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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIOhER OF INDIAPi AFFAIRS. XV FORTH ALLA GESCY, Idaho, Dmztbar 15, Imi. SIR:I have the hullor to trnnsnlit harowith, for yonr official actioz~a, petition from the resident citizens of this vicinity praying that a sufficient inrruber of motuuted troops be atitationed here to proteat them from the Bannock India~rs; also affidavits of Fred. S. St.tove~sJ, naeph Warren, Albert T. Stout, and Charles IV. Cline, ~elatil-e to tho hostility of tlle Bannocks. Sitlee the murder of Alex. R l ~ ~ ~ ~onl atuhe, 23d ttltin~o,o f n-hielr rrlwrt Itas lnceu made, tho conduct of the Ba~mocks has been very had. Dcniratls lrsvr ivrra made npoa tllenk 1,s mp?lf and the military for tho murdar, but up to this time Ihe>-hhpve ?ailed to tnnkr the arrest, stating he had eseapedfi'om the reservation, hell t h q ,\-ell knen- h~ ,,-as ill their cmn . ~ e ~ e i avidu a~nd~ co mfort f i o~nth em. The militarv oat - mo~ultedin fantry. Very reaprctfnlly, >-onr ohedicllt =man$ \V. H. DAXILSON, LSrilcd Slate8 I8rdias Agent. >Icl!l. CO>I>IISSIOXBUPI: ISUIAXA AP~.IIRS, IlhsBington, D. C. Ross Pone, Jm~aavg 13, 18iF. Co \ l , l ~ ~ ~ ~ t ,Issxvnl l s AFanlRs, Waakiagtoa : TIN, marderer of Rhodsn was onptnred by the military 8ixt.y nlilcs north of agcncr, <,I, the 9th instant. Ia it best to disarm and dismoullt the Bannooks, to ptulish thcm fur not +ing 111) the mtlrde~erl, eaving them here exasperated, taking cha~lceao f thrir tlepm~lnti~tthge eonntry to make good their loaii, and expose tlln citizens to fnr-ther 1 0 s~of life, or let the matter drop until measuroa can be tnkon to more thelu entirely, s h i e l ~I respectfully recom~ne~G~edn,e ral Snlith reoolnn~endsa lso, and tho military are ready to xot t~pony our reply. DANILSOS. O~~FICOEP ISDIAAXF FAIRS, PFasAiagtor, Jant~a,g1 6, l8i8. DASILSOS, R088 Fork, Idalto: To whet place do you propose to move the Iudian8l Can they ho moved nithoot erratiup Aiuturbal~cea nd bloodsl~ed? Give Sonr opinion and that of the commanMug oitleer. E. A. HAW, Cemnrissioner. Ross FORK,I DAUO, Jixrary IF, 1878. Co>n~rsarosltn05 ' ISI~AASPB AIRB, Fl'a'ashington, D. C.: Bannock enn~pso rrounded t.his mon,ing; thirty-two glnls and three hnudrcd li,ol>icn captured nitltout &iaturbanee; their best gr~nup, onies, and no piatole could ise fuoad. The three companies carah>- from Fol% D. A. Ruevell returnon the eighteenth. I reo-onimend that the Bnnllucks bc sent mith them, and held there nutil Son decide what to do vi th them. U111e.% ren~oveda,, sufficient military foroe nil1 he required to keep them in subjection. DANILSON. |