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Show THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. CONDUCTED llY TMa pM•iodical was started (in 1872) to p1•omote t!te dijfitsion of valuable scientific knowledge, in a readable and attractive form, among all classes of the commwnity, and has t!Lus .far met a want supplied by no otl•er ma(Jazine in the United States. Eight volumes have now appeared, which are filled with instructive and interesting articles and abstracts of articles, original, selected, translated, and illustrated, from the pens of the leading scientific men of different countries. Accounts of important scientific discoveries, the application of science to the practical arts, and the latest views put forth concerning natural phenomena, have been given by savants of the highest authority. Prominent attention has been also devoted to those various sciences which help to a better understanding of the nature of man, to the bearings of science upon the questions of society and government, to scientific education, and to the conflicts which spring from the progressive nature of scientific knowledge. THE PoPULAR ScrnNCE MONTHLY has long since ceased to be an experiment. It has passed into a circulation far beyond the most sanguine hopes at first entertained, and the cordial and intelligent approval which it bas everywhere met, shows that its close and instructive discussions have been well appreciated by the reading portion of the American people. It bas not been its policy to make boastful promises of great things to be done in the future, but rather to appeal to what it has already accomplished as giving it a claim upon popular patronage. But no pains will be spared to improve it and make it still more worthy of liberal support, and · still more a necessity to the cultivated classes of the country. TuE POPULAR SCIENCE MoNTHLY is published in a large octavo, handsomely printed on clear type, and, when the subjects admit, fully illustrated. Each number contains 12:> pages. Terms : $5 per Annum, or Fifty Cents per Number. Posta,ge free to all Subscribers in the United States, fr•om January 1, 1875. A new volume of Trrn PoPULAR SCIENCE MoNTHLY begins with the numbers for May and November each year. Subsmiptions may commence from any date. Back numbers supplied. Now Ready, Vola. I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., and VIII., qf the Popular Science Monthly, embracing the numbers from 1 to 48 (May, 1872, to April, 1876). 8 vols., Svo. Cloth, $3.50 per vol. Half Morocco, $6.50 per vol. For Sale, Bindin(J Oases for Vols. I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., and Vlll., qf Tlte Popular Science .iJfonthl!IJ. These covers are prepared expressl.v for binding the volumes of TuE PoPULAR SCIENCE MONTITLY as they appear, and will be sent to Subscribers on receipt of price. Any binder can attach the covero at a trifling expense. Price, 50 cents eacb. ADDRESS D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 649 & 551 llrondwuy, New York. |