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Show COMMISSIONER OF IND!AN AFFAIRS. 67 Permitting the State of Coloradp to use the old Grand~unction : Indian school plant, granted to it in 1910 for educational purposes (36 Stat L., 273), for the care of the insane or for othe? public'pur~ poses whichmay be airthorized by the'legislature of the State, pro-vided that Indians shall always be admitted to the institution .free of charge and upon an equality with white persons. Amending section 2 of the act of March 2, 907 (34 Stat. L., 1221), so that the pro rata shareof any Indian who is mentally or physically ' incapable of managing his or her own affairs may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be withdrawn from the Treasury and e2pended for the benefit of the Indian. Amending section 9 of the act of March 3, 1875 (18 Stat. L., 450), so that bidders may now accompany their bids with a cashier's check or an acceptable bond in favor of the United States. Authorizing an, advance to any individual Chippewa Indiah in Minnesota entitled to share in the permanent fund of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota one-fourth of the amount which would now be coming to said Indian under a pro rata distribution of the perma-. nent fund. Creating the Red Lake Indian Forest Reserve. .Appropriating $5,W0 to complete the enrollment of the allottees ~ ~ within the White Earth Reserv?tion, Minn., required by the act of June 30, 1913. Permitting lands on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont., valuable for agricultural or hortioultural purposes, heretofore classi-fied as timberlands, in the discretion of the Se~retary~othfe Interior, to be appraised and opened to homestead entry. Authorizing the withdrawal from the Treasury of $100,000 of thk . ,- principal sum on deposit to the credit-of Indians on -the Blackfeet Reservation, Mont., if neehd, for the purpoee of purchasing and .caring for cattle, seeds, and farming equipment-for the individual Indians thereof. Authorizing a compromise settlement of the suit of the United States against E:.,Dowden and others, now pending ip the Supreme Court of the United States. Authorizing the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. to reconstruct its line of railroad through the Chilocco Indian School Reservation, Qkla., so %as to eliminate existing heavy grades and curves, payment for the land to be for the use of thatschool. Authorizing a per capita payment of not to exceed $3PO to the Choctaw Indians of Oklahoma, and $200-to the Chickaiaws and $300 to the enrolled members of the Seminole Tribe, Oklahoma. , Appropriating $1,000 for' an investigation as to the probable cost of providing adequate school facilities on tho various Sioux Inrlian |