Show Summary The roots of suicide lie in several psychological biological socio-cultural and family factors Combinations of risk factors vary from individual to individual and represent the majority of suicide completers However not every suicide fitsprofile By identifying major risk factors government agencies including Juvenile Justice and schools can more effectively focus their resources and improve youth suicide prevention References Andrus Fleming Heumann Wassell Hopkins Gordon 1991 Surveillance of attempted suicide among adolescents in Oregon 1988 American Journal of Public Health 87 1067-9 1994 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 46 34 789-93 Bagley Tremblay 1997 Suicidal behaviors in homosexual and bisexual males Crisis 18 24-34 Brent Bridge Johnson Connolly 1996 Suicidal behavior runs in families controlled family study of adolescent suicide victims Archives of General Psychiatry 53 12 1145-52 Brent Perper Allman Moritz Zelenak 1991 Wartella The presence and accessibility of firearms in the homes of adolescent suicides case-control study see comments Journal of the American Medical Association 266 21 2989-95 Brent Perper Goldstein Kolko Allan Allman Zelenak 1988 Risk factors for adolescent suicide comparison of adolescent suicide victims with suicidal inpatients Archives of General Psychiatry 45 581-8 Brent Perper Moritz Allman Friend Roth Schweers Balach Baugher 1993 Psychiatric risk factors for adolescent suicide case-control study Journal of the American Academy of Children and Adolescent Psychiatry 32 521-9 Canetto 1997 Meanings of gender and suicidal behavior during adolescence Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior 27 339-51 Centers for Disease Control 1998 Suicide among black youths United States 1980-1995 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 27 10 Centers for Disease Control 1997 Regional variations in suicide rates--United States 1990 Gould Fisher Parides Flory Shaffer 1996 Psychosocial risk factors of child and adolescent completed suicide Archives of General Psychiatry 53 12 115562 Gould Wallenstein Kleinman Carroll Mercy 1990 Suicide clusters An examination of age-specific effects American Journal of Public Health 80 211-2 Gray Keller Haggard Rolfs Achilles Tate Cazier McMahon 1998 Utah youth suicide study Preliminary results UtahHealth 11-17 Hazell 1993 Adolescent suicide clusters Evidence mechanisms and prevention Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 27 653-65 Kachur Potter James Powell 1995 Suicide in the United States 1980-1992 Atlanta Centers for Disease Control Keller 1998 1993-1995 Report on child injury deaths Utah child fatality review committee Salt Lake City Utah Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Kellermann Rivara Somes Reay Francisco Banton Prodzinski Fligner Hackman 1992 Suicide in the home in relation to gun ownership see comments New England Journal of Medicine 327 467-72 Mann Oquendo Underwood Arango 1999 The neurobiology of suicide risk review for the clinician Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 60 Suppl 7-11 discussion 18-20 1136 Moscicki 1994 Gender differences in completed and attempted suicides Annual Review of Epidemiology 2 152-8 Digital image 2005 Marriott Library University of Utah Al rights reserved |