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Show INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 10, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P,M. by President Max Lundberg. Present were; Al Ellis Glenn Evans Georg Hartlmaier Dave Larsen Max Lundberg Clark Parkinson Andy Shearer Lou Lorenz Ed Pond Dave Parkinson Absent were: Bob Bybee Allen Miller President Lundberg stated that there were two main purposes for the meeting. Bill Haskins Phil Jones Keith Lange Number one was the question on the ratification of the P.S.I.A. by-laws which were adopted at the Board's November 16 meeting. The P.S.I.A. by-laws that we ratified were not correct. Max read a letter from Jimmy Johnston that said we should reinstate our previous by-laws and start allover again by preparing the amended by-laws with a recommendation to ISIA members that they be adopted and to call for a vote of the members. Ed Pond prepared a resolution concerning this subject which was read to the BOD. (Reso-lution is attached.) Discussion was held in regard to resolution and problem. Motion: That we accept this resolution by Ed Pond (Shearer-Pond). Motion carried. The second purpose of the Board meeting was to issue and approve and take care of the expenses that B're associated with the NASIC convention participation by ISlA and the problems that were incurred in the selection of a team to be sent to both NASle and as an Interski Demonstration Team. Max noted that it was not nor had ever been the purpose of any individual to further himself in this association in any way. Selected to participate in the 9th Interski Demonstration Team were: Lundberg, Locke, Ellis, Parker and Jenkins. Selected to participate in NASle's program were: Lundberg, Locke, Autry, Bounous, Jones Sohrweide, Parker - with Andy Shearer as Program Director and Lou Lorenz as back-up to the Director. It was felt that the people who participated in NASIC should be capable demonstrators and also be able to perform in front of high-powered individuals. NASIC's agenda shows a one and one-half hour program which ISlA must put on. Clark Parkinson wondered why the Board meeting was called with regard to this controversy. Ed Pond read the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of March 13th and gave the Board his feelings of the concept that was talked about qt that meeting: He felt that the Executive Committee met and was not as well informed as it should have been at that time regarding NASle. He felt some suggestions were made that leaked out to the membership but that we should operate under the by-laws and make things right. B.O.D. Meeting - April 10, 1970 It was noted that the Interski Team were chosen as demonstrators solely on their ability to demonstrate. The NASIC team (which has nothing to do with PSIA) were chosen to participate in a technical program partly through demonstration team judges and partly through a selection committee. The 9th Interski team was selected legally. Further discussion was held regarding the method and procedure of selections. Keith Lange felt that the ISlA should not be obligated to the PSIA for a Demonstration Team. Max explained that it was done in the manner it was done because it was simple, expedient and the cheapest way because there was little time. He noted that at the Executive Committee Meeting we did not really have the particulars regarding the NASIC Convention. Motion: That we send 8 members of ISlA to the NASIC convention and that their expenses be paid by ISlA not to exceed a total of $800.00 (Pond-Evans). Discussion was held regarding the cost. Motion called for. Motion carried. Phil Jones wondered why this problem of the selection, etc. was not brought up on Sunday. Al Ellis said he did not understand the whole picture until later. Motion: That the 8 members we send to NASIC consist of Andy Shearer and 7 other members of ISlA who tried out and on the basis of such tryouts were selected for the ISlA demonstration team on April 5, 1970 (Pond-Evans). Motion withdrawn. Max suggested that we reach an agreement and then choose capable people to represent us at NASIC. Some members wanted another tryout but it was felt that there was not enough time to prepare for them. Max said that Andy was the chairman of the Technical Committee but that the whole committee had been involved. Lou Lorenz felt we should hear from Andy regarding his feelings on ths subject. Andy felt that he needed 7 people who wanted to go and could give ISlA good coverage. Not only to go and ~erform and do a good job but to bring back information of value to the Association. Andy felt that in the event someone was not able to go (who tried out) he would be allowed the prerogative to appoint someone to take his place. Motion: That we select the NASIC team solely from among those who tried out on April 5, 1970 for the ISlA Demonstration Team (Pond-D. Parkinson). Motion defeated. Motion: That ISlA send expense-paid to NASIC Andy Shearer and 7 other individuals who competed in the try-outs at Park City on April 5; if any of those 7 people cannot attend Andy Shearer has the power to appoint his or their replacement (Lorenz-Evans). Motion carried (2 dissenting votes) Further discussion was held regarding the methods of selection for any teams in the future. Motion: That we pay the members of the Selection Committee $15.00 each (Larsen-Evans) Motion carried (6 for, 4 against) Bob Autry has incurred some expense in regard to this NASIC convention which he should be reimbursed for. He wanted to know if there should be a fee charged for the coaches who attend the Spring Convention. Discuss'ms held: $10.00 fee was left as is. Motion: That we pay our far-traveling board members as follows: George Hartlmaier $50 and Glen Evans and Al Ellis $25. each as expenses for the Board of Directors Meeting (Lange-Pond). Motion carried. Motion: That we adjourn the meeting (Pond-Larsen). Motion carried Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 10, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by President Max Lundberg. Present were: Al Ellis Absent were: Dave Larsen Andy Shearer Dave Parkinson Bob Bybee Glenn Evans Max Lundberg Lou Lorenz Allen Miller Georg Hartlmaier Clark Parkinson Ed Pond President Lundberg stated that there were two main purposes for the meeting. Bill Haskins Phil Jones Keith Lange Number one was the question on the ratification of the P.S.loA. by-laws which were adopted at the Board's November 16 meeting. The P.S.I.A. by-laws that we ratified were not correct. Max read a letter from Jimmy Johnston that said we should reinstate our previous by-laws and start allover again by preparing the amended by-laws with a recommendation to ISlA members that they be adopted and to call for a vote of the members. Ed Pond prepared a resolution concerning this subject which was read to the BOD. (Reso-lution is attached.) Discussion was held in regard to resolution and problem. Motion: That we accept this resolution by Ed Pond (Shearer-Pond). Motion carried. The second purpose of the Board meeting was to issue and approve and take care of the expenses that a,re associated with the NASIC convention participation by ISlA and the problems that were incurred in the selection of a team to be sent to both NASlC and as an Interski Demonstration Team. Max noted that it was not nor had ever been the purpose of any individual to further himself in this association in any way. Selected to participate in the 9th Interski Demonstration Team were: Lundberg, Locke, Ellis, Parker and Jenkins. Selected to participate in NASIC's program were: Lundberg, Locke, Autry, Bounous, Jones Sohrweide, Parker - with Andy Shearer as Program Director and Lou Lorenz as back-up to the Director. It was felt that the people who participated in NASIC should be capable demonstrators and also be able to perform in front of high-powered individuals. NASIC's agenda shows a one and one-half hour program which ISlA must put on. Clark Parkinson wondered why the Board meeting was called with regard to this controversy. Ed Pond read the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of March 13th and gave the Board his feelings of the concept that was talked about at that meeting: He felt that the Executive Committee met and was not as well informed as it should have been at that time regarding NASIC. He felt some suggestions were made that leaked out to the membership but that we should operate under the by-laws and make things right. .'~ r .. ~ B.O.D. Meeting - April 10, 1970 It was Doted that the Interski Team were chosen as demonstrators solely on their ability to demonstrate. The NASIC team (which has nothing to do with PSIA) were chosen to participate in a technical program partly through demonstration team judges and partly through a selection committee. The 9th lnterski team was selected legally. Further discussion was held regarding the method and procedure of selections. Keith Lange felt that the ISlA should not be obligated to the PSIA for a Demonstration Team. Max explained that it was done in the manner it was done because it was simple, expedient and the cheapest way because there was little time. He noted that at the Executive Committee Meeting we did not really have the particulars regarding the NASIC Convention. Motion: That we send 8 members of ISlA to the NASIC convention and that their expenses be paid by ISlA not to exceed a total of $800.00 (Pond-Evans). Discussion was held regarding the cost. Motion called for. Motion carried. Phil Jones wondered why this problem of the selection, etc. was not brought up on Sunday. Al Ellis said he did not understand the whole picture until later. Motion: That the 8 members we send to NASlC consist of Andy Shearer and 7 other members of ISlA who tried out and on the basis of such tryouts were selected for the ISlA demonstration team on April 5, 1970 (Pond-Evans). Motion withdrawn. Max suggested that we reach an agreement and then choose capable people to represent us at NASlC. Some members wanted another tryout but it was felt that there was not enough time to prepare for them. Max said that Andy was the chairman of the Technical Committee but that the whole committee had been involved. Lou Lorenz felt we should hear from Andy regarding his feelings on ths subject. Andy felt that he needed 7 people who wanted to go and could give ISlA good coverage. Not only to go and perform and do a good job but to bring back information of value to the Association. Andy felt that in the event someone was not able to go (who tried out) he would be allowed the prerogative to appoint someone to take his place. Motion: That we select the NASIC team solely from among those who tried out on April 5, 1970 for the ISlA Demonstration Team (Pond-D.Parkinson). Motion defeated. Motion: That ISlA send expense-paid to NASle Andy Shearer and 7 other individuals who competed in the try-outs at Park City on April 5; if any of those 7 people cannot attend Andy Shearer has the power to appoint his or their replacement (Lorenz-Evans). Motion carried (2 dissenting votes) Further discussion was held regarding the methods of selection for any teams in the future Motion: That we pay the members of the Selection Committee $15.00 each (Larsen-Evans) Motion carried (6 for, 4 against) Bob Autry has incurred some expense in regard to this NASIC convention which he should be reimbursed for. He wanted to know if there should be a fee charged for the coaches who attend the Spring Convention. Discuss'~s held: $10.00 fee was left as is. Motion: ~hat we pay our far-traveling board members as follows: George Hartlmaier $50 and Glen Evans and Al Ellis $25. each as expenses for the Board of Directors Meeting (Lange-Pond). Motion carried. Motion: That we adjourn the meeting (Pond-Larsen). Motion carried Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. RESOLU'l'ION WHEREAS, this Board of Directors did meet on November 16, 1969 at Park ~ity, Utah and by proper motion and vote did ratify the P.S.I.A. By-laws in the form attached to the minutes at said meeting, and ~mEREA'::;, this asso(.:iation· has since been informed by P.S.I.A. representatives that the form cf ~.S.I.A. By-laws ratified by the Loard of Uire~tor8 on November 16, 1969 was not a correct copy of P.S.I.A. By-laws and that sU . ..:h ,-:opy was not approved by the P.S.I.A. Board of Directors and, WHEREAS, this Board of Dicec.torr, believes it to be in the best interc:::ts of thi::., d::iso,_:iation to rescind and revoke the a.i.1:~c of ratifi,_ation referred to above. RESOLVED, that the t:l\:tion of the Board of Directors on Novemb,-:?r 16, 1969, "'fr-c-rein d purpocted..::opy 1..")f P.S.I.A. By-laws was adopted, j~ hpreby revoked and rescinded. DAT ED thi s - l-~ day of (, { i / , 1970. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 10, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by President Max Lundberg. Present were: Al Ellis Glenn Evans Georg Hartlmaier Dave Larsen Max Lundberg Clark Parkinson Andy Shearer Lou Lorenz Ed Pond Dave Parkinson Absent were: Bob Bybee Allen Miller President Lundberg stated that there were two main purposes for the meeting. Bill Haskins Phil Jones Keith Lange Number one was the question on the ratification of the P.S.I.A. by-laws which were adopted at the Board's November 16 meeting. The P.S.I.A. by-laws that we ratified were not correct. Max read a letter from Jimmy Johnston that said we should reinstate our previous by-laws and start allover again by preparing the amended by-laws with a recommendation to ISlA members that they be adopted and to call for a vote of the members. Ed Pond prepared a resolution concerning this subject which was read to the BOD. (Reso-lution is attached.) Discussion was held in regard to resolution and problem. Motion: That we accept this resolution by Ed Pond (Shearer-Pond). Motion carried. The second purpose of the Board meeting was to issue and approve and take care of the expenses that aire associated with the NASIC convention participation by ISlA and the problems that were incurred in the selection of a team to be sent to both NASIC and as an Interski Demonstration Team. Max noted that it was not nor had ever been the purpose of any individual to further himself in this association in any way. Selected to participate in the 9th Interski Demonstration Team were: Lundberg, Locke, Ellis, Parker and Jenkins. Selected to participate in NASIC's program were: Lundberg, Locke, Autry, Bounous, Jones Sohrweide, Parker - with Andy Shearer as Program Director and Lou Lorenz as back-up to the Director. It was felt that the people who participated in NASIC should be capable demonstrators and also be able to perform in front of high-powered individuals. NASIC's agenda shows a one and one-half hour program which ISlA must put on. Clark Parkinson wondered why the Board meeting was called with regard to this controversy. Ed Pond read the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of March 13th and gave the Board his feelings of the concept that was talked about at that meeting: He felt that the Executive Committee met and was not as well informed as it should have been at that time regarding NASIC. He felt some suggestions were made that leaked out to the membership but that we should operate under the by-laws and make things right. B.O.D. Meeting - April 10, 1970 It was noted that the lnterski Team were chosen as demonstrators solely on their ability to demonstrate. The NASIC team (which has nothing to do with PSIA) were chosen to participate in a technical program partly through demonstration team judges and partly through a selection connnittee. The 9th lnterski team was selected legally. Further discussion was held regarding the method and procedure of selections. Keith Lange felt that the ISlA should not be obligated to the PSIA for a Demonstration Team. Max explained that it was done in the manner it was done because it was simple, expedient and the cheapest way because there was little time. He noted that at the Executive Committee Meeting we did not really have the particulars regarding the NASIC Convention. Motion: That we send 8 members of ISlA to the NASIC convention and that their expenses be paid by ISlA not to exceed a total of $800.00 (Pond-Evans). Discussion was held regarding the cost. Motion called for. Motion carried. Phil Jones wondered why this problem of the selection, etc. was not brought up on Sunday. A1 Ellis said he did not understand the whole picture until later. Motion: That the 8 members we send to NASIC consist of Andy Shearer and 7 other members of ISlA who tried out and on the basis of such tryouts were selected for the ISlA demonstration team on April 5, 1970 (Pond-Evans). Motion withdrawn. Max suggested that we reach an agreement and then choose capable people to represent us at NASIC. Some members wanted another tryout but it was felt that there was not enough time to prepare for them. Max said that Andy was the chairman of the Technical Connnittee but that the whole connnittee had been involved. Lou Lorenz felt we should hear from Andy regarding his feelings on ths subject. Andy felt that he needed 7 people who wanted to go and could give ISlA good coverage. Not only to go and perform and do a good job but to bring back information of value to the Association. Andy felt that in the event someone was not able to go (who tried out) he would be allowed the prerogative to appoint someone to take his place. Motion: That we select the NASIC team solely from among those who tried out on April 5, 1970 for the ISlA Demonstration Team (Pond-D.Parkinson). Motion defeated. Motion: That ISlA send expense-paid to NASIC Andy Shearer and 7 other individuals who competed in the try-outs at Park City on April 5; if any of those 7 people cannot attend Andy Shearer has the power to appoint his or their replacement (Lorenz-Evans). Motion carried (2 dissenting votes) Further discussion was held regarding the methods of selection for any teams in the future. Motion: That we pay the members of the Selection Connnittee $15.00 each (Larsen-Evans) Motion carried (6 for, 4 against) Bob Autry has incurred some expense in regard to this NASIC convention which he should be reimbursed for. He wanted to know if there should be a fee charged for the coaches who attend the Spring Convention. DiscuSS'WlS held: $10.00 fee was left as is. Motion: lfhat we pay our far-traveling board members as follows: George Hart1maier $50 and Glen Evans and A1 Ellis $25. each as expenses for the Board of Directors Meeting (Lange-Pond). Motion carried. Motion: That we adjourn the meeting (Pond-Larsen). Motion carried Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting May 3, 1970 Alta, Utah The meeting was called to order at 3:55 P.M. by President Max Lundberg. Present were: Max Lundberg Andy Shearer Bob Bybee Al Ellis Phil Jones Lou Lorenz Keith Lange Glenn Evans Absent were: Allan Miller Georg Hartlmaier President Lundberg read the proposed agenda items to the BOD. OLD BUSINESS: Ed Pond Clark Parkinson Bill Haskins Dave Parkinson Dave Larsen The question of_fepi Steigler's certification status. Phil Jones read the BOD letters from Pepi and showed them his certificate. Lou Lorenz stated that usually certificates are verified through PSIA and Paul Valar. It was noted that precedent had been set for transfering foreign status into the United States divisions through transfers. Clinic Committee: Max asked Glenn Evans to remain as chairman of the Clinic Committee noting that we can benefit the Association and especially the Idaho people by holding area clinics. John Herbert's honorary status was discussed. The Secretary was asked to take care of this question. Awards Committee: Were plaques purchased? The Chairman of the committee felt that the Fall Seminar would be a better time to award these plaques than the Spring Clinic. Demonstration Team selection procedure was discussed. Bill Haskins submitted a report to the BOD for discussion (See Appendix A as corrected). Al Ellis suggested that instead of having a 5-man team every two years, we have a 9-man team for three years. Andy Shearer felt that 12 men would be better than 9 for fill-in requirements. Max felt that we should use this report and make it a workable plan and give the outline to the committee chairman. Keith Lange felt the team should have a manager and that the clinic chairman be that manager. It was suggested that the team could be used in conjunction with area clinics. Motion: That the resolution be submitted with the changes in Paragraphs #1 and #2 and be submitted to the Demonstration Team Chairman (Shearer-Evans). Motion carried. Motion: That we send out a letter to the Ski School Directors Chairman letting him know that the Demonstration Team will exist (Shearer-Jones). Motion carried. The Ski School Directors Committee met on Friday and elected Junior Bounous as their new chairman up-coming. The Northern Rocky Mountain Division would like to have some of our people participate in their clinic-convention. Andy Shearer said he would write them for some information on the convention. Bob Autry took a few minutes to thank the BOD and especially the Alta people for all their help on the Spring Convention. It was noted that we were invited to participate in the Far West spring clinic also. Phil talked to Bill Strickland at NASIC regarding the situation but there was never anything done about it formally. Further discussion was held. BOD Meeting 5/3/70 Page 2 Motion: That the President send a letter apologizing and ask that they send us a date on this exam next year so we can participate (Jones-Evans). Motion carried. NEW BUS INESS: Max read the BOD a letter from Willy Schaeffler regarding the PSIA and their financial situation. He asked Lou Lorenz to elaborate on the situation. Lou stated that the Budget Committee of PSIA was overly optimistic on income and low on expenses. They have not picked up many new members and many of their present members are delinquent. He noted that two divisions have billed their members for dues and not forwarded this money to PSIA. Some of the members in these divisions paid their PSIA dues but they are the dues for last year not the upcoming year. PSIA is currently operating on money loaned them from Far West and Pacific Northwest ($1,000 from each). Max stated that he was approached at NASIC regarding a loan; he told them he would present the request to the BOD and it would have to be the BOD's consideration. He suggested that any loan made not be in excess of $500. Ed Pond felt that he could not vote for a loan when he did not know anything about the financial status of PSIA. Phil felt that PSIA has so many internal problems that our money may not be very secure. These internal problems were discussed. The by-laws that govern PSIA have changed. Pacific Northwest has ratified the PSIA by-laws; Representatives from Rocky Mountain had stated that their money will be turned in to PSIA. Max filled the BOD in on the proceedings that took place at the PSIA meeting at NASlC with the Division Presidents. Bob Bybee asked Lou how PSIA got so far in the red. Further discussion was held regarding the status and whether or not we should loan them any money and what support we can give. Motion: Due to the fact that we have no definite knowledge of PSIA's financial condition, no loan of ISlA monies be made to PSIA at this time (Pond-C.Parkinson). Motion carried. Bob Bybee felt that our obligation is to ISlA and not PSIA and that we should worry about the proper obligation. The subject of ISlA desires regarding PSIA by-laws was discussed. Lou Lorenz felt we should support a national organization but at this time it was not worthwhile to obligate our money in their present status. He said he would support them personally but not pledge our organization's money to them. Max offered to write Willy Schaeffler a letter explaining why we were not going to-loan the money plus incorporate the following resolution by Lou Lorenz into the letter. RESOLUTION: Be it resolved that the BOD of ISlA are interested in supporting PSIA only as a national organization. When PSIA can present a plan whereby all instructor divisions in the United States will participate in PSIA as divisions, ISlA will again consider ratification of PSIA By-Laws as a division. Until such time, the BOD of ISlA will urge current full certified members to be individual members of PSIA. Motion: That we approve the resolution and incorporate it into the minutes of this meeting (Bybee-Ellis). Motion carried. Fine limits for late dues and clinic fee payment was discussed. Max felt that a 100% fine was excessive and that it should not exceed 50%. Motion: That the $10 fine for the 70-71 dues be reduced to $5 (C.Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. BOD Meeting 5/3/70 Page 3 Fall Seminar 1970. We have received a bid from Burley, Idaho to host the seminar. This is the only bid received. It was noted that it could be held a little earlier in the year. Motion: That we have the Fall Seminar in Burley, Idaho at a date satisfactorily determined by the Executive Committee (Lange-Bybee). Motion carried. Max asked the BOD to explore the idea of moving elections from the Fall meeting to the Spring meeting. He noted there would be time to put the various programs into operation throughout the summer. It would also make theaection more representative of the membership because of larger attendance. A petition was presented to the BOD for moving the meeting back to the Spring Convention instead of the fall. (See petition). Andy Shearer gave the BOD some ideas and suggestions on how it could work better. Motion: That the Officers and Directors of this Association be elected at the Annual Spring Clinic Association Meeting commencing with the spring clinic of 1971 (Pond~Evans). Motion carried. Further discussion was held. Lou felt that a study group should be used to resolve some of the questions and problems. Talk of geographical board members and members-at-large was held. The idea of a mail vote was discussed. Proxies would beaeminated by having a mail vote. Max appointed a Study Group to determine the means of electing officers of this corporation. They are to report their findings at the Fall Seminar. They are: Ed Pond Clark Parkinson Dave Parkinson Lou Lorenz, Chairman Clark Parkinson recommended to the BOD that Mike Wilson be selected as our representative to Intermountain Division. Lou Lorenz, our present representative would like to resign. Motion: That Mike Wilson be designated as ISlA representative to the Intermountain Division, USSA (C.Parkinson-Jones). Motion carried. Bill Haskins wanted someone to write to the ski companies and let them know we do not endorse any specific ski product. Motion: That the President of this BOD be directed to contact through the mails the manufacturers of ski equipment and inform them of our policy with regard to endorsements (Haskins-Lange). Motion carried. Max appointed Bill to get the information necessary to write the letter. Andy Shearer presented bills for the printing of the NASIC and technical reports to the BOD. Motion: That the bills be allowed and paid (Bybee-Ellis). Motion carried. Motion: That we give Alta Ski Lifts and Chick Morton some type of award of appreciation for the past years of cooperation as determined by the Awards Committee (LangeBybee). Motion carried. Bill Haskins presented bills to the BOD for the clinic. Motion: That the bills be allowed (Bybee-Jones). Motion carried. Motion: That we pick up Bill Haskins expenses at NASIC (Shearer-Lorenz). Motion carried. Motion: That we allow $55 expense for Robin Locke at NASIC (Bybee-Jones). Motion carried. BOD Meeting 5/3/70 Page 4 Motion: That we reinstate Ken Hansen (D.Parkinson-C.Parkinson). Motion carried. Secretary Parkinson noted Mel Fletcher's request to the BOD to withdraw from the Association because of lack of teaching. He was instructed to write Mel a letter indicating that his wishes had been taken care of. He reported noteworthy business for the year so far regarding certification: 74 candidates examined 57% passing 35 passed for associate 7 passed for certified 10 retained associate He noted that we had 156 registered members, 239 associates, 173 certified and 74 retired with 4 honorary members:. Motion: That the expenses for the clinic be paid for the BOD and the Executive Secretary and that those BOD members not lodging in Alta be reimbursed for food not to exceed $8 for each of the three dAys (C.Parkinson-Haskins). Motion carried. Committee Chairman assignments were read as follows: Certification Committee Publicity Committee By-Laws Committee Ski School Directors Committee Racing & Coaching Committee Ethics Committee Budget and Finance Committee Historical Committee Newsletter Committee Credentials Committee Technical Coordinating Committee Demonstration Team Committee Clinic Committee Awards Committee Phil Jones Bill Haskins Ed Pond Georg Hartlmaier Allan Miller Keith Lange Dave Larsen Al Ellis Lex Kunau Dave Parkinson Andy Shearer Phil Jones Glenn Evans Dave Parkinson, Al Ellis Max noted that an Executive Committee meeting to plan the Fall Seminar would probably be held in July or early August. It was suggested that a letter be written to Bob Autry and Marv Casey for their work on the Spring Convention. Thanks go to Bill Haskins and Keith Lange for their help also. Clark Parkinson commended Dave for his good job on registration. Motion: That we adjourn (Pond-Bybee). Motion carried, Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M, Appendix A - Proposed Demonstration Team Selection (as corrected) Page 5 As displayed by the difficulties encountered in the selection of an ISlA demonstration team to represent ISlA at the North American Ski Instructors Congress (NASIC) held in Vail, Colorado April 13-19, 1970, it is apparent that a method of selecting and maintaining an active ISlA Demo Team be initiated and followed through by this Board. I would therefore, like to submit to the Board the following system which was arrived at after consulting with the President and many other interested parties. I think this is a valid system and feel that it should, in some form, be instituted by this Board at this time. Purpose: To provide a broader basis for communication regarding certification and accepted certification policies between the certification committee and the membership with local onthe- snow clinics. To maintain an up-to-date and technically proficient demonstration team to represent ISlA on the national level. The reason for this being to tie in more closely technically with other divisions. Selection of initial ten man Team and Tenure: 1. In the fall of 1970, a 9 member team will be chosen. The highest scoring three members will hold 3 year terms. The lowest scoring five will hold a term until Spring Clinic of 1971. 2. Thereafter, at each spring clinic starting in 1971, a compliment of 3 team members will be chosen to replace the members whose term has expired. Retiring members will be eligible to compete for reinstatement. 3. Records shall be kept by the committee chairman and in the event a team member resigns, the chairman will select the next person on the competitive list to replace him for the remainder of his term. Method of Selection: 1. Submittal of candidates by ski school directors. 2. To be selected co~petitively from eligible candidates by the following committee: a. Technical Coordinating chairman and Certification chairman. b. Board of six selectors chosen by the above and subject to the approval of the president. Eligibility: 1. Must be a fully certified member in good standing of ISlA. 2. Must be technically knowledgeable and able to perform all phases of demonstrations both in ski school form and advanced stages of skiing. a. Should be capable of conducting seminars and on-the-hill clinics. b. Should have knowledge of other techniques and teaching approaches and be able to correlate them technically with our own methods. c. Should exhibit exceptional free skiing ability under all conditions (off-trail, ice, steep and mogulled terrain, etc.) Respectfully submitted for your consideration and action. Wm. R. Haskins WITH THE "SPRING CLINIC" There are several reasons behind this petition; the first of which is that the present fall meeting elects officers at the first of the ski season, placing them in a position of great responsibility prior to their being able to get together and get organized. The prior organization of this group of officials would enable them to "get the feeling" of their office and enable new officials on the Board of Directors to get acquainted with the other members and a chance to be made aware of present and potential problems with which they must deal. A second reason for this petition is to incorporate two meetings into one, allowing for greater participation on the part of members of ISlA. This incorporation of the two meetings would eliminate much proxy voting; it would permit the voicing of ideas at a time when most members would be present to hear them. And last but not least, the cost and additional time involved by having two meetings is a disadvantage to many members of ISlA who do not now live in the immediate vicinity of these meetings. It is hereby proposed to incorporate the election of new officers to the Board of ISlA with the mandatory spring clinic in the better interests of all ISlA members. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BALANCE IN BANK AS OF May 1, 1970: SIGNIFICANT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING May 3, 1970 TREASURER'S REPORT $6,800.71 REVENUE TAKEN IN DURING FISCAL YEAR: Certification Exams Registration Program 1970 Spring Clinic (as of 5/1/) 1970-71 Dues (pre-collection) 1,850.00 1,070.00 2,050.00 2,815.00 ~5~ - , '1 '::. ;t 3 3 ~;S:J~q!'i8 ~ ,~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF Ar1ERICA. INC. r1inutes of the rieeting of September 19-20. 1970 at l1riter's Manor in Denver, Colorado Due to the lack of a quorum, informal discussion was conducted on Saturday. President Hi lly Schaeffler called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. on Sunday, September 20th. Board members in attendance were: Uilly Schaeffler Judge Jimmy Johnston Glen Young Bill Lenihan Hank Emery Representatives of other Divisions present \'Jere: Jerry Huth, Rr~S I#!, Jim !-leiss, r!Rr~SIA Richard Kun. FlJSIA Rene Fan'fig, Coach - Interski Team Pat Finetti, Pecording Secretary A quorum being present, the meeting officially proceeded. (t'lSC) Emery, Lenihan, that the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting in Vail on April 5, 1970, be approved as distribute~. Judge Jimmy Johnston asked that communications from the Divisions not represented be entered in the minutes. A letter from Nic Fiore, a telegram from Jon Putnam and a letter from richard Crick trere read, stating that for various reasons they \'/ou1d be unable to attend. For the official minutes of this meeting, it t>!as asked that the ratification of the By-Lat"ls and t'!hether the Divisions are collecting PSII'. dues be revie\lled. Divisions Central Paci f1 c Northt'fest Rocky l'lountain r.!orthern Far Nest Alaska Eastern Intermountain Ratified. By-Lat!s Yes* Yes· Yes Yes Yes ? No No Collecting Dues Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? * Ratification of the By-La\t!s of the Divisions that have ratified is subject to the amendment of the By-Latls to make the dues of associate instructors or registered instructors optional rather than mandatory. PSIA Board of Directors' f1eeting (cont.) Page 2 (NSC) Lenihan, Emery, that Article XIII, Section B, be changed to read: "Upon ratification of these By-LaNs by a divisional ski instructor organization or association, all present members, except registered or apprentice instructors, whose membership in PSIA shall be optional, of the Association residing in the geographical area represented by such division must fulfill the requirements of Article II-B to remain members of the Association for the next fiscal year. etc ••• " r'1uch of the action taken during the official meeting was discussed at length on Saturday. A discussion follOlf!ed in regard to the various fiscal years of the Divisions and it was suggested that all Divisions consider changing their fiscal year to coincide with the PSIA fiscal year. (t1SC) Young, Emery that t'/e accept, as members of the Board of Di rectors: Jil11lTlY Johnston, CSIA; Jerry riuth, m,1SIA; Richard Kun, FHSIA; Bill Lenihan, PNSIA; Jim Ueiss, NRr1SII\; Richard Crick, ASIP.; upnn receipt of dues payable to PSIA. (~,'SC) Lenihan, Emery, that we certify to the Board of Oi rectors, subject to the follo\'1in9 conditions, the persons designated by the Intermountain Division and Eastern Division, upon ratification of the BY-LaNs and payment of dues to PSIA. (r~SC) Lenihan, Emery, that the loans made to PSIA be considered advance payment on dues and that only the balance of the dues need to be submitted. A, discussion follol:1ed on the Korvette, nohawk, and COI:l1es contracts. Bill Lenihan was authorized to contact Licensing Corporation of America and these companies, informing them that Bill Lash no longer has authority to represent the PSIA and that ,r!e "lOuld like to reviel"1 these contracts. If Board action is required, it \11111 be handled by mail. (r,1SC) Emery, Lenihan, that the president and vice-president be authorized to open a bank account for the organization and that 0\10 of the fo11o\'1ing signatures be required to sign all checks: Hank Emery, Hilly Schaeffler, Jimmy Johnston and the employed secretary. (t,SC) Lenihan, Johnston, that Hank Emery be authorized to sign a month-to-month lease for office space for $200 pei'" month. (r1SC) Lenihan, Johnston, that Hank Emery be authorized to hi,"e a secretary at approximately $450 per month. (r1SC) Lenihan, Young, that an intet'im budget be approved in the amount of $1200 per month for office expenses and $lOCO for moving costs. It \"Jas decided that the office should be moved just as soon as we have a place to move into and a person to operate it. Hank Emery \'1as authori zed to rent a post off; ce box immedi ate ly. Jerry Puth "las apPOintee! to help \1ith the establishment of a budget before the next meeting. PSIA Board of Directors I r,1eeting (cont.) Page 3 Jerry f1uth representing Pf1SII\., Jim Heiss representing NRr1SIA and Jimmy Johnston representing CSIAs reported that they would send collected dues as soon as a bank account !:Jas established. Bill Lenihan reprsenting Pf"SIA and Richard Kun representing FUSIA agreed to send collected dues after approval by their Board of Directors at meetings on September 26th and 27th. (nSC) Johnston, Young, that payment of the statements from Colle e·, 11cVoy, $748.21; Quality Press (net amount) $G,389.12~ Carrol County Trust Company, $2~OOO.OO; r10untain Bell, $409.50: and Dur\~ac, Inc. $569.08, be paid as soon as funds become available. Bill Lenihan Has apPointee to investigate all outstanding accounts, includi,lig settlement of these accounts. (nSC) Lenihan, Emery, that \'Ie order a closing of the books of PSIA and an audit, as soon as possible, requesting that the audit be completed by November 15, 1970. It \flas suggested that all persons attending this meeting submit expense vouchers coveri ng expenses incurred to attend, t"!i th these vouchers to be held until an " orderly change has taken place and funds are available to reimburse these persOns. The importance of immediate communications with the members \'Jas pOinted out an<t it \'las suggested that some type of bulletin be prepared and mailed to the Divl$lons and ask them to mail to their members. It \lIas suggested that this communi catton be in the form of a letter from the President. Rene Fan'1ig \'Jas asked to make a report from the coach, Bill Lenihan to prepare a report in regard to fund raising and licenSing, and Jimmy Johnston to prepare a report on the organization. These reports to be then sent to Jimmy Johnston and compiled to be sent to the Divisions for distribution indicating that it is from the President. (i1SC) Johnston, Lenihan, that the report from Rene Fart-Jig, during Saturda,V' s meeting be included in these minutes. IIRene Fan:Jig reported on the preparations for the team for 9th Interski. He stated that he tJould like at least ten days for training of the Team prior to leaving for Europe. He indicated that there \·!ould be tuo possibilities for the training period; one beginning December 30th and the other, the ten days just prior to leaving on the 12th of February. The Interski delegation t%uld consist of eight teaIT' members, tlt/O alternates, one coach and one special demonstration team coordinator, plus tt!e1ve delegates for a total of b/enty-four people. t~r. Schaeffler suggested that the possibilities of a charter flight be investigated. Rene stated that he had contacted several clothing manufacturers and they stated that they \'Jou1d be happy to supply the delegation t'1ith a uniform from their stock items. The budget that [,lr. FartJig presented was a total of $14,000.00 for a total of b,enty people. It was suggested that this budget be increased to $20,000.00. nr. Schaeffler stated that he felt that support would be forthcoming for the 9th Intersk1." (r:SC) Lenihan, Johnston, that the Interski Team consist of ten team membe-rs (eight team members and t\"o alternates), one coach and one special demonstration team coordinator. Hilly Schaeffler suggested that the U. S. Department of Commerce be contacted to see t1hat help they may be able to give us in going to Qth Interski. PSIA Board of Oi rectors' i1eeti ng (cont.) Page 4 (r1SC) Johnston, Emery, that the report of yesterday in regard to fund raising and equipment licensing and movie rights be included in these minutes. "B;ll Lenihan reported that K-2 and Summit Films t'Jere negotiating to put an Interski package together." Glen Young asked for clarification of his responsibilities as chairman of the coordinating committee for Interski. It tJaS explained that he l"!ou1d be responsible for the housing ~nd transportation arrangements. It was decided that we should request the tim~ to shot,! the W'.SIC I movie at the 9th Interski. Bill Lenihan is coordinating the equipment for the team and the uniforms for the team and delegates. A discussion of the delegates to 9th Interski follm'!ed and it Has decided that the named representative of each division h/ould be named delegates and if any of them \'Jere unable to attend, another person from that division should be chosen, and the' remaining number of thG o ... r·icial delegation of tHelve be filled by: tHlly Schaeffler, Cliff Taylor, Paul Valar and Berbert Schneider. (NSC) Johnston, Young, that t'Je rati fy the request of the GU1 demonstration to be included in ou~ presentation and that Cliff Taylor be designated as Special Demonstration Team Coordinator. A discussion follm·!ed concerning the French national Ski School and a revie\>1 t'las made of the names of those \;lho had applied to date. Each division representathe \ilas given the names of those applying from his division with instructions to contact them to determine if they trished to continue to be considered. Each dhision representati ve \'ms to immedi ate ly relay the results of such contacts to Hank Emery who was directed to cumulate the requests and have the secretary poll the Board for final selection. (r~SC) Lenihan, Johnston, that 'de have our next Annual fleeting in April in Vail and that PSIA be co-sponsor of NASIC II with the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance and that Jerry f1uth be appointed as coordinator for the annual membership meeting. The next Board of Oi rectors meeti ng t,,; 11 be in Vai 1 on December 1 and 2 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Heeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.~ Sunday, September 20th . . : . --f' .y- {1i/i'.-?~ 'esrectfu ly submitted, Pat Finetti~ Recording Secretary INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTIUC'l'ORS ASSOCIATION BOARD or DIRECTORS MEETING SBITEMBEB. 19, 1910 BURLEY. IDAHO The meeting was called to order at 8:00 A.M. Preeent were: Max Lundl)erg Al Ellis Dave Larsen Absent were: Phtl Jones D"we Parkinson Ed Pond Glenl1 Evans Lou Loren:-:: Bob Bybee B111 Haskins Clark 'arkinson Andy Shearer Keith Lange Georg Hartlmaier AUan MUleI' Max Lundberg diseuseed the diserepeney in the Executive Committee Heeting minutes in regard to the deadline on the prOxy date. Ifotion: That we set the date of September 12 as the valid date for aedine of proxies (Pond-Parkinson). MOtion carried. Max discussed the FaU Seminar program and asked 1f there Wel'e an)' questione in regard to it. Dave Larsen, Treasurer. passed out his proposed budget for l'ev1ew. Notion: That we adjourn the Meting (,oDd-Evans). HDtt.en oarried. The meettnl was adjourned. MEETING OBJECTIVES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 19, 1970 1. "l amllCU'iza all BOilrd Mambers loIith purpose of Fall Seminar program II. Discuss any problems thet should come to the attention of the general membership III. Minute!] of last executive committee mecting indicate proxy did nut have t ~ ' ~ed a te d"b ef o r e midni ght September 15,1970. Pr oxy was call ed for by September 12, 1970 t his should b8 diSCU S 5 E!O. IV. any other pe rtin nt busi ness. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF Af1ERlCA. INC. r1inutes of the fieeting of September 19-20. 1970 at Urlter's '''anor in Denver, Colorado Due to the lack of a quorum, informal discussion was conducted on Saturday. President Willy Schaeffler called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. on Sund~, September 20th. Board members in attendance were: Uilly Schaeff1er Judge Jimmy Johnston Glen Young Bill Lenihan Hank Emery Representatives of other Divisions present were: Jerry f'uth, m~s JJ!, Jim tlei ss, ~!Rr~SIA Richard Kun, FtJSI/\ Rene Fan',Jig, Coach - Interski Team Pat Finetti, Pecording Secretary A quorum being present, the meeting officially proceeded. (t~SC) Emery, Lenihan, that the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting in Vail on April 5, 1970 1 be approved as distribute~. Judge JimmY Johnston asked that communications from the Divisions not represented be entered 1n the minutes. A letter from Nic Fiore. a telegram from Jon Putnam and a letter fi"om richard Crick I:lere read, stating that for various reasons they \'Jould be unable to attend. For the offici al minutes of this meeting. it ",'as asked that the ratification of the By-Lat·!s and \"hether the Divisions are collecting PSIA dues be reviewed. Central Pacific Northt·rest Rocky 110untain t!orthern Far Nest Alaska East2rn Intermountain Ratified_ By-Lat!s Yes'" Yes'" Yes Yes Yes ? No ('10 Collecting Dues Ves Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ." Ratification of the By-La,,!s of the DiviSions that have ratified is subject to the amendment of the By-Latls to make the dues of associate instructors or registered instructors optional rather than mandatory. PSIA Board of Directors' f1eeting (cont.) Page 2 (NSC) Lenihan, Emery, that Arti c1e XIII, Section B, be changed to read: "Upon ratification of these By-LaNs by a divisional ski instructor organization or association, all present members, except registered or apprentice instructors, \\Ihose membership in PSIA shall be optional, of the Association residing in the geographical area represented by such division must fulfill the requirements of Article II-B to remain member's of the Association for the next fiscal year. etc ••• •1 f4uch of the action taken during the official meeting was discussed at length on Saturday. A discussion fOllOlrJed in regard to the various fiscal years of the Divisions and it was suggested that all Divisions consider changing their fiscal year to coincide \1ith the PSIA fiscal year. (~lSC) Young t Emery that \'Ie accept, as members of the Board of Di rectors: Jirmt\Y Johnston, CSIA~ Jerry rtuth, m,1SIA; Richard Kun, FHSIA; Bill Lenihan, PNSIA; Jim Heiss, NRr1SIr.~ Richard Crick, ASIA; upon receipt of dues payable to PSIA. (~1SC) Lenihan. Emery, that we certify to the Board of Directors, subject to the follm'!ing conditions, the persons designated by the Intermountain Division and Eastern Division, upon ratification of the By-La\'1s and payment of dues to PSIA. (r~SC) Lenihan, Emery, that the loans made to PSIA be considered advance payment on dues and that only the balance of the dues need to be submitted. A discussion fo110tled on the Korvette, noha\,/k, and Co\·,les contracts. Bill Lenihan was authorized to contact Licensing Corporation of America and these companies, informing them that Bill Lash no longer has authority to represent the PSIA and that \'fe \l/ould like to revie\'1 these contracts. If Board action is required, it \"'li11 be handled by mail. (t1SC) Emery, Lenihan, that the president and vice-president be authorized to open a bank account for the organization and that two of the folloltJing signatures be requi red to sign a l'I checks: Hark Emery, Hi lly Schaeff1 er, Jimmy Johnston and the employed secretary. (t'SC) Lenihan, Johnston, that Hank Emery be authorized to sign a month-to .. month lease for offi ee sp2.ce for ~200 per' mOi1th. (nSC) Lenihan, Johnston, that Hank Emery be authorized to hire a secretary at approximately ~450 per month. (r1SC) Lenihan, Young, that an interim bt.!dget be apPl"Oved in the amount of $1200 per month for office expenses arid $1000 fOi" moving costs. It \"las decided that the office should be moved just as soon as we have a place to move into and a person to operate it. Hank Emery \1aS authorized to rent a post office box immediately. Jerry t1uth was appointed to help "lith the establishment of a budget before the next meeting. PSIA Board of Directors' r1eeting {cont.} Page 3 Jerry f1uth representing P.r1SII\, Jim Heiss representing NRt1SIA and Jimmy' Johnston representing CSIA. reported that they \-!ould send collected dues as soon as a bank account was established. Bi 11 Lenihan reprsenting Pf"'SIA and Richard Kun representing FUSIA agreed to send collected dues after approval by their Board of Directors at meetings on September 26th and 27th. (nSc) Johnston, Young, that payment of the statements from Colle ?: f1cVoy, $748.21; Quality Press (net amount) $G,389.12, Carrol County Trust Company, $2~OOO.OO; r10untain Bell, $409.50: and Dut;;ac, Inc. $569.08, be paid as soon as funds become available. Bill Lenihan Nas apPointed to investigate all outstanding accounts, including settlement of these accounts. (nSC) Lenihan, Emery, that we order a closing of the books of PSIA and an audit, as soon as possible, requesting that the audit be completed by November 15, 1970. It \lIaS suggested that all persons attending this meeting submit expense vouchers coveri ng expenses incurred to attend, ':!i th these vouchers to be held unt;1 an orderly change has taken place and funds are available to reimburse these persons. The importance of immediate communications with the members \'Jas pOinted out and it \'las suggested that some type of bulletin be prepared and mailed to the Divisions and ask them to mai 1 to thei r members. It \lIas suggested that this cOlTmunication be in the form of a letter from the President. Rene Fan-Jig \'Jas asked to make a report from the coach, Bill Lenihan to prepare a report in regard to fund raising and licensing, and Jimmy Johnston to prepare a report on the organization. These reports to be then sent to Jimmy Johnston and compiled to be sent to the Divisions for distribution indicating that it is from the President. (IiSC) Johnston, Lenihan, that the report from Rene Farl:!ig, during Saturda,ts meeting be included in these minutes. IIRene Fart!ig reported on the preparations for the team for 9th Interski. He stated that he t'lould 1 i ke at least ten days for training of the Team prior to leaving for Europe. He indi cated that there would be tt'10 possibi lities for the training period; one beginning December 30th and the other, the ten days just prior to leaving on the 12th of February. The Interski delegation \'Iould consist of eight team members, bJO alternates, one coach and one special demonstration team coordinator, plus th'elve delegates for a total of t\oJenty-four people. f1r. Schaeff1er suggested that the possibilities of a charter flight be investigated. Rene stated that he had contacted several clothing manufacturers and they stated that they t'Jould be happy to surply the delegation ,p/ith a uniform from their stock items. The budget that [,Jr. Fan!ig presented was a total of $14·,000.00 for a total of tl:lenty people. It \'Jas suggested that this budget be increased to $20,000.00. 1'1r. Schaeffler stated that he felt that support would be forthcoming for the 9th Intersk1. " (nSC) Lenihan, Johnston, that the Interski Team consist of ten team members (eight team members and tHO alternates), one coach and one special demonstration team coordi nator. lJi lly Schaeffler suggested that the U. S. Department of Commerce be contacted to see t'1hat help they may be able to give us in gOing to °th Interski. PSIA Board of Di rectors I f1eeti ng (cont.) Page 4 (r1SC) Johnston, Emery, that the report of yesterday in regard to fund raising and equipment licensing and movie rights be included in these minutes. "Bill Lenihan reported that K-2 and Summit Films \'Jere negotiating to put an Interski package together. 1I Glen Young asked for clarification of his responsibilities as chairman of the coordinating committee for Interski. It t'Jas explained that he Hould be responsible for the housing and transportation arrangements. It 1rJas decided that we should request the tim::: to shOt,! the W'.SIC I movie at the ~th Interski. Bill Lenihan is coordinating the equipment for the team and the uniforms for the team and delegates. P. discussion of the delegates to 9th Interski foll0t1ed and it Has decided that the named representative of each divis~on \I1ould be named delegates and if any of them l'Jere unable to attend, another person from that division should be chosen, and the' remaining number of the o"r-f'icial delegation of tHelve be filled by: Hilly Schaeffler, Cliff Taylor, Paul Valar and Herbert Schneidel~. (NSC) Johnston, Young, that t"Je rati fy the request of the GU1 demonstration to be included in our presentation and that Cliff Taylor be designated as Special Demonstration Team Coordinator. A discussion folloNed concerning the French National Ski School and a revie\'J was made of the names of those I.r/ho had applied to date. Each division representative \'Jas given the names of those applying from his division v>!ith instructions to contact them to determine if they Nished to continue to be considered. Each division representative vms to immediately relay the results of such contacts to Hank Emery \1ho \'!as di rected to cumul ate the requests and have the secretary poll the Board for final selection. (MSC) Lenihan, Johnston, that we have our next Annual r~eting in April in Vail and that PSIA be co-sponsor of NASIC II t·/ith the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance and that Jerry r1uth be appointed as coordinator for the annual membership meeting. The next Board of Di rectors meeti ng \"'; 11 be ; n Vai 1 on December 1 and 2 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. rleeting adjollrred at 4:30 r.m., Sunday, September 20th. r(espectfully submitted, Pat Finetti, Recording Secretary INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSN. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 1970 BURLEY, IDAHO The Meeting was called to order at 2:05 P.M. Present were: Dave Parkinson Lex Kunau Ed Pond Dave Larsen Absent were: Andy Shearer Jack Colven Glenn Evans Frank Gillette Max Lundberg Clark Parkinson Al Ellis Dave Chaplin Phil Jones Georg Hartlrnaier Lou Lorenz President Lundberg expressed appreciation to the Board members who were not re-elected and encouraged old Board members to attend the meeting. He welcomed the new members to the Boa rd OLD BUSINESS: Selection and training of ISlA Demonstration Team: Bill Haskins felt that the program should be implemented soon. Discussion was held. Bill Haskins (present Publicity Committee Chairman) discussed the upcoming Winter Sports Show and felt that we should present the information to the skiing public regarding servicing of skis, used equipment, binding care, etc. He felt that perhaps a panel should be available at the booth with donated time. $200 was appropriated and the booth space rent is $120, Last year's expenses were $280. Bill offered his services at the show in any way he was needed. It was felt that this should be carried into the new business ca tegory. Max asked Bill if the ski manufacturers letter was mailed and taken care of that was an item from the last BOD meeting. He noted that it had been taken care of. The certification status of Pepi Steigler and the honorary status of John Herbert was brought to the floor. Motion: That John Herbert be accorded the status of honorary member for his lifetime if he currently is not now at that status. (C. Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. Phil Jones reported that he had sent a copy of those members wishing to be transferred from foreign divisions into our association to PSIA and had not heard back from them. He thought perhaps we should call Paul Valar or Willy Schaeffler and see if there was any way this cOlild be done on our own. Max suggested that we appoint iPhil to contact Paul Valar and discuss this with him. Motion: That the Credentials Committee research a method by which we can verify credentials and take these foreign certified people into our Association. (LorenzPond). Motion carried. Awards to Chick :Horton and Renon Klossner were brought before the BOD. It was felt that a plaque should be appropriate. It was also noted that Fredl Lange should be located so his plaque could be sent to him. Demonstration Team Committee: It was felt that this should be taken care of early in the year so that it is ready for the season. BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 2 Motion: That an additional $50 be allocated for the Salt Lake Winter Sports Fair Show. (D. Parkinson-Colven). Motion carried. Further discussion was held regarding the show. It was felt that some tips on ski care would be much more appropriate than a movie. Whoever is in charge should also write to the ski schools and ask them for any literature they would like distributed. ISA Representative: Mike Wilson \\lanted to know what his responsibilities as our representative to ISA were and would like some direction in that function. Does the Association renumerate Mike for his expenses for these functions? He should be assigned to attend conventions and prepare and present a report at these functions concerning ISlA. Expenses have been paid in the past it was noted. All action at these meetings should be presented to the ISlA BOD meetings. NEW BUSINESS: Election of officers of th~ Corporation: Nominations were opened: Nominated for the office of President were: Ed Pond Clark Parkinson Motion: That nominations close (Lorenz-Colven). Motion carried. Each candidate gave a brief talk regarding his desire and intentions for the position. A vote was called: Clark Parkinson was elected as President of the Association. Nominated for the Office of Vice President were: Phil Jones Lou Lorenz (declined) Motion: That nominations close (Ellis-C. Parkinson). Motion carried. Phil Jones was elected unanimously as Vice President. Nominations for the Office of Secretary: Ed Pond Motion: That nominations close (Larsen-Evans). Motion carried. Ed Pond was elected unanimously as Secretary. Nominated for the Office of Treasurer was: Dave Larsen Motion: That nominations close (Gillette-Ellis). Motion carried. Dave Larsen was elected unanimously as Treasurer. Executive Committee: It was noted that this committee constituted the officers of the Association plus an additional three members who were members of the BOD. Nominations were opened for Executive Committee Members. Nominated were: Max Lundberg Lou Lorenz Dave Parkinson Jack Colven Motion: That nominations close (C.Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. Vote was called. Those members elected as Executive Committee Members "ere: Max Lundberg Dave Parkinson Lou Lorenz BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 3 Max Lundberg told the BOD how much he had appreciated working as the President of the Association. He said that when you become President you recognize how much you have to compromise. Ski areas are no longer of prime consideration but ISlA becomes the main consideration. Problem of mailing was brought up. Many people were not receiving their mailings. Recommendation: To the Secretary that a special effort he made to investigate the mail problem and see if we cannot rt'Rch that 10 percent that were mixxed in the last mailing. Motion: That that motion nKldt' ilt tilt' May 3 ROD Heeting (page 3) regarding election of Officers ;Il1d DiH'clors to the Corporation be rescinded (Lorenz":Lundberg). Hotion carried. Motion: That undt.'r the Proposal Sect'ion of the Proposed Changes and Hethods of Electing Directors of ISlA that the proposal be adopted as printed in this report. (See Appendix A). (Lorenz-Pond). Motion carried. Ed Pond noted that in order to have a mail vote as moved above we must change the by-laws. (See resolution Appendix B). Motion: That all Board members sign a waiver of notice so we will not need to have a meeting with adequate notice (Pond-Lorenz). Motion carried. It "as proposed that ISlA consider producing a movie on skiing and ski teaching that could be used on a promotional basis for the ski teaching industry in our area. Discussion was held as to what kind and type of film should be produced. It should not be an area oriented thing but an instruction oriented film. Max suggested that perhaps Dave Chaplin could do a good job on this. Discussion was held. It was suggested that perhaps the demonstration team could be used. The ski school directors talked of the same thing. Perhaps the BOD should make a study and the ski school directors should make a study and see that there is no duplication. Motion: That we appoint Dave Chaplin to head a committee to study the production of a promotional ski film by EIA. (Lundberg-Lorenz). Motion carried. Lex Kunau wanted a clarification of what type of promotion was had in mind. Could a teaching aid be incorporated into the film. New President Clark Parkinson took over the meeting at this point. A question was raised to the Budget Committee regarding the correctness of the budget proposed. Clark felt that we should defer these matters until the BOD meeting at the Exam= iners Clinic so that we can have time to become more organized. Lou requested that each member of the Board have a copy of the proposed budget at least ~e_~~ek prior to the meeting. Clark asked the members of the Board to think in terms of what they could do for the Association in terms of heading up a committee. Our representation to PSIA was brought to the floor and discussed. It was also felt that ISlA should have some sort of literature to take to some of the ski shows. Ed Pond suggested that we send a letter of appreciation to the old Board members. Clark said that he intended to write each one and ask for his support; he was also going to write the ski school directors. Letters to the people in Burley in connection with the resolutions committee's resol'ution would also be taken care of. BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 4 Clark stated that he would like to sit down with Dave Larsen and discuss the budget; felt that we have to project some expenses. I Jack Colven recommended to the Board that we send K. Smith a letter repremanding him for his conduct and comments made during lilt' mpeti ngs. Max felt that we should appoint a Sergeant al Arms and as it becomes necessary anyone disturbing the meetings could be removed. It was felt that perhaps the Ethics Committee Chairman should be appointed to research more appropriate ways to handle these situations. Further discussion was held. Clark expressed to the BOD that his main idea in taking over the PrcBidency was to unify the organization. Motion: That we take care of the expenses of our old Board Members at this meeting which will include all of their reasonable expenses and that we adjourn the meeting (Lundberg-Pond). Motion carried. The meeting ,,,as adjourned at 4: 00 P.M. -, 1 BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Elections Study Group Lou Lorenz, Cha i rman r.1.lX Lundhero CLTk Pill'kf'nson [d Pond TO: ~pl1lhers of ISlA SUBJECT: Proposed chanqf' ill llIf'thod of electing directors of ISlA REVIEW Appendix A During the early years of ISlA, general meetings were small and informal. Business and election of directors was quickly accomolished. All members participated becuase all members attended every. clinic as a general rule. As the membership increased and Sun Valley was included in the ISlA a trend of attending only every other clinic was established by some members and Sun Valley members were not required to attend at all. To provide a means of representation, the proxy vote became a tradition. In an effort to orovide more time for"on the hill" clinic work, the Board changed the time of the qeneral meeting to a fall date, and established the Annual Fall Seminar and General Meeting. Since it is, for various reasons, impractical for many members to attend a fall meeting, the proxy vote has become an even stronger election factor. It was called to the attention of the Board during the 1970 50rinq Clinic that the members would rather participate directly in elections than by proxy. Therefore, this study group was aopointed to explore methods to allow the entire membership to elect directors. PAGE n~o -C-O--N- SIDERATION: ~.---~- - -.- The study ql'OU[l consiclerecl the following possibilities: (1) To again hold the general meeting and elections during the Annual Spring Clinic. (2) To hold a nomination meeting during the Spring Clinic and vote by rnai 1 shortly after. (3) To devise a method of nominatinq candidates and voting by mail prior to the clinic. then announce the successful candidates and hold the first "new" Board meeting at the conclusion of the Clinic. The study qroup felt that #1 would be a step backward and only recreate most of the problems exoerienced in the past further entensified by a larger membership. Also, a pro~y vote would still have to be allowed for some members. #2 would still require time away from the hill and not allow full participation in the nominations. #3 could be worked out, and resulted in the fol1owinq proposal: / .rROPOSAl: That a nomination and election committee be aopointed to administer the following system. -I I tt'lbt !HRtE Tl'Je committe" si-]all contact memhers through ski schools and other methods and sF:'lect " "linirnUIi1 nwnher of candidates for the Roard. Names of these candidates <~dJl then be Duhlished to the memhers alon~ with a re~uest for furthF:'r no~in~tions. Ary member may nominate a candidate bv sub~itting d tlt ... .-.~.(J.. t ,~./'-(./ :'etition for nomination, si0ned by the nominee and ~ other members. nLJ":?- Of course, Detitions .must he received on or before specified deadline date. A ballot printed \4ith narles of all candidates shall then (Ie sent out along with or at the time of dues billinq and Clinic notice. TI,is hallot properly marked and identified will then be returned alonq with a check for the following year dues. A final tally of vates an~ announcement of successful candidate~ shall be made at some time durinq the Clinic 3nd d meetinq of the N~~~~!,~ held i mmedi a te 1 V fo 11 owi nq. riP' ... offi cet':, s hall be e 1 ec ted at t ha t boa rd mee ti no. COI\ICLUSlON: ------ The study qroup feels that the above method will provide for lnO~ oarticipation in both nominations and elections. It will also PrGvide for time to campaiqn for the office {Possibly (I brief It.:~!Jr.1e for each candidate could be t}ublished in a newsletter.). It would give t~e votina member a chance to consider his vote very carefully. This method will allow the Board and new officers the entire summer to set u[) the next years orogram. It will nrovirle ade~uate time and a purpose for d Fall Seminar and General ~~petinq. ~espectfullv Submitted, Lou Lorenz, Chairman Election Study Group BOD Meeting - S~ptember 20, 1970 Appendix B H E ~~ 0 !, II 'J' () N RESOLVED: 'i'h,d I.h(' f 0 I lowing ,;ections of the By-laws of the Jnt('tttlOlllt! dill :;ki ~n:;tructors Associa tion be amended The First Paragraph of Section II shall read as to I J ow:.~: The Officers of the corporation shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at their meeting held in conjunction with the Spring Clinic or such other spring meeting called for the purpose of the election of Officers. All Officers shall hold their offices for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Officers may, but need not be, members of the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board, in regular or special meeting or by mail ballot. The First Paragraph of Section VI shall read as follows: The governing Board shall meet annually at the place specified for the annual meeting of the corporation and within two days following the adjournment of such meeting of the corporation. The governing Board shall transact such business as may properly come before the meeting. No notice of such annual meeting need be given. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSN. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 1970 BURLEY, IDAHO The Meeting was ca11('u to onlcr at 2:05 P.M. Present were: D;lve l';lrk i n~l1ll Ll'~ Kun;lll Ed Pl)lld D;IVl' LI rscn Absent wert': Andy Shearer Jill'k Colvl'n (;1t'nn Evans Frank Gillette Max Lundberg Clark Parkinson Al Ellis Dave Chaplin Phil Jones Georg Hartlmaier Lou Lorenz President Lundherg expressed appreciation to the Board members who were not re-elected and encouraged old Board members to attend the meeting. He welcomed the new members to the Board OLD BUSINESS: Selection and training of ISlA Demonstration Team: Bill Haskins felt that the program should be implemented soon. Discussion was held. Bill Haskins (present Publicity Committee Chairman) discussed the upcoming Winter Sports Show and felt that we should present the information to the skiing public regarding servicing of skis, used equipment, binding care, etc. He felt that perhaps a panel should be available at the booth with donated time. $200 was appropriated and the booth space rent is $120, Last year's expenses were $280. Bill offered his services at the show in any way he was needed. It was felt that this should be carried into the new business category. Max asked Bill if the ski manufacturers letter was mailed and taken care of that was an item from the last BOD meeting. He noted that it had been taken care of. The certification status of Pepi Steigler and the honorary status of John Herbert was brought to the floor. Motion: That John Herbert be accorded the status of honorary member for his lifetime if he currently is not now at that status. (C. Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. Phil Jones reported that he had sent a copy of those members wishing to be transferred from foreign divisions into our association to PSIA and had not heard back from them. He thought perhaps we should call Paul Valar or Willy Schaeffler and see if there was any way this could be done on our own. Max suggested that we appoint iPhil to contact Paul Valar and discuss this with him. Motion: That the Credentials Committee research a method by which we can verify credentials and take these foreign certified people into our Association. (LorenzPond). Motion carried. Awards to Chick Morton and Renon Klossner w~re brought before the BOD. It was felt that a plaque should be appropriate. It was also noted that Fredl Lange should be located so his plaque could be sent to him. Demonstration Team Committee: It was felt that this should be taken care of early in the year so that it is ready for the season. BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 2 Motion; That an additional $50 be allocated for the Salt Lake Winter Sports Fair Show. (D. Parkinson-Colven). Motion carried. Further discussion was held regarding the show. It was felt that some tips on ski care would be much more appropriate than a movie. Whoever is in charge should also write to the ski schools and ask them for any literature they would like distributed. ISA Representative: Mike Wilson wanted to know what his responsibilities as our representative to rSA were and would like some direction in that function. Does the Association renumerate Mike for his expenses for tllese functions? He should be assigned to attend conventions and prepare and pn'sl'nt :1 r('port at these functions concerning ISlA. Expenses have been paid in the past it WilH tloted. All action at these meetings should be presented to the ISlA BOD meetings. NEW BUSINESS: Election of officers of the Corporation: Nominations were opened: Nominated for the office of President were: Ed Pond Clark Parkinson Motion: That nominations close (Lorenz-Colven). Motion carried. Each candidate gave a brief talk regarding his desire and intentions for the position. A vote was called: Clark Parkinson was elected as President of the Association. Nominated for the Office of Vice President were: Phil Jones Lou Lorenz (declined) Motion: That nominations close (Ellis-C. Parkinson). Motion carried. Phil Jones was elected unanimously as Vice President. Nominations for the Office of Secretary: Ed Pond Motion: That nominations close (Larsen-Evans). Motion carried. Ed Pond was elected unanimously as Secretary. Nominated for the Office of Treasurer was: Dave Larsen Motion: That nominations close (Gillette-Ellis). Motion carried. Dave Larsen was elected unanimously as Treasurer. Executive Committee: It was noted that this committee constituted the officers of the Association plus an additional three members who were members of the BOD. Nominations were opened for Executive Committee Members. Nominated were: Max Lundberg Lou Lorenz Dave Parkinson Jack Colven Motion: That nominations close (C.Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. Vote was called. Those members elected as Executive Committee Members were: Max Lundberg Dave Parkinson Lou Lorenz BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 3 Max Lundberg told the BOD how much he had appreciated working as the President of the Association. He said that when you become President you recognize how much you have to compromise. Ski areas are no longer of prime consideration but ISlA becomes the main consideration. Problem of mailing was brought up. Many people were not receiving their mailings. Recommendation: To the Secretary that a special effort be made to investigate the mail problem and see if we cannot reach that 10 percent that were mixxed in the last mailing. Motion: That that motion made at tile May J BOD Meeting (page 3) regarding election of Officers and Directors to the Corporation be rescinded (Lorenz~Lundberg). Motion carried. Motion: That under the Proposal Sect"ion of the Proposed Changes and Methods of Electing Directors of ISlA that the proposal be adopted as printed in this report. (See Appendix A). (Lorenz-Pond). Motion carried. Ed Pond noted that in order to have a mail vote as moved above we must change the by-laws. (See resolution Appendix B). Motion: That all Board members sign a waiver of notice so we will not need to have a meeting with adequate notice (Pond-Lorenz). Motion carried. It was proposed that ISlA consider producing a movie on skiing and ski teaching that could be used on a promotional basis for the ski teaching industry in our area. Discussion was held as to what kind and type of film should be produced. It should not be an area oriented thing but an instruction oriented film. Max suggested that perhaps Dave Chaplin could do a good job on this. Discussion was held. It was suggested that perhaps the demonstration team could be used. The ski school directors talked of the same thing. Perhaps the BOD should make a study and the ski school directors should make a study and see that there is no duplication. Motion: That we appoint Dave Chaplin to head a committee to study the production of a promotional ski film by EIA. (Lundberg-Lorenz). Motion carried. Lex Kunau wanted a clarification of what type of promotion was had in mind. Could a teaching aid be incorporated into the film. New President Clark Parkinson took over the meeting at this point. A question was raised to the Budget Committee regarding the correctness of the budget proposed. Clark felt that we should defer these matters until the BOD meeting at the Exam= iners Clinic so that we can have time to become more organized. Lou requested that each member of the Board have a copy of the proposed budget at least one week prior to the meeting. Clark asked the members of the Board to think in terms of what they could do for the Association in terms of heading up a committee. Our representation to PSIA was brought to the floor and discussed. It was also felt that ISlA should have some sort of literature to take to some of the ski shows. Ed Pond suggested that we send a letter of appreciation to the old Board members. Clark said that he intended to write each one and ask for his support; he was also going to write the ski school directors. Letters to the people in Burley in connection with the resolutions committee's resolution would also be taken care of. BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 4 Clark stated that he would like to sit down with Dave Larsen and discuss the budget; felt that we have to project some expenses. Jack Colven recommended to the Board that we send K. Smith a letter repremanding him for his conduct and comments made during the meetings. Max felt that we should appoint a Sergeant at Arms and as it becomes necessary anyone disturbing the meetings could be removed. It was felt that perhaps the Ethics Committee Chairman should be appointed to research more appropriate ways to handle these situations. Further discussion was held. Clark expressed to the BOD that his main idea in taking over the Presidency was to unify the organization. Motion: That we take care of the expenses of our old Board Members at this meeting which will include all of their reasonable expenses and that we adjourn the meeting (Lundberg-Pond). Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M. , It : i ! I I ! t I BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Appendix A FROM: Elections Study Group Lou Lorenz, Chairman Max Lundberg C12rk Parkpnson Ed Pond TO: Members of ISlA SUBJECT: Proposed chanae in method of electing directors of ISlA REVIEW During the early years of ISlA, general meetings were small and informal. Business and election of directors was quickly accomolished. All members participated becuase all members attended every clinic as a general rule. As the membership increased and Sun Valley was included in the ISlA a trend of attending only every other clinic was established by some members and Sun Valley members were not required to attend at all. To provide a means of representation, the proxy vote became a tradition. In an effort to orovide more time for "on the hill" clinic work, the Board changed the time of the qeneral meeting to a fall date, and established the Annual Fall Seminar and General Meeting. Since it is, for various reasons, impractical for many members to attend a fall meeting, the proxy vote has become an even stronger election factor. It was called to the attention of the Board during the 1970 Spring Clinic that the members would rather participate directly in elections than by oroxy. Therefore, this study group was aopointed to explore methods to allow the entire membership to elect directors. ; -I I ! I 1 1 'f I PAGE TWO CONS IDERATION: / The study group considered the following possibilities: (1) To again hold the general meeting and elections during the Annual ·SpriDg Clinic. (2) To hold a nomination meeting during the Spring Clinic and vote by rna il shortly after. (3) To devise a method of nominatinq candidates and voting by mail prior to the clinic, then announce the successful candidates and hold the first IInew ll Board meeting at the conclusion of the Clinic. The study qroup felt that #1 would be a step backward and only recreate most of the problems experienced in the past further entensified by a larger membership. Also, a proxy vote would still have to be allowed for some members. #2 would still require time away from the hill and not allow full participation in the nominations. #3 could be worked out. and resulted in the followinq proposal: /PROPOSAL: That a nomination and election committee be appointed to administer the following system. .- I -I T~e commi ttef s~a 11 contdct fnf'!nhpr'S tht-ouqh ski school <; and other methods and s~lect i' I'linimljlll nUlnoer of c?ndiri,ltps for Ul(' H()ard. Names of these candidates (1-'131l then be Duhlisht,,j to the IllPrntwr', illnnf] wi 1.1'1 a reouE'st for further norrirlClt:ions. !iny rnpmber may norninrltf> a (Mldi,ddt!· hi ',ut;nr;Uin'l a 'lv .. '", f/I ;',:/ netition for nomination, si9ned by the norninee and ~ othf'r' mPfTIt.,er",. r,U? Of cnut'se, reti ti ons .P1US t he recei ved on or heforp. sreci fi ed dt~'HI1; np de t~. A baliot l1rinted 't/ith nanlE'S of all candidates shall then h(l sent out r;l r)n9 with or at the til'1(' of dues hillinfl and Clinic notice. HJis hal10t UrorJerlv ~lrked and identified will then be returned alonq with a check for the following veal" dues. A final tally of v0tes an~ announcement of successful candidate5 shall he made at some time durinq the Clinic and d flleetinq of the ~edi a te 1 y fo I I owi nq . 11.',; of fi ce," ,ha 11 be elected at New Board held that board meetina. CONCLUSION: ----------- The study qroup feels that the above method will Drovide for lno~ oarticipation in both nominCltions and elections. It will also PrGvide for time to campaiqn for the office (Possibly a brief t'i"cIJrne for each candidate could be :Iublished in a newsletter.). It would give t~e votina ~ember a chance to consider his ~ote very carefullY. Thi s method v.; 11 a 11 ow the Board and nel". offi cers the enti re summer to set UP the next years proqram. It wi 11 orovirle ade!'.juate time and a purpose ·or d Fall Seminar and General ~petinq. Respectfully Submittpd. Lou Lorenz, Chairman Elpction Study Group BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Appendix B -R-ES- -0 -L -U-T-I -0 -N RESOLVED: That the following sections of the By-laws of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association be amended to read as follows: The First Paragraph of Section II shall read as follows: The Officers of the corporation shdll consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be elected annually by the 30ard of Directors at their meeting held in conjunction with the Spring Clinic or such other spring meeting called for the purpose of the election of Officers. All Officers shall hold their offices for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Officers may, but need not be, members of the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board, in regular or special meeting or by mail ballot. The First Paragraph of Section VI shall read as follows: The governing Board shall meet annually at the place specified for the annual meeting of the corporation and within two days following the adjournment of such meeting of the corporation. The governing Board shall transact such business as may properly come before the meeting. No notice of such annual meeting need be given. .Meeting Lbjectives eoard of Directors Meeting. Agenda September 20~ 1970 1~ Complete any ala busines8 18ft unfinished by the 8oard~ II~ Introouce newl:Jusiness with rnajur item being election of offit8rs for l 0 ?O~71 se B sun~ 010 [jusinesEl • LCertification ::;tatus for Pep iE:: St8iqler and huno rary 'status f or Juhn Herbert~ ., 2~ fJ roS8ntaticn of cwards f Gr r', r'~ Charles r' ur- t Orl and ,' iss fll:maun ·CICJLJsl·m ~ 3~Selection a rd t~aining of an ISlA JemDn strati cn TRam. Y~ Salt .Lake 11Jinter Sports F'.1ir~ FunD!''; Inay no t lJ8 sufficient·. r·;; ~w Business l~ Election of the Jl fficets uf the C(Jr~orat.it:.l n. 2;. ;~e qu ~ st suggesti ons to iOiprov2 mailir:g si tuatiDn. jI an\} of '. cur fi18;;lbp-rs ar8 nei t roci i3 vinq Sriljt l'Jing fro'f"t the r,ssociatic:n. 3. Fro;'Josed' Change in election plan for [ioard of ilirf2ctc rs Gnu officers'" 4-.ProposeJ.·: 1:;1,\ ~; rloul!J prULiUC8 a I~,(jving en ski teachintJ tnat can be used (in · a promutL' r:al bfJsis for tne ski .teuching inuustry in cu r <U <';; S'. 5~ e th e r new busin oss j" 18ctinq snoulu be c,uTi<.Ou un ill an oriJerl y fastliorl and limi teu to two 11LJurs in length,. Present Committee 0ssignments C 8 rtifica~i6n Phil Jonss "'. Publicity By-LallJs . Bill Haskins Ed Pond Ski"SChuol Oir.··'·,: .. ·Junior [-jU Url£JUS . C?ac-ing &. Coaching· · ··'Allan r·:illf'I': Ethics .. ~. ··, I.£,8i ttl Lange /'\WClTOS I SA·fiep. ...... ,. DavB ' Pdrkillson " ~ " " 'Hike :tl 11 son f:!UClget & Finance HistoricC:l1 Credentials Techl1ical Uemo Team rJewslet tar Clinic rJave Larsnn A1 F.ll i s . Dave' Parkinson :~nd V ' Shearer Pllil" Jon \:.' s L 8xKunau Ghmn :.vans INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSN. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 1970 BURLEY, IDAHO The Meeting was called to order at 2:05 P.M. Present were: Dave Parkinson Lex Kunau Ed Pond Dave Larsen Absent were: Andy Shearer Jack Colven Glenn Evans Frank Gillette Max Lundberg Clark Parkinson Al Ellis Dave Chaplin Phil Jones Georg Hartlmaier Lou Lorenz President Lundberg expressed appreciation to the Board members who were not re-elected and encouraged old Board members to attend the meeting. He welcomed the new members to the Board OLD BUSINESS: " /Selection and training of ISlA Demonstration Team: Bill Haskins felt that the program should be implemented soon. Discussion was held. vlBill Haskins (present Publicity Committee Chairman) discussed the upcoming Winter Sports Show and felt that we should present the information to the skiing public regarding servicing of skiS, used equipment, binding care, etc. He felt that perhaps a panel should be available at the booth with donated time. $200 was appropriated and the booth space rent is $120, Last year's expenses were $280. Bill offered his services at the show in any way he was needed. It was felt that this should be carried into the new business category. Max asked Bill if the ski manufacturers letter was mailed and taken care of that was an item from the last BOD meeting. He noted that it had been taken care of. j The certification status of Pepi Steigler and the honorary status of John Herbert was brought to the floor. Motion: That John Herbert be accorded the status of honorary member for his lifetime if he currently is not now at that status. (C. Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. Phil Jones reported that he had sent a copy of those members wishing to be transferred from foreign divisions into our association to PSIA and had not heard back from them. He thought perhaps we should call Paul Valar or Willy Schaeffler and see if there was any way this could be done on our own. Max suggested that we appoint iPhil to contact Paul Valar and discuss this with him. ~Motion: That the Credentials Committee research a method by which we can verify credentials and take these foreign certified people into our Association. (LorenzPond). Motion carried. I Awards to Chick Morton and Renon Klossner were brought before the BOD. It was felt that a plaque should be appropriate. It was also noted that Fredl Lange should be located so his plaque could be sent to him. Demonstration Team Committee: It was felt that this should be taken care of early in the~ year so that it is ready for the season. / BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 2 v!JMotion; That an additional $50 be allocated for the Salt Lake Winter Sports Fair Show. (D. Parkinson-Colven). Motion carried. Further discussion was held regarding the show. It was felt that some tips on ski care would be much more appropriate than a movie. Whoever is in charge should also write to the ski schools and ask them for any literature they would like distributed. ISA Representative: Mike Wilson wanted to know what his responsibilities as our representative to ISA were and wO\lld like some direction in that function. Does the Association renumerate Mike for his exppnses for these functions? He should be assigned to attend conventions and prepare and present a report at these functions concerning ISlA. Expenses have heen paid in tilP past it was noted. All action at these meetings should be presented to the ISlA BOD meetings. NEW BUSINESS: Election of officers of the Corporation: Nominations were opened; Nominated for the office of President were: Ed Pond Clark Parkinson Motion: That nominations close (Lorenz-Colven). Motion carried. Each candidate gave a brief talk regarding his desire and intentions for the position. A vote was called: Clark Parkinson was elected as President of the Association. Nominated for the Office of Vice President were: Phil Jones Lou Lorenz (declined) Motion: That nominations close (Ellis-C. Parkinson). Motion carried. Phil Jones was elected unanimously as Vice President. Nominations for the Office of Secretary: Ed Pond Motion; That nominations close (Larsen-Evans). Motion carried. Ed Pond was elected unanimously as Secretary. Nominated for the Office of Treasurer was: Dave Larsen Motion: That nominations close (Gillette-Ellis). Motion carried. Dave Larsen was elected unanimously as Treasurer. Executive Committee: It ~as noted that this committee constituted the officers of the Association plus an additional three members who were members of the BOD. Nominations were opened for Executive Committee Members. Nominated were: Max Lundberg Lou Lorenz Dave Parkinson Jack Colven Motion: That nominations close (C.Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. Vote was called. Those members elected as Executive Committee Members were: Max Lundberg Dave Parkinson Lou Lorenz BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 3 Max Lundberg told the BOD how much he had appreciated working as the President of the Association. He said that when you become President you recognize how much you have to compromise. Ski areas are no longer of prime consideration but ISlA becumes the main consideration. ~ Problem of mailing was brought up. Many people were not receiving their ~111ings. Recommendation: To the Secretary that a special effort be made to investigate ttl!' mnil problem and see if we cannot reach that 10 percent that were mixxed in the last m.:.tiling. Motion: That that motion made at the May 3 BOD Meeting (page 3) regarding election of Officers and Directors to the Corporation be rescinded (Lorenz~Lundberg). Motion carried. Motion: That under the Proposal Section of the Proposed Changes and Methods of Electing Directors of ISlA that the proposal be adopted as printed in this report. (See Appendix A). (Lorenz-Pond). Motion carried. Ed Pond noted tha t in order to have a rna 11 vote as moved above we must change the by-laws. (See resolution Appendix B). Motion: That all Board members sign a waiver of notice so we will not need to have a meeting with adequate notice (Pond-Lorenz). Motion carried. It was proposed that ISlA consider producing a movie on skiing and ski teaching that could be used on a promotional basis for the ski teaching industry in our area. Discussion was held as to what kind and type of film should be produced. It should not be an area oriented thing but an instruction oriented film. Max suggested that perhaps Dave Chaplin could do a good job on this. Discussion was held. It was suggested that perhaps the demonstration team could be used. The ski school directors talked of the same thing. Perhaps the BOD should make a study and the ski school directors should make a study and see that there is no duplication. Motion: That we appoint Dave Chaplin to head a committee to study the production of a promotional ski film byEIA. (Lundberg-Lorenz). Motion carried. Lex Kunau wanted a clarification of what type of promotion was had in mind. Could a teaching aid be incorporated into the film. New President Clark Parkinson took over the meeting at this point. A question was raised to the Budget Committee regarding the correctness of the budget proposed. Clark felt that we should defer these matters until the BOD meeting at the Exam= iners Clinic so that we can have time to become more organized. Lou requested that each member of the Board have a copy of the proposed budget at least one week prior to the meeting, Clark asked the members of the Board to think in terms of what they could do for the Association in terms of heading up a committee. Our representation to PSIA was brought to the floor and discussed. It was also felt that ISlA should have some sort of literature to take to some of the ski shows. ~Ed Pond suggested that we send a letter of appreciation to the old Board members. Clark said that he intended to write each one and ask for his support; he was also going to write the ski school directors. Letters to the people in Burley in connection with the resolutions committee's resolution would also be taken care of. BOD Meeting - September 20, 1970 Page 4 Clark stated that he would like to sit down with Dave Larsen and discuss the budget; felt that we have to project some expenses. Jack Colven recommended to the Board that we send K. Smith a letter repremanding him for his conduct and comments made during the meetings. Max felt that we should appoint a Sergeant at Arms and as it becomes necessary anyone disturbing the meetings could be removed. It was felt that perhaps the Ethics Committee Chairman should be appointed to research more appropriate ways to handle these situations. Further discussion was held. Clark expressed to the BOD that his main idea in taking over the Presidency was to unify the organization. Motion: That we take care of the expenses of our old Board Members at this meeting which will include all of their reasonable expenses and that we adjourn the meeting (Lundberg-Pond). Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M. BOD Meeting - September ,20, 1970 Appendix A FROM: Elections Study GrOUD Lou Lorenz. Chairman Max Lundberq Clerk Parkpnson Ed Pond TO: Members of ISlA SURJECT: Proposed chanoe in method of electing directors of ISlA REVIEW During the early years of ISlA, general meetings were small and informal. Business and election of directors was quickly accomolished. All members participated becuase all members attended every clinic as a general rule. As the membership increased and Sun Valley was included in the ISlA a trend of attending only every other clinic was established by some members and Sun Valley members were not required to attend at all. To provide a means of representation, the proxy vote became a tradition. In an effort to orovide more time for "on the hill" clinic work, the Board changed the time of the qeneral meeting to a fall date, and established the Annual Fall Seminar and General Me~tinq. Since it is, for various reasons, impractical for many members to attend a fall meeting, the proxy vote has become an even stronger election factor. It was called to the attention of the Board during the 1970 Sorinq Clinic that the members would rather participate dire~tly in elections than by oroxy. Therefore, this study grouo was aODointed to exolore methods to allow the entire membership to elect directors. PAGE TWO CONS IDERATI ON: The study group considered the following possibilities: (1) To again hold the general meeting and elections during the Annual ·Spriryg Clinic. (2) To hold a nomination meeting during the Spring Clinic and vote by mail shortly after. (3) To devise a method of nominatino candidates and voting by mail prior to the clinic, then announce the successful candidates and hold the first "new" Board meeting at the conclusion of the Clinic. The study qroUD felt that #1 would he a steo hackward and only recreate most of the problems exoerienced in the rast further entensified by a larger membership. Also, a proxy vote would still have to be allowed for some members. #2 would still require time away from the hill and not allow full participation in the nominations. #3 could be worked out, and resulted in t~e followino oroDosal: ,I"1~OPOSAL: That a nomination and election committee be aopointed to administer the following system. I I i I - I t r->AGt: THREE Tf)e committet- s'lJll contdet memoers through ski schools and other methods dnd sf::'lect ,! !'Ii nil11lJIII nlJr'~er of ccndidatps for tf-]e Board _ Names of these lilndiLintpc, "1,\11 tr,en hi' Duhlistwd to the memhers alonf] with a n~(lUest for :\lI't/)pr I'l)1:'ll1d';nn c,. ilr'v p)f>moer IlldV nominate a candidate 0'1 submitting a 'L,..c." ,--V-chi netition fnr- nOlllincJtion, slqncd by the norninee and ~ other mPITJbers. ., r"lU'?- Of (nurse, f1(>t-itions ,rlust hp received on or heforp specified deddline date. A baliot Qnnted ItJith naPles of all cctndidates shall then t>f' sent out alono with or at t~e time of duee, billino and Clinic notice. Thi~ ~a11ot DroGerl'! marked and identified will then he returned alonq with a check for the following year dues. A final tally of v0tes an~ announcement of successful candidates shall ~e ~ ~:::(at son~ time durinq the [1ioi( ~1a te 1 y fo 11 OWl na. "e" offi ee" 3nd d meetinq of the New Board ~eld shnl1 be elected at thdt board meetino. -CO-NC-L-US-IO-N: The study qroup feels that the ahove ~ethod will orovide for lOO~ oarticipation in both nominHions and elections. It \'Iill also nrC-Vide for' time to campaiqn for the office (Possiblv (-" hrief le'w'e for each candidate could be "ublished in a newsletter.). It would give t~e votinn ~ember a chance to consider his ~ote very carefullv. This method will allow the Roard and nr:w officers the entire summer to set. uo the next years Qrogram. It will ~rovi~e adp~uate time and a purpos~ ~or a Fall Seminar and General '~oetin[). Resoectfullv Submitted, Lou Lorenz, Chairman Election 5tUdy Grouo BOD Meeting - S~ptember 20, 1970 Appendix B RESOLVED: That the following sections of the By-laws of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association be amended to read as follows: The First Paragraph of Section II shall read as i 7 011ow5 : The Officers of the corporation shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at their meeting held in conjunction with the Spring Clinic or such other spring meeting called for the purpose of the election of Officers. All Officers shall hold their offices for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Officers may, but need not be, members of the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board, in regular or special meeting or by mail ballot. The First Paragraph of Section VI shall read as follows: The governing Board shall meet annually at the p~ace specified for the annual meeting of the corporation and within two days following the adjournment of such meeting of the corporation. The governing Board shall transact such business as may properly come before ~he meeting. No notice of such annual meeting need be given. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Certification Committee Meeting November 18, 1970 Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were: Woody Anderson Clark Parkinson Andy Shearer Max Lundberg Junior Bounous Phil Jones Lou Lorenz Dave Parkinson Ed Pond Phil reviewed last week's meeting for the benefit of those not attending last time. It was pointed out that last week's meeting had not resolved the question of what the standard would be for examinations this year. The meeting was opened for suggestions and after discussion it was determined that there were four alternatives: 1. Use the new PSIA manual and adhere rigorously to it. 2. Do not use the PSIA manual at all. 3. Use the PSIA manual but print our own definitions. 4. Use the PSIA manual as a guide only. The 4th alternative seemed to be the orientation point of the discussion. Opinions were expressed that the Examiners in their judgment and discretion should decide if a candidate should pass without any objective standard. The question of what demonstrations should be required was discussed next. It was the feeling that while teaching should be emphasized and demos de-emphasized, that basic maneuvers should be a part of the candidates preparation for the exam. It was determined that on Saturday, the 5th of December, 1970, the tryouts for the Demonstration Team would be held at 8:00 A.M. and that Andy would prepare a written exam for the candidates. Max Lundberg presented a list of those he felt should select the team and left it open for further additions. A Board Meeting was also scheduled for Saturday, December 5 at 4:00 P.M. and an attitude adjustment period from 6:00 to 7:30 P.M. On Sunday, the 6th, the Ski School Directors will meet at 8:00 in the morning; the clinic will begin at 9:00 and will be open to past Examiners, backups, and Ski School Directors. No charge will be made for attendance. The morning will be spent indoors on procedure, policy, etc. and move out on the hill at 2:00 P.M. The meeting was adjourned. ALTA SKI LIFTS SALT l.A..lE CITY WINTEIt POIn'I ADOCIATfOII ALTA. UT AM ... 070 TC: B_r~ of . ireeLors, '.1. 1 .A. FRLif'l: Max l unLlt;:;.;rg SUBJECT: ~inth Interski rG . I. L. 8[,:1 ~~eetinCJ ~ll of the Droposed proLlrilms rf::!la.2G "'..u sending the Uni tec...i Stotes JerrUlstnltlofl L:f:JfTi to the,inth Interski nave b en cc:;mpletBG on seh. ou1e. The onl Y ::r. serit oefici'T,CY is in fum ,n 9 • r . ~ . ~ . c.. i 5 5 t i 11 i [! nee , of an 8 ~ u i t ion a 1 ' 2 , CO U • 00 and 61i11 rec.lu"st n III 111 ClC'2uirinC] t '3se fu·na~, frO:;l thu ::.ivi5ion5. !\intn Ii t8rski cari l.O so 1 : ne . J. 1. A. r e r ~ 5 ~n t c:.~ 1.:;. J • A. " t t h 8 ~'.::. J .;::. • place ..;ur illt na:. rnuetil", dis 0 lc, Y L: i C n 1 i u e r1 C E in 'J n F: ~ r . n "'..t::,' :, .. :: a f f i 1 i atE I ~, a r 0 f fie i 81 bcsi~ ,,,itrl.:J.I.C.. All mel ers :'Ila: carLe to :.he at ~r':.ion of i r . , I ", , II ,. il~":r- with ,I,y r...,pcrt to Clerk F-arkinllOn, I"'rssiasnt of I .S.l .A. ThE sacona item of significance wes the presentation of a check to p.S.I.A. by John I uttnam in payment of uu.s for the Eastarn division. This pevment by the last leaves the Intermountain Ski Ins:ructors Association 85 the only division not having ratified the r.S.l.A. Bylaws. P.S.l.A. will senD Mr. nank Lm8rlj to attend the I.S.I.A. board maeting helo on December ,5. At ttlat time r'ir. emery will attempt to make clear the proqrams ano overell positL.)fi of 1-'.5.1.A. at the present Li '1:8. ~B9pecLfw12y submitted, Board of Directors Heeting Minutes December 2, 1970 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, Inc. was held on \vednesday, December 2, 1970 at The Lodge at Vail, Colorado. Those in attelldance were: \Villy Schaeffler, President Herbert Schneider, 2nd Vice Pres. Hank Emery Jon Putnam Bill Lenihan Richard Kun Jerry Muth James O. Weiss Staff: Dennis Sanford !\J~:::;el]J::: ,J3 mrny ,Johnston, 1st Vice Pre sident N:ic Fiore Clen A. Young Guests: 1"1ax Lundberg, ISlA Representative Rene Farwig, Interski Coach Clif Taylor, GLM Interski Demonstrator Jim Riley, NASIC Representative The meeting was called to order by ],resident Schaeffler at 8:25 p.m. Credentials Report Bill Lenihan was appointed Credentials Committee Chairman. He reviewed with the President those in attendance and stated he felt everyone at the meeting was entitled to be at the meeting, and with few exceptions all were entitled to vote. The President stated that in accordance with the By-Laws the Eastern and Intermountain Divisions would not be entitled to vote but in order to establish a level of confidence and good understanding, for this meeting the By-Law rule should be waived and these Divisions be given a vote just as though they had paid their dues and ratified the By-Laws. MSC (Lenihanfvluth) that the Eastern and Intermountain Divisions be accepted as presented so as to establish an amiable working relationship. Chairman of Meeting President Schaeffler then advised those present that he would have to leave the meeting for a short time to attend to pressing business for the U. S. Ski Team. He expressed his gratitude and appreciation to those that made the effort to attend and in particular to Hank Emery and those that took some of the work load off his shoulders and ullselfishly worked on behalf of the I'SlA. I'll'. Schaeffler then asked Herhert Schnei der, 2nd Vice Pre sident, to tal,e over the chair in his absence ilnd in the absence of the 1st Vice President, L1iJTlJl1Y Johnston. PSIA Minutes -2- December 2, 1970 rIinutes of the Last Meeting MSC (Lenihan-Emery) that the following correction be made on page 1 of the minutes, next to the last line, as follows: Insert the word TTApprenticeTT in place of the word T'Associate". l'lSC (Lenihan-Emery) that the minutes of the last meeting reflect that the Board of Directors as a whole decided that as far as the equipment for the Interski team is concerned that preference in the bidding be extended to manufacturers of American equipment over manufacturers of foreign equipment. l"lSC (Lenihan-Emery) that the minutes be approved as distributed with the above correction and addition. Financial Hank Emery presented the following reports that were distributed and reviewed with those present. The Financial Report prepared by Louis D. Tannenbaum for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970, a Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the period covering October 1 to November 30, 1970 and a Statement of Income and Expenses for the same period. Nr. emery then presented to the Board (copies were also distributed) a breakdown of individual memberships received from Divisions as of November 30, 1970. Herbert Schneider pointed out that the report prepared by Louis D. Tannenbaum under the item "Loan - County Carroll, No. Conway BankTT should be $2,000.00 instead of $1,500.00. There was some discussion on several of the items listed on the report but the Directors felt that it must be taken at face value. Max Lundberg asked about the memberships received from individuals, in parbcular the Intermountain Division. Nr. Emery explained that we had not .received an accounting of funds received for the period of July 1, 1970 to October 1, 1970. The bank account was closed in Salt Lake City and the net amount received was $336.70. Discussion then ensued on the monies paid to the PSIA during the period of July 1, 1970 to October 1, 1970. MSC (Emery-Putnam) that Jimmy Johnston contact Bill Lash for an accounting of funds received and paid out during the period of July 1, 1970 to October 1, 1970. MSC (Lenihan-Kun) that the financial reports presented by Hank Emery be accepted. Audit MSC (Muth-Emery) that Arthur Anderson & Company, a public accounting firm, be retained for the purpose of performing an unaudited review for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970 and that their services be utilized in observing the counting of the physical inventory and assist in the establishment of adequate books, records and internal financial statements. Office Status Hank Emery then reported on the status of the office. He reminded the Board that Pat Swenson had promised to only work for a few months when she was hired to help organize an office in Denver. Hank Emery introduced Dennis Sanford and briefly informed the Board of his educational, professional and skiing bad.:ground. I'll'. Emery explained that Dcnni s was hired to work with :-lrs. Swenson so that someonc would bc informcd oftltc office procedures as she phases out of the office. 111e Directors cormnended I 'at and Dennis for their efforts in the office. PSIA Minutes -3- December 2, 1970 Division Reports Chairman Schneider asked for a report from the Divisions. ,Jon Putnam reported that the Eastern Division has collected dues from their individual members and have a record of such. lIe reported that some members have had their dues released from escrow upon the recorrmlendation of a Committee formed to study the By-Laws. He also stated that they expect to have approximately 1,000 members this year. rvIax Lundberg, ISlA, reported that they had a new President, Clark T. Parkinson. At the present time, he stated that the Intermountain was probably further away from the PSIA than any other Division. For example, the ISlA has not collected dues for PSIA. Some individual members have sent their own dues in to the PSIA as had been done in the past. I"Jr. Lundbcrg then addressed several questions to the Board from their President Parkinson. In response to the questions the Directors provided the following answers. The Directors felt that since Intermountain had not ratified the By-Laws, that only Full Certified Instructors could join the rSIA and not Associates. MSC (LenihanEmery) that the President of Intermountain appoint someone to fill the vacancy created by the unexpired term of Bill Lash, to be effective until the next annual meeting. MSC (Lenihan-Muth) that Hank Emery attend the ISlA meeting as a representative of PSIA as requested by the ISlA. Bill Lenihan reported that the Pacific Northwest owes additional dues to the PSIA and promised that the dues would be sent as soon as their Treasurer had the opportunity to write a check. He said everything appears to be in good order and that enthusiasim is building for the llational organization. Jim Weiss reported that Northern Rocky Mountain would be sending in additional dues. Since their fiscal year is July I to June 30 and their dues deadline is November 30, Northern Rocky is having difficulty in meeting the PSIA deadline of November 1. TI1e other item was that they have a new President Tom Hammerel. Alaska and Central did not have representatives at the meeting for a report. Jerry Muth stated that their report would be included in the report on NASIC which will come up later on the agenda. 9th Interski Rene Farwig was then asked to give a report on 9th Interski. The first item discussed was promotion of the Interski team. He stated he had sent pictures of the team to the Denver office. It was suggested that press releases along with the pictures be sent to the media as soon as possible. Rene Farwig stated that he had been in touch with the team during the past several months. Everyone is anxious for Interski. Rene stated he had also been in touch with Paul Valar, Bill Lenihan, equipment suppliers, etc. lie described the team uniform. The training will be held as previously schcduled. Rene stated that he also was working on accommodations. lie also outlined the financial needs of the team. ReneTs complete written report was distributed to those in attendance, a copy of which is attaclJed to the original of these minutes. PSIA Minutes -4- December 2, 1970 A representative from Lufthansa Airlines was introduced and he presented what could be offered to the Interski team in re:-;ard to a group affinity air fare. ~villy Schaeffler was able to re- join the meeting at this time. Herbert Schneider and Jon Putnam presented to Hank Emery a check in the amount of $5,428.00 as an initial payment to PSIA for membership dues of the Eastern members. 9th Interski (continued) Bill Lenihan read a letter he had written to the Suppliers of the 9th Interski Team. A copy of this letter is attached -to the original of these minutes. The equipment and uniforms to be worn by the Interski team were discussed. The matter of transporting the team and delegates was considered. Bill Lenihan stated that he was going to request each of the Divisions to come up with some financial aid for the team. Mr. Lenihan stated that he had corrunittments for $12,500 for the team expenses at this time but hopefully would be able to come up with $20,000. It was suggested that PSIA contact the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance to see if something could be worked out on a joint charter arrangement. MSC (Lenihan-Putnam) that Hank Emery and Dennis Sanford be authorized to coordinate the travel arrangements for the team. Bill Lenihan stated that the funds to be paid by the equipment suppliers will be sent to the Denver office. Mr. Lenihan distributed copies of his report, covering the above matters, to the Board of Directors. The matter of Delegates to 9th Interski was then discussed. Willy Schaeffler stated that he would be in Switzerland during Interski and he would try to attend at least 3 days of the Congress. He also stated that he would not need expenses for attending. Richard Kun suggested, and it was agreed by the Directors, that inasmuch as it appears that there will not be sufficient funds to pay both team and delegate expenses, that the Divisions be primarily responsible for the teamTs expenses. And that if funds are left over after paying for the teamTs expenses, the Divisions or delegates expenses be reimbursed to the extent possible. MSC (I:mery-Muth) that the Divisions be allowed to designate a representative to Interski but that they will be financially responsible, and if there are funds left over, that the Divisions be reimbursed. MSC (Lenihan-Muth) that Clif TaylorTs expenses be included in the Interski team expense budget. Films It was suggested that a film library be established in the office. It was recorrunended that Coors and Buick be contacted for copies of the 8th Illterski film. ~lanuals TIle matter of the American Ski Technique Manuals was then discussed. The Board was advised that -there was approximately l, 000 copies of the 2nd edition on hand. The office has been trying to sell the 2nd edition at a reduced price of $4.00. It was suggested that schools, universities and any ski instruction program with apprentice instructors be contacted as the 2nd edition manual would be valuable to such programs. It was agreed that PSIA Minutes -5- December 2, 1970 the 2nd edition manuals should be sold at $4-.00 each on an individual basis but for large quanity orders the price should be reduced. Rene Farwig ordered 200 - 2nd edition manuals for his ski school. The matter of selling the 3rd edition of the manual was then reviewed. MSC (Lenihan-Emery) that the 3rd edition of the manual sales from the various regions be handled from the PSIA office rather than Salt Lake City. It was recommended that Bill Lenihan and Jimmy Johnston investigate any and all a6Teements between Bill Lash and Cowles Book Company in regard to Bill Lash selling manuals for PSIA. Also, it was further recommended that if Bill Lash does sell manuals for the PSIA a written agreement should be entered into between Bill Lash and PSIA. NASIC II Jim Riley then was asked for a report on the progress of NASIC. He stated that it is planned to hold NASIC II at Vall from AprIl 13-17, 1971. He reported that a program, which is entirely tentative, will place emphasis on Interski. They hope to have a mini-program from Interski and hopefully include Switzerland; Austria, France, Germany and I"taly. Bob Knowlton, General Chairman of NASIC II, has written letters to these foreign countries asking them if they would be willing to send representatives from their Interski team to come to Vail during NASIC to put a representative example of their demonstration at Interski. They also have set aside on the program, demonstrations by the United States and Canadian teams. Last year time was not available for demonstrations from Central, Eastern and Northern, however, this year they have allowed time on the program if the Divisions are interested. This would be up to the Division to present something special they would feel would be of interest on a national basis. ~1r. Riley then reviewed the schedule day by day with the Directors. A copy of this tentative schedule is on file in the PSIA office. He reminded those in attendance that Garcia has supplied to each of the Divisions copies of the NASIC film. If additional copies of the film are desired they are available at $125.00 per each print. Mr. Riley asked that the Board designate Jim Riley, Bob Knowlton and Dr. Sobranski as special representatives to Interski. He stated that they would pay their own expenses and wanted to be able to attend some of the lectures and demonstrations. It was recommended that Sony, Ampex, Panasonic, etc. be asked if video-tape equipment might be loaned to PSIA to use at Interski. Willy Schaeffler stated that the U. S. Ski Team will be available at NASIC if the organizers would like a racing technique demonstration. Jim Riley stated that there is a PSIA annual membership meeting tentatively scheduled on Sunday, April 18, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. He requested that if this date is not acceptable or if the Board prefers a different date please let him know. MSC (Emery-Lenihan) that the annual meeting be held on April 18, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. at Vail, Colorado. MSC (Lenihan-Emery) that Jim Riley, Bob Knowlton and Dr. Sobranski be considered as special guests, or delegates if openings are available, to 9th Interski and that the Organizing Committee be notified of these appointments) Licensing Corporation of /\meri ca Bill Lenihan reported that he had met \IIith ArIlo] d l.ewis of Lj censing Corporation of America and hc advised l1im that tJl('re j s another year to go on the Korvette contract. Tbe Mohawk agreement has Lcen voluntarily terminated by 1'10hawk. iYlohawk has paid PSIA $2,500 and it should be morally refunded or else the contract should be reviewed on a more equitable basis. Bill Lenihan recommended that PSIA and Mohawk should try to negotiate a fair and realistic contract that gives Mohawk a $2,500 credit for what they have already paid. A letter dated October 28, 1970 from Mohawk was reviewed. PSIA Minutes -G- December 2, 1970 Corrnnittees The next item to come before the Board was the matter of Committees and the appointment of Chairmen. It was recommended that each Director take the list of Committees and go throu;.~h and mark the ones they feel should be functioning and recommend individuals to serve on them. This list with recorrnnendations should be sent to the PSIA office and the President and Directors could finalize the Commi ttee struc-tures, chairmen, etc. International Passbooks Herbert Schneider explained that jll J:uropl! a ski instructor from a certain country can go to another country with a ~ruest and request the same lift privileges as a local instructor. It is not suppose to entitle an instructor going from one country to another to use it for his own pleasure. It is not to be used by an instructor going to Europe for vacation to have free lift privileges allover Europe. If an instructor has a paying customer going to an area to be taught skiing then they are accorded free lift privileges as a local instructor would receive. International Passbooks are to be used for identification of fully certified ski instructors of a national organization and under certain laws he can teach skiing in another country by having brought his own guest along. It does not entitle him to solicit business while he is visiting in a foreign country. But you can bring your own guest that hired you and you will be granted the same rights as a ski instructor of the host country. It was decided that International Passbooks should be issued only to fully certified instructors under the above outlined rules and regulations. It was also recommended that these rules be given to the instructors, that qualify for the Passbooks, as well as the membership so that they will be aware of the rules. There should not be a charge for this Passbook, it should be considered as a benefit of his membership in the PSIA. PSIA Insignias A lengthy discussion then ensued on the pros and cons of full certified and associate instructors being allml]ed to wear pins, patches and ordering decals, etc. It was recommended that the PSIA investigate re-designing the pins so as to be able to designate full and associate instructors. MS (PutnamMuth) that only fully certified instructors be sold pins, patches, decals and all paraphernalia with the PSIA logo on it. Motion was defeated. The office staff was assigned the responsibility of checking into having the PSIA logo re-designed so as to designate the different classes of instructors. MSC (Muth-Weiss) that the Board authorize the sale of patches, decals and all PSIA emblems, with the exception of the official large PSIA pin, to associates. Herbert Schneider and ,Jon Putnam voted against the motion. t-1ailing List It was explained that ill the past the PSI1\. had utilized DuMacTs mailing services in Salt Lake City which constituted of addressograph plates. But now that it is necessary to transfer our mailing lists to Denver, it has been found that we can computerize our list and it will cost a little more per member to have it created and maintained but it will cost less every time we use it. MSC (Putnam-Muth) that the office be authorized to go ahead and establish a computerized mailing list. PSIA l'linutes -7- December 2, 1970 PSIA Logo It was brought to the attention of the Directors an advertisement from a certain ski shop which was advertising that their shop was owned and staffed by Professional Ski Instructors and the 1'SI1\ logo was used in their advertisements. It was decided that this particular shop should be notified that this is not allowed. Future Planning The recommendations made by the Rocky Hountain Ski Instructors Association to the PSIA Board of Directors were reviewed by the Directors. Copies of the recommendations were distributed to those present. It was felt that many good ideas were contained in the report anel that they should receive consideration. It was also recommended that different insurance coverages and policies for ski instructors be investigated. It toJaS determined that the items listed on the agenda under future planning should be sent to the membership prior to the time of the annual meetj Il~-'," for study and consideration. Expenses Hank Emery stated that those that attended the Board of Directors j.1ce-:::ing held in September in Denver had to pay their own expense~ and that there was a request for reimbursement. 1\1so, that the T'SI1\ had received a statement of expenses from Bill and Toni Lash for corning over to Denver to help set up the office as well as a salary expense from TOlli. Hank Emery asked the Board for direction in paying for these expenses. Hembers of the Board and other officials stated that they had personally incurred expenses for meetings and other related PSIA business. 1'1SC (I:mery-Kun) that no director would receive reimbursement for expenses until such time that the PSIA is in better financial condition and then the expenses could be re-submitted for consideration. MSC (Schaeffler-Putnam) that the expenses submitted by Bill Lash not be paid until such time that he submits the financial accounting that has been requested repeatedly over the past several months. Rene Farwig and Bill Lenihan stated that they had incurred expenses for xerox copying, telephone, etc. for the Interski team. It was recommended that these expenses be paid out of the Interski fund and if these funds are not sufficient then other ways should be investigated to reimburse them for these general expenses. Clif Taylor stated he had incurred translation expenses for his Interski report. It was suggested that these expenses be subm_itted and paid from the Interski fund. PresidentTs Report 1'1r. Schaeffler stated that he felt that he was doing injustice to PSIA because of his inability to devote suffjcient time to the position of President. Because of his committments to the ll. S. Ski Team and the travel i.nvolved he \\'as not able to be available 1'01' t-he conslll tatj all alld ~c~ll i dance requi red of the office of the President. BecaLLse of til is, lie feJ t _i t Jle(~essary to resign as President. He also felt because of his linLi ted ova il ab.i.li ty at J nterski that the Board should appoint another Chief Delegate. Willy Schaeffler demanded that the resignation be accepted. Herbert Schne.ider stated on bellalf of the PSIA Minutes -8- December 2, 1970 Board of Directors that it was with regret that tlley must accept the resignation and thanked him for his time and his ability to reunite the organization. MSC (Lenihan-Emery) that, with great regrets, Mr. SchaefflerTs resignation as President be accepted. MSC (Schaeffler-Putnam) that Herbert Schneider be designated as Chief Delegate to Interski. MSC (Schneider-Lenihan) that LTirruny Johnston he appointed President to fill the unexpired term created by the resignation of Willy Schaeffler. Mr. Schaeffler stated he wou] d be willin~.~ to assist the PS1A in any way possible as his time permits. I The next Board of Directors meetin~J, will be held in conjunction with N..i\SIC II and the PSIA annual meeting at Vail during April 13-17, 1971. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was duly adjourned. Submitted by: Edited by: l\.pproved by: Dennis Sanford Patricia J. Swenson ,Jimmy Johnston - . SiLETi iJ~ :,EiJorn (TEliT II II VE) l.;()::~F,:) (IF Hh:.CIi1[')S L.':" 1 :>~ 1snn f ~ '\ c: I -. i, i, " I • 3"1,\1- i 2. A. |