unitea to a worm that the 'Son ofG6d ihtlnlil bemaf~ied '<J•a•llhful child of man. ' My ex' pretllon.s are ·,t~ol'r;or; !)ad hhe:t~bgue ef an Angel, I could not ~xprefs tt.My turie u tofl<thort,~terr\i<y ·Will be too little to admire It, Pray_, 0 P.ray,that the ~ord would incredfe yoHr Faith I that you tnifY, belzeve zt;and proporrton your love In the aj>prehenfion ofit. ' 1fhi~fpe:tks thr f.TW di[Jfi1j-, an~ ·lmfi:"/,.db/e b.-pjnne{i of ev•ry 3• Vfe S'p<JI; that can <fay 'unto ·Chr'iW ( ' .,lrtl\out v1n!!y ., M• Belov- "ifl. · ' .1 - ' ,( ' It.t .; ..!1 :J J, Htrdignity. Amongll tl's•the llignky dfdtH:Iusband is communlc< rred·to the ·wtfe. 11 an EmpePOttr marrieth a poor woman L ll immediately |