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Show Tilt: J,JIJt:J:'l'\' BEI.I. . ilro touis 1\ossuliJ. W!H, r.LOYD OAllltiSO~. F.m better for thyself, 0 Magyar Chief! Ancl better for thy fallen country's sake, Hadst thou remained in exile, and constraint Of thine own freedom, on tho Turkish shore, Or perished in some Austrian dungeon drear,' l'hy love of liberty sealed with thy blood, Thy spirit proof against tyrannic power, 1'hy fame without a blemish and world-wide,rrhan thine enfranchisement to have obtained, Through mediation of a Government, A thousand fold more bloody in its sway Over three millions of its populace, Than Austrian rule o'er subject Hungary;- 1'0 LOUIS KOSSUTH. 28!) Then t.o l•avc hastened to this guilty land, Traversed it.s broad doma' h ' ms an onored gue8t. l?enstcd nnd lonstccl and beprnised by those " ' hose traflle is " in slaves nnd souls of men " Despisers of the image of their God, ' Forgers of fetters, wielders of the lash, 'Vhose cruelties make I:Iaynau's venial seem. The vilest hypocritCs beneath the sun, .Most hostile to the equnl rigJ1ts of man ; _ And in return to deal out compliment And flattery in such measure ns to throw All trimming sycophnnts into the shade. And sicken e'en our nationnl vanity,_ And gnining thereby nothing but contempt ! Tbou dost disdain to wear an Austrian yoke_ This to thy credit, though it is not much ; For who, with aught of manhood in him left, Aspires not to be master of his limbs ? Thy country, crushed and bleeding in tho dust, Inflames thy sympathies, inspires thy soul 25 |