Show typically occurred over several years with multiple minor offenses Forty-one percent of youth suicide completers had involvement with the Division of Child and Famiy Services DCFS Utah educational data reflect that 72 of youth suicide completers aged 13-18 years are enrolled in school and that of these enrolled completers approximately one-third 39 had received some type of special education evaluation Close to half 47 of the enrolled completers hadrecord either of suspension or expulsion Psychiatric liness Mood disorder Substance abuse Conduct disorder Provious suicide atiempts Biological aciors adu s1udes Twin studies Adoption studies Lowserotonin Utah Task Force for the Prevention of Youth Suicide was developed to address issues of risk factors and predictors for youth suicide To accomplish this task force members initially compared Utah Medical Examiner data with National data and found them to be consistent For example Utah youth suicide completers are primarily male and fireams are the most common method The most comprehensive understanding of youth suicide involves an integration of Utah and National data The following charts reflect this integrated approach Statistics and Comments psychological autopsy studies at least 90 of all suicides have preexisting psychiatric disorders Brent et al 1993 Shafer et al 1996 Shafi Steltz-Lenarsky Derrick Beckner Whitinghil 1988 The majority of suicide completers have co-morbidty of psychiatric disorders Shaffer et al 1996 Multile psychiatric diagnoses increase suicide risk The most common co-morbid diagnoses are mood disorders substance abuse and conduct disorder The following diagnoses are common in suicide victims alone or comorbid with other diagnoses The suicide completers in these studies were 19 years and younger Brent et al 1988 Shaffer et al 1996 61-63 havemood disorder most commonly major depression 35-41 havehistory of significant substance abuse or dependence Risk factor only for males particularly older males 22-46 meet criteria forDSM-IV diagnosisof conduct disorder 75 of adolescent suicide Compieters had no prior suicide atiempt However suicide attempts by adolescents increased the risk of competed suicide 17-fold Brent et al 1993 Tiigher rafes of concordance for Completed SUGide ates among monozygotic twins compared with dizygolic twins 11 vs6 Roy Segal Centerwall Robinette 1991 Among adoptees who completed suicide their bclogical rlatves havesixfold elevation in suicide ate wihclevation among adopive relatives Schulsinger Kety Rosenthal Wender 1979 Low serotonin 5-HIAA was found in the cerebrospinal fuid of suicide completers proposed two-factor theory of suicide includes psychiatric diagnosis and low serotonin Low serotonin has been associated with impulsivity and aggression Mann Oquendo Underwood Arango 1999 Brent Bridge Johnson Connolly 1996 Digitalimage 2005 Marriott Library University of Utah Al rights reserved |