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Show MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AN~RICA Special meeting to incorporate the 8th INTERSKI, Inc. Held at the Cherry Creek Inn, Denver, Colorado, January 4, 5, 6, 1967. Wednesday, January 4th, 1967 - Meeting called to order at 2:15 p.m. by President Lash. In attendance were: Bill Lash, President, Paul Valar, Vice President, Jimmy Johnston, Secretary, Herbert Schneider, Treasurer, Nick Fiore, Buzz Fiorini g Hal Kihlman, Jim Winthers and Gladys Muir. Mr. Willy Schaeffler was called and informed the Board that he would be unable to attend this afternoon's meeting. Mr. Mark P. Addison's letter was reviewed by the group. Mr. President had asked !Vir. Addison to meet with the Board at 3: 00 .p.m. Note was made that there would be a Cocktail Party at 5:00 p.m. January 5th, to introduce the 8th INTERSKI to the Govenor of Colorado and the presso Mr. Johnston reported that l'lr o Hart Holmberg will not be able to attend the Cocktail Party because of the delay in receiving his information and invitation. It was noted that the PSIA, Inc. would have to be a separate entity from the 8th INTERSKI, Inc. Discussion ensued concerning the Board of Trustees for INTERSKI. It was noted that there was a need for Denver people to serve on the Board of Trustees and that a part-time girl would be needed for the secretarial work. Mr. Kihlman suggested that we could obtain a professional company to handle the fund raising. Mr. President reported that the Aspen area has pledged to donate $10,000.00 to the INTERSKI Fund.' . A review was made of the present list of Trustees, who would also serve as the Executive Committee: Willy Jo Schaeffler, Steve Knowlton, Paul Valar, Herbert Schneider, D. R. C. Brown, Bill Lash, Hank Emery, Phil Clark, Ed. M. Hunter, Gerald F. Groswold, with Willy Schaeffler as President, Gerald Groswold, Vice President, Ed. Hunter, Secretary, Hank Emery, Treasurer. Mr. Kihlman suggested that Mr. Dave Garrettson, President, Western Winter Sports Representatives Association, Redwood City, California, be added to the Board of Trustees. It was suggested by the President that someone of the thirty trustees was bound to recline and that Mro Garrettson would be a good replacement. Mr. President noted to the Board that the reason for this Board meeting. is to review the present office and to correlate the 8th INTERSKI. Jim Winthers moved and Buzz Fiorini seconded that the Minutes of the Annual Board of Director's meeting of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, May 12, 1966 be approved as written and published. The motion carried unanimously. The Secretary then read the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee held -1- ----_._-.. __ .- -2- in North Conway, New Hampshire, September 9, 10 & 11, 1966. Motioned by Johnston that the Executive C::>mmittee Minutes as read and published be approved and accepted by the Board of Directors, Seconded by Nic Fiori - motion passed. Motion was made by Mr. Johnston that l:I1r. Hal Kihlman be officially elected to the Board of Directors, Seconded by Paul Valar and passed unanimously. Mr. President gave a report on the status of the book department. Number of books sold to date: 3195 Debits: $4,647.78 Accounts Receivable: $7"147078 The additional work-load that has developed from our new publication, copy, typing orders, answering information requests and mailing, has created a back log. Mr. President reported that we are running several ads on the manual. Mr. President suspended with his report at 3:30 p.m. to introduce Mr. Mark Addison. Mr. Addison met with the Board to make his report on the criticisms of PSIA. He presented the Board with a letter of his sumations. First he commended the Assoc~ iation on the 2nd Edition of the Official American Ski Technique. (See copy of Mr. Addisons letter attached) Mr. Addison expressed that his reasoning for this action was he is interested enough in the Association that he wants it to work. Discussion ensued on Addison~s report. Mr. Valar explained his knowledge on different techniques. He brought out the fact that we have only been an Association since 1961 and in three years time we have published two manuals. He pointed out that Austria has been teaching from the same manual for 11 years. Nic explained to him that we are in the process of getting out communications to the members in place of the Pro. Discussion again ensued concerning the manual. Mr. President presented the Board with the idea of putting out a New Letter. Mr. President presented the Board with the fact that since he is contri ~tin5 a great amount of time to the Association that the Board consider some type of salary in the future. Mr. Valar noted that the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance pays their Board for hours worked. He indicated that if the book brought in good revenues, that which he is sure they will, we could pay for time. Paul indicated that he would like to write for PSIA. Mr. Fiorini suggested that we allow the apprentices and associate instructors to be eligible to join PSIA under Associate .Membership, with no voting rights. Gen~ eral discussion ensued. Conversation leaned towards the idea that this would be a fantastic revenue source. Mr. President points out that the only way now for these people to get into PSIA is to pass the Certification Examination. Mr. Kihlman said that the associate teacher is going to work to get the PSIA pin. Mr. Winthers brought out the idea that if we allow the associates to join we can teach them to -3- be better instructors. He further suggested that we continue the Pro. to educate these teaohers, and that all members that write articles be paid. Mr. President suggested that we allow the associates to join through the Divisions only. Kihlman expressed his feeling to let these people into the act which would better stimulate a desire to exceed. Mr. Fiore pointed out that this is a Professional Organization and that thought that it should remain so and that "Non-Certified" people should not be brought into the membership. No action taken. General feeling of the group was to leave it as a Professional Group only, and allow the apprentices to subscribe to a pUblication through the division associations. Mr. Valar gave his report and stated that all the foreign countries issue a stamp for their Professional Organization, which is part of their credentials v entitling professional rates while traveling abroad. This stamp will be issued on PSIA 1967/68 Membership cards. Mr. President asked the Hoard to make a Biography to be used in a Press Packet to be given at the Cocktail Party, January 5th, for use by the press for the 8th INTERSKI publication. Mr. Johnston was called on by Mr. President to make his report. Mr. Johnston reported as follows: A great deal of correspondence continues to come to our old address~ which I place in an envelope and send on to our headquarters, after first handling what business I can, such as selling out our old books, statments on instructor availability for foreign procurement, and attempting to locate opportunities fcr unattached instructors and searching ski area operators. After the fall Executive .Meeting at which I was reminded of my commitment to write an answer to Walter Foeger, I did so and have had no further reply. A legal letter was also sent to Blain To Hill, President of Ski-Zea, asking him to reply to our request regarding his refernence to his product being "accepted by members of the National" Professional Skiing Instructors Association. I have received no reply. The Cooney and Connor presentation and proposal I find to be entirely unacceptable. I had a reply from one director only in answer to the Presidentis request. You may recall that my recommendation at the time of the meeting was that the firm showed little experience and that we should search for a Nationally recognized promotion a.nd publicity agency. A skier by the name of Rick Weeks was evidently admitted to membership some time ago and evidently without proper credentials. At the request of our President I have ordered him to return all pins, patches and membership cards and to not use any reference as to his membership in our organization. I arranged for Otto Hollaus to represent us at the National Safety Council Congress on October 26, 1966 and a copy of his presentation has been sent to each of the Board memterso I then attended personally a meeting of the National Ski Study Group in Chioago on Oct. 27, 19660 ---- -------- -4- In my report to the National Ski Study Group I offered that PSIA would prepare Press Releases p encourage schools to give starting lessons and suggest each locality to get ski film footage on local ToVo with possible personal appearanceso I assume you are all aware of the National Ski Areas Association Meeting in Sun Valleys January 10, 11 & 12, 1967. I am scheduled and have accepted a speaking engagement at the University of Wisconsin Medical Center and University Extension on Winter Sports Injurieso The program runs from January 27 to 29, 1967, .My talk is to be on Sunday morning at 9: 30, entitled liThe Role of Ski Instructors"o At the Winter Sports Show in .Minneapolis the first part of November I set up a booth and sold two boxes of the first volumes of the American Ski Teohnique - 35,000 people attendedo In other shows in the midwest - Detroit 40,000, Chicago 70,000, Cleveland l4~000t South Bend 1,200 and Milwaukee 1,4000 I feel PSIA should be at each of these showso A great deal of work has been done to obtain Federal Tax exemption for the Assooiation 9 which has now been receivedo You all reoeived the financial reports for last year and in addition I asked our Acoountant to breakdown the items of other travel expenseo Also included for your review is a bank reconciliation statemento .Mro President suggested that we defer the Financial Report until tommorow morning at 8:00 aomo Mro President adjourned the meeting at 5:00 porno Minutes: Thursday, January 5, 1967 - Meeting called to order at 8:45 a.mo by President Lasho Present: Lash, Fiorini, Winters, Fiore, Johnston, Kihlman, v~ar, Schneider & Muiro Mro President reported that Doc DesRoches expressed his regrets in not being able to attends but that SIA would donate $500000 to 8th INTERSKI, Inco .Mro Winthers com~ mitted to the Far West Ski Association for a contribution of $500000.,Mro Winthers said that they will work with the Congress to help promote any projects that they cano M:ro Schneider gave a financial report. Bank Balance: Loans: Assets: Mro Schneider reported that the complete financial statement would be published at the Annual Conventiono -5- Discussion ensued concerning the status of our new manualo It was noted that we only have 1,700 books left, and half of these are already soldo .Mro President reports that 30 hardbound books will be available for this evenings cocktail part yo These books are to be signed by the Board of Directors and given to the Interski Trustees and guests - complementaryo Mr. Kihlman suggested if we have any bad accounts that collection should be handled by a collection agency. He felt that this would be better than individual contact by the Board. Mr. Johnston requested that MrsoMuir contact the SIA Office for a service list. Board felt that second notices should now be sent to members for dueso It was moved by Mr. Schneider that 5,000 more manuals be printed v seconded by Winthers and Valar - passed unanimously. Mr. Kihlman asked Mr. President if there was some type of annual budget on Board travel o ~1r. President reported that there was not. .:Mr. Fiore expressed that this should be set up in black & whi teo .Mr. Kihlman agreed to work something out on this matter from previous financial statements. It was decided that Mr. President would collect, and pay all bills on meetings. .Mro President reported that a three copy expense sheet has been ordered and would be distributed to the Board. .Mro Johnston pointed out that some discussion had been made on this matter in the Sun Valley .Minuteso The following is an excerpt from the Sun Valley Minutes: That Expense Reports will be furnished to Board .Members • . Mr. Johnston reported that we do not have a Budget Committee.. .Mr. President appointed Mr. Lou Lorenz, Bob Smith and Woody Anderson to the Budget Committee. Mr. Hal Kihlman to Council and Organize this committee. Mr. Johnston reviewed the committees from the Sun Valley .Minutes: Certification Committee Research and Testing Instructor Exchange Tech. Coordinating Ethics - Awards Competitions Historical Div. Officers Publicity & Public Relations Otto Hollaus OK'd Ernie Blake OK'd Mr. President suggested to change the Chairman from Robi Alboy to Nic Fiore - Motion Carriedo Paul Valar Executive Committee OK'd Herbert Schneider OK'd Willy Schaeffler OK'd Erich Windisch, Max Dercum OK'd Hank Emery OK'd Approach Ed Hunter Hire him -6- Ski. Area Operations National Ski Week January 20th - 29th is National Ski Weeko - Woody Anderson OK'd No action - .Mro Kihlman to replace Mro Pfeiffer as Chairman Board .Meeting defered at 10:00 to hold the 8th INTERSKI Board .Meetingo SEE 8TH INTERSKI BOARD :MEETING .MINUTES ATTACHEDo The PSIA Board .Meeting reconvened at 11:30 acm. Mro President requested to appoint a committee to head a demonstration teamo A great deal of discussion ensued concerning pro's and con's of selection:Mro Fiorini suggested that each division be reponsible to enter a demonstration teamo .. Mro President expressed that the PSIA Board should not be involved in the Demonstration teamo He further suggested that each division should send five members and selection for the team be made December, 1967~ The team be hired under contract as of April Ip 1968 through the Congresso Suggestions for demonstration teams: At least 10 be children from Aspeno A team of women, perhaps form something like a balleto MroValar recommended that the demonstration be one houro .Mro Fiorini approves had no commento Mro Fiore approves - questions; will the divisions be responsible for helping financing? .Mr. Johnston approves feels six is better than a five man team.. All agreeo Suggest: Mens Team Demonstrate the American Technique womens Team Do something for show Childrens Team 1I1ethods Mr. Kihlman agrees - suggests that we consider ahaght and weight, age restriction, so that physical appearance be uniform. Discussion ensued - no decisiono .Mro Valar moved that we write the divisions to send a maximum of four boys and two girls for a total of sixo From these the demonstration teams will be selectedo Mr. Valar agrees with .Mro President's suggestion of choosing in December at Aspen and hiring in A:prilo Have them sign a contract letting them know their resonsibilitieso Mro Schneider agrees and seconds withMro Valarls suggestion that .Mro Curt Chase use these people l/~ day during the Easter Vacation to help pay for room and boardo Mro Valar Proposed that there be a total of 20 men, with no substitutes, and six women for try outso Allowing two days for selection and three days to work out in December, 19670 Nro Valar felt that there should be no age limit in order to give the young people an opportunityo .Much discussion ensuedo Decision was made to let the divisions handle it - make their own selectiono Passed by Board voteo .Mro President suggested that the last Demonstration Team be the Commi tteeo Mrc Valar felt that these people are not in the financial position to do so. The Board vetoed Mro President's suggestiono -7- IvIr. Willy Schae:ff~er arrived at 12: 25 p.m. Equipment: .:fIlr. Fiorini suggested the Demonstration Team pick their own skis then have them painted the same color. It was decided by unanimous agreement that the skis, uniforms, and poles will be American made. Boots and bindings to be the individuals personal selection. .Mr. Schaeffler suggested that we turn the uniforms and equipment over to the SIA. Nr. Schneider suggested that it all be put out to the manufactures on a bid basis - all agreedo Mr. Schneider recommended that the Chairman should be a good administrator not necessarily on the Boardo .Mr. Schaeffler agreed - since we are professional people~ let's get professional people that are qualified to help. Mr. Johnston moved that the meeting be adjourned for lunch at 12:35 p.m. Mr. President tabled the meeting for a lunoh break at 12:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 2:45 pomo At this time .Mr. John Herbert of the National Forest Service joined the meeting. Mr. Kihlman and Mr. Fiorini agreed to look into the clothing and equipment and report back to the Board. Mr. President reported that the financial condition of the INTERSKI being rather grim. He gave an itemized accounting of proposed donations~ Pledged Far West Ski Instructors Association $ 500.00 Donated Head Ski Manufacturing $2,000000 Donated Rosemount Engineering $1,000.00 Donated Hart Ski Manufacturing $1,500.00 Pledged SIA $ 500.00 Pledged Aspen, Inc. $10,000.00 Mr. President read a telegram from R. A. DesRoches: Best Wishes from the Officers and Directors and the members of Ski Industries of America, for the successful 8th INTERSKI meeting. Check for $500.00 to help with organizing expenses is on the way. Sincerely, Ro A. DesRoches IVir. ~'linthers brought up the matter of continuing ';he PRO. He reported that several months ago Mr. Lash had become concerned about .Mr. Lee Klein being unable to continue publishing the PRO under present conditions. Winthers reported that he had done some checking regarding this matter. Had gotten together with a friend, from the Wm. Rablin and Co. (publisher of Sacramento)g and had decided that the publication could be done out of Sacramentoo !Vir 0 Winthers suggested that he be allowed to work with this publishing firm as editoro It was noted that Mro Klein from San Francisco had enough advertising to produce the next publication • . Much discussion ensued. The general feeling was that the publication should be continued, or a monthly news letter be publishedt and that immediate action should be taken. continue the PRO by contracting it out, but that all articles. He suggested that we decide what Mr. Valar expressed that he would also like to .Mr. Valar expressed that we should we should have complete control of profits should come back to PSIAo write articles for PSIA on a paid to be a valuable publication. basis. He felt that our instructors feel the PRO Mr. President reported that .Mr. Ian Brown, (publisher of The Northwest Skier, in Seattle) had called and expressed his desire to publish the PRO. Mr. President asked .Mro Winthers if all the advertisers could be contacted from Sacramento? Mr. Winthers replied that he could handle the advertising. Mr. Winthers expressed his desire to set this into a proposal and at the same time change the name to Ski Pro. Mr. Winthers explained that he had put a lot of time and mone" in research. Buzz Fiorini: 9tI feel he has put a lot of work into it - let v s give him the green light to go ahead. 1i No aotion taken. Mr. Johnston asked Mr. Winthers to get the printer to submit a proposal including the profit arrangement after the break even pointp for PSIA approval. At this time a motion can be made to go ahead - if the proposal meets agreement. .Mr. Johnston set this into a motion - seconded by Fiore and Lash - passed unanimously. Winthers said this could be submitted to the President within a weeko Nro President informed the Board that he could also get Mro Brown to submit a proposalo Mro Johnston moved that the meeting be adjourned at 4:00 p.mo, seconded and passed by all. IVlro President announced that tomorrows meeting would start at 9:00 a"ffi o The INTEHSKI Cocktail Party started at 5:00 p.m. with the officers of the 8th INTEHSKI, Inc .. greeting the guests and introducing them to INTERSKI with a press packet. At 5:30 porn. a special film presentation of the 7th INTERSKI at Badgastein, Austria" This meeting IIIJaS enjoyed by all and felt to be very successful. .IVlinutes: Fridayv January 6, 1967 Present~ Lash~ Winthers, Fiore~ Valar, .Muir and .Mr. Curt Chase -9- Mro President appointed ,Mr. Chase as Team Manager. Mr. Chase suggested that a full team from each division demonstrate a specific phase. Mr. Valar stated that the lecture and the demonstration will have to be correlated. Mr. Chase felt sure that if Aspen has the snow they could handle the lodging for the demonstratorse The Aspen area could provide a guide service right from the Aspen area. Mr. Chase has men that speak ten languages. ,J(lI'. Chase feels he can not give a commitment at this time, but will give full support. Mr. President asked ,Mr. Chase to start getting a childrens demonstration team. Suggested that it be a demonstration of childrens games. r~r. Chase left the group at 9:45 a.m. Plans for the Spring Convention were discussed: Mr. Schneider reported that the convention will be held at the Eastern Slope Inn, North Conway, New Hampshire. He would arrange for two lectures, one by a Doctor and one by an Attorney. Arrangements for the cocktail parties have been made, one sponsered by Head and one sponsered by Hart. The~r will be skiing at Wildcat ,:fVIountain. ,Mr. Schneider reported that he thought he could get the film "Skiing wi th Hannes Schneider" produced back in 1936. The Cocktail Reception will be sponsered by the Hannes Schneider Ski School, Inco Mr. Schneider informed ,Mrs. Muir that he would forward her a complete agenda of the Convention in a couple of weeks. Mr. President informed ,Mro Schneider that the program will be printed and mailed from the Association Office. It was decided thatMro Nic Fiore would be the Foreign Liaison. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. -10- Minutes: INTERSKI MEETING January 5, 1967~ oalled to order at 10~00 a.m. by Mr. Bill Lash. Present~ Bill Lash, Jim Winthers, Buzz Fiorini, Nio Fiore, Jimmy Johnston, Hal Kihlman, Paul Valar, Herbert Sohneider, Gladys Muir, Hank Emery, Jaok Clark, Gerry Groswold, Steve Knowlton and Ed Hunter. Mro Johnston reported on the legal picture of incorporating of INTERSKI noting that this organization is a separate entity. For tax purposes these two assooiations should keep their own identity, and that a corporate seal be affixed. Mr. Johnston - Corporate Council - indicated that he had reviewed the Incorporate Articles and found them to be complete with a few exceptions that he had discussed with Mr. Groswold. He brought to the attention of the Board that this should be a separate entity and PSIA, Inc. will not in any way have control over the 8th INTERSKI, Inc. But y will simply be the Host Member of another internationally known entityo But, that he recommende.d at this time thatMro G. Groswold, a long time and great friend of skiing and a Colorado Atty., review the Articles and By-laws to the PSIA Board of Directors. At this time Mr. Groswold presented the proposed Artioles of Incorporation: lY'lr. Groswold made special note of Article III, Section 3, as being the necessary part of the purpose olause to qualify the corporation for a 501C-3 classifioation. This allows that any oontribution by any oorporation or person in or out of the ski industry is fully deductible. Should any funds be left over at the close of the 1968 Congress it will be transferred to another oorporation under a 501C-3 Classifioation. He also indicated that the Articles set up a Board of Trustees not less than 3 or more than 40 in number. There being 30 at the present time, leaving an expanssion of 10 additional members. He indioated the office address shall be: 8th INTERSKI, Inc. 214 Equitable Bldg. Denver, Colorado He reviewed that the Bi-laws would inolude the formation of an Exeoutive Committee that would be authorized to aot for the Corporation in between meetings of the Board of Trustees. He recommended that the first meeting of the Exeoutive Committee be immediately after the formation of the Corporationo Mr. Johnston moved that the Artioles of Inoorporation be approved as presented by the Secretary, seconded by Fiore and passed unanimously. Mr. President oalled on Mr. Valar to report on the entity of the Congress: Mr. Valar reported that there are 24 oountries in INTERSKI, resulting in a $50000 registration. Mr. Valar further noted that one of the first steps is to start on transportation costs. .Their will be two more INTERSKI .Meetings - .May and fall, all oountries should be registered by the fall meeting. Mr. President asked Mr. Groswold to see that Krukenhauser and Hoppichler get a copy of the Artioles of Inoorporation. Note was made that the banking of INTERSKI be with the Bank of Coloradoe =11- President Lash raised the question about visas. Mr. Fiorini reported that he had made some contact with some of the air lines for a chartered plane. The best quote was from Pan-American at $33,000000 for 164 passangerso But, that none of the air lines had made a firm quote - in writtingo It liIlas brought out by Mr. Schneider that 164 people should then be eligible from a country in order to fill each plane. lVlr. Valar suggested to charge each person $210000 and have it deposited in a U.S. Bank. The $210.00 charge was in our bid to the Congress. It was decided that the transportation arrangements and visas would be started immediately. Mr. Schneider reported on his trip to Europe~ I told the Congress that the fare would be between $200.00 and $210.00, which, of course~ started a big discussion on how many delegates and demonstrators each nation was allowed. Prof. Krukenhauser pointed out that according to the By-laws every nation was entitled to eight delegates and eight demonstrators and that they could bring along special demonstrators, such as children and amputees. Then the question of guests arose. I told them that officials would have first choice but that if there were seats available, the fare for them would be the same. Immediately they talked of three or four hundred people attending. Especially the Italians, who spoke of one hundred ski instructors participating. Aslothey wondered that if it were necessary to charter two planes could one leave to return to Europe a few days latter to give those who wanted an extended visit in America. I informed them that the number of people traveling to the States would have to be announced by May 1, 19679 and that the fares would also have to be paid in advance of this same date. This didnQt seem to dampen their desire to come to Aspen. They inquired next as to the possibility of having two pick-up points in Europe. One for the Alpine countries in either Zurich orMunich~ and another for the Scandinavians in Copenhagen. The Scandinavians feel that for them the trip to Munich or Zurich would cost almost as much as the flight to Aspeno I suggested that at least $50000 per day be allowed for those desire to extend their stay for sightseeing in America. 1. All would-be lectures v films and demonstrations should be in the hands of Franz Hoppichler by Fall of 1967, and then decided which will be presented at Aspen. All lectures without films or pictures should not be longer than 30 minutes. Those with films included, no longer than 1 to 1 1/2 hours. 2. It was also felt that the USA should put on demonstrations of amputees on skis. But, should stay awayfrom the very difficult cases. If we should put on this demonstration the Germans would st~ away from this particular type event. 3. Each section of the Congress would like one day to themselves for discussion of their own problemso 4. Also suggested was that the last day should be kept open for a world demonstration of ski techniques by all nati.onso That is informal demonstrations by each to one anothero Sounds interesting! 5. Too, they want the Congress to be held every four years so that it would not interfere with the Olympics or the FIS" -12- Mro Emery reviewed the agenda for the INTERSKI Social Meeting to be held this evening. Mro Hunter reported on the quest list. The cocktail party was scheduled to give the 8th INTERSKI Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and the Board of Trustees the opportunity to meet the Governor of Colorado, Governor Love and the press and other key people of Colorado. It was suggested that the meeting adjourn until after the social meeting. Mr. President adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m. L~ERTlFlED SKI TEACHER INTER MOUNT AIN SKI ASSOCIATION I,NTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2010 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 April l4~ 1967 TO: Board of Directors, I. S. I. A. FROM; Lou Lorenz~ President SUBJECT: Agenda for Board Meeting There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors, ISlA, at the Alta Lodge. 8:30 p.m., Friday. April 21, 1967. All Board members are expected to attend. AGENDA: ~ Call to order by the President Reading of Minutes of last meeting by the Secretary c' Officers and Committee Chairmen reports: / President - Lou Lorenz V.P. & Certification Chairman - Don Rhinehart Treas. & Budget Chairman - Max Lundberg Secretary - Bob Zeigler By-laws - Dennis Staley Racing & Coaching - Jack Simpson Ethics - Keith Lange Publicity - Lee Snedaker Historical - Bill Lash Credentials - Gene Huber Clinic - Dave Parkinson Technical Coordination - Woody Anderson Demonstration Team - Phil Jones Ski School Directors - K. Smith Convention - Adrien Segil Representative reports Intermountain Division - Jack Simpson PSIA - J. R. Bob Smith NFRA - Claude Jones Please make all reports brief and concise and submit in writing to the secretary at the meeting. Old business New business Review of the March 10, 1967 "Idaho Falls incident" .' ,/ Review of ISlA budget and finance situation Interski Representatives to PSIA convention Demonstration team~ Means to obtain more revenue Fall Annual Meeting Where and when Election of Directors /' Other new business ._- Adj ourn. .} Let's make this a fast productive meeting. Sincerely, ____ ~~nt, .. I.S.I.A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting Friday - April 21, 1967 Board Members Present Lou Lorenz, President Don Rhinehart, Vice Pres. Bob Zeigler, Secretary Max Lundberg, Treasurer Woody Anderson Claude Jones John Harrington Kirby Dawson Glenn Evans J. R. Bob Smi th Dave Parkinson Gene Huber Keith Lange Jack Simpson Bill Lash Guests: Adrien Segi1, Conv. Chairman, Paul Va1ar, A1f Engen, Phil Jones Board Members Absent: Dennis Staley, Wes Deist, Sigi Eng1 Meeting called to order by President Lou Lorenz at 9:00 P.M. Minutes of last meeting. Motion: To accept the minutes as mailed (Rhinehart-Parkinson). Carried. A1f Engen was asked to and presented the case of Wayne Nichols on behalf of Mr. Nichols and asked the Board of Directors to consider reinstatement of him. Mr. Nichols reasons for request were that when he was dropped in 1963 for not skiing up to standards (excessive falling), his balancing organs were affected by a medical problem of his ear. Following operations on his ears he had regained his balance and felt his skiing improved. Mr. Nichols was then asked by the Board of Directors to corne in and state his case to which he complied. Motion: (Parkinson- ) that we reinstate Wayne Nichols if and when he is willing to recertify for no charge. (Motion died for lack of second.) Motion: To reinstate Wayne with a letter expressing our feeling that it would have been nice if he had communicated with the organization. (SimpsonEvans). Carried (no descending votes). Mr. Paul Va1ar, Vice President of P.S.I.A. was introduced and gave a brief talk on the 8th Interski which is scheduled at Aspen in 1968. Mr. Bill Lash, President of P.S.I.A. gave a talk outlining the 8th Interski organization (See Appendix A). The large magnitude of 8th Interski was emphasized as well as the necessary effort and funds required. An action item from the previous meeting was brought to the floor: J. R. Bob Smith was to determine and advise ISlA Board of Directors of ways we could help P.S.I.A. - Mr. Smith had temporarily left the meeting. Motion: That a special assessment to the membership of ISlA of $5.00 per person be made for 1967-68 and the money allocated for the purpose of the 8th Interski. (Lange-Zeigler) Carried. (This shall be billed to the membership and the purpose explained.) President Lorenz announced that in the interest of time all reports other than the president's and the Certification Committee Chairman's would be submitted in writing to the Secretary and will not be given here. The reports are as follows: Board of Directors Meeting -2- President's - Lou Lorenz Certification & V. P. - Don Rhinehart Treas. & Budget - Max Lundberg Secretary - Bob Zeigler By-laws - Dennis Staley Racing & Coaching - Jack Simpson Ethics - Keith Lange Publicity - Lee Snedaker Historical - Bill Lash Credentials - Gene Huber Clinic - Dave Parkinson Technical Coordination - Woody Anderson Demonstration Team - Phil Jones Ski School Directors - K. Smith Convention - Adrien Segi1 Representative Reports - Intermountain Div. - J. Simpson N.F.R.A. - Claude Jones P.S.I.A. - J. R. Bob Smith 21 April, 1967 Appendix B Appendix F Appendix C Appendix D None submitted Appendix E (See further in text) None submitted None submitted None submitted Appendix G (See Text) Appendix H Appendix I None submitted Appendix E Appendix J None submitted President's Report - Lou Lorenz (See Appendix B). Motion: To accept the report as read (Zeigler-Evans). Carried. Certification Committee Chairman & V. p. Report - Don Rhinehart. Given at meeting, see minutes of certification committee (Appendix F). Motion: To accept the certification report and give Don a vote of thanks (SmithSimpson). Carried. Credentials Committee - Gene Huber. Brief discussion offered but no written submitted. Motion: That Julia Brisk and Robin Locke be accepted back into the association since their dues are now current and a communication problem was the main cause of their being dropped (Zeigler-Harrington) Carried. Technical Coordinating Committee Report - Woody Anderson. He reported that a solicitation of questions had been made but none were received. A meeting had been planned for this day; however, the avalanche had disrupted it. He asked if another time during the convention could be arranged. Ethics Committee - Keith Lange said he had nothing to report on due to the fact that certain individuals had handled business that was involved in ethics. He said the Ethics Committee did not get an opportunity to act on the Idaho Falls incident. He felt that if we have committees we should use them or abolish them. He recommended that we act together on this situation (Idaho Falls). Intermountain Division, Racing & Coaching - Jack Simpson - (See Appendix E) Motion: To accept report (Lange-Rhinehart). Carried. Ski School Directors and Racing School Directors were discussed. It was suggested that we make this an active function of the Racing and Coaching Committee. That a recommendation be made in a year or so to national that we have initiated this type of program in ISlA and that it works well. Lou Lorenz recommended that the Racing and Coaching Committee set up a meeting for all of the certified racing / ) \ Board of Directors Meeting -3- 21 April, 1967 coaches in the ISlA and then push certification of coaches through this. It was suggested that the Certification Committee go along with certifying coaches with the already certified coaches examining rather than someone with no experience. Old Business Letters were written to Bob Young, Joseph Young and Terry Grogan asking them to meet certain requirements during the last year (See Fall BOD Minutes). No acknowledgment was received. Motion: To remove Bob Young, Joseph Young and Terry Grogan from the Association (Anderson-Smith). Motion carried. New Business The Idaho Falls incident was reviewed. Don Rhinehart told the BOD what the Certification Committee did in the way of making sure this would not recur. (Refer to the Certification Committee Minutes.) Budget and Finance - President Lou Lorenz suggested that four representatives of the ISlA be sent to the PSIA Convention. The President, V.P./Certification Chairman, Technical Coordinating Chairman and the PSIA Representative. He suggested that the Association pay air fare of $199.70 round trip and let the individuals or ski schools finance living expenses. Discussion was held on how much was available. Motion: That the President (Lorenz) and V.P./Certification Chairman (Rhinehart) go with full expenses covered (Parkinson-Zeigler). Carried. Demonstration Team expenses for Aspen trip was brought up. This subject was tabled until the next Board of Directors meeting in the fall. Motion: To pay BOD, officers and convention chairman's expenses at this convention, board and room, no travel (Simpson-Lange). Carried. Motion: That the Secretary and Treasurer be paid $100.00 each for financial renumeration (Parkinson-Evans). Carried. Motion: That the group leaders at the clinic receive $25.00 per day and the demonstration team receive $25.00 for 4 days (Simpson-Lundberg). Carried. The Annual Fall Meeting was discussed. Location of the will be held approximately the first week in November. will meet and determine the location. Facilities must Directors will be held at the Fall General Meeting. NFRA Report - Claude Jones (See Appendix K) seminar was discussed. It The Executive Committee be considered. Election of President Lorenz pointed out the more formal attire for the cocktail party and asked that the Board encourage the membership to support this sign of professionalism. Motion: That the meeting be adjourned (Dawson-Simpson). Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 A.M. Approved by Board of Directors: ;t1i~~~~~~y=~Dat#lflf'l/ L~~:ft:Z:::kdent Dat~7 __ .J I --- i' APl___ VA I N T E R SKI I President Prof. Krukenhauser J Secretary Prof. Hoppichler I P.S.I.A. ~--l' ( " -1 I r 8th Interski, Inc. I International Congo of Ski Schools ~ Willy Schaeffler* Denver Univ. I Paul Valar'i~ PSIA i t Jim Winthers School Skiing Stan Heidenreich Amateurs BOARD OF ITRUSTEES Herbert Schneider* D.R.C. Brown* PSIA Aspen, Colo. Bill Lash* PSIA Hank Emery* RMSIA J Bill Lash Professionals Phil Clare~\PSIA Ed Hunter* Gerald F. Groswold* Steve Knowlton~\Ski Country USA Don Fowler United Airlines Gov. John Love Colorado w. K. Coors Adolph Coors Co. William Janss Colle & McVoy Adv. Transamerica Title Sun Valley Don Magarrell Colo. Natl. Bank John Day US SA Tour Director Stan Heidenreich Amateur Ski Inst. Edw. Hampshire S. LA. John Herbert George Kelley U.S.F.S. Continental Airlines Buzz Fiorini P.S.I.A. Tom Place U.S. Ski Writers Chas. Schobinger Richard Olson Bob Parker N.S.P.A. Colo. Olympic Comm. Vail Assoc. Byron Nishkian USSA Hal Kihlman P.S.LA I Jimmy Johnston PSIA Nicholas Fiore PSIA Jim Winthers PSIA Executive Committee* I Transportation Don Foul2:er r- r Housing Peggy O'Brien I I :u~ge! IpubliCity & Pub. ReI. H n Eery Ed lliJDter ~ Movie Ri,gh-ts I Personnel Coord. I ,,:f.-aCilit ies I I Protocol -5- APPENDIX B - president's Report Since the last meeting of the ISlA BOD, your President attended the R.M.S.I.A. fall seminar and general meeting at Aspen, Colorado, November 5, 1966. Since ISlA is planning a similar fall program, attendance at this meeting was valuable in light of ideas and observation of the general procedures of this kind of function. - After watching this seminar in action, it is believed that ISlA menbers will become much better acquainted with their association, its functions, its problems, and its officers. Hopefully, participation at our seminar and meeting will be as large and enthusiastic as was that in Aspen. Your President also attended the Interski Incorporation meeting in Denver, Jan. 5, 1967, where he met many of the Interski Incorporators. Most impressive factor of Interski is the diversified talent and interest that has been assembled to administrate this ski instructors international show of shows. (See enclosed Interski structure sheet, Appendix A.) At the PNSIA Convention at Mission Ridge, Washington April 15-16, 1967, your President observed a well-planned but very difficult-to-administer convention. Nearly 500 instructors were in attendance and a group of this size is nearly impossible to assemble and work with. These problems could very well befall ISlA in the near future and we should be thinking of ways to solve them now. Public relations trips were made to Magic Mountain and Kelly Canyon during the 1966-1967 season. The Certification Program has been successful in carrying out ISlA policy of making exams as convenient as possible for candidates. Approximately 170 candidates were examined at 9 different areas this season. Exams were held for the first time in ISlA history at Brianhead and Soldier Mountain. By making the exam so convenient for the candidate, the certification committee has created a problem of communications for itself. The committee is aware of this and will strive for a more workable system next season. Under direction of Phil Jones, the Association has selected a demonstration team which will be further trained and from this train a final one selected to represent Intermountain at Interski. As you know, this convention has been planned around suggestions from the Association members. The Convention Committee hopes that it will be the best yet and will welcome your comments and constructive criticism after the convention. The President would like to call your attention to the Convention Committee. Each member has devoted many hours in an effort to upgrade the association, the profession and the sport of skiing: Adrien Segil, Chairman J. R. Bob Smith, Entertainment Max Lundberg, Treasurer Ed Pond, Registration Clark Parkins9n, Promotion Woody Anderson, Training Phil Jones, Demonstrators For the Association, thanks to these individuals, their many helpers and the cooperation of the general membership in making this clinic possible. ISlA has for many years enjoyed a national reputation for high professional standards and efficient organization. With the growth of the Association, increased efforts and cooperation will be required of each member to maintain this reputation. Respectfully submitted, Lou Lorenz, President, I.S.I.A. APPENDIX C - Treasurer's Report Bank Account Total Receipts - Dues, Pins, clinic, initiation fees TotalE*amination Receipts TOTAL RECEIPTS Total Examination Expenses (Paid) Total Misc. Expenses (Paid) TOTAL PAID EXPENSES PRESENT INCOME ABOVE EXPENSES -6- $4,631. 50 4,150.00 2,859.23 3,721.61 $4,637.46 $8,781. 50 $6,580.84 $2,200.66 This report includes receipts for the 66-67 season clinic plus $470.00 for 1967-68 dues, also includes expenses presently incurred for 66-67 clinic. A formal balance sheet will be provided by Louis Tannenbaum, Accountant, at the earliest possible date. Max Lundberg, Treasurer APPENDIX D - Secretary's Report This season resulted in some accomplishment. A membership manual was compiled and initiated. It contains Articles and By-laws, Policy, Rosters, minutes and correspondence. It is loose-leaf and costs $3.00. To date members have purchased about 35 copies. The registration of uncertified instructors program was initiated as directed at the Fall Board of Directors Meeting. To date we have had a few persons register. I would like to welcome these persons to ISlA and would be most happy to discuss any ways we can further be of assistance to them. Again I would like to point out that it is important that the chairmen clear general mailing through the secretary. The secretary receives special requests from individuals who want to receive mailings, mailing lists are updated only on an asneeded basis, a working arrangement is set up through the secretary's office as to what information is required for DuMac. An example is the Spring Clinic mailing which a good many members did not receive. It is my recommendation that all general mailings be coordinated with the secretary. I feel a stagnation in this office after three years. I therefore, will not accept nomination for this position at the Annual Meeting. I am telling you this in ample time so consideration can be given as to whether or not you wish to pass this job on to another member of the association or set up the office of Executive Secretary. Bob Zeigler, Secretary APPENDIX E - Racing and Coaching Committee-- Jack Simpson, Chairman As in the past, the Jr. program has gotten bigger and better and the Sr. program has continued to be practically non-existant, with the exception of a few individuals. This year, as in the past, I.S.A. fielded, what we all felt was a strong team for the Jr. Nationals. Despite, what I understand were not ideal conditions, we managed to come out with a champion. • -7 - Appendix E (Continued) Our training program in the association continues to be pretty much on an individual area basis. A slalom camp was held at Snow Basin early in the season to replace the Thanksgiving training camp and some of the top juniors and seniors attended a very successful downhill camp at Sun Valley over the Christmas holidays. This camp is co-sponsored with the USSA and worked out very well, demonstrating once again that with some foresight and planning, a downhill camp can be held at an area without disrupting their everyday business, which at this time of the year is very heavy. Jim Barrier and the mountain management are to be congratulated. We need more areas where these conditions can be met. As I mentioned earlier, our senior program needs help. There is just no place in the competitions program for the individual, just out of juniors with high FIS points and no seeding, who isn't on the Nationals team or a college program to go. For that boy and I say boy because Mr. McCoy at Mammoth maintains an area for top girls to train, who wants to arrange his college time sb that he is off in the winter, there is no place for him to go. Recommendations: 1. That ISlA go on record as in favor of certifying coaches. 2. Much can be done in ski schools on a volunteer basis with the very young racers, peewee and novice. Also in the area of giviQg help to the volunteer coaches. I feel there would be a more equitable distribution of top competitors were tgis course pursued more effectively. APPENDIX F - Certification Committee Meeting The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m., Friday, April 21, 1967. Present were: Don Rhinehart, Chairman Lou Lorenz Glenn Evans Dave Parkinson Absent: Harold Oglesbee Woody Anderson Phil Jones Wilbur Thomas Claude Jones The Chairman said that he felt the Certification Program had gotten out of hand during the past season. He said it was mainly due to a lack of follow-up. He made a proposal to the committee that for the following season he would like to take the job again, but would like to run a tighter ship as he did the season before. He said he would attend all pertinent exams. Woody Anderson felt that communications had been very bad during the year. He felt that lack of experience of examiners was also a problem. He felt there was something to say for the five-year fully certified policy that had been used in the past. He felt that the ski school directors should keep the applications and send the money to the treasurer. Critique sheets should be made out at the exams. He also felt that if the association got a phone credit card many problems would be eliminated. The Idaho Falls incident was discussed. (Rhinehart-Anderson) Recommendation to the Certification Committee - That as long as a person has anything to do with the Certification Committee in the future, if they do anything of the nature to disgrace the association, they should not be considered to be used on the certification board in the future or anything pertaining to certification. (Carried.) -------------- --- --- -- ---- -8- Appendix F (Continued) The Committee also made a motion (Rhinehart-Parkinson) that the two persons (John Sohrweide and Roger Roche) involved in the action at Idaho Falls shall not again be used in the certification program until further action by the certification committee and chairman. Motion carried. New back-up examiners were discussed. It was felt that full-time instructors were not necessarily capable of administrating the program well. Lou Lorenz (for discussion) felt that persons should only be allowed to take the exam for full once during the season. Don Rhinehart said that an exam taken within a couple of weeks, a candidate could run into a more lenient board of examiners and pass. Motion: (Anderson-Lorenz) That the Certification Examination be limited to one per season or left to the discretion of the certification chairman. Motion carried (one descending vote). Suggestion: That the examiners could put on the critique sheet whether or not the person should be allowed to take one more exam during the year. Motion: (Anderson-Jones) that ski school directors sign the examination applications. Motion carried. (Rhinehart-Lorenz) that we have an Examiners' Clinic next year. They felt it was of great value to everyone concerned, especially to get more connotation on grading structure. Recommendations to PSIA Convention: 1. It was felt that the order of finished forms on the score cards should be changed to fit the terrain better. 2. Motion (Parkinson-Evans) That the Intermountain Division has examined through the year on the seven basic principles and found it to be very successful and should be considered on a national level for the score card. Carried. 3. More room left for comments on the score card. 4. One maneuver and then one situation during the exam should be required rather than two maneuvers. 5. Anyone that is given a short swing maneuver should start with a parallel with a check. This should be put into the Certification Examination Policy. (Phil Jones) The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. APPENDIX G - Clinic Committee~-Dave Parkinson, Chairman This past season your Clinic Committee conducted 5 ISlA sponsored clinics in the Idaho and Wyoming areas. The clinics were very successful and well attended. The fee for a two-day clinic was lowered from $20. to $10. with a minimum to cover the expenses of the individual conducting the clinic. We found that we received better attendance with the lower rate but were able to make little more than just our expenses. My own feeling is that I would rather have a maximum attendance and just make expenses and conduct more clinics rather than a few people and less clinics. Your Clinic Chairman also attended the Sun Valley Symposium on December 17. I would like to remind everyone that Mr. Engl has extended an invitation to everyone in the ISlA to attend these annual clinics which are recognized by ISlA. Much valuable information can be gained from this clinic. -9- APPENDIX H - Demonstration Team--Phil Jones, Chairman A letter was sent to fully certified members stating that seven men and four women would be picked as demonstrators and that from this group four men and two women would be picked to be sent to the Interski Tryouts in December 1967. An on-the-hill workshop was held at Kelly Canyon on February 25th. This workshop I feel was very beneficial. On April 9th at Alta the eleven demonstrators were picked from a group of twentyone. The seven men picked are: Al Ellis, Ed Pond, Chuck Fields, Max Lundberg, Robin Locke, Mike Wilson and Bob Parker. The four women are: Bonnie Pond, Patti Evans, Lynn Sohrweide and Sandy Wade. A training session with the above people was held at Alta on April 20 and 21, and they were used as group demonstrators at the clinic. As soon as the snow permits in the fall, the group will get together for another session before the final selections. I am sure we will send six excellent demonstrators to Aspen next December. Thanks to everyone for their cooperation and time spent. APPENDIX I - Ski School Directors Meeting Minutes--K. Smith, Chairman Present: E. Glenn Evans - Skyline (Pocatello) George A. Hartlmaier - Brianhead (Cedar City) Bill Lash - Solitude (Brighton) Woody Anderson - Park City Keith Lange - Solitude Racing School (Brighton) Bill Briggs - Snow King Mtn. (Jackson Hole Ski Area) James Varin - Soldier Mtn. (Gooding) Robert S. Adams - Pomerelle (Burley) Lou Lorenz - ISlA President M. Earl Miller -Snow Basin (Ogden) Junior Bounous - Timp Haven (Provo) K. Smith - Brighton GUEST: Alex Brogle - Sugar Bown (Norden, Calif.) Meeting called to order by K. Smith, Chairman - 9:45 a.m., April 21, 1967. Agenda taken up from last fall. (K. Smith) Minutes of last meeting April 22, read in part. The ski school chairman should be elected each year - being selected at each meeting for the following year. Discussion on Free Ski Schools should be discussed. Subjects to be discussed: Ski School Management Ski School skill classification Instructor morale Area Operator Business Promotion Instructor Training Program Individual ski school teaching systems U. S. Forest Service management and liason Jim Gaddis has applied for a Forest Service permit to operate a racing school. K. said he had some coorespondence relating to this subject to be gone over. Motion made to approve minutes and dispense with reading (Anderson-Lash). Carried. -10- Appendix I (Continued) Discussion on Purpose of Conunittee. Junior Bounous: The purpose of this conunittee should be to coordinate factors between ski schools and to discuss mutual problems and operations of ski schools. Woody Anderson: There should be some directions from the Board of Directors of ISlA on training of instructors. Directors should take an active part in this conunittee on ski teaching, certification, training, etc. The committee should work through the Board after correlating and working up problems. ~ Smith: What about the problem of hiring instructors? Instructors being hired from other areas discussed. Bill Lash: Anytime an instructor a reconunendation from that school. done informally. is-hired from another school, he should have The release of ski instructors should be Problems of certification discussed. -Bi-ll -La-sh: What constitutes a ski school and what constitutes a ski school dir- ector. (For example) Are we going to allow someone from a free ski school to be a member of this conunittee? They should be a member of ISlA. Membership requirements of conunittee, should be members of the ISlA? ~ Bounous: We have a registered classification and should we eliminate directors of free ski schools? E. Miller: They should be eliminated. Bill Lash: Are we going to let these people sit on a policy-making conunittee or board? Let's discuss what is a ski school and what is a racing school. ~ Lange: These are sponsored by the area. Bill Lash: There has to be a clear-cut definition between the two. Alex Brog1e explained the Blizzard group program, the Mogul Program, mass, programs and Alpine Jr. Programs. All the certified members associated with these groups did a tremendous job. However, the mass progrirams cheapened the area - the accident rates were high. He explained also that the Farr West was going to continue to accept these programs with qualified people and do the best job they could to control them. K. Smith wanted to know what a ski school was in the Intermountain area? Ski schools, directors in various Intermountain areas were discussed in relationship to areas, sponsorship, etc. Bill Lash: Definement of Conunittee: Members of this conunittee should consist of the resident area ski school directors. Problems of racing schools discussed and their relationship to this conunittee. K. stated that the heads of racing schools should be certified. Bill Lash pointed out that the various conunittees of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association should not overlap - racing, certification, etc. Jr. Bounous read a letter written by K. Smith by Jim Gaddis. He also read K. 's reply to Gaddis. A letter from Tourti1ott to Gaddis was read. K. explained the -11- Appendix 1 (Continued) relationship he would require from Jim Gaddis on his entrance into the Brighton area with his racing school. In regard to other schools coming into the various that: (1) We cannot regq1ate business operations. Forest Service Policies. (3) Area policies cannot directors. ski areas it was determined (2) We cannot regulate the be regulated by the ski school K. voiced that in order to overcome the problems of racing schools coming into the areas the ski schools in the areas should have racing schools of their own. Earl Miller stated that racing school directors should be included in this committee only if certified and qualified personnel. Bill Lash: Coaches were going to have to form their own organization or committee, affiliated with the USSA and have good 1iason between the divisions. Earl Miller: In order to control the problem of other schools coming into the areas full cooperation must be maintained from the area manager. This, Earl has at his area. Other schools must operate through the resident school and charged accordingly which is the policy Earl has established with the area. Woody stated that the area operators are taking a different view on the massoperated free ski school programs because they are driving away regular customer business and creating over-crowding of facilities. Could we make a recommendation to the Forest Service how the ski school directors feel about the various programs operating in the areas? K. made the following recommendations for the membership requirements of this committee - the Ski School Directors' Committee: 1. The Director should be a member of ISlA, certified. 2. The Director should be a ski-area-approved director of the walk-in school. 3. Further membership in this committee to be approved by this committee. It was moved by K. Smith that these membership requirements be approved and established. Bill Lash seconded, motion carried. K. Smith: What are the obligations of this committee? Bill Lash: The first obligation is to have a two-day meeting of ski school directors in the fall of the year. Lou Lorenz stated that committee meetings should not interfere with the program of the clinic. 11:45 A.M. MEETING INTERRUPTED AND EVERYONE LEFT TO ASSIST IN THE AVALANCHE RESCUE OPERATION. May 23, 1967 Lou Lorenz stated by telephone that he will appoint a new chairman for this committee and that it would be known as soon as he conferred with the individual. -12- APPENDIX J - NFRA Report, Claude Jones, Chairman Not a great deal of action was taken directly in the annual meeting last November in Albuquerque, New Mexico. D.R.C. Brown, head of the Aspen Ski Corp., Colorado was convention guest and consultant. A major issue of the meeting was the proposed new fee structure of the U. S. Forest Service which covers the fees charged all commercial permit holders on public land. This of course would involve ski resorts and at least indirectly, ski schools. The NFRA adopted a resolution opposing the proposed increased fees and asking for a delay in action by the Forest Service for study by the NFRA and other interests involved. This has been granted by the Forest Service. A land law review hearing was underway in Albuquerque at the time and this was also discussed at length by NFRA delegates. ------------------ ----------- RI-BlA BOARD OF DIRECTORS l1EErING Aspen, Colo. Saturday - November 4th, 1967 Four Seasons Club A short B.O.D. meeting 'iTas called by the pres:ide:nt Charles Paterson following the )l1noheon. Board members present were: Hans Garger, Erich i,vindisch, Hax Dercum, George Engel, Chilton Anderson, Steen Gantzel, Jim Riley, and Karl Schnackenberg. The Executive Secy. advised that the result of the mail ballots for the IImember-atlarge representative" to the B.O.D., as of th~ deadline date of 10/28/67 was: John Younger - 55 votes Theo Hoosburger - 55 votes George Rau - 54 votes He also advised that there were several ballots which had been received after the deadline date. After discussion, it Has lBC (E.'JindiDch,K.Schnncb:mberg) that ballots received after the deadline, not be counted and that the mC!.,bers, in good standing, present at the annual meeting be issued bnllob for the purpose of breaking the tie between John Younger and Theo Hoosburger. neeting was adjourned --------------------------------- Saturday - November 4th, 1967 - Boomerang lodge The meeting was called to Ordf)r at 5: JO p~m. by president, Charles Paterson. Board members present Here: Chilton Anderson, OC01"2e Engel, Steen Gantzel, Erich ~-Jindisch, Jim Riley, Hans Garger, Karl SChno.0k6:nhorg, ITax Dercum, Jim Isham, Jim Nelson, and Jerry Euth. other ill"BIA members pres,.mt we:..·~ Ha.nk Emery and Hark Addison. 1. Charles Paterson l-relcomed the l1.8W· Board membero and thanked all the past year's Board members for their 1101",), 2. The main business Has the elect:i.cn of the ne1;.j President and Executive Vice-Pres. a) Chilton Anderson nominD.tod Cha:.'.~lc3 Paterson for President, seconded by Erich lJindisch. lEC that: ItCha:t'le3 be elected Presidont by the unanimouc "?, ... te of the Board." b) George Engel nominated Bud l'iarolt for Executive Vice-Pres. ,seconded by Chilton Anderson. !'BC that: liBud be elected Executive Vice-Pres. by the unanimous vote of the Board. 3. l£C (G.Engel, K.Schnackenberg) that: IIJim Riley be appo1.nted General Counsel of ID'SIA. 4. A Credentials Committee, consisting of Chilton Anderson,chairmanj Karl Schnackenberf & Don leonard, Has appointed by the president for the Annual lleeting. 5. Hank Emery talked about Inte~ski & asked for suggestions on fund raising. This concluded the business at hand and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Sunday - November 5th, 1967 - Boomerang Lodge 'rhe meeting Has called to order by president, Charles Paterson at 3:00 p.m. Board members present were: Jerry Buth, Theo Hoosburger, Jim Riley, Chilton Anderson, Jim Nelson, Hans Garger, Jim Isham, Kar:L Schnackenberg, & Steen Gantzel. othe~ RlBIA members present Here: Conmmnications V.P.-Mark Add'ison, Certification V.P.-Erich \~indisch, and Hank Emery. 1. l~C (H.Garger, S.Gantzel) TO: "Dispense with the reading of the September meeting minutes and to approve them as sent out to the mernbe~ship.11 ~~------- 2 .. 4. ,. 6. RMSIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Aspen, Colo. Sunday - November 5th, 1967 - Boomerang Lodge Page Two INAcrIVE :t-'lEYIIBEIlSHIP: MSC (K.Schnackenberg,H.Garger)TO: approve request by Franz Hammer.i'-- CLINIC EXCUSE REQUESTS: arIBCO{.Garger;S-~Gantzel) TO: "Approve request by Treva Thomas." " b) HSC (S .Gantzel,J .huth) TO: "Approve requ'3st by Doug & Virginia Pfeiffer. c) I,BC (S .Gantzel,K.Schnackenborg) TO: "Approve request by Pepi Gramshammer." d) IvTSC (H.Ga!'ger,S .Gant~el) TO: "Approve request by Ed Foley." e) ¥SC (S .Gantzel,K.Schnackenberg) TO; "Approve request by Illanfred Schober." A letter of resignation from Dick vTright was read and accepted. lBC (S.Gantzel,J.l'1uth) TO: "Approve payment of expenses to Communications Vice-Pres .. CERTIFICATION EXM!.S: a) Dates of exams are Supplemental Exam: as follows: Loveland Ski Area - exams beginning on Tuesday, January 9th, lq68. The examin~rstcli;'1ic to be held on Honday,Jan.8th, 1968. Note: All qualified c~ndidates for this exam will be sent application forms individually. Southern District: Taos Ski Valley - e7.a!ns beginning on Wednesday, April 3rd, 1968. Examiners' clinic to be held on Tuesday,April 2nd, 1968 Note: Anr.ual Clinic to be h"31d on HondilY & Tuesday , April lQt & 2nrl .. Front Range & TJJestern Dietricts (combil'!ed): - "---~-----'-~-- Aspen - exams beginning on Tuesday, April 16th, 1968 Examiners I clinic to be held on Eonday, April 15th, 1968 b) Apprentice Examiners: IlBC (C.Ju1_derson,H.Garger) THAT: "An apprentice examiner applicant, who is not chosen, must re-apply tho following year to be considered as an Apprentice Examiner." c) The Executive SElcy. was directed to write to present eXaminf9rs who are due to attend an examiners' clinic to remain eligible as examiners. A reply of examiners' intent will be requested. d) There will be a special exam for National Coaches at Aspen. Curt Chase will run a pre-course on November 17th & 18th t tho exam to follow on November 19th. Examiners will be Erich \'Jindisch, Jerry Muth, and Don Hhinehart, Chief Examiner of ISlA. Willy Schaeffler and Bill La.sb. have been invited as observers. ? • TWTSFER REQlJESTS: a) I'SC (K.Schnackenberg, J .J(uth) TO: "Approve request by Bob Elken." b) MSC (K.Schnackenberg,J.lsham) TO: "Approve request of Peter Batiste upon completion of transfer requirem~n:ts." c) l'BC (S.Gantzel,K.Schnackenberg) TO: "Approve request by "Scooter" IACouter." Rl~IA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Aspen, Colo. Sunday - November 5th, 1967 - Boomerang Lodge Page Three 8.. PQ~JPER SNQL.9.LINICS: After discussion, it was felt that this should be done by the Districts. District Chairmen to be responsible for getting information to members in their district. 9. An Open House at the new Snowmass area is planned for the m1SIA membership on Thursday & Frida.y, January 11th & 12t.h, 1968. The mSIA B.O.D. will meet in Aspen on the evening of Thursday, January 11th, 1968. NDrE: This is an opport,unity for moIA members to ski together at this new area. Any interested instructor should make his own arrangements for accomodations and just "show up" at the Snowmass area on Thursday or Friday. 10. A B}BIA booth for the December 7th, 8th, & 9th Ski Show in Denver was discussed. Mark Addison & Hank Emery were appointed as a committee to investigate this and to use their discretion as to what mEIA should do. 11. M3C (J.}~uth,K.Schnackenberg) TO: "Approve the purchase of a new supply of name badges." 12. The Executive Secretary l,as dir.ected to write to the other U.S. Instructor Divisions to determine thC3ir policy on aooepting Assooiate Certified Instructor transfers into their Associations. 13. Chilton Anderson suggested that Arne Harthinsson be oontacted regarding his conduoting a work shop on "Teaching t.he Hn.ndicappedll at the Southern District Clinio in April, 1968. 14. The Executive Seoy. was directed to ohock with Colorado Badge Co .. for the purpose of having "mpIA Plaquesll made up for special awardo, i.e.: Past Presidents, Masters Slalom, etc. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next B.O.D. meeting will be at the Boomerang Lodge in Aspen on Thursday, January 11th, 1968 in the evening. Rudi Schnaokenberg, E:ceclltive Secretary - m'BIA P.O. Box 4 Steamboat Springs, Colo. 80477 Intermountain Ski Instructors Association Board of Directors Meeting November 5, 1967 Idaho Falls, Idaho The meeting was called to order at 2:45 p.m. by President Lou Lorenz. Present were: Lou Lorenz Absent were: Bob Zeigler Dave Parkinson Glenn Evans Woody Anderson Gene Huber John Harringto~ Jack Simpson Kirby Dawson Don Rhinehart Keith Lange (re-elected) Bob Bybee (new member) Bill Haskins (new member) Phil Jones (new member) Max Lundberg (new member) Reading of minutes of last Board of Directors Meeting. Motion: That we approve minutes as mailed (Simpson-Jones). Motion carried. Pres. Lorenz gave a short report including the responsibilities of a Board Member as outlined in the Ski Pro newsletter. Motion: To accept report as read. (Lange-Simpson) Motion carried. Certification Committee Report given by Pres. Lorenz in Don Rhinehart's absence. It was noted that the Examiners Clinic scheduled next weekend would be held regardless of snow conditions. Treasury and Budget Committee Report - Max Lundberg. He said he was going to establish a budget this year. Motion: To accept both reports (Harrington-Zeigler). Motion carried. Secretary's Report - Bob Zeigler. Mr. Zeigler report-d two main reasons for his resignation as secretary. The first being that he would like experience in other areas. The second that he is a firm believer in the position of Executive Secretary. Motion: That we accept the Secretary's report (Jones-Bybee). Motion carried. Racing & Coaching Committee - Jack Simpson. Mr. Simpson stated that there was very little to report due to lack of action through the summer. He reported that the competition committee held a meeting on Friday evening, November 3 to sanction a race at Solitude that had been rejected and to schedule one at Pocatello. Some of the coaches appointed for the National Downhill Camp will be Christian Provda, Jim Savaria, and John Matkins, he reported. Motion: That we accept report (Evans-Huber). Motion carried. Bob Zeigler wanted to know if these downhill camps could be made more interesting and not so much repetition each year. Discussion followed. Pres. Lorenz stated at the last Board meeting there was talk of having coaches who are certified instructors having their own committee to maintain themselves as an entity. Jack Simpson could see no reason to form a committee of this type. Lou suggested that they keep it in the back of their minds. Board of Directors Meeting -2- November 5, 1967 Ethics Committee - Keith Lange. Nothing to report. Publicity Committee - Nothing to report. It was noted that this committee did a very good job on last year's Spring Clinic; also, that they need some help in the Idaho area. Historical Committee - Bill Lash. No report except that no contributions have been made in the past year except for one from Lex Kunau. Credentials Committee, no report. Clinic Committee, no report. Ski School Directors Committee - Kirby Dawson. Kirby stated that bab1y should have been called at the seminar but it did not occur he received the minutes of last year's meeting from K. Smith. He of meeting should be completely separatE: from all other meetings. be accomplished in this manner. a meeting proto him until felt this type More could Demonstration Team Committee - Phil Jones. Team must be picked before 15 Dec. 1967, for Intermountain. They will ski on the ski deck at the Terrace show and demonstrate at the Examiner's Clinic next weekend. Technical Coordinating Committee - printed report distributed. Intermountain Division Report - covered in other report (Racing & Coaching). PSIA Representative - Bob Smith - printed report distributed. NFRA Representative - Claude Jones - Attending meeting. No action to report. OLD BUSINESS Demonstration Team expenses at Aspen training session. Phil Jones, chairman, noted that after selection of the team, PSIA or Interski will pay expenses. Discussion followed. Motion: That we take care of expenses to send the Demonstration Team to Aspen (travel to and from) and take care of any room and board expenses while they are there that are not covered by Interski (Jones-Lange). Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers. For the office of President, Dave Parkinson nominated Lou Lorenz. Phil Jones moved that nominations cease. Simpson seconded. Motion: To elect Lou Lorenz as President by general acclamation (SimpsonLange). Motion carried. For the office of Vice President, Dave Parkinson nominated Don Rhinehart. John Harrington moved that nominations cease. Kirby Dawson seconded. Motion: That we elect Don Rhinehart Vice President and Max Lundberg Treasurer by acclamation. Motion carried. Board of Directors Meeting -3- November 5, 1967 Lou stated that the Executive Committee has been thinking of establishing the office of Executive Secretary to be elected as the Secretary. This individual would take charge of all membership rosters,billing, Association income and deposit of such income to the bank. This would combine somewhat the duties of the secretary and the treasurer. He would also take care of the normal duties of the secretary such as minutes, correspondence, etc. He would be paid for journal entry work and sending out statements at $1.00 per member per year and $2.00 per application for certification examination as they come into the association. He will also be in charge of the certification records. Secretarial duties will be contributed as usual. He will take care of pin inventory, forms, etc. This is a one-year trial. The secretary would deposit all revenue from then on the treasurer would be responsible for cash disbursement. This is to allow the Treasurer more time to work on budget matters. The Executive Committee has Clark Parkinson in mind for this office. Discussion was held concerning the office. Motion: That we e1ett Clark Parkinson by acclamation to the office of Secretary and that we adopt that we give the secretary the duties as outlined in Sec. Zeigler's proposal except the renumeration would be $1.00 per member and $2.00 per member examined throughout the year and the necessary steps be taken in the by-laws within the next year at the BOD meetings to set up this office under the name of Executive Secretary (Zeigler-Lundberg). Motion carried. Discussion was held as to when paJ~ent should be made to the Secretary. It was suggested that he be paid when the dues are paid and applications are in. As to time (quarterly, semi-annually) this should be left to the discretion of the President, Treasurer and Secretary. At this time, newly elected Secretary Clark Parkinson joined the group. Motion: That we accept the proposal as submitted, a value of one dollar ($1.00) to be placed on the total membership paid of the Association (SimpsonJones). Motion carried. Committee Policies: In the interest of time, it was suggested that they be printed and submitted to the BOD. Discussion was held on Section 11 of the by-laws; it needs some changing to strengthen certification. It should be amended so that it includes passing an examination. Motion: That we table this and recommend that the by-laws committee meet for further study to be brought up at the next BOD meeting (SimpsonHuber). Motion carried. K. Smith's recommendations to the BOD were discussed. Point #1, Zeigler recommended that the Certification Committee answer. Motion: That point #2 concerning the quorum of 25 be turned over to the Bylaws committee (Bybee-Evans). Motion carried. Regarding #3 (minimum wage for instructors), this is not a matter of corporation business. Keith Lange recommended that the Secretary answer Mr. Smith's questions in a ietter and tell him what was done. The by-laws as discussed in the general meeting were brought to the floor. (Section 3, delete paragraph b that says "he will have equal rights of the elected board members." Board of Directors Meeting -4- November 5, 1967 Motion: That at this time we delete Paragraph b, Section 3 of the By-laws until such time as the Board can according to corporate law change the amended Articles of Incorporation (Haskins-Evans). Motion carried. Articles of Incorporation Bill Haskins - "15 members elected by the General Membership shall constitute the governing board. This number shall not be increased or decreased except by vote of the general membership." Motion: That we adopt for submittal to the membership the change as so read by Mr. Haskins (Zeigler-Evans). Motion carried. It was recommended that this be presented to the membership as approved by this Board of Directors and that it be voted upon at the next General Meeting. Discussion was held on the feasibility of holding the General Corporation Meeting and SeminaDlat this t~me of year. Pros and: cons were pointed out. Lou Lorenz suggested that we try this procedure for one more year. Motion: That we have the Fall Seminar and General Corporation Meeting in the fall at the same general time next year. (Lange-Bybee). Motion carried, 1 descending vote (Bob Zeigler). Annual Clinic and Interski - Should we use the Interski as our annual clinic? Discussion followed question. Motion: That for this year only we try the proposed plan of having three or four area clinics at various times throughout the season and eliminate the general spring clinic due to the conflicting dates of the 8th Interski. (Evans-Huber). Motion carried, I descending vote (Simpson). Committee Chairman appointments were set as follows: Certification Committee Treasurer & Budget Committee Secretary By-Laws Racing & Coaching Ethics Publicity Historical Credentials Clinic Ski School Directors Demonstration Team Technical Coordinating Delay appointment until Examiners Clinic. Max Lundberg Clark Parkinson Bob Zeigler Jack Simpson Keith Lange Dave Parkinson Bill Lash Clark Parkinson Glenn Evans Kirby Dawson Phil Jones Woody Anderson Motion: That we accept chairmen as appointed (Simpson-Lange). Motion carried. Representatives appointed as follows: ISA Representative PSIA Representative NFRA Jack Simpson Phil Jones Claude Jones Special Committees: Keith Lange, Committee Chairman for committee to research possibility of discontinuing mandatory attendance at an ISlA Annual Spring Clinic and to study membership requirements in the association. This committee should be made up of a good cross-section of ski school directors, but not limited to Board 6f Directors Meeting -5- November 5, 1967 ski school directors. Action to be taken in the spring. It was suggested that we vote some renumeration to the Secretary for the past year. Motion: That we give Bob Zeigler $50.00 with a vote 6f thanks (Lange-Huber). Motion carried. Motion: That the Association pay the expenses of the Board of Directors at this meeting (Lange-Simpson). Motion carried. Motion: That we leave our next Board Meeting time up to the Executive Committee (Lange-Zeigler). Motion carried. Executive Committee elections was brought to the floor. Recommendation (Parkinson- Evans) that the officers of the Association be on the Executive Committee. Three additional people are needed to fill the committee. Jack Simpson, Woody Anderson and Keith Lange were nominated. Motion: That nominations cease (Dawson-Bybee). Motion carried. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following: Lou Lorenz Don Rhinehart Clark Parkinson Max Lundberg Jack Simpson Keith Lange Woody Anderson It was recommended that the examiners' expenses at the examiners' clinic be paid by the Association. New members to the BOD received a welcome by President Lorenz. Motion: That meeting be adjourned (Parkinson=Jones). Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. As transcribe~ ~ Appr Directors Ad!;tiwffr?-tw;l14~,.J.4....tl3~~~ __ Date/¥a47 Clark Parkinson, Sec. L |