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Show 20G 'l'hou hadti~ thy ono grcn.t mission to discharge, Requiring all thy time, and strength, and ski ll ; .. \nd to have turned aside therefrom, and made Black Shwcry in America thy theme, - 'rhc Abolitionists thy chosen friends,- \Vould have been suicidal to thy plans, Aml driven thee from the country in hot lutstc ! 'rhy mission? 'Tis a total failure now, And worse could not have been in any case A splendid bubble, filled with rninbow tints, J..~ong since cranisbed, ne'er to re-appear ! Keep to the issue, Kossuth ! It is not That from thy mission thou wonldst not be dnnvn By party politics or local strife ; That thou t.lidst not, on all occasions, bear A manly testimony against Slavery, As our great sin and national disgrace; But that on no occasion didst thou breathe A. syllable against this dreadful crime, Nor with its fettered victims sympathize, 1'0 J.OU IS KOSSUTH. Nor dare to mingle with their advocates . And yet could give the hand of fcllowsh;p 1,o n. Slave-holding ant.l Slave-driving crew, Equipped with whips, revolvers, bowie-knives, 'fo scourge tbo Slave and massacre his friends ! A fugitive thyself, thou eouldst behold Tho father, mother, husband, wife, and child, Escaping from the Southern hell of woe, 207 Hunted with bloodhounds, and run down at last, And be as dumb as any marble block ! Even if thou wert justified , Kossuth ! In keeping mute upon our nation's guilt,Having the cause of Hungary to subservo,As fal sely argue thy short-sighted friends; Surely, 'tis not within the utmost scope Of Christian charity,- judge yc, mankind ! 'fo vindicate thy parasitic praise Of " tho free ground of free America," 'Vhen over it the Slave Power rules supremo ; - Or thy preposterous compliment of us |