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Show 2 How the Spo11fe is the Rofc of Shttr011, · litvrr, a member of it, called the Kingr tl•zezbtrr, Pfal. 45; (which Pf>lrn _judicious Beza prefixeth to his. Notes on thi; Book as b-eing ep<[dem prorf•a arg,,.nentt, as he fa.th, of the fame orgu,.;,ent with it, and called the Bride, ]uh·. 3.29. Thefe things beiBnegf oprree mI cifaend f'p eak to the words of the Text, in the form of a Propo(ition, it will be reafonable I fhotild dctermin who it is that fpeDake<v, out Bern.<rd m;kes thtfe the Bridegroome's words,t he Spoufc had [aid before, Chap.r.v.t6• Our bedir grew, Ne fibifims af cribrre tillos &c. faith Bernard. To prevent the Spoufcs thinking, that the flowers which adorned her bed grew in her own garden, her Bridegroom here replyes, I am tbe Rofe of Iii baron, the Lif!y of tbe vallies, All our frefh-fprings are in Cl>ri]l, a\\ our fweec odours are from him, all our beauteous colours from him alone. The fame devout anchor obferveth, that there is the flower oft he field, the flower of thr Garden, and the f111wr of tbe &dcbamber. The Graces of Chri!l adorning every beleeving Soul arc like the flowers in 'fbalamo,. in the bedchamber ;but if there were no flowers in the field, there would be none in the Windowr, none on the bed; '<is of Chrifis fulnefs, that we receive Grace for Grace: Nor, faith Rmtard, doth Chrifi call himfelf the flower of U.e garden, that's planted by rome othu hand, but the flower of the field that comes up naturally, and is not beholden to the indufhy of another; and when it's come up, it is in the midfi of weedr and tbornr. Inherent Grace in the Saiot, is fios in horto, a flower in a garden planted there by the Spirit. But Grace in Chrifi is fios in c.ompo, a natutol, e!fential thing. But 1 will not enlarge upon this notion, partly beca"fe this Tranfiativn of the Text doth not fuit ours, though it be that which the Vulgar Lat. and Arab. follow after the Septuagint; and partly, becaufe I think the words rather the Spo••fet wortlr than her Brid~groum?r. l fhalltherefore fall in with thole Interpreters, who conceive ,...--i'he!e'-the words of the Cburc/1 or of the believing Sou h. Thus the Heh. interpreters generally, and thofe who tread mofi exa<'.l:ly in their fieps. Only 1 obferve yet a difference in the fence amongll them: 1 Some make them the words of the believiHgSoul, or of the Church commending her folf, and inviting others to a Fellowtnip and Communion with her. z. Others make them the words o_f the Church compla{nir.g of her State, as expo fed to mallY tke Lilly oft he Vallier? am fai n·lyd da•n geLrs.l l anbd m. an"v 1e mptatT.o Hr. Sh e was as a Rofe but in ter~s' aa,da 1 y ~tIn an npm vaUy. Let us tidlunderfiand the p-illl~ ~~~~~ ~ lttcral Jnterpretation. amo fi h H ) Mercer aod others oblerve fume di lpttte R ~ n~ 1.fie heb,R~~ctors whether the word which we tra~fhte OJe .. gm et a ole or a Ldl . A tr . Aven>rius ,will have it a Li/1» ryp que Rtc~ not. ea~y co rdolvr. Tl . :n •gm;ze a \.u1e; tt tS thcd ],0 3 5 Jere agatn our TranOators tranO t . v r. . I , y~. .I. o.~r Sl S 3 e tt a "'0Je' am the Ror; ;aron: o we tr:mflare it .I am ~l'~o' 'irtl'''' th fl , 'Jc field; fo theS•ptuagh•t and ·rl e ower of the them. J cannot fati,fie C 1~ Vulgar L•t. and Aral•. follow In the Heb. it is Shar~n. ;r .. ~~~·:~he ~ealon of .chat .TranOatioo. It appears that it was a I I Sh ron oft-tunes tn ~cnprure; P ace w Jere herds of c 11 r, d Cl 27.29• Afld over the berdt t!ut fed in Sh attc . e ? I ;ron. >Tile 1 Chron 5 16 yo d f l .ron was Hzttatihe Sban-phe; Jl>iah Chap, 3 3 u rdca I o. t Je Sttbr~rbs of Sharon. The Pro- • J , • ·9· ec artn?, God · d f . h • u a 1Vtldernefi,Ija.3 5·2 tbe excdlenc :)" gments, ltt • l! luro" The Prophet promifin the hJ J' II] Sharon, and Jfo.6s.ro. Sbar.>J {hall be a ~old grfl 1, PPY rcflauratton oft he People faith 1' OJ 1c~s By t1 efi 1 · ' ' Sharon was a fmitful place wl;en thl J • e Paces tt appcareth that herds. There was a Countr oft I e ' ws w.crc wont to feed their ' Some note that it was the narne b~~ n}meMin the .lot of Ephraim. and of an adjacent Country . the C 0 a ountatn and of a Ciry Kings cat tel were fed the " '" ountry very fertilc;therefore the 29. It was called LajhJ:o"/. ,~~:~u]~~; gather from I Cbr01t.27. thcr from 'fojh.n.I8. I am the Ro'" •• tookit, as you may gathis Text, that as it was a 'ace~ ife of Sharon. It appears by famous for flowers; and ~·mo a~oushfor paflurcs; lo allo it was followeth. ng 01 cr flowers for Roles, it t:J'i't:lll:-1 ntt'J~\11 ) The Lill h I · that it hath. The Vall)•et were luit~~; tt~ na~e from the fix leaves places plied the Vallyer ncar 10 Sl ~aces. probably there were in you have an account of Dav ·laron, or r Cbron. 17 .29• (whereherds that fed in Sharon w ~~· oHIC~rs) you read, Ovtr the herdr that were in tbe V•llwsar .TtStalz t ,e Shlaronite, and over the I. . " , was '"P"at t ><'On .r Ad/ . Th urn ts, There were certain fruitful lac I,. I' '; az. c ]oppe where the Kings of Ifr l P es, )IDg Jbout Lrda and they were called SharoiJ and ~~: ;:~;e went to feed their herds, r~n of flowers an'tongfi other fl a yet: now there pafiures were plenty: To rh~fe the Cimrcl; and c~ew ~res1 t. cwv~trneg RS•o.ufsl acnodm pLairlleisr sh eiar B 2 fdf. |