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Show r-;-~: ~:-:-;;I'I'-i ~-)-;; -r;-~~~ ;l;-'j l~~P·l\t.t'lu··n.',['-: I "K! .\ ','.\ \(J:-:lln:--. e -----. --...J - .-_ .... ---. ----I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS )LEETING JANUARY 23, 1961 nlOSE IN ATTENDANCE: BOB SMITH, BUD TlQ(plE, EARl. )lUlA KEN RIGGS, ALF ENGEN, WOODY ANDERSON, LOU LORENZ, I.sKIm BILL COOK, KERLIN BINGHAM, KEITH LANGE, BILL LASH, HUGH OlANDER. MEETING CAKE TO ORDER t llINUTES APPROVED FROM KAlLED COpy TO nIE BOARD. TEMPORARY PERUITSs lVTION BY LOU LORENZ TO ACCEPT 'mE lHNUTES SENT TO ALL VEVBERS OF nlE OOARD. TO LENG'rnLY TO READ IN THE MEETING. 2nd, PASSEDa DICK lHTCHELL OGDEN, UTAH PASSED. STEVE BURTON mtIGH'roN PASSED. PHIL JONES BRIGHTON PASSED. Room HARAN BRIGHTON PASSED. DICK MULDER BRIGHTON PASSED. JOHN lLARTIN BRIGHTON PASSED. LES TAYlOR BRIGHTON PASSED. }(A '~:! REYNOIDS POCATELI() PASSED .. WAYNE KC A TEE POCATELLO l~ASSKD. ~ _. GEORGE JENKINS ALTA NOT PASSED BE AlDWED TO TElCH IF 110 ClRft - INSTRUCTOR AVAILABI&. BE A R~U.IRFlLENT IF A MAN IS AVAlLABIE, THEY TAKE 'IHE~..',' BEFORE THEY Slml J. mPORARY PERILIT rt •• '~:i!' . 2nd By K. EARL lHUER PASSED. DATES FOR NATIONAL SKI INS'IRUCTORS CLINICs KAY 12-14, 1961 WHITEFISH KOHTAta. DATES FOR THE INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION CLINIC APRIL 21-23, 1961 AL'U UTI DISCUSSION ON LAST E:XJJh BY WOODY ANDERSON SEE ATTACHEDa DISCUSSION ON TIllE AN ASSOCIATE SKI INSTRUCTOR CAN RE14AIN AN ASSOCIA'l'lh 'REC<lOLENDATION BY K. SIUTH: THAT ASSOCIATE INSTRUCTORS BE lUAlllNED EVRRI THRU :m.lBa. DISCUSSICN s COURSE SETTING: THIS SHOUlD BE nIE ISIA'. POSITION TO P~H THIS. COWUTTEE FauLED, COURSE SETTING C01.OUTTEEs BIIL ASHLEY JACKSON WIOKDiG M. EARL MILI..ER OGDEN, UTAH BIU, COOK ALTA, UTAH MEETING ADJOURNED, - IC RRm. l ED SKI TE. ACHER I INTERMOUNTAIN I SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 23, 1961 'ftIOSE IN ATTENDANCE: BOB SMITH, BUD TEMPIE, EARL nUER KEN RIGGS, AU ENGEN, WOODY ANDERSON, LOU LORENZ, K.slUTH BILL COOK, MERLIN BINGHA14, KEITH LANGE, BILL LASH, HUGH OlANDER. MEETING CAME TO ORDER: MINUTES APPROVED FROM 14AILllD COpy TO THE BOARD. TEMPORARY PER14ITS: WTION BY LOU LORENZ TO ACCEPT 'mE MINUTES SENT TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. TO IENGTHLY TO READ IN THE MEETING. 2nd, PASSED: DICK MITCHELL OGDEN, UTAH PASSED. STEVE BURTON BRIGH'roN PASSED. PHIL JONES BRIGHTON PASSED. ROGER HARAN BRIGHTON PASSED 0 DICK 1lULDll1i BRIGHTON PASSED 0 JOHN MARTIN BRIGHTON PASSED 0 LES TAYIDR BRIGHTON PASSED 0 MARY REYNOIDS POCATELID PASSED. WAYNE MC A TEE POCATELlO PASSED 0 GEORGE JENKINS ALTA NOT PASSED BE AlDWED TO TEACH IF NO CERTit INSTRUCTOR AVAlLABlE.o MOTION: BE A R~UlREUENT IF A MAN IS AVAIlABlE, THEY TAKE '!HE EXAl4 BEFORE THEY SEEK A TEXPORARY PEmUT 2nd By M. EARL MIJ..tEi PASSED 0 DATES FOR NATIONAL SKI INsmucTORS CLINIC: MAY 12-14., 1961 WHITEFISH MONTANA DATES FOR THE INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION CLINIC APRIL 21-23, 1961 ALTA UTAH DISCUSSION ON LAST EXAM: BY WOODY ANDERSON SEE ATTACHED: DISCUSSION ON TIME AN ASSOCIATE SKI INSTRUCTOR CAN REMAIN AN ASSOCIATE: RECCIOmNDATION BY K. SMITH: THAT ASSOCIATE INSTRUCTORS BE EXAMINED EVERY THREE YEARS. DISCUSSI<ll: COURSE SETTING: THIS SHOULD BE THE ISlA' 8 POSITION TO PUSH THIS. COJOUTTEE FORMED: COURSE SETTING COlO4ITTEE: BIll.. ASHLEY JACKSON WY014ING M. EARL MILLER OGDEN, UTAH BILL COOK ALTA, UTAH :MEETING ADJOURNED: -------~--- ... --_ ... -----~--~- CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION LS.I.A. BOARD MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS - - APRIL 23,1961 ALTA LODGE, UTAH Those in attendance: Bi U Lash, John Clemment, Ed Morris, Barry Corbet, Wally Aber sold, Hugh OLander, Woody Anderson, Bob Smith, Lou Lorenz, Alf Engen: John Clements gave a talk to the Board on his experiences in Europe this ski season. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Nomination for President: Nomination for Vice -Pre sident: Nomination for Secretary: Nomination for Treasurer: OFFICERS ELECTED: President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Bill Lash Keith Lange, Ed Morris, Lou Lorenz~ Wally Abersold Lloyd Frank, Hugh Olander Bob Smith Bill Lash Keith Lange Lloyd Frank Bob Smith A motion was made to change Section 8, Article B of the By-Laws to read, " Only Certified Instructors shall be entitled to hold the Office of President or Vice-President". The Motion was carried. Lee Snedaker appeared before the Board in regards to the age limitation of 21 years for Full Instructor. Lee feels that neither he nor anyone else should be deprived of the Full Instructor status if he is qualified in other phases to go for Full. Woody Anderson brought a discussion of this problem to the floor. This discussion led to a motion by Woody Anderson to write Lee Snedaker a letter advising him that the Board would abide by its present policy of Full Instructor age 21 and Associate Instructor age 18. The fact that even the age of 21 was young for a Ski School Director was noted by the Board. A FuLL Instructor should be capable of managing a Ski School. The motion was seconded and carried and the Secretary instructed to write a Letter to Mr. Snedaker. Mr. Claude Jones appeared before the Board to discuss his need for Certified Ski Instructors at Magic Mountain, Twin Falls, Idaho. Woody Anderson suggested that a Ski School Clinic would be a good promotional program to develop local interest in Certified Instructing. No conclusion was arrived at during this meeting and the problem was she lved to be taken up at a later date. Board of Directors Meeting ~ April 23, 1961 Page Two A discussion started on the Hoor on Delegation of Officers. Woody Anderson said, "BiU, you should become inactive and I shoul.d become inactive and aU of the other old time fellows holding office should becorne inactive to leave an opportunity for others. It is not right that we have not provided others with a chance to run for office because the existing personnel. has remained the same. It has become such that attendants to Clinics expect to see Bin and Lou at each Cl.inicUR.. In the general discussion that foHowed, it was agreed that continuity is of greatest importa.nce to the strength and efficiency of an organization, and this was buHt up only through years of foHawing through without a big turnover of officers for the same job. IndilVidual prestige was developed only through continual effort and contact. It was also noted that it is difficult to find dedicated people, who coul.d or would be wHiling to devote the time and effort to get the job done or who had the technical know1edge or ability or the flexible type of personality required to achieve the necessary results. Bi U. Lash commented on the troubles encountered by the various Ski Association Boards, of which he had attended. and he attributed much of their difficuUies and weakness to their ~oss of continuity in management policy. Bin Lash advised the Board that the By-Laws would be brought up to date and copies then would be made avai lable to the membership. He cautioned the Board that this would entail an iITlmense amount of work, requiri.ngmuch of the summer to complete. There was SOUle discussion on the Hoor. as to paying tribute to some retiring officers, ~-- and as to what would be appropriate tokens of trjbu'(. This discussion also took up the matter as to what type of pin, emblem or other badge coutd be made avaHab~e to Certified Instructors going into a II RetiredVl status. WaHyAbersold brought up the subject of a possible committee on Racing and Course Setting. He submitted a proposed (DutEne at> foHows: 1. Start a special course setters school in conjunction with a special race coach training c Hnie. 2. Invite a "NamelY to instruct a fun days session on course setting at the c linie, with a $5. 00 char gee The instructor ta teach various methods to avoid sterio -type settings. 3. Use Mel.., Dev, AlI and others of the I.S.A. to expj.ain organization of Race set-up etc. 4. Stress coaching in Ski Schools. 5. Have Ski School Directors send only tt.ose interefo1ted to the Special Clinic. 6. Have discussion of race coaching by Certified Instructors. 7. Set up special 3 or 4 day race clinic in various parts of I.S.A. for junior s with senior racers he tpLng. Bin Lash suggested that any racing or course setting program be made available to the public, but that the problems invol.ved would have to be resolved by the Committee and interested parents, and Bin reminded WaUy that he he~d the position of temporary Chairman of the Race Committee. Board of Directors Meeting - April 23, 1961 Page Three Bill Lash stated that the Committee Chairmen should present the names of those persons whom they would like to have work with them on their committees and that they would then be voted on. Keith Lange nominated Hugh Olander for Publicity Chairman and Wally Abel' so ld seconded the motion. The motion carried. Darrel Barne s was appointed Credentials and Qua Lificat ions Committee Chairman. It was suggested that Darrel also work on the Budget Committee headed by Bob Smith. The time and effort donated by Mary Clair toward the Ii Happy Hour", during the clinic was mentioned, and though her offer was coluntary, it was decided that the 1. S. 1. A. should stilt pay her for her fine efforts. It was also discussed as to whether efforts spent by other member s of the 1. S. 1. A, for the good of the 1. S. 1. A. such as he lping at the clinics etc., should be com pensated for. No dicision was arrived at during this meeting. Bill Lash presented a " PEP" talk on representation at the National Ski School Meeting at White Fish, Montana on May 12, 13, 14, 1961. Woody Anderson moved that Bill Lash represent the I. S. 1. Ao at the White Fish, ___ Montana meeting. The motion was seconded and carried. Hugh Olander moved that the meeting adjourn. It was seconded by Wally Abersold and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~~ c Ld. ~?/V?'ib' t/r F LLOYD FRANK. Secretary May 19, 1961 I. S. I. A. BOARD OF DIREC'roRS MEETING OCT. 14, 1961 AT THE FLAMINGO MOTEL IN IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO The president Bill Lash called the Board Meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. Present was Bill Lash, President, Keith Lange, Vice President, Lloyd Frank, Secretary, Bob Smith, Treasurer, Directors Wally Abersold, Lou Lorenz, Dan Kelly, Woody Anderson, Barry Corbet and Neils D. ADderson. Absent was M. Earl Miller, Bill Ashley, Ed Morris and All Engen. Mr. Engen had sent in a letter ot reSignation) (trom the Board)to the President. In view ot this letter, the President asked Mr. Lex Kunau to replace Mr. Engen. Mr. Kunau arrived ~ a.ad :C±d::::so. The minutes ot the last Board meeting were read and approved as read. Alt Engens resignation was read and accepted by the Board and Lex Kunau approved as his replacement for the balance of Mr. Engens term of office. Keith Lange made the motion for this and Wally Abersold seconded it and it carried. Hails D. Andersen notified the board members of a cocktail party to be held for them at the Rogers Hotel in Idaho Falls by the K.I.F.I. Ski School, and of a no-host dinner at the Elks Club after the cocktail party. The K.I.F.I. TV Broadcasting Station requested that a 3 member group appear on a 15 minute spot. President Lash selected Lex Kunau, Barry Corbet and Lou Lorenz to accompany him for this appearance. President Lash brought up the By-Laws revisions. This being a Corporation, the Articles of Incorporation permit the Board to regulate the By-Laws for the good of the Corporation. This was confirmed by Legal Advise. 1953 is the date of the original By-Laws. Woody Anderson moved that the clause that states "No person shall serve more than 3 years as a Director" be stricken from the record. Neils Andersen 2nd, motion carried. Keith Lange moved that we strike out "Any citizen of the U.S." Dan Kelly 2nd. carried. Dan Kelly moved that present phrase concerning By-Laws Sectl #1 be changed to read "The Board of Directors to be composed of full Certified and Associate Certified Instructors in good standing, with not more than 25% of the Board to include Associate Instructors at anyone time." 2nd by Lex Kunau, motion carried. Lou Lorenz moved that " 5 member can consti tue a quorum" be changed to "50% plus 1 can constitue a quorumS. 2nd by Wally Abersold. motion carried. -2- Woody Anderson moved that we strike out "The two latter offices may be held by one person". 2nd by Kei th Lange. motion carried. SeC"l. #1 Woody Anderson moved that "The Secretary & Treasurer bp given $10.00 every meeting" be stricken from the record. 2nd by Lou Lorenz. Motion carried. Sect. t/-2 Dan Kelly moved that the Board add the following after "Executive Committee" "Permanent Committees" 2nd by Lou Lorenz. motion carried. Sect. #4 Lou Lorenz moved that we strike out "Which shall cooperate etc. etc.". 2nd by Wally Abersold. motion carried. Sect. #5 Kei th Lange moved that wording "From time to time the Qertification ~::tI[~OUI. Committee" be used in Sect. 5 Lesx Kunau 2nd. motion carried. This motion incorporates the pro~oseu ch~nges of 1~60 to the last paragraph of Sec.t #5. Keith Lange moved that the following wording be audeo to tile last 01 Sec .#5, "'fhe Cor,lJoration shall nave the power to own, operate, manage,/8f>n<1uct schools for the training; ana instruction 01 Ski Instructors. 2nd by Lou Lorenz. Hotion carried. Lou Lorenz Ulove<1 that tllere shall be a retireu status lor members who oy application to the DOBru so relluest. This to be incorpora"led in Sect. ff8.\nual dues to be ~ 01 reguL-u· uues. Wally AlJersola 2n<1. Motion carried. Keith Lange moved that the CoriJoration set up an Honorary Status for persons who have contriouteu service tu l..he s1-'ort of SKiing. 2nd oy \ially :\lJersold • .Motion carrieu. To be auueu to Sect. !f8. \lOOUY Anuerson moveu that the 15 mel/IOer majority in Sec.t 11-9 be cluogeli to 25 members. ~nd by Keith Lange. "10t iOll carrieu. Hter mush general discussion ou Sec.t 10 anu Sect. *11 the Presiaent adjourneu the meeting at 5:30 P.M. The next meeting to taKe fJlace at 9: 30 LvI. next day, same location. I. S. I. 1\. flU UW OF' DIHECT0HS l\Ie.:~TING UeT. 15, 1961 AT TI1~ FLAMINGO SIOT1!..:L IN IDHh) FALLS, liAHU The Presiuent Bill Lash calleu the meeting to oruer at ~: 30 :\. ~,:. Present was Hill Lash, Presiuent, Keith Lange, Vice Presio.ent, Lloyd ------------ ----- ---------------- - J - FranK, Secretary, BOD Smith, Treasurer aJIU Directors Wally Abersold, Lou Lorenz, Dan Kelly, \~ooCiy\naerson, Barry CorlJet, Neils D .\nuersen, ana Lex Kunau. Dan Kelly moveC1 that the aues ana lees al'e to be aetermineu li}C as the need arises by the Board 01 Directors. ~nu oy \\ally .lbersold. \lotioll carriea. Dan Kelly moved that Sect. fflU lJe amenaed to incorporate the recommenuations 01 vir • '\aanesen, our legal council. ~lld by Lou I ,0rellZ. MotioH carried. Keith Lange moveCi that we alSO incorporate the rest 01 Leg,al Cuuncil's recommenliat10ns into Sec. t #11. ~nu by Ne ils ,\ndersen. 'lotion carrieu. Discussion lolloweu on Specialist Tea.ching such as JumjJing and Cross Country. Shoulu this type of SKi teaching 1all under the jurisuiction 01 the Corporation as presently constitutea? \\oody Anuerson sugg;ested that we encourgge the Specialized Teachers to wurK one year 011 a temporary permit and then attemvt Certilication dHU cOllie into our Corporation. It was the Boards aecision to 10110w this plan. \ uiscussion ~B~WKBN on the uilference between coatching ana teaching was brought to the floor ana the Hoard a.ecideCl to have the Certil ication COlilllli ttee pursue this lurther. \\ooay Anderson, Certi1ication Chairman, re.porteu that the next Certification exam will be hela at Brighton Decemoer 9th ana 10th, 19tH. There will be three l-2 day clinics helu Oll the three saturdays prior to this exam. Fee will Oe $..!.OU per heau. Presiaent Lash wants a buuget lor the cos"t 01 the exam pl·escnteu by the Chairfnan, ',11'. \uuerson. :\ let tel' by Dan Kelly to the BoaI'll was read lJy the President. Th~ i te.ns ~n the letter are to be placea Oil the "Things To Do" list ana a report sent to tne Presiuent on the prog;rcss 01 tile list. Treasurer Bob Smith gave his financial report to the Boarll. It was aecillea by the Board that each member 01 the Boara shall receive a copy 01 the 'uaitors Report. Barry Corbet was cOllimissioneO to lIlaKe a stuay 01 the possible need lor or aavantages of a Clinic COlilmittee. Some members lelt th~t it WOUHI. oller a gOOd opportunity lor stuuent examiners to gain uetter "Aoility Judgement". Presidellt Lash suggesteu that the miniwulll lee , ,_ •• • _ > A.,~l l-'i~ ,t{' <fJ ': "1;' ;! be ~>5 .00 per day 1 ur tnese clul1CS 111 vlew 01 the gtH~a·'p S1(l lessons received by the attendant. The Boara aiscussed delinquent lilelillJers. They are listed. as lolluws: ---- Hulen Nichol Wayne Nichol Hoger Roche Dave Shaw Hob c. Smith Steve Walton -4- Hequests Petirclilent Status Fineu $lU.UJ lor non-attenuance Finetl.$lO.00 for non-attelluance Dr0l'jJeu. fo!' nOI1-particiva t ion Finea ~lU.UJ 101' noo- attelluance Fineu SlU.UU lor non-:J.ttelluance Lloyu HolJbins Woouy ,\naersoll I;!OVeU tilal" L1.oyu Hobbins must be re-examined and fees paid up to uat.e to uecome a mamber in goou stanuing. ~na uy Lex Kunau. :\totion carr' ieu. Lou Lorenz moved that the Secret.dry llHKe up an Avvlication Form to oe sent to Retireu Instructors requesting retirement,for the 01ficial recorli, which will list the aues. P,cesiucHt Lash directed the Secret.ary to (to this • .\ report was given by Chairman\ilily \bersoJ..u 01 the HeWing CO!I111Ji t "tee. It containeu reco~nenuations for I.S.I.\. cons1ueration. "~lly was uil'ec teu by Pcesiuen"t Lash to suullli t more concrete su~~~~es t ions alter meeting with his committee. Ke1th Lange, ~?eVresentative 1rom the I.S.I.L t.o tile 1.8.\. brought a uiscussion to t.he 11001' 011 our membershiv ill the I.S.\. It is tile cencensis 01 the Board that we taKe 11 lirm StdlHl ana oiscontinue our membership in the I.S.A. \\ally Aoersola moveu that Presiuent Lash write a 1.etter to ti1e I.S.L outJ..inillg our thinKing on such a meHloershi1J. 'dotion ~nd b~ Dan KEdly. jl.iutioH carrieo. Pl'esiu..::ut Lash iiLlue notes 011 the opinions expressed by Ule Ljoaru lor l.his 1.et leI'. Lou Lorenz suggesteu that the Huuget COlOlIlit tee IlHh.e au outJ..ine 01 wtlat can be sl-'ent for Board. Meetiug:s: eXjJenses. Keith Lange stated. that VerhalJs the Association s11ou10 pay a SUlll to edch active Board ilember in at teuuance so that each boaru HlemlJel' coulu Lh(e care of his own iU..liviuual eX.l!enses. It was urought out th1t. some boaro ;!leHlbers do not wish to IJarticiJ!ate in 100U or l'(~ll'esl11ilellts. Pl'esitieut Lash directed the Buu6et Comilli t tee to oller sumo solution to the 130'11'<1. The hesol.utions Comlnittee made t.tH:~ iOl.1.owillg re"olutions: Be it resolvea that we thank Neils D. Auuers8n, Ule K.I.F.I. .( J ... K- 1. School ana all 01 the uthers involveu lor the 1111e time ano courtesy shown to the AJar<1 01 Directors. Ue it a1.So resolvea tha"t we letter the .\lanager 01 the F laillillgo ~dot.el lor the lanlastic i'00U ::lllCllCColnuuatiow \1.S0 that we thanK the K.1.fi'.1. Hluio auo T.V. Stations Joe Puitivan aplieal'eu at the Illeeting at 3:()U P.:-l. Presiueut Lash thanKed the lllellluel'S 01 tile Doan.i lor their attcHU:lllCe anu 11a1'O worK. :\.!uch worK has been acco,fllJlisheu in the two nays. President Lash enaed the meeting at 4: JU P .,'.1. |