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Show WALKER'S STOREARROW BRAND QJJARTER SIZECOLLARSare made of fabrics shrunk by the Clupeco process. They are therefore the only Real Quarter Size Collars. They are four ply, and are the most perfect made, whitest, and longest wearing Collars it is possible to produce. Over One Hundred Styles. 15 Cents Each. 2 for 25 Cents.''MEN'S CORNER"Walker Bros. Dry Goods CoSALT LAKE CITY, UTAHDeseret News Book StoreTHE LEADING BOOK CONCERNUNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS NEW AND STANDARD FICTION FINE STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS, Etc.6 Main Street,Salt Lake CityCol. Young (discussing" Ogden Valley reservoir)-"The bed of the Weber river is composed of silt and large boulders that will not retain water, and therefore is not worth a dam.""Gee, but old man Smith is unlucky.""How's that?""Why, he died last week and lost his wife this morning."Thomas lias been congratulated several times upon the natural appearance of his bald-headed wig in "Niobe." Elbert, of course, doesn't tell everybody just how natural that wig is.First Student-"How would you design a crank?" Second Student-"Draw a sketch of Beckstrand." |