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Show - John FH 11 more sis of Natural Antimicrobials from Plants: Bcuzophenone Syntliase ,1. Fill mitre, ,L 1 .nJivjim*, ^ Wins. ,1, U*1-, P, W Vhrni<1i Department 4*f Meriicmiil Chumstiy, T of Hiulogy. tinivifiiiy of Utah .:.-;::/ r['ropic;il pi mils of the geiius (.UiiSKi rcl> tm \r^\i~< 1o Jl:rhli/L.- llidr Usually bees gain nectar in return for pollinating, but with Clusia* bees are r^w^rd^d wirh a Tjnick, i^sinous nmteiial which they u^ to fa-sbion thw nests. This floral resin has potent anithacEtirial properries that have been traced to a dass of sunall tnoleciEles known as pixmyiatod benzophenones. It appears likely that bees are gaining a measure of protection against palhogenic attack by using Ihose c^inpoumis m Jh^ir Jiesrs, We ar-e jnr^re.^d in under standing the rote of the benzophonoties in the origin and maintenance of Ihebee-C/MAAv interaction. Asa first step to characterizing this symbiosis, we are cloning, sequencing, and expressing biosynlhetic genes responsible for the production of prenyiated benzoph^nones in CIn SKI. We hope to elucidate bio.synthehc mec-lmiusni^ and use Ibis knowledge to further understand the relationship between pollination and antibiotic production. 35 |