Show Title XIX of the Social Security Act is basically for the poor It does not cover all of the poor however but only persons who meet specified eligibility criteria Subject to broad Federal guidelines States determine the benefits covered program eligibility rates of payment for providers and methods of administering the program medigap policy private health insurance policy offered to Medicare beneficiaries to cover expenses not paid by Medicare Medigap policies are strictly regulated by federal rules Also known as Medicare supplemental insurance medically indigent morbidity The extent of illness injury or Persons who cannot afford needed health disability indefined population It is usually expressed in general or specific care because of insufficient income and or lack of adequate health insurance medical savings account MSA An account in which individuals can accumulate contributions to pay for medical rates of incidence or prevalence mortality Death Used to describe the relation of care or insurance Some states give tax deaths to population in which they occur The mortality rate death rate expresses preferred status to MSA contributions but the number of deaths inpopulation within such contributions are still subject to federal income taxation MSAs differ from medical prescribed time and may be expressed as reimbursement accounts sometimes called relation to total population duringyear or crude death rates g total deaths in flexible benefits or Section 115 accounts in that they need not be associated with an as death rates specific for diseases and recognized in federal statute males in relation to the white male employer MSAs are not currently sometimes for age sex or other attributes g number of deaths for cancer in white population duringgiven year Medicare Title XVIIl U health insurance program for people aged 65 and disability payments for two years or longer open enrollmentmethod for assuring that insurance plans over for persons eligible for social security and for certain workers and their beneficiaries are deposited in special trust especially prepaid plans do not exclusively select good risks Under an open enroliment requirement plan must accept all who apply duringspecific period each year funds for use in meeting the expenses incurred by the insured It consists of two outcomes research insurance Part and supplementary patient outcomes that is patient health dependents who need kidney transplantation or dialysis Monies from payroll taxes and premiums from separate but coordinated programs hospital medical insurance Part Medicare risk contract An agreement by an HMO or competitive medical plan to acceptfixed dollar reimbursement per Medicare enrollee derived from costs in the fee-for service sector for delivery offull range of prepaid health services Research on measures of changes in status and satistaction resulting from specific medical and health interventions Attributing changes in outcomes to medical care requires distinguishing the effects of care from the effects of the many other factors that influence patients health and satisfaction 164 Digital image 2005 Marriott Library University of Utah Al rights reserved |