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Show 28. HARRIET YOUNG, , Graduate The Misses Elys' School for Young Ladies, N. Y. C, '03; Vassar, 1903-5 ; Philolethian Society; Qui Vivi Debating Society; Athletic Association; Glee Club; Choral Club; President "Hungry Dozen;" College Settlement; U. of U., 1905-6."Where there's a Will there's a Senior."''Beautiful as sweet; And Young as beautiful, and gay as Young."29. LOUIS SECKLES, 2F, U. of U. Prep., 1897-98; Secretary Athletic Association, 1903-4; Secretary Engin eering Society, 1903-4; Vice-President Junior Class; Junior Banquet Commit tee; Executive Committee Senior Class; Pin Committee, 1906; President Engineering Society, 1905-6."This Senior-Junior,giant-dwarf Ion-Cupid;Regent of love rhymes,lord of folded arms,The anointed sovereign of sighs and groans,Liege of all loiterers and malcontents."30. HARRY DRES'SER, S. L. H. S., '98-'oo; Prep., I9oo-'oi; Treasurer Engineering Society, 1903-4; Vice-President Engineering Society, 1905-6; cast "Extravaganza," 1903-4; President U of U. Press Club four years."/ saw young Harry, with his beaveron,Setting type like a feathered Mercury." "Look here upon this picture, and onthis,The counterfeit presentment of two brothers."31. RAYMCTND DRESSER, U. of U. Prep.; Soph. Track Team; Executive Board Soph. Class; Executive Board Engineering Society, 1904-5: Won mile in class meet, 1905; Junior Foot-ball Team; Decoration Committee "J. Prom.;" Vice-President U. of U. Press Club, four years."'Sdeath! I'll print it and shame the fools."48 |