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Show U. of U. Chronicle Year Book 71 tions held religiously sacred by all who enter and leave the doors of our good old University. But, if the year has been a tradition maker, it has also been a revoiutionizer, a turning from the old to the new. YYe have found our lucky star ; light has come after the darkness ; a reaping after the sowing and our wheels of progress have indeed turned rapidly. Student activities have increased ; new societies have sprung up and splendid rivalry has resulted. Each student has been proud of his class and his organization, and yet always ready at the proper time, to forget such affiliations and give three hearty cheers for his University. "Prep." life, in a word, has given way to College life and the University of Utah is now a University in fact as well as in name. &ememrjraitceg With this issue, the present Chronicle staff retires from the world of College journalism. Our year's work has not been a task, but rather a pleasure-as to its success, others may judge. Perhaps this may be largely attributed to the fact that the staff has worked diligently and loyally supported the editor. On no occasion, when an urgent request has been made of a staff member 10 do certain specified work, has there been a refusal, or a failure. During the entire year not one unfriendly word has been uttered. Discord has never entered our ranks-harmon\ has held full sway. We met as strangers, and we leave as friends feeling better for one another's acquaintanceship and inspiration. The editor now embraces this last opportunity of expressing his thanks for the loyal support rendered by the staff-for certainly a Chronicle editor was never favored with more energetic, willing and considerate assistants. Likewise, to the students who, by subscriptions or kind words, cheered us on in our work, we are thankful. But it is the merchant who listened and yielded when we talked advertising, that deserves our special gratitude, and we extend to him our best wishes for future prosperity. Alumni An issue of this number will be sent free to all alumni subscribers of the Chronicle. Our object in creating the Alumni department this year and seeking alumni subscribers, was not financial gain. It has been a money loser. Our only motive was to create a lively, living interest for the school in every alumnus. If we have partly succeeded in this, our efforts have not been in vain, and we rest content. But do not let your subscription end with this number-continue it. Chrony is the only live, tangible wire that can keep you in touch with the new-life and growth of your Alma Mater. Get in line-push from without and we will push from within, and with such leaps and bounds will the University of Utah go forward, that it will soon stand without a rival among the great Universities of the West. |