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Show 176 STATUS AND PROGRESS OF Table ahowing stalw and progress INDIAN TRIBES IN CIVILIZATION. 177 of Indian lribea in civilization. Numbee of Indians. Size of rs State or TenStoq. Name of agenoy. aerv8 agenoy. . . California .................... Romd Vslley ................. Colorado ..................... h a Pinoa ..................... Idaho ....................... Port Hall ..................... 1.705 1 1,800. OW Lemhi ........................ Nea Per06 .................... Dakota ...................... Indian Tsrritorg. ............ Cheyeooe and Ars aho 5,054 ixiowa. anduoman~%e..::::::: P I ~ w "..~.. .................... Sac audFox.. ................. Wiohits. ..................... 1,335 1,335 ............ Devil's Lake .................. Fort Berthold ................. Red Clood .................... SiasetOn ...................... stand in^ Rock. ............... Yankton ...................... Minnesota. .................. Leech Lake ................... 2,389 414.440 Red Lake ..................... White Earth .................. Iowa ........................ ...................... Michigan .................... 1.075 1.400 6.000 1,500 2, 444 2.112 Sac and Pox .................. Pottawstomie ................ Maolrlnao ..................... a n t m a ..................... Nebraska .................... Oregon ...................... Mdhenr ...................... 846 Slletz ......................... 1,085 Umatilla ...................... Warm Springa ................ 1.153. OW 1,008 1,291 ............. 1 500 ....... .:. ... 2.11% Nevada ...................... New Mexico ................. Nea Pork ................... ~ - ~ t a .h.. ..................... uint sh valley ................ / 4:30 430 / 2; 500; 000 1 275.000 a 320 Wo OnknAwn 918 780 33, 500: ouo 430.4o0 345 1,041 10,000 ~lnckfee.t. ................... 7.600 15.200 20, 000. WO cmw ........................ 3.90 ............. Not awv'd. Plathead ...................... 1,450 1,450 1,433, 600 I N e d a ............................... .... ............. q m Western Shnahans 3,000 1.000 ............ AMqmin ...................... ...................... Navajo ....................... 7,000 3,450,000 New Pork .................... Fortpeak ..................... ~ r o a~t ~ .....~.......~.... h . Omaha. ...................... Saotes ........................ Winnebago. .................. 345 137 ............. Washington. ................ Number of acres. 1 1 602 102,025 40,000 320 5.500 Wyomin: ................... I Number of Indians engaged in , Xumberol Indians living in civilized pursoits. 1 houser. TiiIzNe. I 261. /Timhel 1 1 COI\,~II.~. ..................... Nenh Bag .................... Puynllup, &c ................. Quinaielt ..................... S'Eukomish ................... Tulrlip ....................... Shoshone and Bannook ........ ......................... 800 2,le8 2,035 1 1,520,000 1 aHaw no reservation. Vdm poor. oNo eetimnte. .............................. 1 family. ................................. ................................ 1CO families 500.000 124000 4,992 (Mu Unknown 600,000 (C) 286,933 U.014 1,100 1,100 750 1 750 1.160 , 1.444 3,357. 4 457 1,021 719 1,731 dl, 133 30s OM 600 1 150 8,900 1 1,013 5W ................................ 4 , , ........................... ........................ ........................ winter. Nearly all. 193 000 11s'OOO lod844 536,000 / 36.000 28,837 224.000 4,820 15.360 320,000 j 060,000 1 318,300 1 85 familien ........................ 1 6 families. 4,000,000 All ........ my 000 Unkmvu. ....................... (<I Nea.rly all. 31.000 I / 1,520,000 / 62,000 : 1,000 .............................. / 15. dim five reserves. e Pastaua auk1 timber. ' 12 IN0 500,000 50,000 250,000 Unknown (d 500 10 in fanning; several hondreds in herding. 1.075 .............................. 250 fdmilies ....................... Uukno..w..n. .................................................. All. &?.~iy d l ......................... Thrse.fuurtbs ..................... 1 (Onrsy). . I52 famliiea. an. None. All. 250. NesrlyalL |