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Show Vis iiiil Representation of Africans in 18th & 19th Century Art & Literature in England & France A, Bi-imu L itapartmtat of LiiiE^Eja^cs & I7tli century but especially chmng dis enlire 18th otnlun-.. ihe slave trade domiruitticl U^e cwmMiii^s in Englj3tid Hud FrHnte. A lol of rcseareh ^xbU on ihe Iritmgular E^uio, Lesser known^ however is an outgro\vth of this trade: tiie traffic of domtfsho slaves. This project foctises primanly on ihe representation oflhese alaves tram^ ;is iU>mt\stic servants fe the ridv Indeed in the Euro??eart higher <$&$ ihex^epage children \vtrt metaphorically a sign of wealth. One sees than jjortfiiyed in many \voi-ks of art by •fnjjKXift ajlksts such as Detroy, Watteau, Reynolds, ["Jogxsrtli ^rtd st^itny iesH<;r-km>\vTn artists, These piige children are oi^n depicted \villi exotic pr<xiuots s«ch as coiTee for which they were traded and for which their parents worked on plantations. I will analyze and show similarities IttHveen their sepsis entatbns, E\omining a brge oolketion pain lings will support my study and conclusions. A visual demonstration of a selection of these pftintingft will Ix p^^senled. Finally, a <list«ssbn of U^e H^rahtre irt which these page children serve? as Elie main subjects v\ill provide additional support 30 |