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Show CERTIFIED SKI TEACHI:R INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - 4/16/64 Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah Present were Wally Aberso1d, Jack Simpson, Dick Voorhees, Lex Kuneau, Ed Morris, Bob Zeigler, Don Rhinehart, Jay Price, Woody Anderson, Dave Parkinson, Dean Roberts, Bob R. J. Smith, Adrien Segi1, Lloyd Frank, N. D, Andersen, Lou Lorenz and guest Eugene Huber. The meeting was called to order at 8:45 P,M, Minutes of the last BOD meeting were read. Motion made (Zeigler-Rhinehart) that they be approved as mailed. Carried Unanimously. President Anderson recommended one Fall aEd one Spring certification except on special arrangement because operating every week end was difficult. President Anderson recommended an outline of the Credential Committee's duties as a matter of policy. This would not necessarily have to be made part of the ByLaws. It was recommended that the Association set up a Ski School Directors meeting for the purpose of running the clinic. Of the directors meeting scheduled for 8:00 p.m., March 16, 1964 at the Ben Lomond Hotel in Ogden for the purpose of setting up the clinic and general meeting, the only director that showed up was Jim McConkey of Treasure Mountain Ski School. It is felt that ski school directors should have a major interest in the operation of the L S, LA, and such a poor showing was not understandable. President Anderson recommends a reduction from 15 to 12 board members, or appoint a good strong Executive Committee to get the work done with fewer board meetings. Wally Aberso1d concurred in this but added that the Executive Committee should make every effort to keep the membership posted as to any action. Bob Zeigler spoke against reduction of the number of board members in view of the increased membership. Certification was discussed at some length and it was advised that the Certification Committee conduct a study during the clinic of all Associate Instructors as to whether they should be re-examined, Some Associates have remained in this apprentice status for many years. The Certification Committee will then make their recommendations to the Board. The board has received a request that the 1965 clinic date be set now. President Anderson tabled setting the date. The 1964 clinic was not scheduled for Park City because of lack of accomodations, though convention facilities are of the best. President Anderson instructed committee heads to have operating policy wrLtten in approximately 25 words for board meeting after next general meeting. Since the Association is out of posters a motion was made (Voorhees-Abersold) that we spend $150.00 for more posters. Motion carried unanimously. The ISlA Certification Committee will choose our demonstration team to the next PSlA Convention at Aspen on May 14-16, A motion was made (Abersold-Price) that the Certification Committee select a demonstration team from the ISlA, Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made (Zeigler-Price) that a team of 3 demonstrators be selected along with 3 alternates and we pay $50.00 a piece for the 3 demonstrators except if for any reason one of the 3 alternates be chosen to replace a demonstrator. thence said alternate would also be paid. Motion carried unanimously. -2- Motion made (Lorenz-Voorhees) that we change the amount to $75.00 per demonstrator. Motion made (Zeigler-Rhinehart that this motion be tabled. Carried. A general discussion reached the floor regarding registration, certification, the Use Permit, ski school directors and our relative position and our problems with same. Motion made (Voorhees-Parkinson) that the problem of relations of Certification with the U,S, Forest Service be left up to the Certification Committee and that this be studied either by the Executive Committee or BOD before being presented to the General Membership. Carried unanimously. Motion (Voorhees-Lorenz) that the ISlA send letters with invoices for money donations to all ski school directors. Motion carried unanimously. Some money has already been received from some ski schools. A ski school directors meeting is scheduled for noon Saturday, 4/18/64. Motion (Parkinson-Price) that we have an "honorary" membership to Father Kern of Ogden for his faithful interest in ski teaching. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Don Rhinehart discussed the Fall Sun Valley symposium and how much the Sun Valley instructors appreciate the ISlA approval and sanction for credit. It was pointed out that Sun Valley has a problem in taking care of its own personnel and cannot handle a lot more instructors. Sigi Engl would like a representative from the ISlA to attend though, to observe the symposium. Motion (Voorhees-Zeigler) that meeting adjourn. .Meeting closed at 11:45 P,M, CERTIF1ED SKI TEACHER INTER MOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - 4/16/64 Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah Present were Wally Abersold, Jack Simpson, Dick Voorhees, Lex Kuneau, Ed Morris, Bob Zeigler, Don Rhinehart. Jay Price, Woody Anderson, Dave Parkinson, Dean Roberts, Bob R, J. Smith, Adrien Segil. Lloyd Frank» N. D. Andersen, Lou Lorenz and guest Eugene Huber. The meeting was called to order at 8:45 P,M, Minutes of the last BOD meeting were read, Motion made (Zeigler-Rhinehart) that they be approved as mailed. Carried Unanimously, President Anderson recommended one Fall arid one Spring certification except on special arrangement because operating every week end was difficult, President Anderson recommended an outline of the Credential Committee's duties as a matter of policy. This would not necessarily have to be made part of the ByLaws, It was recommended that the Association set up a Ski School Directors meeting for the purpose of running the clinic, Of the directors meeting scheduled for 8: 00 p,m,. March 16, 1964 at the Ben Lomond Hotel in Ogden for the purpose of setting up the clinic and general meeting, the only director that showed up was Jim McConkey of Treasure Mountain Ski School, It is felt that ski school directors should have a major interest in the operation of the I,S,I,A, and such a poor showing was not understandable. President Anderson recommends a reduction from 15 to 12 board members, or appoint a good strong Executive Committee to get the work done with fewer board meetings, Wally Abersold concurred in this but added that the Executive Committee should make every effort to keep the membership posted as to any action. Bob Zeigler spoke against reduction of the number of board members in view of the increased membership. Certification was discussed at some length and it was advised that the Certification Committee conduct a study during the clinic of all Associate Instructors as to whether they should be re-examined, Some Associates have remained in this apprentice status for many years, The Certification Committee will then make their recommendations to the Board. The board has received a request that the 1965 clinic date be set now. President Anderson tabled setting the date, The 1964 clinic was not scheduled for Park City because of lack of accomodations, though convention facilities are of the best. President Anderson instructed committee heads to have operating policy wrLtten in approximately 25 words for board meeting after next general meeting. Since the Association is out of posters a motion was made (Voorhees-Abersold) that we spend $150.00 for more posters. Motion carried unanimously. The ISlA Certification Committee will choose our demonstration team to the next PSIA Convention at Aspen on May 14-16. A motion was made (Abersold-Price) that the Certification Committee select a demonstration team from the ISlA, Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made (Zeigler-Price) that a team of 3 demonstrators be selected along with 3 alternates and we pay $50.00 a piece for the 3 demonstrators except if for any reason one of the 3 alternates be chosen to replace a demonstrator, thence said alternate would also be paid, Motion carried unanimously, CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCI.ATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1964 Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah Present were Woody Anderson, Bob Zeigler, Don Rhinehart, Wes Deist, Dave Parkinson, Bob J, R, Smith, Lex Kunau, Lou Lorenz, Dean Roberts, Dick Voorhees, Chuck Quinn, Bill Lash, Lloyd Frank, Ed Morris, Dennis Staley, Keith Lange, Claude Jones and guest John Herbert of the U,S, Forest Service. Minutes of the last Board meeting were read. Motion (Kunau-Rhinehart) that minutes be approved as read, Carried unanimously. President Anderson welcomed the new Board members 0 Bill Lash discussed the certification policy of the Eastern areas, Here the ISlA has been placed in the position of policing ski areas and is in the middle between the Forest Service and the School Directors. Certification must be sold on its merits. This discussion brought out problems of unqualified people being used during peak periods. Lou Lorenz stated that the ISlA has been doing the accounting and recording which should be done by the Forest Service, John Herbert said that the success of the whole program must have the support of ski school directors and area operators and that this could possibly be made more emphatic in contracts with area operators. The Forest Service is interested in the welfare of the public and insists that they receive qualified teachers, He sugges ted that the ISlA new Ski School Director IS Committee can work this out in meetings with the Certific.ation Committee, This discussion continued on for some time with one suggestion proposed that the Board be made up of Ski School Directors. Motion (Lange-Rhinehart) that the Board refer this ski school and certification business at hand to the new Ski School Director's Committee to handle. Carried unanimously. John Herbert excused himself from the meeting at 3;00 p.m, Motion (LashLange) that we donate $50.00 to the new Bud Werner memorial fund. Carried unanimously, It was proposed that we recommend to the Clinic Committee that in future clinics 9 !z day be set aside for groups within the ISlA to have committee meetings. Dick Voorhees recommended that bulletins be posted daily for the day's agenda so that members will know what is to happen, Motion (Lange-Quinn) that the ISlA pay the Secretary and Treasurer $100.00 each for the past years lost time and work. Motion carried. Bill Lash suggested that the ISlA hire a professional secretary from Manpower, Kelly Girls, etc. to come up and do book work, shorthand al".d typing. A gir 1 could work with committees and speed up all functions. Motion (Zeigler-Parkinson) that we increase from $50,00 to $75.00 the amount paid each team demonstrator to the PSIA Convention. Motion carried unanimously. Proposed changes were read by Jay Price} chairman, for our By-Laws by the By-Laws Committee: The following changes have been enacted by the Board and should be incorporated in a revised printing: Articles of Incorporation - #5 - Membership - add paragraph d (right of appeal), -2- By-laws - Section 1, paragraph 2 - the word "two" from the second sentence in terms of office to read as follows: three (3) directors shall be elected for two-year terms, ... The following changes are recommended and will require Board action: By-Laws, Section 4- Standing committees shall be changed to read as follows: I. Certification-Examination Committee 2. Publicity Committee 3. ByLaws Committee 4, Ski School Director's Committee 5. Racing and Coaching Committee 6. Ethics Committee 7. Budget and Finance Committee 8. Historical Committee 9. Credentials Committee. Section 5 - The last 5 words of the last sentence of the first paragraph should be deleted and changed to read as follows: ... , or of any other instructor divisions approved by PSIA, Section 8 - There shall be two (2) classes of members of this corporation: (a) Certified Ski Instructors (b) Associate Ski Instructors provided that only Certified Ski Instructors shall be entitled to hold the office of President or Vice President, but both classes shall be entitled to vote, There shall be a retired status for members who are certified ski instructors, who by application to the BOD so request to become inactive from ski teaching, Retired members will be urged~o attend annual clinics. Retired members will be entitled to wear a badge that will so designate the word retired and will issue a card having the word retired. Retired members will not be entitled to vote or hold directorship and office. Retired members wishing to become active, may teach one (1) season, at the end of that time they must be re-examined. Retired members will receive all association publications. Annual dues will be one half of the regular dues. Section 11 - In the first sentence delete the word "retain". Motion (Zeigler-Lange) that we make changes to Section 8 of the By-Laws as read. Carried unanimously, Motion (Voorhees-Frank) that we make changes to Section 4 of the By-Laws as read. Carried unanimously, Motion (Frank-Zeigler) that we revise Section 5 as read. Carried unanimously. N. Do Andersen gave the Ethics Committee report and requests a standing Ethics Committee be included in the By-Laws: The only matters that have come before the Committee this year are: 10 The abuse of privileges afforded Instructors in the purchase of ski equipment at reduced prices, This was brought to the attention of your President, Mr. Woody Anderson, and after some discussion, it was suggested that a letter be sent to the President of PSIA as it was decided that he could handle it better with those concerned. 2. This Committee feels that Section C under Article V Membership in the Articles of Incorporation should be deleted and a Code of Ethics substituted, This Code of Ethics has been submitted to your By-Laws Committee for their action. (Delete Section C under Article V and substitute the following;) - 3- CODE OF ETHICS "The members of ISlA shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics: A member: 1. Adheres to the principles and purposes of ISlA; 2. Realizes that his prime obligation is to the skiing public and to the students who pay for his best ski teaching efforts; 3. Seeks constantly to maintain and improve his competence through the program of educational advancement offered by ISlA; 4. Directs his students in practices and procedures that will be of the utmost benefit to the student rather than those which might be merely expedient; 5, Adopts demonstrable, positive improvements in the profession of ski instruction, decides after mature reflection and trial those which do serve to upgrade skiing and ski instruction; 6, Always deports himself in a manner which will be a credit to his profession and his associates; 7. Adopts with enthusiasm the high standards of the profession and responsibilities placed upon him by the Code and requirements of the ISlA and is fully aware that intentional deviation from this Code of internal discipline could result in a loss of his ISlA credentials and rating and expulsion from membership in the organization; 8, Loss of membership in Division will result in loss of~ member-ship. J->' ! II Members in violation of this Code shall be dealt with by the Ethics Committee and referred to the Board of Directors for consideration and discipline should the case warrant such action." Dave Parkinson gave the Publicity Committee report: This season the Publicity Committee tried using an advertising agency for the first time. Bench Advertising was given a $50 budget to promote a clinic in the Salt Lake area at the first of the season. After only two people showed up, this idea was dropped; however, Mr. Bob Young of Bench Advertising did write a nice article on the history and reasons for the ISlA, which appeared in the December issue of the Intermountain Skier, plus made up a new ad for the same magazine. Another project that never came off was the four-minute movie that was to be shown on the Paul James' Show. This movie was filmed, however, edited, and put together by Mr, Bob Smith and Mr. Dave Parkinson; but was never shown because they made the mistake of using non-members and never did find the time to get together again and re-do it. Below I have listed what was done by the Publicity Committee during the 1963-64 season; 1. Ski tips were submitted from some of the interested members and given as a public service each morning on the Julian Thomas Show. -4- 2, A new ad was made up and used in all issues of the Intermountain Skier, 3. An editorial on the ISlA also appeared in The Skier. 4, News releases were sent out to all media, including the ISlA mailing list on all the exams and clinics. 5, Dave Parkinson appeared on the Paul James' Show regarding promotion of the two-day certification exam at Alta on the 11th and 12th of ApriL 6, An ad was placed in the Tribune's special Ski Issue at the first of the season. 7. Posters were mailed out to most all of the areas. 8. Public Service Ski Tips were given on an Idaho radio station. 9. A good will tour was made by the chairman and the President of the Idaho area, plus Ogden and Jackson Hole. In general. I feel that the Association received adequate publicity and advertising this season without spending a great deal of money. Motion (Voorhees-Lash) that reports be accepted. Carried. The new ISlA demonstration team to the PSIA Convention will be Phil Jones, Dennis Staley and Don Rhinehart with Albert Ellis, 1st alternate; Keith Lange, 2nd alternate; and Sidney Jensen. 3rd alternate. NEW BUSINESS: Next was the election of officers, Woody Anderson, Keith Lange, Lou Lorenz, Dean Roberts, and Don Rhinehart each nominated for the office of President and each declined due to various reasons. Bill Lash nominated Dick Voorhees, Motion made (Frank-Deist) that nominations be closed. Carried unanimously making Dick Voorhees our new President. Don Rhinehart was nominated as Vice President and again nominations closed. Motion made (Lange-W, Anderson) that the present Secretary, Lloyd Frank, and Treasurer 9 Bob J. R. Smith9 be retained. Motion carried. Motion made (W. AndersonLange) that the Certification chairman Lou Lorenz be retained. Motion carried. Motion (Zeigler-Lash) that we refer the Reggy Vernet case to a special committee appointed by the President and the committee to report to the Board at the fall BOD meeting. Motion made (W. Anderson-Zeigler) that the Secretary send out proxy votes to ISlA members who belong to the PSIA for those who cannot attend the PSIA Convention. A list of those members going to the convention should be sent to Bill Lash. Any application money now to PSIA will apply on next year's dues. Motion carried unanimously, President Voorhees appointed Don Rhinehart chairman of the PSIA Demonstration Team. Motion (Lorenz-Quinn) that future examinations be based on the American Ski Teaching finished form, Motion carried unanimously. President Voorhees appointed the following: Dave Parkinson Bob Zeigler Bill Lash Keith Lange Jack Simpson -5- Chairman, Publicity Committee Chairman, Credentials Committee Chairman, Historical Committee Chairman, Ethics Committee Chairman, Racing Committee Motion (Lash-Zeigler) that we table setting up next spring clinic .. Motion carried. ',> The past executive committee was composed of Bill Lash, Dick Voorhees, Keith Lange, Woody Anderson and Lou Lorenz, Nominations were made for the new executive committee as follows: Woody Anderson~ Lloyd Frank, Bob J. R. Smith, Lou Lorenz, Bill Lash, Dick Voorhees, Bob Zeigler. Motion (Lange-Quinn) that nominations be closed. Motion carried. Motion (Lash-Lange) that the Executive Committee consist of the officers, certification chairman, past president and one member at large. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made (W. Anderson-Lash) that Section 4 of the By-Laws be revised to read that "Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum." Motion carried unanimously. Motion (Lash-W.Anderson) that we re-open nominations for Executive Committee member at large. Nominated were Dave Parkinson and Bill Lash. Motion made (Staley~Roberts) that nominations be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Vote was called for and Bill Lash was voted the member at large. Woody Anderson recommended that President Voorhees direct the Secretary to send a letter to all ski school directors regarding donations to the ISlA. Motion CWo Anderson-Lash) that the Board create assistance for the treasurer, secretary and certification chairman. The tremendous work load carried by these three was discussed. Motion carried unanimously. President Voorhees directed the three subject men to do something about help and advise him of the action taken. Motion (Lash-Rhinehart) that the Board draft a letter to the General Membership and Woody A Anderson thanking Woody for his contribution and the wonderful job he has done as~ ~ past presidenL Motion carried. President Voorhees appointed Bill Lash to drafr------the letter. Motion (Lash-Woody Anderson) that the Treasurer be instructed to buy a gavel. Motion carried. Motion (W. Anderson-Rhinehart) that all official contact between the U.S. Forest Service and the ISlA must go through proper ISlA channels. Motion carried. The Secretary is to send a letter to Mr. Floyd Iverson on this. Bill Lash suggested that the next printing of our Articles and By-Laws be typeset to reduce size and costs. Motion (W. Anderson-Rhinehart) that meeting adjourn. Carried, Meeting ended 5: 25 P.M. - END - - - CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER lNTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - SUNDAY" APRIL 19, 1964 Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah Present were Woody Anderson, Bob Zeigler, Don Rhinehart, Wes Deist, Dave Parkinson, Bob Jo Ro Smith, Lex Kunau, Lou Lorenzo Dean Roberts, Dick Voorhees, Chuck Quinn, Bill Lash" Lloyd Frank, Ed Morris, Dennis Staley, Keith Lange, Claude Jones and guest John Herbert of the UoS o Forest Service. Minutes of the last Board meeting were read. Motion (Kunau-Rhinehart) that minutes be approved as read, Carried unanimously. President Anderson welcomed the new Board members. Bill Lash discussed the certification policy of the Eastern areas. Here the ISlA has been placed in the position of policing ski areas and is in the middle between the Forest Service and the School Directors. Certification must be sold on its merits. This discussion brought out problems of unqualified people being used during peak periods. Lou Lorenz stated that the ISlA has been doing the accounting and recording which should be done by the Forest Service. John Herbe.rt said that the success of the whole program must have the support of ski school directors and area operators and that this could possibly be made more emphatic in contracts with area operators. The Forest Service is interested -in the welfare of the public and insists that they receive qualified teachers. He suggested that the ISlA new Ski School Director's Committee can work this out in meetings with the Certification Committee. This discussion continued on for some time with one suggestion proposed that the Board be made up of Ski School Directors. Motion (Lange-Rhinehart) that the Board refer this ski school and certification business at hand to the new Ski School Director's Committee to handle. Carried unanimously. John Herbert excused himself from the meeting at 3:00 p.m, Motion (LashLange) that we don~te $50,00 to the new Bud Werner memorial fund, Carried unanimously. It was proposed that we recommend to the Clinic Committee that in future clinics 9 k? day be set aside for groups within the ISlA to have committee meetings. Dick Voorhees recommended that bulletins be posted daily for the day's agenda so that members will know what is to happen. Motion (Lange-Quinn) that the ISlA pay the Secretary and Treasurer $100.00 each for the past years lost time and work. Motion carried. Bill Lash suggested that the ISlA hire a professional secretary from Manpower, Kelly Girls, etc. to come up and do book work, shorthand and typing. A girl could work with committees and speed up all functions. Motion (Zeigler-Parkinson) that we increase from $50.00 to $75.00 the amount paid each team demonstrator to the PSlA Convention. Motion carried unanimously. Proposed changes were read by Jay Price" chairman, for our By-Laws by the By-Laws Committee: \ The following changes have been enacted by the Board and should be incor\ pO~ated in a revised printing: Articles of Incorporation - #5 - Membership - add paragraph d (right of appeal). ---- ----- ------ ------------- -... -2- By-laws - Section 1, paragraph 2 - the word "two" from the second sentence in terms of office to read as follows: three (3) directors shall be elected for two-year terms, ,., The following changes are recommended and will require Board action: By-Laws, Section 4- Standing committees shall be changed to read as follows: 1, Certification-Examination Committee 2, Publicity Committee 3. ByLaws Committee 4, Ski School Director's Committee 5. Racing and Coaching Committee 6. Ethics Committee 7. Budget and Finance Committee 8. Historical Committee 9, Credentials Committee. Section 5 - The last 5 words of the last sentence of the first paragraph should be deleted and changed to read as follows: ... , or of any other instructor divisions approved by PSIA, Section 8 - There shall be two (2) classes of members of this corporation: Ca) Certified Ski Instructors (b) Associate Ski Instructors provided that only Certified Ski Instructors shall be entitled to hold the office of President or Vice President, but both classes shall be entitled to vote, There shall be a retired status for members who are certified ski instructors, who by application to the BOD so request to become inactive from ski teaching" Retired members will be urged to attend annual clinics. Retired members will be entitled to wear a badge that will so designate the word retired and will issue a card having the word retired. Retired members will not be entitled to vote or hold directorship and office. Retired members wishing to become active, may teach one (1) season, at the end of that time they must be re-examined. Retired members will receive all association publications. Annual dues will be one half of the regular dues, Section 11 - In the first sentence delete the word "retain". Motion (Zeigler-Lange) that we make changes to Section 8 of the By-Laws as read. Carried unanimously, Motion (Voorhees-Frank) that we make changes to Section 4 of the By-Laws as read. Carried unanimously, Motion (Frank-Zeigler) that we revise Section 5 as read. Carried unanimously. N. D, Andersen gave the Ethics Committee report and requests a standing Ethics Committee be included in the By-Laws: The only matters that have come before the Committee this year are: L The abuse of privileges afforded Instructors in the purchase of ski equipment at reduced prices, This was brought to the attention of your Presiden!., Mr, Woody Anderson, and after some discussion, it was suggested that a letter be sent to the President of PSIA as it was decided that he could handle it better with those concerned. 2, This Committee feels that Section C under Article V Membership in the Articles of Incorporation should be deleted and a Code of Ethics substituted, This Code of Ethics has been submitted to your By-Laws Committee for their action. (Delete Section C under Article V and substitute the following;) -- -3- CODE OF ETHICS liThe members of ISlA shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics: A member: 1. Adheres to the principles and purposes of ISlA; 2. Realizes that his prime obligation is to the skiing public and to the students who pay for hi.s best ski teaching efforts; 3. Seeks constantly to maintain and improve his competence through the program of educational advancement offered by ISlA; 4. Directs his students in practices and procedures that will be of the utmost benefit to the student rather than those which might be merely expedient; 5. Adopts demonstrable, positive improvements in the profession of ski instruction, decides after mature reflection and trial those which do serve to upgrade skiing and ski instruction; 6. Always deports himself in a manner which will be a credit to his profession and his associates; 7. Adopts with enthusiasm the high standards of the profession and responsibilities placed upon him by the Code and requirements of the ISlA and is fully aware that intentional deviation from this Code of internal discipline could result in a loss of his ISlA credentials and rating and expulsion from membership in the organization; 8, Loss of membership in Division will result in loss of PSIA membership. Members in violation of this Code shall be dealt with by the Ethics Committee and referred to the Board of Directors for consideration and discipline should the case warrant such action." Dave Parkinson gave the Publicity Committee report: This season the Publicity Committee tried using an advertising agency for the first time. Bench Advertising was given a $50 budget to promote a clinic in the Salt Lake area at the first of the season. After only two people showed up, this idea was dropped; however, Mr. Bob Young of Bench Advertising did write a nice article on the history and reasons for the ISlA, which appeared in the December issue of the Intermountain Skier, plus made up a new ad for the same magazine. Another project that never came off was the four-minute movie that was to be shown on the Paul James' Show. This movie was filmed, however, edited, and put together by Mr. Bob Smith and Mr. Dave Parkinson; but was never shown because they made the mistake of using non-members and never did find the time to get together again and re-do it. Below I have listed what was done by the Publicity Committee during the 1963-64 season: 1. Ski tips were submitted from some of the interested members and given as a public service each morning on the Julian Thomas Show. - -4- 2, A new ad was made up and used in all issues of the Intermountain Skier, 3. An editorial on the ISlA also appeared in The Skier. 4, News releases were sent out to all media, including the ISlA mailing list on all the exams and clinics. 5, Dave Parkinson appeared on the Paul James' Show regarding promotion of the two-day certification exam at Alta on the 11th and 12th of ApriL 6, An ad was placed in the Tribune's special Ski Issue at the first of the season. 7. Posters were mailed out to most all of the areas. 8. Public Service Ski Tips were given on an Idaho radio station. 9. A good will tour was made by the chairman and the President of the Idaho area, plus Ogden and Jackson Hole. In general. I feel that the Association received adequate publicity and advertising this season without spending a great deal of money. Motion (Voorhees-Lash) that reports be accepted. Carried, The new ISlA demonstration team to the PSIA Convention will be Phil Jones, Dennis Staley and Don Rhinehart with Albert Ellis, 1st alternate; Keith Lange, 2nd alternate; and Sidney Jensen, 3rd alternate. NEW BUSINESS: Next was the election of officers, Woody Anderson, Keith Lange, Lou Lorenz, Dean Roberts, and Don Rhinehart each nominated for the office of President and each declined due to various reasons, Bill Lash nominated Dick Voorhees, Motion made (Frank-Deist) that nominations be closed, Carried unanimously making Dick Voorhees our new President, Don Rhinehart was nominated as Vice President and again nominations closed. Motion made (Lange-W, Anderson) that the present Secretary, Lloyd Frank, and Treasurer, Bob J, R. Smith, be retained, Motion carried. Motion made (W. AndersonLang~) that the Certification chairman Lou Lorenz be retained, Motion carried. Motion (Zeigler-Lash) that we refer the Reggy Vernet case to a special committee appointed by the President and the committee to report to the Board at the fall BOD meeting, Motion made CW, Anderson-Zeigler) that the Secretary send out proxy votes to ISlA members who belong to the PSIA for those who cannot attend the PSIA Convention. A list of those members going to the convention should be sent to Bill Lash. Any application money now to PSIA will apply on next year's dues. Motion carried unanimously, President Voorhees appointed Don Rhinehart chairman of the PSIA Demonstration Team, Motion (Lorenz-Quinn) that future examinations be based on the American Ski Teaching finished form. Motion carried unanimously. President Voorhees appointed the following: ----------------- - Dave Parkinson Bob Zeigler Bill Lash Keith Lange Jack Simpson -5- Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, - Publicity Committee Credentials Committee Historical Committee Ethics Committee Racing Committee ; , , ! '. ' Motion (Lash-Zeigler) that we table setting up next spring clinic. Motion carried. The past executive committee was composed of Bill Lash, Dick Voorhees, Keith Lange, Woody Anderson and Lou Lorenz, Nominations were made for the new executive committee as follows: Woody Anderson~ Lloyd Frank, Bob J, R. Smith, Lou Lorenz, Bill Lash, Dick Voorhees, Bob Zeigler. Motion (Lange-Quinn) that nominations be closed. Motion carried. Motion (Lash-Lange) that the Executive Committee consist of the officers, certification chairman, past president and one member at large. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made (Wo Anderson-Lash) that Section 4 of the By-Laws be revised to read that "Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum." Motion carried unanimously. Motion (Lash-W.Anderson) that we re-open nominations for Executive Committee member at large. Nominated were Dave Parkinson and Bill Lash, Motion made (Staley~Roberts) that nominations be closed. Motion carried unanimously, Vote was called for and Bill Lash was voted the member at large. Woody Anderson recommended that President Voorhees direct the Secretary to send a letter to all ski school directors regarding donations to the ISlA. Motion (W, Anderson-Lash) that the Board create assistance for the treasurer, secretary and certification chairman. The tremendous work load carried by these three was discussed, Motion carried unanimously, President Voorhees directed the three subject men to do something about help and advise him of the action taken. Motion (Lash-Rhinehart) that the Board draft a letter to the General Membership and Woody Anderson thanking Woody for his contribution and the wonderful job he has done as past president. Motion carried, President Voorhees appointed Bill Lash to draft the letter. Motion (Lash-Woody Anderson) that the Treasurer be instructed to buy a gavel, Motion carried, Motion (W. Anderson-Rhinehart) that all official contact between the U.S, Forest Service and the ISlA must go through proper ISlA channels. Motion carried. The Secretary is to send a letter to Mr. Floyd Iverson on this. Bill Lash suggested that the next printing of our Articles and By-Laws be typeset to reduce size and costs. Motion CWo Anderson-Rhinehart) that meeting adjourn. Carried, Meeting ended 5:25 P.M. - END - I .. - CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1964 Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah Present were Woody Anderson, Bob Zeigler, Don Rhinehart, Wes Deist, Dave Parkinson, Bob J, R, Smith, Lex Kunau, Lou Lorenz, Dean Roberts, Dick Voorhees, Chuck Quinn 9 Bill Lash, Lloyd Frank, Ed Morris, Dennis Staley, Keith Lange, Claude Jones and guest John Herbert of the U,S, Forest Service. Minutes of the last Board meeting were read. Motion (Kunau-Rhinehart) that minutes be approved as read, Carried unanimously. President Anderson welcomed the new Board members. Bill Lash discussed the certification policy of the Eastern areas, Here the ISlA has been placed in the position of policing ski areas and is in the middle between the Forest Service and the School Directors. Certification must be sold on its merits, This discussion brought out problems of unqualified people being used during peak periods. Lou Lorenz stated that the ISlA has been doing the accounting and recording which should be done by the Forest Service. John Herbert said that the success of the whole program must have the support of ski school directors and area operators and that this could possibly be made more emphatic in contracts with area operators, The Forest Service is interested "in the welfare of the public and insists that they receive qualified teachers. He suggested that the ISlA new Ski School Director's Conunittee can work this out in meetings with the Certification Conunittee. This discussion continued on for some time with one suggestion proposed that the Board be made up of Ski School Directors. Motion (Lange-Rhinehart) that the Board refer this ski school and certification business at hand to the new Ski School Director's Committee to handle. Carried unanimously. John Herbert excused himself from the meeting at 3;00 p.m. Motion (LashLange) that we don'lte $50.00 to the new Bud Werner memorial fund. Carried unanimously. It was proposed that we recommend to the Clinic Conunittee that in future clinics 9 ~ day be set aside for groups within the ISlA to have committee meetings. Dick Voorhees recommended that bulletins be posted daily for the day's agenda so that members will. know what :is to happen, Motion (Lange-Quinn) that the ISlA P3Y the Secretary and Treasurer $100.00 each for the past years lost time and work. Motion carried. Bill Lash suggested that the ISlA hire a professional secretary from Manpower, Kelly Girls, etc. to come up and do book work, shorthand and typing. A girl could work with conunittees and speed up all functions. Motion (Zeigler-Parkinson) that we increase from $50.00 to $75.00 the amount paid each team demonstrator to the PSIA Convention. Motion carried unanimously. Proposed changes were read by Jay Price, chairman, for our By-Laws by the By-Laws Committee: (The following changes have been enacted by the Board and should be incor>~\ Po:ated in a revised printing: Articles of Incorporation - #5 - Membership - add paragraph d (right of appeal), ------ -------------------- - -2- By-laws - Section 1, paragraph 2 - the word "two" from the second sentence in terms of office to read as follows: three (3) directors shall be elected for two-year terms, ... The following changes are recommended and will require Board action: By-Laws, Section 4- Standing committees shall be changed to read as follows: 1. Certification-Examination Committee 2. Publicity Committee 3. ByLaws Committee 4. Ski School Director's Committee 5. Racing and Coaching Committee 6. Ethics Committee 7. Budget and Finance Committee 8. Historical Commir.tee 9. Credentials Committee. Section 5 - The last 5 words of the last sentence of the first paragraph should be de leted and changed to read as follows: ... > or of any other instructor divisions approved by PSIA. Section 8 - There shall be two (2) classes of members of this corporation: (a) Certified Ski Instructors (b) Associate Ski Instructors provided that only Certified Ski Instructors shall be entitled to hold the office of President or Vice President, but both classes shall be entitled to vote, The.re shall be a retired status for members who are certified ski instructors, who by application to the BOD so request to become inactive from ski teaching. Retired members will be urged to attend annual clinics. Retired members will be entitled to wear a badge that will so designate the word retired and will issue a card having the word retired. Retired members will not be entitled to vote or hold directorship and office. Retired members wishing to become active, may teach one (1) season, at the end of that time they must be re-examined. Retired members will receive all association publications. Annual dues will be one half of the regular dues. Section 11 - In the first sentence delete the word "retain". Motion (Zeigler-Lange) that we make changes to Section 8 of the By-Laws as read. Carried unanimously, Motion (Voorhees-Frank) that we make changes to Section 4 of the By-Laws as read. Carried unanimously, Motion (Frank-Zeigler) that we revise Section 5 as read. Carried unanimously. N. D. Andersen gave the Ethics Committee report and requests a standing E,:hics Committee be included in the By-Laws: The only matters that have come before the Committee this year are~ 1. The abuse of privileges afforded Instructors in the purchase of ski equipment at reduced prices. This was brought to the attention of your President, Mr. Woody Anderson, and after some discussion, it was suggested that a letter be sent to the President of PSIA as it was decided that he could handle it better with those concerned. 2. This Committee feels that Section C under Article V Membership in the Articles of Incorporation should be deleted and a Code of Ethics substituted. This Code of Ethics has been submitted to your By-Laws Committee for their action. (Delete Section C under Article V and substitute the following:) - -3- CODE OF ETHICS "The members of ISlA shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics: A member: 1. Adheres to the principles and purposes of ISlA; 2. Realizes that his prime obligation is to the skiing public and to the students who pay for his best ski teaching efforts; 3. Seeks constantly to maintain and improve his competence through the program of educational advancement offered by ISlA; 4. Directs his students in practices and procedures that will be of the utmost benefit to the student rather than those which might be merely expedient; 5. Adopts demonstrable, positive improvements in the profession of ski instruction, decides after mature reflection and trial those which do serve to upgrade skiing and ski instruction; 6. Always deports himself in a manner which will be a credit to his profession and his associates; 7. Adopts with enthusiasm the high standards of the profession and responsibilities placed upon him by the Code and requirements of the ISlA and is fully aware that intentional deviation from this Code of internal discipline could result in a loss of his ISlA credentials and rating and expulsion from membership in the organization; 8. Loss of membership in Division will result in loss of PSIA membership. Members in violation of this Code shall be dealt with by the Ethics Committee and referred to the Board of Directors for consideration and discipline should the case warrant such action." Dave Parkinson gave the Publicity Committee report: This season the Publicity Committee tried using an advertising agency for the first time. Bench Advertising was given a $50 budget to promote a clinic in the Salt Lake area at the first of the season. After only two people showed up, this idea was dropped; however, Mr. Bob Young of Bench Advertising did write a nice article on the history and reasons for the ISlA, which appeared in the December issue of the Intermountain Skier, plus made up a new ad for the same magazine. Another project that never came off was the four-minute movie that was to be shown on the Paul James' Show, This movie was filmed, however, edited, and put together by Mr. Bob Smith and Mr. Dave Parkinson; but was never shown because they made the mistake of using non-members and never did find the time to get together again and re-do it. Below I have listed what was done by the Publicity Committee during the 1963-64 season: 1. Ski tips were submitted from some of the interested members and given as a public service each morning on the Julian Thomas Show. - -4- 2, A new ad was made up and used in all issues of the Intermountain Skier, 3. An editorial on the ISlA also appeared in The Skier. 4, News releases were sent out to all media, including the ISlA mailing list on all the exams and clinics. 5, Dave Parkinson appeared on the Paul James' Show regarding promotion of the two-day certification exam at Alta on the 11th and 12th of April, 6, An ad was placed in the Tribune's special Ski Issue at the first of the season. 7. Posters were mailed out to most all of the areas. 8. Public Service Ski Tips were given on an Idaho radio station. 9. A good will tour was made by the chairman and the President of the Idaho area, plus Ogden and Jackson Hole. In general. I feel that the Association received adequate publicity and advertising this season without spending a great deal of money. Motion (Voorhees-Lash) that reports be accepted. Carried. The new ISlA demonstration team to the PSIA Convention will be Phil Jones, Dennis Staley and Don Rhinehart with Albert Ellis, 1st alternate; Keith Lange, 2nd alternate; and Sidney Jensen, 3rd alternate. NEW BUSINESS: Next was the election of officers. Woody Anderson, Keith Lange, Lou Lorenz, Dean Roberts, and Don Rhinehart each nominated for the office of President and each declined due to various reasons, Bill Lash nominated Dick Voorhees, Motion made (Frank-Deist) that nominations be closed. Carried unanimously making Dick Voorhees our new President, Don Rhinehart was nominated as Vice President and again nominations closed. Motion made (Lange-W, Anderson) that the present Secretary, Lloyd Frank, and Treasurer. Bob J, R. Smith. be retained, Motion carried. Motion made (W. AndersonLang~) that the Certification chairman Lou Lorenz be retained, Motion carried. Motion (Zeigler-Lash) that we refer the Reggy Vernet case to a special committee appointed by the President and the committee to report to the Board at the fall BOD meeting, Motion made (W. Anderson-Zeigler) that the Secretary send out proxy votes to ISlA members who belong to the PSIA for those who cannot attend the PSIA Convention. A list of those members going to the convention should be sent to Bill Lash. Any application money now to PSIA will apply on next year's dues. Motion carried unanimous1y. President Voorhees appointed Don Rhinehart chairman of the PSIA Demonstration Team. Motion (Lorenz-Quinn) that future examinations be based on the American Ski Teaching finished form, Motion carried unanimously. President Voorhees appointed the following: - Dave Parkinson Bob Zeigler Bill Lash Keith Lange Jack Simpson -5- Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, - Publicity Committee Credentials Committee Historical Committee Ethics Committee Racing Committee Motion (Lash-Zeigler) that we table setting up next spring clinic. Motion carried. The past executive committee was composed of Bill Lash, Dick Voorhees, Keith Lange, Woody Anderson and Lou Lorenz, Nominations were made for the new executive committee as follows: Woody Anderson, Lloyd Frank, Bob J. R. Smith, Lou Lorenz, Bill Lash, Dick Voorhees, Bob Zeigler. Motion (Lange-Quinn) that nominations be closed. Motion carried. Motion (Lash-Lange) that the Executive Committee consist of the officers, certification chairman, past president and one member at large. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made CWo Anderson-Lash) that Section 4 of the By-Laws be revised to read that "Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum," Motion carried unanimously. Motion (Lash-W.Anderson) that we re-open nominations for Executive Committee member at large. Nominated were Dave Parkinson and Bill Lash. Motion made (Staley~Roberts) that nominations be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Vote was called for and Bill Lash was voted the member at large. Woody Anderson recommended that President Voorhees direct the Secretary to send a letter to all ski school directors regarding donations to the ISlA. Motion CWo Anderson-Lash) that the Board create assistance for the treasurer, secretary and certification chairman. The tremendous work load carried by these three was discussed. Motion carried unanimously. President Voorhees directed the three subject men to do something about help and advise him of the action taken. Motion (Lash-Rhinehart) that the Board draft a letter to the General Membership and Woody Anderson thanking Woody for his contribution and the wonderful job he has done as past president. Motion carried. President Voorhees appointed Bill Lash to draft the letter. Motion (Lash-Woody Anderson) that the Treasurer be instructed to buy a gavel, Motion carried. Motion (W. Anderson-Rhinehart) that all official contact between the U.S. Forest Service and the ISlA must go through proper ISlA channels. Motion carried. The Secretary is to send a letter to Mr. Floyd Iverson on this. Bill Lash suggested that the next printing of our Articles and By-Laws be typeset to reduce size and costs. Motion (W. Anderson-Rhinehart) that meeting adjourn. Carried, Meeting ended 5:25 P.M, - END - " / INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTlU1CTORS ASSOCIATION AGENDA Board of Directors Meeting - Saturday, October 17, 1964 Idaho Falls, Idaho 1. Call to order Luncheon, Chit Chat, and Reading of Minutes of last meeting II. Standblg aud other ColJlD'dttee Reports 1. Certification Examination Committee - Re~ort by Lou Lorenz 1n regard to Certification Policy 2. Publicity r~ittee - Chairman - Dave Parkinsoa 3c By Laws Committee - Chairman - Jay Price 4. Ski Sehool Director' 8 Committee - Acting Chairman - ilil1 Lash 5. being and Coacb1ng Committee - Chairman - Jack Simpson 6. Ethics Committee - Chairman - Keith Lange 7. Budget and Finance Committee - Chah:man - J. I.. Bob Smith 8. Credential. Committee - Chairman - Bob Ziegeler 9. ISA ColJlD'dttee - Subject to be discussed by Dick Voorhees, Dollar a time reduction (1 lesson) coat of 11ft ticket - Al Han.en 10. E~cutive Committee - Dick Voorhees - Summary of .ummer'. activities III. Old Buain.s. IV. New Busines. V. Adjournment October 17, 1964 Report of the Chairman of Certification ComBdttee to the Board of Director. ISlA Since the last Board of Director's meeting there have been no ISLA Certification Examinations. Of the 47 candidates passing for ASlociate Inltructor during 1963-64 the committee la atill holding two for lack of first aid card. The committee haa approved excuses for their delay. The committee nullified one candidatets exam for failure to submit written phase of the exam. Harold Jenkins ) no first aid Gary Jones ) William C. Higdon - nullified The attached proposed plan for certification i. very 8imilar to the 1963 plan. Major chanlel included were those proposed by PSIA Certification Committee at Aspen, Kay, 1964. They are: Number of Candidates per three examiners per day will now be 8 to 10. Weiihting of the ph.ses of the exam will now be 25% for free skiing and slalom, 25% for demonstrations, 40% for teaching, and 10: for written. Also included in the new plan Is mention of the fact that the exam will be based on the "Official American Ski Technique~' This was noted unanimously a~e-ra8t ISlA Board of Director's meeting, April, 1964. The certification committee wll1 continue to follow standards and procedures outlined by PSIA, as well as take active part in PSIA certification buslnes., In order to further unlfy and strengthen both local and national programs. La.t year'. policy of using area certification representatives proved to be reasonably successful and will be used again. Area Representatives are: Ed "Morris Their duties to be: }( J ___ :t c~ Lex Kunau 'lJ C<J {)<~.-f Bill Ashby ,Jcv<- Pt<...,(ev-<A--- 0", l," K ,{o,.r; Doh Ziegler Don Rhinehart Jay Pdce Alta Brighton Burley - Twln 'all., Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Ashton Jackson Park City Solitude Snow Basin Sun Valley Southern Utah 1. Make avallable ISLA plan for certification, application for exam blanks, and to be able to answer candidates'questlons about certification and examination. 2. Be in direct contact with candidates and chairman in reaard to scheduling of exams 3. Make local plans if exam 1s in his area, arranae for llfts, lodging, .. et- 1ng place, .lalom polea, etc. 4. Assist committee chairman in any local certification problema. Exams will be by the appointment system again this year, however, the committee 1n cooperation with the officers may again schedule exams if the need arises. The Certification Committee: Lou Lorenz, Chai nnan Deao Roberts, Assistant Chairman Woody Anderson Keith Lange Don Rhinehart t-ce 1l-1OV~) INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Idaho Falls, Idaho October 22, 1964 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by Doctor Voorhees. Those in attendance were Officer Rhinehart, Vice President and Treasurer Smith, Directors Lash, Kunau, Quinn, Roberts, Staley, Lorenz, Zeigler, Anderson, and Parkinson. Peruvian Lodge ~eeting The minutes of the Board of Directors Heeting held at the Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah, April 19, 1964, were read by Treasurer Bob Smith, in the absence of Secretary Lloyd Frank. ~SC (Don Rhinehart, Dean Roberts) ~r. Richard Stauber and Mr. Granger, of the Sawtooth National Forest from Ketchum, Idaho, were introduced to the Board of Directors. Mr. Stauber is here representing Hr. John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Region 4, Ogden, Utah Certification Chairman Report Lou Lorenz, Certification Chairman, made his report. This written report will be attach-ed to the minutes. MSC (Bob Zeigler and Rex Kunau) Certification Chairman Lorenz passed out a letter to John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Lands and Recreation, Region 4, U. S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah, dated September 9, 1964, from Lou Lorenz, Chairman, Certification Committee, Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, subject: "Policy and Responsibility for Certification-Examination and Administration." The letter was then opened to the Board for general discussion. Mr. Lorenz read from page 3 which quotes: "From the above statement of policy the Certification Committee will assume that the responsibility for enforcement or waiver of Certification will be between the USFS and the primary permittee. The committee recognizes there will be instances when non-certified instructors will be used. However, these instances should be rare and will be a matter between the ski school director and the Forest Service. The Certification Committee's responsibility is that of providing a means for certification. Every effort will be directed toward this and with no compromise of established high standards. Operating policy is set down by the PSIA Certification and shall be followed. Therefore, this office will no longer register non-certified teachers". Chairman Lorenz then brings out that the registered status actually creates a third status; certified, associate, and registered, which is in essence registered, or apprentice to an associate. Chairman Lorenz explained that the Forest Service has intimated that the Intermountain Ski Instructors do not make the policy on Certification, but that the Forest Service does. Lorenz mentioned that this has created problems and personality conflicts between the Ski Instructors Association, Ski School Directors, Area Operators, and the Forest Service. President Voorhees read a letter from F. C. Koziol, Forest Supervisor, Wasatch National F,orest, United States Forest Service, dated Octc.>ber 8, 1964, which makes reference to the above mentioned certification policy by the ISlA, and calls for a meeting of Ski School Directors, Ski School Permittees, and representatives of ISlA to meet and discuss the matter of what exceptions the Forest Service will approve. The meeting is scheduled at the Forest Supervisor's office at 3:00 p.m. on October 26, 1964, Federal Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. MSC (Zeigler-Rhinehart) that the Board of Directors endorse President Voorhees and Certi_ .. ~i.c-abJoon ~hairman Lorenz' attendance at the proposed Forest Service Meeting in Salt Lake City on October 26. MSC (Quinn-J.R.Smith) that the Board give a vote of recommendation to Lou Lotenz and all those concerned with the letter regarding certification to Mr. Herbert. MSC (Kunau-Lorenz) that the Publicity Committee's report be accepted. Bylaws Committee - In the absence of Chairman Jay Price, a discussion took place in regard to updating the changes that have been made into the new printing of the Bylaws. MSC (Anderson, J.R. Smith) that the Bylaws Committee report be accepted. Motion carried o Ski School Directors Committee Report MSC (Smith, Zeigler) that the Ski School Director's Committee Report by acting Chairman Bill Lash be accepted as read o Budget and Finance Committee Six copies of the Auditors Limited Report of Financial Status of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association were passed out. Hr. J. Ro Bob Smith, Treasurer, apologized for the Board for not having foresight to furnish additional copies to the other Board Members. A discussion ensued concerning the comparative statement of cash receipts and disbursements between June 30, 1963, and June 30, 19640 Smith indicated one item in disbursements, Board of Director's Expense, increased from $30 0 80 in June, 1963, to $777.97 in 1964. He indicated this increase was in accordance with the fiscal policy of paying some limited expenses for Board of Director's meetings when funds were available. Quinn asked for an explanation of the increase of~JO(j for stenographic expense. Smith explained that in the past some of the stenographic work had been done for free, but last year all printing and letters. etco, vIaS nmv being paid for. Smith pointed out that it has been the policy of Hr. Frank, the Secretary, to put out more letters and more communications. This has been necessitated by the incorporation of Sun Valley into the area, where communication now becomes imperative in order that the people in Sun Valley and Salt Lake City, for example, knovl what each is doing. MSC (Zeigler-Kunau) that the Credentials Committee Report be deferred until tomorrmvo ISA Committee The relationship between the ISA and the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, by President Voorhees. Doctor Voorhees explained the proposed Ski School Directors meeting by Al Hansen, and felt that Hro Hansen was out of bounds, and that this had since been rectified. Doctor Voorhees discussed the dollar a time reduction for one lesson, and the comparable cost of lift tickets as proposed by the ex-Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, A1 Hansen. He summarized the history of the dollar a time reduction and told of A1 Hansen's statement that he had contacted ski school directors in the Intermountain area, Doctor Voorhees said that this was an attempt to railroad this action. It later turned out that Hr. Hansen had very few, if any, ski school directors in regard to this. It has been the position of the ISlA not to be either for or against this action. However, we did feel that any action taken should be done collectively, either for or against, for the good of the organization and the best efforts for ski schools. Doctor Voorhees brought to the attention of the Board the situation concerning Albert S. Hansen, for Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, and some of the background resulting in his summary dismissal. HSC (Anderson, Deists) that Doctor Voorhees \vrite a letter to the ISA Board indicating to them that the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association feels that the ISA Board of Directors is finally in the right direction, and we offer our support. HSC (Lorenz-Anderson) that the ISA Cormnittee Report be accepted. l!!.U2.=r.=i:..;;c;,;;a;,:l;,..,.;C;,;o;,;mm=i::.;t:,;t:,;e;:;,;e;;. Mro Bill Lash reported on the Historical Cormnittee, "I might point out that the Historical Cormnittee will only be as good as the informatibn it receives. You people, especially those of you living in different geographical areas around the Intermountain area, should submit to me all your pictures and news stories so they can be included into the book. HSC (Rhinehart-Parkinson) that the Historical Cormnittee Report be accepted. HSC (Rhinehart-Smith) that "In vie\v of the fact that Regie Varney did not make an attempt to ask an audience in defense of his own case to the Board of Directors of ISlA, and after his case was brought up at the general meeting at Alta in the spring of 1964, I make a motion that Regie Varney be dropped from the rolls of the ISA Association. Ne\v Business Doctor Voorhees now opened the floor for ne\v business. This is a report under Ne\v Business from Bill Lash, who represents the Intermountain Ski Instructors at PSIA level, Professional Ski Instructors of America. "Gentlemen, you know that on September 25, 26, and 27, we had our Board of Directors Heeting in Denver. I will be very brief in outlining what action took place at that time, particularly what our plans are for the forthcoming 1964-65 season. He are currently undergoing a membership drive, and this includes individual members and Ski School memership. Hay I encourage you as Directors and members of PSIA to help us gain what people we have left in this organization \V'ho are not members. In regard to Ski School membership, remember that this $25 membership fee entitles you to advertise the fact that you are a member Ski School of Professional Ski Instructors of America, and display the emblem. It also giv8s you the right to advertise in using your promotion of the fact that you are teaching the American Ski Technique if you are so doing. I have encouraged all schools \l7ho are not, to get on the band \V'agon and do so. The membership entitles you to buy the student rating cards listing the finished forms of the American Ski Technique and the six classes of the International Class System. He printed and distributed 30,000 last year, and we have already ordered another 30,000 fO,r this year. I suspect it will go somewhere around 90,000. So this means to you in the ski school business that the little student rating card is a pretty good thing. People are using it, and it is being used on a national basis. Our current plans, of course, center around the VII International Ski School Congress ,V'hich \V'ill be held in Austria, January 8 to 14. As planned, we are s till considering going ahead wi th the United States Demonstration Team at the Ski School Congress. This will depend, of course, on the availability of finances. He definitely will send at least a 4 man delegation, which will be Valar, Hilly Schaeffler, Herbert Schneiqer, and myself. Providing we are able to obtain the available funds, we will send th~ five man Demonstration Team. In any case, the Demonstration Team \vill train in the Intermountain area between December 12 and 19. I assume that we will train in Utah at Park City, Solitude, and Alta. He chose Utah because it has usually good snmV' conditions t four of the team members are from the west, and there is adequate transportation in and out of the city. I make mention of the fact that we are going to train the Demonstration Team regardless of whether they go to the Congress or not, because we plan to do some filming on them. This film will be made available for a film TV demonstration during the forthcoming proposed National 3. Ski Week. The National Ski Week is scheduled for January 22-31, 1965. In conjunction with this the plans of PSIA are to kick off on January 22 at 6:00 p.m. in every ski school in the United States that is teaching the American Technique, a Torchlight Par· ade demonstrating the technique. If this is done in conjunction allover the country at the same time, we should be able to receive a tremendous amount of TV publicity value from it. I will come back briefly a little later about this National Ski Week. The reason I made a request that it be brought up in New Business is that this Board should take some action. Our other plans are to do a PSIA booklet, a small booklet which will outline "\fuat is the American Ski Technique, What does Certification mean to you, the public, and why you should take lessons." In other words, it is a promotional booklet that you can sell in your ski school, and we can sell to you for whatever it costs to make it. We will probably print it in lots of 5,000 or 10,000 or more. I suppose it will be 3¢ to 5¢ a book. It is something we can hand out at the ski shows around the country. It is something the ski school can hand out as an information packet; when the student comes to you you can say "Here is a book that is designed to help us inform the public on ski instruction, why they should take ski instruction, the safety value of ski instruction, and why this instruction must be from a professional, certified instructor. In conjunction with this we plan to produce a poster depicting, as I told you earlier, the finished form of the American Ski Technique and promoting the salability of certified instruction. On the bottom of the poster we will have a sticker and it will say "Support the National Ski Week, January 22-31. In regard to coaching and racing, I had the opportunity to attend the first organizational meeting of the U. S. Coaches Association which was formed under the auspices of the United States Ski Association in Denver, on September 26, at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Briefly, the Coaches have not requested certification. However, as a qualification for their membership coaches who are not certified instructors must attend a ski instruction clinic and go through an examination. They have not requested that the coach pass the examination, but they request that he go through and take the examination. This in essence is a means of giving the coaches an opportunity to work closely with our program. It has been indicated to me and several others of the Board of Directors of PSIA that many of the top coaches would indeed take the certification examination. This was indicated to us by Hr. Beattie. I think he plans to take and pass the ski instructors test. The liaison person between PSIA and the Coaches Association is Don Henderson, who lives in Franconia, Netl1 Hampshire. I think he is a real tremendous person as a coach and as a ski teacher. Paul thinks very highly of him, and I think it is going to be good for both organizations. In regard to Certification t ~"e met in Denver with our new PSIA Certification Chairman, Bob Strand, of Portland"v;lOT:l many of you know. We are not planning a fall meeting of the Certification Committee, in that the Board of Directors felt that one meeting a year ,l1as probably adequate. Instead, we are planning to send Bob Strand to all divisions, if possible, to attend at least one of their certification examinations. To my knowledge this has never been done. I don't think anyone in this country has ever attended an eastern exam. I think when he returns with his report next spring it should be very enlightening. The Far West Ski Instructors, at their Board of Directors meeting two weeks ago in Santa Barbara, agreed to examine on the proposed PSIA plan which is exactly the one we are using here. The Eastern has adopted it. This means everybody has adopted the plan except the Southern Rocky Mountain Ski Association. NOv] to get back briefly to the National Ski Week, I wi 11 just outline an October 7 bulletin to all ski magazines from Doc Des Roches who is Secretary of the National Ski Week Committee. This is a fact sheet. NSC (Quinn-Rhinehart) that we accept Mr. Lash's report 0 4. - Chairman Appointed for National Ski Week Doctor Voorhees appointed Dave Parkinson to act as Committee Chairman for National Ski Week, 1965, and to coordinate the activities of the Public Relations Publicity Committee wi th PSIA in regard to this promotion. Meeting adjourned until 10:30 a.m., Sunday morning. Sunday. October 1964 - Doctor voorhees called the meeting to order at 10:50 a.m. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1964, Mr. Lash reiterated the motion that the Regional Forester, Mr. Floyd Iverson be contacted by letter officially advising him that all correspondence between the U. S. Forest Service on a local basis and ISlA be in writing, and through proper administrative channels to the Executive Office of ISlA. Motion seconded by Bob Smith. Heated discussion followed. Now the question is called for. One dissenting vote, Chuck Quinn. Clarification of Policies Asked For Mr. Stauber of the Forest Service spoke and asked for a clarification on the policies of reciprocity for foreign instructors. It was pointed out that reciprocity is only through the International Ski Instructors Association, and that any foreign instructor should file an application through his country's license or certification organization, to be transferred to PSIA in the corresponding division, in this case Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, or request a transfer. It was pointed out that the Canadian Ski Instructors Association, and the Canadian Alliance Certification is not recognized in the United States. Mr. Stauber asked for a current list of the membership of certified people from the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. Discussion continued with Mr •. Dick Stauber of the Forest Service with regard to officially sanctioned ISlA Clinics in relation to area like Soldier Mountain. Credentials Cowmittee Report Credentials Committee Report given by Bob Ziegler. Members are Lloyd Frank, Bob Smith, and Bob Ziegler, and after three meetings this ,.;ras changed to the current committee, consisting of Bob Ziegler, Chuck Quinn, and Don Rhinehart. 57 individuals were reviewed, 37 of \lhich were for lack of dues. Hany of these are Sun Valley Instructors, and with the timing of their season it \\las recommended that they waiver 60 days, permitting them time to return to the country. Seven were levied a $10 fine for non-attendance at clinic \\Iithout a written excuse. Two members were recommended for deferred action because of extenuating circumstances, and one member was recommended for dropping. Further recommendations were as follows: An appointment of a collection representative in the Souther'1 area. This has essentially been taken care of by Don Rhinehart. It was also recommended that ne\\l members be given a packet advising them of the m,jor points as far as the bylaws of the association, so that they might know ,.;rhat the requirements are right from the start. A report as read without names being detailed was approved and the individuals were then discussed. MSC (Zeigler-Lash) MSC (Zeigler-Smith) that the following individuals be fined $10 for non-attendance at clinic and non-notifications Maxine Bounous, Junior Bounous, Muffy Corbet, Garth Peterson, Robert J. Smith, and Will Smith. Five members from the retired category as follo\\ls: Dan Kelly, Earl Miller (Provo), Rulan Nichol, Ken riggs, and Ron Simmons. MSC (Zeigler-Smith) that these individuals be contacted by letter to the effect that the money be submitted. If not submitted within 30 days, that they be dropped. Dierden 5. Jennings has not attended the clinic. has not been teaching. and has not submitted any information. HSC (Zeigler-Anderson) that he be dropped for the above reasons. __ Jim Shane has requested retirement, and this was so granted. Ethics Committee Chairman Appointed MSC (Lash-Smith) that the Ethics Committee Chairman for this year be Chuck Quinn. Discussion on Spring Clinic A heated discussion was had on the Spring Clinic. and Alta was voted down. Park City was elected as the site of the convention, the date to be determined later. MSC (Anderson-Deist) that the President be Chairman of the Executive Committee. Dave Parkinson was appointed Chairman of the Clinic Committee to put on various clinics o This does not include the Spring Clinic. HSC (Lash-Quinn) 0 Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. -- INTERHOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Idaho F aUs, Idaho October 22, 1964 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by Doctor Voorhees. Those in attendance were Officer Rhinehart, Vice President and Treasurer Smith, Directors Lash, Kunau, Quinn, Roberts, Staley, Lorenz, Zeigler, Anderson, and Parkinson. Peruvian Lodge Xeeting The minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held at the Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah, April 19, 1964, were read by Treasurer Bob Smith, in the absence of Secretary Lloyd Franko I1SC (Don Rhinehart, Dean Roberts) ( ,\fr. Richard Stauber and Mr. Granger, of the Sawtooth National Forest from Ketchum, Idaho, were introduced to the Board of Directc;>rs. Mr. Stauber is here representing Mr. John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Region 4, Ogden, Utah Certification Chairman Report Lou Lorenz, Certification Chairman, made his report. This written report will be attach-ed to the minutes. MSC (Bob Zeigler and Rex Kunau) Certification Chairman Lorenz passed out a letter to John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Lands and Recreation, Region 4, U. S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah, dated September 9, 1964, from Lou Lorenz, Chairman, Certification Committee, Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, subject: "Policy and Responsibility for Certification-Examination and Administration." The letter was then opened to the Board for general discussion. Mr. Lorenz read from page 3 which quotes:. "From the above statement of policy the Certification Committee will assume that the responsibility for enforcement or waiver of Certification will be between the USFS and the primary permittee. The committee recognizes there will be instances when non-certified instructors will be used. However, these instances should be rare and will be a matter between the ski school director and the Forest Service. The Certification Committee's responsibility is that of providing a means for certification. Every effort will be directed toward this and with no compromise of established high standards. Operating policy is set down by the PSIA Certification and shall be followed. Therefore, this office will no longer register non-certified teachers". Chairman Lorenz then brings out that the registered status actually creates a third status; certified, associate, and registered, which is in essence registered, or apprentice to an associate. Chairman Lorenz explained that the Forest Service has intimated that the Intermountain Ski Instructors do not make the policy on Certification, but that the Forest Service does. Lorenz mentioned that this has created problems and personality conflicts between the Ski Instructors Association, Ski School Directors, Area Operators, and the Forest Service. President Voorhees read a letter from F. C. Koziol, Forest Supervisor, Wasatch National ~orest, United States Forest Service, dated Oct,~ber 8, 1964, which makes reference to the above mentioned certification policy by the ISlA, and calls for a meeting of Ski School Directors, Ski School Permittees, and representatives of ISlA to meet and discuss the matter of what exceptions the Forest Service will approve. The meeting is scheduled at the Forest Supervisor's office at 3:00 p.m. on October 26, 1964, Federal Building, Salt Lake City, Utah o MSC (Zeigler-Rhinehart) that the Board of Directors endorse President Voorhees and Certi.. f::i~-ab.i;Dn ~hairman Lorenz' attendance at the proposed Forest Service Meeting in Salt Lake City on October 26. MSC (Quinn-J.R.Smith) that the Board give a vote of recommendation to Lou Lotenz and all those concerned with the letter regarding certification to Hr. Herbert. HSC (Kunau-Lorenz) that the Publicity Committee's report be accepted. Bylaws Committee In the absence of Chairman Jay Price, a discussion took place in regard to updating the changes that have been made into the new printing of the Bylaws 0 HSC (Anderson, JoR. Smith) that the Bylaws Committee report be accepted o Hotion carried o Ski School Directors Committee Report HSC (Smith, Zeigler) that the Ski School Director's Committee Report by acting Chairman Bill Lash be accepted as read o Budget and Finance Committee Six copies of the Auditors Limited Report of Financial Status of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association were passed out. Mr. J. Ro Bob Smith, Treasurer, apologized for the Board for not having foresight to furnish additional copies to the other Board Members. A discussion ensued concerning the comparative statement of cash receipts and disbursements between June 30, 1963, and June 30, 19640 Smith indicated one item in disbursements, Board of Director's Expense, increased from $30 0 80 in June t 1963, to $777.97 in 1964. He indicated this increase was in accordance \V'i til the fiscal policy of paying some limited expenses for Board of Director's meetings when funds were available. Quinn asked for an explanation of the increase of ';;.)0(; for stenographic expense. Smith explained that in the past some of the stenographic work had been done for free, but last year all printing and letters, etc o, was nmv being paid foro Smith pointed out that it has been the policy of Hr. Frank, the Secretary, to put out more letters and more communications. This has been necessitated by the incorporation of Sun Valley into the area, where communication now becomes imperative in order that the people in Sun Valley and Salt Lake City, for example, know what each is doing. HSC (Zeigler-Kunau) that the Credentials Committee Report be deferred until tomorrow o ISA Committee The relationship between the ISA and the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, by President Voorhees. Doctor Voorhees explained the proposed Ski School Directors meeting by Al Hansen, and felt that Mro Hansen was out of bounds, and that this had since been rectified. Doctor Voorhees discussed the dollar a time reduction for one lesson, and the comparable cost of lift tickets as proposed by the ex-Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, Al Hansen. He summarized the history of the dollar a time reduction and told of Al Hansen's statement that he had contacted ski school directors in the Intermountain area. Doctor Voorhees said that this was an attempt to railroad this action. It later turned out that Mr. Hansen had very few, if any, ski school directors in regard to this. It has been the position of the ISlA not to be either for or against this action o However, we did feel that any action taken should be done collectively, either for or against, for the good of the organization and the best efforts for ski schools. Doctor Voorhees brought to the attention of the Board the situation concerning Albert So Hansen, for Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, and some of the background resulting in his summary dismissaL HSC (Anderson, Deists) that Doctor Voorhees \vrite a letter to the ISA Board indicating to them that the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association feels that the ISA Board of Directors is finally in the right direction, and we offer our support. HSC (Lorenz-Anderson) that the ISA Connnittee Report be accepted. ~rical Committee Mro Bill Lash reported on the Historical Committee, "I might point out that the Historical Committee \vill only be as good as the informatibn it receives. You people, especially those of you living in different geographical areas around the Intermountain area, should submit to me all your pictures and news stories so they can be i.ncluded into the book. HSC (Rhinehart-Parkinson) that the Historical Committee Report be accepted. MSC (Rhinehart-Smith) that "In view of the fact that Regie Varney did not make an attempt to ask an audience in defense of his own case to the Board of Directors of ISIA~ and after his case was brought up at the general meeting at Alta in the spring of 1964, I make a motion that Regie Varney be dropped from the rolls of the ISA Association. Ne\v Business Doctor Voorhees now opened the floor for new business. This is a report under New Business from Bill Lash, who represents the Intermountain Ski Instructors at PSIA level, Professional Ski Instructors of America. "Gent lemen, you know that on September 25, 26, and 27, we had our Board of Directors Meeting in Denver. I will be very brief in outlining what action took place at that time, particularly what our plans are for the forthcoming 1964-65 season. He are currently undergoing a membership drive, and this includes individual members and Ski School memership. May I encourage you as Directors and members of PSIA to help us gain what people we have left in this organization \vho are not members. In regard to Ski School membership, remember that this $25 membership fee entitles you to advertise the fact that you are a member Ski School of Professional Ski Instructors of America, and display the emblem. It also giv8s you the right to advertise in using your promotion of the fact that you are teaching the American Ski Technique if you are so doing. I have encouraged all schools \.ho are not, to get on the band wagon and do so. The membership entitles you to buy the student rating cards listing the finished forms of the American Ski Technique and the six classes of the International Class System. We printed and distributed 30,000 last year, and we have already ordered another 30,000 fo.r this year. I suspect it will go somewhere around 90,000. So this means to you in the ski school business that the little student rating card is a pretty good thing. People are using it, and it is being used on a national basis. Our current plans, of course, center around the VII International Ski School Congress \.hich \.ill be held in Austria, January 8 to 14. As planned, we are still considering going ahead \vith the United States Demonstration Team at the Ski School Congress. TIlis will depend, of course, on the availability of finances. He definitely will send at least a 4 man delegation, which \vill be Valar, Hilly Schaeffler, Herbert Schneiqer, and myself. Providing we are able to obtain the available funds, we v7ill send th~ five man Demonstration Team. In any case, the Demonstration Team \vill train in the Intermountain area between December 12 and 19. I assume that we will train in Utah at Park City, Solitude, and Alta. We chose Utah because it has usually good snO\I1 condi tions, four of the team members are from the wes t, and there is adequate transportation in and out of the city. I make mention of the fact that we are going to train the Demonstration Team regardless of whether they go to the Congress or not, because we plan to do some filming on them. This film \vill be made available for a film TV demonstration during the forthcoming proposed National 3. Ski Week. The National Ski Week is scheduled for January 22-31, 1965. In conjunction with this the plans of PSIA are to kick off on January 22 at 6:00 p.m. in every ski school in the United States that is teaching the American Technique, a Torchlight Parade demonstrating the technique. If this is done in conjunction allover the country at the same time, we should be able to receive a tremendous amount of TV publicity value from it. I will come back briefly a little later about this National Ski Week. The reason I made a request that it be brought up in New Business is that this Board should take some action. Our other plans are to do a PSIA booklet, a small booklet which will outline "What is the American Ski Technique, What does Certification mean to you, the public. and why you should take lessons." In other words. it is a promotion-al booklet that you can sell in your ski school. and we can sell to you for whatever it costs to make it. We will probably print it in lots of 5,000 or 10.000 or more. I suppose it will be 3~ to 5~ a book. It is something we can hand out at the ski shows around the country. It is something the ski school can hand out as an information packet; when the student comes to you you can say "Here is a book that is designed to help us inform the public on ski instruction, why they should take ski instruction, the safety value of ski instruction. and why this instruction must be from a professional. certified instructor. In conjunction with this we plan to produce a poster depicting, as I told you earlier. the finished form of the American Ski Technique and promoting the salability of certified instruction. On the bottom of the poster we will have a sticker and it will say "Support the National Ski Week. January 22-31. In regard to coaching and racing, I had the opportunity to attend the first organizational meeting of the U. S. Coaches Association which was formed under the auspices of the United States Ski Association in Denver, on September 26. at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Briefly, the Coaches have not requested certification. However, as a qualification for their membership coaches who are not certified instructors must attend a ski instruction clin-_ ic and go through an examination. They have not requested that the coach pass the examination, but they request that he go through and take the examination. This in essence is a means of giving the coaches an opportunity to work closely with our program. It has been indicated to me and several others of the Board of Directors of PSIA that many of the top coaches would indeed take the certification examination. This was indicated to us by Mr. Beattie. I think he plans to take and pass the ski instructors test. The liaison person between PSIA and the Coaches Association is Don Henderson, who lives in Franconia, Ne\..r Hampshire. I think he is a real tremendous person as a coach and as a' ski teacher. Paul thinks very highly of him, and I think it is going to be good for both organizations. In regard to Certification, ~..re met in Denver with our new PSIA Cer-tification Chairman. Bob Strand, of Portland I ,":lOrl many of you know. We are not planning a fall meeting of the Certification Committee, in that the Board of Directors felt that one meeting a year ,..ras probably adequate. Instead, we are planning to send Bob Strand to all divisions, if possible, to attend at least one 6f their certification examinations. To my knowledge this has never been done. I don't think anyone in this country has ever attended an eastern exam. I think when he returns with his report next spring it should be very enlightening. The Far West Ski Instructors, at their Board of Directors meeting two weeks ago in Santa Barbara, agreed to examine on the proposed PSIA plan which is exactly the one we are using here. The Eastern has adopted it. This means everybody has adopted the plan except the Southern Rocky Mountain Ski Association. Now to get back briefly to the National Ski Week, I will just outline an October 7 bulletin to all ski magazines from Doc Des Roches who is Secretary of the National Ski Week Committee. This is a fact sheet. HSC (Quinn-Rhinehart) that we accept Hr. Lash's report. 4. Chairman Appointed for National Ski Week Doctor Voorhees appointed Dave Parkinson to act as Committee Chairman for National Ski Heek, 1965, and to coordinate the activities of the Public Relations Publicity Commit= tee wi th PSIA in regard to this promotion. Meeting adjourned until 10:30 a.m., Sunday morning. Sunday. October 1964 - Doctor voorhees called the meeting to order at 10:50 a.m. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1964, Mr. Lash reiterated the motion that the Regional Forester, Mr. Floyd Iverson be contacted by letter officially advising him that all correspondence between the U. S. Forest Service on a local basis and ISlA be in \vriting, and through proper administrative channels to the Executive Office of ISlA. Motion seconded by Bob Smith. Heated discussion followed. Now the question is called for. One dissenting vote, Chuck Quinn. Clarification of Policies Asked For Mr. Stauber of the Forest Service spoke and asked for a clarification on the policies of reciprocity for foreign instructors. It was pointed out that reciprocity is only through the International Ski Instructors Association, and that any foreign instructor should file an application through his country's license or certification organization, to be transferred to PSIA in the corresponding division, in this case Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, or request a transfer. It was pointed out that the Canadian Ski Instructors Association, and the Canadian Alliance Certification is not recor,nized in the United States. Mr. Stauber asked for a current list of the membership of certified people from the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. Discussion continued with Mr. Dick Stauber of the Forest Service with regard to officially sanctioned ISlA Clinics in relation to area like Soldier Mountain. Credentials Co~mittee Report Credentials Committee Report given by Bob Ziegler. Members are Lloyd Frank, Bob Smith, and Bob Ziegler, and after three meetings this was changed to the current committee, consisting of Bob Ziegler, Chuck Quinn, and Don Rhinehart. 57 individuals were reviewed, 37 of \vhich were for lack of dues. Many of these are Sun Valley Instructors, and with the timing of their season it was recommended that they waiver 60 days, permitting them time to return to the country. Seven were levied a $10 fine for non-attendance at clinic without a written excuse. Two members were recommended for deferred action because of extenuating circumstances, and one member ~as recommended for dropping. Further recommendations were as follows: An appointment of a collection representative in the Souther"l area. This has essentially been taken care of by Don Rhinehart. It was also recommended that new members be given a packet advising them of the mfjor points as far as the bylaws of the association, so that they might know what the requirements are right from the start. A report as read without names being detailed was approved and the individuals were then discussed. MSC (Zeigler-Lash) MSC (Zeigler-Smith) that the following individuals be fined $10 for non-attendance at clinic and non-notification; Maxine Bounous, Junior Bounous, Muffy Corbet, Garth Peterson, Robert J. Smith, and Will Smith. Five members from the retired category as follows: Dan Kelly, Earl Miller (Provo), Rulan Nichol, Ken riggs, and Ron Simmons. MSC (Zeigler-Smith) that these individuals be contacted by letter to the effect that the money be submitted. If not submitted within 30 days, that they 'be dropped. Dierden 5. Jennings has not attended the clinic, has not been teaching, and has not submitted any information. MSC (Zeigler-Anderson) that he be dropped for the above reasons. Jim Shane has requested retirement, and this was so granted. Ethics Committee Chairman Appointed MSC (Lash-Smith) that the Ethics Committee Chairman for this year be Chuck Quinn. Discussion on Spring Clinic A heated discussion was had on the Spring Clinic, and Alta was voted down. Park City was elected as the site of the convention, the date to be determined later. MSC (Anderson-Deist) that the President be Chairman of the Executive Committee. Dave Parkinson was appointed Chairman of the Clinic Committee to put on various clinics. This does not include the Spring Clinic. MSC (Lash-Quinn). Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. INTERHOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Idaho Falls, Idaho October 22, 1964 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by Doctor Voorhees. Those in attendance were Officer Rhinehart, Vice President and Treasurer Smith, Directors Lash, Kunau, Quinn, Roberts, Staley, Lorenz, Zeigler, Anderson, and Parkinson. Peruviart Lodge Xeeting The minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held at the Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah, April 19, 1964, were read by Treasurer Bob Smith, in the absence of Secretary Lloyd Franko HSC (Don Rhinehart, Dean Roberts) ( Hr. Richard Stauber and Mr. Granger, of the Sawtooth National Forest from Ketchum, Idaho, were introduced to the Board of Directors. Hr. Stauber is here representing Mr. John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Region 4, Ogden, Utah Certification Chairman Report Lou Lorenz, Certification Chairman, made his report. This written report 'vil1 be attach-ed to the minutes. MSC (Bob Zeigler and Rex Kunau) Certification Chairman Lorenz passed out a letter to John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Lands and Recreation, Region 4, U. S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah, dated September 9, 1964, from Lou Lorenz, Chairman, Certification Committee, Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, subject: "Policy and Responsibility for Certification-Examination and Administration." The letter was then opened to the Board for general discussion. Mr. Lorenz read from page 3 which quotes:. "From the above statement of policy the Certification Committee will assume that the responsibility for enforcement or waiver of Certification will be between the USFS and the primary permittee. The committee recognizes there will be instances when non-certified instructors will be used. However, these instances should be rare and will be a matter between the ski school director and the Forest Service. The Certification Committee's responsibility is that of providing a means for certification. Every effort will be directed toward this and with no compromise of established high standards. Operating policy is set down by the PSIA Certification and shall be followed. Therefore, this office will no longer register non-certified teachers". Chairman Lorenz then brings out that the registered status actually creates a third status; certified, associate, and registered, which is in essence registered, or apprentice to an associate. Chairman Lorenz explained that the Forest Service has intimated that the Intermountain Ski Instructors do not make the policy on Certification, but that the Forest Service does. Lorenz mentioned that this has created problems and personality conflicts between the Ski Instructors Association, Ski School Directors, Area Operators, and the Forest Service. President Voorhees read a letter from F. C. Koziol, Forest Supervisor, Wasatch National F;orest, United States Forest Service, dated Octpber 8, 1964. which makes reference to the above mentioned certification policy by the ISlA, and calls for a meeting of Ski School Directors, Ski School Permittees, and representatives of ISlA to meet and discuss the matter of what exceptions the Forest Service will approve. The meeting is scheduled at the Forest Supervisor's office at 3:00 p.m. on October 26, 1964, Federal Building, Salt Lake City, Utah o HSC (Zeigler-Rhinehart) that the Board of Directors endorse President Voorhees and Certi• t fti.c-abJoon ~hairman Lorenz' attendance at the proposed Forest Service Meeting in Salt Lake City on October 26. MSC (Quinn-J.R.Smith) that the Board give a vote of recommendation to Lou Lorenz and all those concerned with the letter regarding certification to Hr. Herbert. HSC (Kunau-Lorenz) that the Publicity Committee's report be accepted. Bylaws Committee In the absence of Chairman Jay Price, a discussion took place in regard to updating the changes that have been made into the new printing of the Bylaws. HSC (Anderson, J.R. Smith) that the Bylaws Committee report be accepted. Hotion carried. Ski School Directors Committee Report HSC (Smith, Zeigler) that the Ski School Director's Committee Report by acting Chairman Bill Lash be accepted as read. Budget and Finance Committee Six copies of the Auditors Limited Report of Financial Status of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association were passed out. Hr. J. Ro Bob Smith, Treasurer, apologized for the Board for not having foresight to furnish additional copies to the other Board Hembers o A discussion ensued concerning the comparative statement of cash receipts and disbursements between June 30, 1963, and June 30, 1964. Smith indicated one item in disbursements, Board of Director's Expense, increased from $30 0 80 in June, 1963, to $777.97 in 1964. He indicated this increase was in accordance \Jith the fiscal policy of paying some limited expenses for Board of Director's meeti.ngs when funds were available. Quinn asked for an explanation of the increase of ))OC for stenographic expense. Smith explained that in the past some of the stenographic work had been done for free, but last year all printing and letters, etc., was nmJ being paid for. Smith pointed out that it has been the policy of Hr. Frank, the Secretary, to put out more letters and more communications. This has been necessitated by the incorporation of Sun Valley into the area, where communication now becomes imperative in order that the people in Sun Valley and Salt Lake City, for example, knmv what each is doing. HSC (Zeigler-Kunau) that the Credentials Committee Report be deferred until tomorrmJ o ISA Committee The relationship between the ISA and the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, by President Voorhees. Doctor Voorhees explained the proposed Ski School Directors meeting by Al Hansen, and felt that Hro Hansen was out of bounds, and that this had since been rectified. Doctor Voorhees discussed the dollar a time reduction for one lesson, and the comparable cost of lift tickets as proposed by the ex-Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, Al Hansen. He summarized the history of the dollar a time reduction and told of Al Hansen's statement that he had contacted ski school directors in the Intermountain area. Doctor Voorhees said that this was an attempt to railroad this action. It later turned out that Hro Hansen had very few, if any, ski school directors in regard to this. It has been the position of the ISlA not to be either for or against this action o However, we did feel that any action taken should be done collectively, either for or against, for the good of the organization and the best efforts for ski schools. Doctor Voorhees brought to the attention of the Board the situation concerning Albert So Hansen, for Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, and some of the background resulting in his summary dismissaL HSC (Anderson, Deists) that Doctor Voorhees '.rite a letter to the ISA Board indicating to them that the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association -. feels that the ISA Board of Directors is finally in the right direction, and we offer our support. HSC (Lorenz-Anderson) that the ISA Connnittee Report be accepted. ~rical Connnittee Hro Bill Lash reported on the Historical Connnittee, "I might point out that the Historical Connnittee will only be as good as the informatibn it receives. You people, especially those of you living in different geographical areas around the Intermountain area, should submit to me all your pictures and news stories so they can be included into the book. MSC (Rhinehart-Parkinson) that the Historical Connnittee Report be accepted. MSC (Rhinehart-Smith) that "In view of the fact that Regie Varney did not make an attempt to ask an audience in defense of his own case to the Board of Directors of ISIA p and after his case was brought up at the general meeting at Alta in the spring of 1964, I make a motion that Regie Varney be dropped from the rolls of the ISA Association. Ne\v Business Doctor Voorhees now opened the floor for new business. This is a report under New Business from Bill Lash, who represents the Intermountain Ski Instructors at PSIA level, Professional Ski Instructors of America. "Gentlemen, you know that on September 25, 26, and 27, we had our Board of Directors Meeting in Denver. I will be very brief in outlining what action took place at that time, particularly \vhat our plans are for the forthcoming 1964-65 season. He are currently undergoing a membership drive, and this includes individual members and Ski School memership. May I encourage you as Directors and members of PSIA to help us gain what people we have left in this organization 1;'lho are not members. In regard to Ski School membership, remember that this $25 membership fee entitles you to advertise the fact that you are a member Ski School of Professional Ski Instructors of America, and display the emblem. It also gives you the right to advertise in using your promotion of the fact that you are teaching the American Ski Technique if you are so doing. I have encouraged all schools \vho are not, to get on the band \vagon and do so. The membership enti tIes you to buy the student rating cards listing the finished forms of the American Ski Technique and the six classes of the International Class System. He printed and distributed 30,000 last year, and we have already ordered another 30,000 for this year. I suspect it will go somewhere around 90,000. So this means to you in the ski school business that the little student rating card is a pretty good thing. People are using it, and it is being used on a national basis. Our current plans, of course, center around the VII International Ski School Congress \vhich 1;Jill be held in Austria, January 8 to 14. As planned, we are still considering going ahead with the United States Demonstration Team at the Ski School Congress. This will depend, of course, on the availability of finances. He definitely will send at least a 4 man delegation, which \vill be Valar, Hilly Schaeffler. Herbert Schneiqer, and myself. Providing we are able to obtain the available funds, we will send th~ five man Demonstration Team. In any case, the Demonstration Team \vill train in the Intermountain area between December 12 and 19. I assume that we will train in Utah at Park City, Solitude, and Alta. i-Ie chose Utah because it has usually good snmv conditions, four of the team members are from the west, and there is adequate transportation in and out of the city. I make mention of the fact that we are going to train the Demonstration Team regardless of whether they go to the Congress or not, because we plan to do some filming on them. This film \vill be made available for a film TV demonstration during the forthcoming proposed National 3. Ski Week. The National Ski Week is scheduled for January 22-31, 1965. In conjunction with this the plans of PSIA are to kick off on January 22 at 6:00 p.m. in every ski school in the United States that is teaching the American Technique, a Torchlight Parade demonstrating the technique. If this is done in conjunction allover the country at the same time, we should be able to receive a tremendous amount of TV publicity value from it. I will corne back briefly a little later about this National Ski Week. The reason I made a request that it be brought up in New Business is that this Board should take some action. Our other plans are to do a PSIA booklet, a small booklet which will outline "What is the American Ski Technique, What does Certification mean to you, the public, and why you should take lessons." In other words, it is a promotion-al booklet that you can sell in your ski school, and we can sell to you for whatever it costs to make it. We will probably print it in lots of 5,000 or 10,000 or more. I suppose it will be 3¢ to 5¢ a book. It is something we can hand out at the ski shows around the country. It is something the ski school can hand out as an information packet; when the student comes to you you can say "Here is a book that is designed to help us inform the public on ski instruction, why they should take ski instruction, the safety value of ski instruction, and why this instruction must be from a professional, certified instructor. In conjunction with this we plan to produce a poster depicting, as I told you earlier, the finished form of the American Ski Technique and promoting the salability of certified instruction. On the bottom of the poster we will have a sticker and it will say "Support the National Ski Week, January 22-31. In regard to coaching and racing, I had the opportunity to attend the first organizational meeting of the U. S. Coaches Association which was formed under the auspices of the United States Ski Association in Denver, on September 26, at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Briefly, the Coaches have not requested certification. However, as a qualification for their membership coaches who are not certified instructors must attend a ski instruction clin~_ ic and go through an examination. They have not requested that the coach pass the examination, but they request that he go through and take the examination. This in essence is a means of giving the coaches an opportunity to work closely with our program. It has been indicated to me and several others of the Board of Directors of PSIA that many of the top coaches would indeed take the certification examination. This was indlcatf.! d to us by Hr. Beattie. I think he plans to take and pass the ski instructors test. The liaison person between PSIA and the Coaches Association is Don Henderson, who lives in Franconia, New Hampshire. I think he is a real tremendous person as a coach and as a'ski teacher. Paul thinks very highly of him, and I think it is going to be good for both organizations. In regard to Certification, \ve met in Denver with our new PSIA Cer'tification Chairman, Bob Strand, of Portland! ~vhor:l many of you know. We are not planning a fall meeting of the Certification Committee, in that the Board of Directors felt that one meeting a year \vas probably adequate. Instead, we are planning to send Bob Strand to all divisions, if possible, to attend at least one of their certification examinations. To my knowledge this has never been done. I don't think anyone in this country has ever attended an eastern exam. I think when he returns with his report next spring it should be very enlightening. The Far West Ski Instructors, at their Board of Directors meeting two weeks ago in Santa Barbara, agreed to examine on the proposed PSIA plan which is exactly the one we are using here. The Eastern has adopted it. This means everybody has adopted the plan except the Southern Rocky Hountain Ski Association. Now to get back briefly to the National Ski Week, I will just outline an October 7 bulletin to all ski magazines from Doc Des Roches who is Secretary of the National Ski Week Committee. This is a fact sheet. HSC (Quinn-Rhinehart) that we accept Hr. Lash's reporto 4. Chairman Appointed for National Ski Week Doctor Voorhees appointed Dave Parkinson to act as Committee Chairman for National Ski l'[eek, 1965, and to coordinate the activities of the Public Relations Publicity Committee wi th PSIA in regard to this promotion. Meeting adjourned until 10:30 a.m., Sunday morning. Sunday. October 1964 - Doctor voorhees called the meeting to order at 10:50 a.m. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1964, Mr. Lash reiterated the motion that the Regional Forester, Mr. Floyd Iverson be contacted by letter officially advising him that all correspondence between the U. S. Forest Service on a local basis and ISlA be in wri ting, and through proper administrative channels to the Executive Office of ISlA. Motion seconded by Bob Smith. Heated discussion followed. Now the question is called for. One dissenting vote, Chuck Quinn. Clarification of Policies Asked For Mr. Stauber, of the Forest Service spoke and asked for a clarification on the policies of reciprocity for foreign instructors. It was pointed out that reciprocity is only through the International Ski Instructors Association, and that any foreign instructor should file an application through his country's license or certification organization, to be transferred to PSIA in the corresponding division, in this case Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, or request a transfer. It was pointed out that the Canadian Ski Instructors Association, and the Canadian Alliance Certification is not recor;nized in the United States. Mr. Stauber asked for a current list of the membership of certified people from the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. Discussion continued with Mr. Dick Stauber of the Forest Service with regard to officially sanctioned ISlA Clinics in relation to area like Soldier Mountain. Credentials Committee Report Credentials Committee Report given by Bob Ziegler. Members are Lloyd Frank, Bob Smith, and Bob Ziegler, and after three meetings this was changed to the current committee, consisting of Bob Ziegler, Chuck Quinn, and Don Rhinehart. 57 individuals were reviewed, 37 of \vhich were for lack of dues. Hany of these are Sun Valley Instructors, and with the timing of their season it \vas recommended that they \vaiver 60 days, permitting them time to return to the country. Seven were levied a $10 fine for non-attendance at clinic without a written excuse. Two members were recommended for deferred action because of extenuating circumstances, and one member ~as recommended for dropping. Further recommendations were as follows: An appointment of a collection representative in the Souther'l area. This has essentially been taken care of by Don Rhinehart. It was also recommended that new members be given a packet advising them of the m_jor points as far as the bylaws of the association, so that they might know what the requirements are right from the start. A report as read without names being detailed was approved and the individuals were then discussed. MSC (Zeigler-Lash) HSC (Zeigler-Smith) that the following individuals be fined $10 for non-attendance at clinic and non-notification. Maxine Bounous, Junior Bounous, Muffy Corbet, Garth Peterson, Robert J. Smith, and Will Smith. Five members from the retired category as follows: Dan Kelly, Earl Miller (Provo), Rulan Nichol, Ken riggs, and Ron Simmons. MSC (Zeigler-Smith) that these individuals be contacted by letter to the effect that the money be submitted. If not submitted within 30 days, that they 'be dropped. Dierden 5. Jennings has not attended the clinic, has not been teaching, and has not submitted any information. MSC (Zeigler-Anderson) that he be dropped for the above reasons. Jim Shane has requested retirement, and this was so granted. Ethics Committee Chairman Appointed HSC (Lash-Smith) that the Ethics Committee Chairman for this year be Chuck Quinn. Discussion on Spring Clinic A heated discussion was had on the Spring Clinic, and Alta was voted down. Park City was elected as the site of the convention, the date to be determined later. MSC (Anderson-Deist) that the President be Chairman of the Executive Committee. Dave Parkinson was appointed Chairman of the Clinic Committee to put on various clinics. This does not include the Spring Clinic. MSC (Lash-Quinn). Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Idaho Falls, Idaho October 22, 1964 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by Doctor Voorhees. Those in attendance were Officer Rhinehart, Vice President and Treasurer Smith, Directors Lash, Kunau, Quinn, Roberts, Staley, Lorenz, Zeigler, Anderson, and Parkinson. Peruvian Lodge ~eeting The minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held at the Peruvian Lodge, Alta, Utah, April 19, 1964, were read by Treasurer Bob Smith, in the absence of Secretary Lloyd Franko MSC (Don Rhinehart, Dean Roberts) ~1r. Richard Stauber and Mr. Granger, of the Sawtooth National Forest from Ketchum, Idaho, were introduced to the Board of Directors. Mr. Stauber is here representing Mr. John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Region 4, Ogden, Utah Certification Chairman Report Lou Lorenz, Certification Chairman, made his report. This written report 'vill be attach-ed to the minutes. MSC (Bob Zeigler and Rex Kunau) Certification Chairman Lorenz passed out a letter to John Herbert, Assistant Regional Forester, Lands and Recreation, Region 4, U. S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah, dated September 9, 1964, from Lou Lorenz, Chairman, Certification Committee, Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, subject: "Policy and Responsibility for Certification-Examination and Administration." The letter was then opened to the Board for general discussion. Mr. Lorenz read from page 3 which quotes: "From the above statement of policy the Certification Committee will assume that the responsibility for enforcement or waiver of Certification will be between the USFS and the primary permittee. The committee recognizes there will be instances when non-certified instructors will be used. However, these instances should be rare and will be a matter between the ski school director and the Forest Service. The Certification Committee's responsibility is that of providing a means for certification. Every effort will be directed toward this and with no compromise of established high standards. Operating policy is set down by the PSIA Certification and shall be followed. Therefore, this office will no longer register non-certified teachers". Chairman Lorenz then brings out that the registered status actually creates a third status; certified, associate, and registered, which is in essence registered, or apprentice to an associate. Chairman Lorenz explained that the Forest Service has intimated that the Intermountain Ski Instructors do not make the policy on Certification, but that the Forest Service does. Lorenz mentioned that this has created problems and personality conflicts between the Ski Instructors AssOCiation, Ski School Directors, Area Operators, and the Forest Service. President Voorhees read a letter from F. C. Koziol, Forest Supervisor, Wasatch National F;orest, United States Forest Service, dated Oct.pber 8, 1964. which makes reference to the above mentioned certification policy by the ISlA, and calls for a meeting of Ski School Directors, Ski School Permittees, and representatives of ISlA to meet and discuss the matter of what exceptions the Forest Service will approve. The meeting is scheduled at the Forest Supervisor's office at 3:00 p.m. on October 26, 1964, Federal Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. MSC (Zeigler-Rhinehart) that the Board of Directors endorse President Voorhees and Certi":-' l' fti.c-an.ion ~hairman Lorenz' attendance at the proposed Forest Service Heeting in Salt Lake City on October 26. HSC (Quinn-J.R.Smith) that the Board give a vote of recommendation to Lou Lorenz and all those concerned with the letter regarding certification to Hro Herbert. HSC (Kunau-Lorenz) that the Publicity Committee's report be accepted. Bylaws Committee In the absence of Chairman Jay Price, a discussion took place in regard to updating the changes that have been made into the new printing of the Bylaws. HSC (Anderson, J.R. Smith) that the Bylaws Committee report be accepted. Hotion carried o Ski School Directors Committee Report MSC (Smith, Zeigler) that the Ski School Director's Committee Report by acting Chairman Bill Lash be accepted as read. Budget and Finance Committee Six copies of the Auditors Limited Report of Financial Status of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association were passed out. }1r o J o Ro Bob Smith, Treasurer, apologized for the Board for not having foresight to furnish additional copies to the other Board Members o A discussion ensued concerning the comparative statement of cash receipts and disbursements between June 30, 1963, and June 30, 1964 0 Smith indicated one item in disbursements, Board of Director's Expense, increased from $30 0 80 in June, 1963, to $777.97 in 1964 0 He indicated this increase was in accordance \ITit:1 the fiscal policy of paying some limited expenses for Board of Director's meetings when funds were available. Quinn asked for an explanation of the increase of ~)OL for stenographic expense. Smith explained that in the past some of the stenographic work had been done for free, but last year all printing and letters, etc., was nmIT being paid foro Smith pointed out that it has been the policy of Hr. Frank, the Secretary, to put out more letters and more communications. This has been necessitated by the incorporation of Sun Valley into the area, where communication now becomes imperative in order that the people in Sun Valley and Salt Lake City, for example, knmJ what each is doing. MSC (Zeig1er-Kunau) that the Credentials Committee Report be deferred until tomorrmvo ISA Committee The relationship between the ISA and the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, by President Voorhees. Doctor Voorhees explained the proposed Ski School Directors meeting by Al Hansen, and felt that Mro hansen was out of bounds, and that this had since been rectified. Doctor Voorhees discussed the dollar a time reduction for one lesson, and the comparable cost of lift tickets as proposed by the ex-Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, A1 Hansen. He summarized the history of the dollar a time reduction and told of Al Hansen's statement that he had contacted ski school directors in the Intermountain area. Doctor Voorhees said that this was an attempt to railroad this action. It later turned out that Hro Hansen had very few, if any, ski school directors in regard to this o It has been the position of the ISlA not to be either for or against this action o However, we did feel that any action taken should be done collectively, either for or against, for the good of the organization and the best efforts for ski schools. Doctor Voorhees brought to the attention of the Board the situation concerning Albert S. Hansen, for Executive Director of the Intermountain Ski Association, and some of the background resulting in his summary dismissal o }lSC (Anderson, Deists) that Doctor Voorhees write a letter to the ISA Board indicating to them that the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association ~--~~-- ----_. feels that the ISA Board of Directors is finally in the right direction, and we offer our supporto HSC (Lorenz-Anderson) that the ISA Committee Report be accepted. ~rica1 Committee Hr. Bill Lash reported on the Historical Committee, "I might point out that the Historical Committee will only be as good as the information it receives. You people, especially those of you living in different geographical areas around the Intermountain area, should submit to me all your pictures and news stories so they can be included into the book. MSC (Rhinehart-Parkinson) that the Historical Committee Report be accepted. MSC (Rhinehart-Smith) that "In view of the fact that Regie Varney did not make an attempt to ask an audience in defense of his own case to the Board of Directors of ISlA, and after his case was brought up at the general meeting at Alta in the spring of 1964, I make a motion that Regie Varney be dropped from the rolls of the ISA Association. Ne'., Business Doctor Voorhees now opened the floor for new business. This is a report under Ne~., Business from Bill Lash, who represents the Intermountain Ski Instructors at PSIA level, Professional Ski Instructors of America. "Gent lemen, you know that on September 25, 26, and 27, we had our Board of Directors Heeting in Denver. I will be very brief in outlining what action took place at that time, particularly ''lhat our plans are for the forthcoming 1964-65 season. He are currently undergoing a membership drive, and this includes individual members and Ski School memership. May I encourage you as Directors and members of PSIA to help us gain what people we have left in this organization ''lho are not members. In regard to Ski School membership, remember that this' $25 membership fee entitles you to advertise the fact that you are a member Ski School of Professional Ski Instructors of America, and display the emblem. It also giv~s you the right to advertise in using your promotion of the fact that you are teaching the American Ski Technique if you are so doing. I have encouraged all schools Hho are not, to get on the band ,.,agon and do so. The membership entitles you to buy the student rating cards listing the finished forms of the American Ski Technique and the six classes of the International Class System. He printed and distributed 30,000 last year, and we have already ordered another 30,000 fo.r this year. I suspect it will go some\-lhere around 90,000. So this means to you in the ski school business that the little student rating card is a pretty good thing. People are using it, and it is being used on a national basis. Our current plans, of course, center around the VII International Ski School Congress \'lhich ,;rill be held in Austria, January 8 to 14. As planned, we are still considering going ahead ''lith the United States Demonstration Team at the Ski School Congress. This will depend, of course, on the availability of finances. He definitely will send at least a 4 man delegation, which will be Valar, Hilly Schaeffler, Herbert Schneiqer, and myself. Providing we are able to obtain the available funds, we will send th~ five man Demonstration Team. In any case, the Demonstration Team will train in the Intermountain area between December 12 and 19. I assume that ''le wi 11 train in Utah at Park City, Soli tude, and Al tao He chose Utah because it has usually good snm., conditions, four of the team members are from the west, and there is adequate transportation in and out of the city. I make mention of the fact that we are going to train the Demonstration Team regardless of whether they go to the Congress or not, because we plan to do some filming on them. This film ''lill be made available for a film TV demonstration during the forthcoming proposed National 3. Ski Week. The National Ski Week is scheduled for January 22-31, 1965. In conjunction with this the plans of PSIA are to kick off on January 22 at 6:00 p.m. in every ski school in the United States that is teaching the American Technique, a Torchlight Parade demonstrating the technique. If this is done in conjunction allover the country at the same time, we should be able to receive a tremendous amount of TV publicity value from it. I will come back briefly a little later about this National Ski Week. The reason I made a request that it be brought up in New Business is that this Board should take some action. Our other plans are to do a PSIA booklet, a small booklet which wi 11 outline "Hhat is the American Ski Technique, Hhat does Certification mean to you, the public, and why you should take lessons." In other words, it is a promotion-al booklet that you can sell in your ski school, and we can sell to you for whatever it costs to make it. He will probably print it in lots of 5,000 or 10,000 or more. I suppose it will be 3¢ to 5¢ a book. It is something we can hand out at the ski --- shows around the country. It is something the ski school can hand out as an information packet; when the student comes to you you can say "Here is a book that is designed to help us inform the public on ski instruction, why they should take ski instruction, the safety value of ski instruction, and why this instruction must be from a professional, certified instructor. In conjunction with this we plan to produce a poster depicting, as I told you earlier, the finished form of the American Ski Technique and promoting the salability of certified instruction. On the bottom of the poster we will have a sticker and it will say "Support the National Ski '~eek, January 22-31. In regard to coaching and racing, I had the opportunity to attend the first organizational meeting of the U. S. Coaches Association which was formed under the auspices of the United States Ski Association in Denver, on September 26, at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Briefly, the Coaches have not requested certification. However, as a qualification for their membership coaches who are not certified instructors must attend a ski instruction clinic and go through an examination. They have not requested that the coach pass the ex- -----amination, but they request that he go through and take the examination. This in essence is a means of giving the coaches an opportunity to work closely with our program. It has been indicated to me and several others of the Board of Directors of PSIA that many of the top coaches would indeed take the certification examination. This was indicated to us by Hr. Beattie. I think he plans to take and pass the ski instructors test. The liaison person between PSIA and the Coaches Association is Don Henderson, who lives in Franconia, Ne\v Hampshire. I think he is a real tremendous person as a coach and as a ski teacher. Paul thinks very highly of him, and I think it is going to be good for both organizations. In regard to Certification, 've met in Denver with our new PSIA Certification Chairman, Bob Strand, of Port1and,uhon many of you know. He are not planning a fall meeting of the Certification Committee, in that the Board of Directors felt that one meeting a year 'vas probably adequate. Instead, we are planning to send Bob Strand to all divisions, if possible, to attend at least one of their certification examinations. To my knowledge this has never been done. I don't think anyone in this country has ever attended an eastern exam. I think when he returns with his report next spring it should be very enlightening. The Far West Ski Instructors, at their Board of Directors meeting two weeks ago in Santa Barbara, agreed to examine on the proposed PSIA plan which is exactly the one we are using here. The Eastern has adopted it. This means everybody has adopted the plan except the Southern Rocky Mountain Ski Association. Now to get back briefly to the National Ski Heek, I will just outline an October 7 bulletin to all ski magazines from Doc Des Roches who is Secretary of the National Ski Heek Committee. This is a fact sheet. HSC (Quinn-Rhinehart) that we accept Hr. Lash's report 0 4. Chairman Appointed for National Ski Week Doctor Voorhees appointed Dave Parkinson to act as Committee Chairman for National Ski Week, 1965, and to coordinate the activities of the Public Relations Publicity Committee wi th PSIA in regard to this promotion. Meeting adjourned until 10:30 a.m., Sunday morning. Sunday, October 1964 - Doctor voorhees called the meeting to order at 10:50 a.m. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1964, Mr. Lash reiterated the motion that the Regional Forester, Mr. Floyd Iverson be contacted by letter officially advising him that all correspondence between the U. S. Forest Service on a local basis and ISlA be in writing, and through proper administrative channels to the E |