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Show / fty._ 2. !lim more a Fox to me, than I am unto him; but whofoever brlngeth in any Dofrrine which hindereih faith and · holinefi, That's a fox, a fox that fpoileth the Grapes; his maligflity to the husbmdmans profit from the Vineyard, viz. The glory of God, and hi! fpoiling the Grapes, is a fufficient evidence. Delri• makes the Calt•in'i{lr. almofi the only Foxes, and he would fay much to prove it, if he could prove what he, faith in that place Ihat Calvi11'1 Dochine is qu£dam i11vitatio ad om1tem conflugem· - omnium libidinum,proj!ibulllm lHeilli£ , [Jcrileg.rum nuptiarum conciliatrix lenociniur>~ ; but Jefultes arc better at reviling than at proving: the later Arminionr agree with them in the fame tune. But thty. talk Jiule while they argue againll demonllrarion evident to all. Let any one look at the general converfations of PopijhPrie/lr, and people of Arminianr, &c. and thole who follow that Doctrine which Mr. Calvin believed, and they will by the rffetl ealily jud g whofe Dofrrine, Calvinr or theirs leads to mol\ firi~nefs and holinefs of life. In the mean time we will moll freely agree the general with them, that fuch Tea.:hers, whofe Dothine leads to take off men from belie\Ung, what the word of God hath obliged men to believe in order to Salvation, or from an holy life and converfation, be· they lefrer or greater, are the Foxes, fame of rhofe Foxes which fpoil theVines,and that when they have tender Grapes, and therefore ought by all lawful .means to be fuppreffed and taken as wellfor the honour and fervice of the Lord our Malter as for our felves: we have now found out the foxes; the next thing to be enquired upon, is the Jl'iU of the Lord in this word TPk!· How is the Church ofCflrift, or the Spoufe ofChri{l, to tak! tbt{t Eoxu, thr[e little Foxer l I before told you more generally, that I took the term to be comprehenlive of all jul\ and lawful means warranted by the word of God, for the fuppreilingand rellraining thefe Foxes, and for hindering their. mifcbievous elfe~s up9n the Church of God, or the Souls of believers. My anfwcr to this will be different with rcfpe~ to the feveral kinds of thefe Foxes: The Foxes that are within our bofoms mull be taken by .mortification. The tempter! (which were the fecondjptcin) mufi be taken, both by mortifi~ cation ofthofe lulls which are ready to entertain the impreilions of them ; . and by putting oH the whole armour of God by refifla~ce, fiJ.hJing the good fight, I'trflcutors are taken by ·p~ilh,patience,pray-er, 41 Ill tt~l{jng the F tJXtl• -qv,ufealTlifoon t eparcehfeern!,t lbyy d c'o n'Pdi llihoii.J' fai r' !.'." " tHtr, & c. T h us you fee tht.s Whertin liertbe du~Vl et It ell Into four. >LNPhich lye <Pithill bz';,o~~-~~~fltand, ar to the takjng of tho{< Fox- I.~· 1 Th F ' 1• 11J•I an corrHpttonrl 11 Chriilia~ Ji:7h~l~e ~ fohlld btfre he ~e tak!n, a great bufinefs of corruptions; tor rh'om ~ e un ennelh~g, and dilcovering of his will fhew us lull and Ufi e~ery refl~ch.qn upon our own heam ilian hath hi· il'zi. ~oreu~tton enot1gh u\ them' yet every C:::hrifo eafuy difc~rn an~ o; "~' t':t,-his proper lull w~i•h .he doth not that particular 'kind I (/ w '~' makes him moll ·blmd ' as to it, is the iirft bufinefs of ne s ~htch he hath for ir. This is therefore that is which do h a Chri~tan to ~earch ":hat lufi,what corruption Is :Pridr . II t tnoll htndcr Ius Soul· tn the exercife. In one it oand .' In a no ~er Covetoufiufi, OI the immod~rate love of mo four~·~;;~~ ;hailove •ffleafum, 1fomet~ing offtnfuality, in"! £entin 'of a~ in~ ra aJ>ger, a too ':"uch!qutcknefs of Spirit, in re{ O!net~in wh' )ht); Every one, tfthey look narrowly, may find ,kennciJin~ ·of ~ ~ ey rna~ aft~r D•vtd call mine illiquity; the un~ oflbe fruits oh~:s box'/,~ ~Ifcovery of this fpecial impediment firll thing to be J~n~~ou n 5 J.O thy or lny p;ltticular Soul, is the Secondly Tht #lortifi ,.; ... r. h !·"' Ptr ""''If" y'ou k ca Oil o, JHC "'''• mHft be pu•fo•d by pro- every-Ho.,u nd Tnho w every Dog w'1l l not run d own a Fox, no not allufis have fev etox mull be purfiied with Fox-dogs: feverar. e indeed fome'~~:h~i~ans prop.er to the mor.tification. There ,fftrc~tgth from the death~ gb~~'.'\fuchhasfoft•Hg, payer, fetching remtdtu, fuited to the nat ' ut t. ~re are ~l(o fomeJPtcifick. ••ditationr to be ufed p ure of t:~e Spiritual d11lemper; Proper as to our converfation' 1~\; P~;'~''Jo ybe applied, proper cour[er thould difcourfe•ofthefe ~ erve • ou cannot expe~ that 1 the meditations fitted to rh;ucula~ly, a~ the lulls are various, fo proportioned to our Faith in mortificatiOn o~ them, the promifes things to be avoided ordone~od, for a ~ehverance from them, and cannot be narrowed I t n horderdto It, have a great variety fhal! be .cnou h to h • n o an ours lfcourfe. This therefore Quefiion. T~e feconadv;_ fpllo~en (generally in folution of the Jirfi Wh , ·'<-Je ton s ' F~;cer,a t " Chriftian fhould do ill d ' · which 1 told you f, ~ d t~ tbt ~~k.!ng of the fccond fort of 2 GJ, OJtl, POl~ t e ~tnes. I. vh. a'empfati~ '~· Ggg The.fe |