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Show REPORTS OF AGENTS IN OREGON. like an "Americat "or "Mormon!' Their style of farming is gradually impmvin and the fencing, corrala, and other impmvementa are of a, more permanent oharaoter. %here is a growing desire for houses, stmea and other furniture, which we are trying to in-cresssand eratifv as fast as oossible. lettine it be distiuctlv understood that those who help themslves mast will he' first sirved. EVIDENCES OF PBOCRESS IN CIVILIZATION. Most, if not all, that hashereinbefore been stated manifestly gives e~idenc eo f pro-gress in the right dtreotion, ,md would seam to supersede mare minnts epeeifieatians. At the risk, however of helng considered prolix, I will enumerate some particulars whioh, thou h amitll )in themselves, yet, taken in connection with others, mar serve aa waymarks afonng their onward, and, as I think, though alow,,upward progress. \\.hat was said in my last annual report may he repented with lnomased em hasis The past year has been distioguiahed on the part of our Indiana by an unnauafkindnesa of manner and respectful treatment, not only of myself, hut of all persons belonging to the agency ; by a willingnees to receive and follow instructions and advice; by refrain-ing generally from their ordinary work and on the part of many,& respectful andeven serious sttendance upon oor religiausservioeaon theSabbath; by an almost entire ab-stinence from all vnlgar or profane lanvuage; indeed, in this respect their exampleis worthy of imitationby many who have:njoyed the benetits of a, ~hr idt i ano ivilisation; by their growing desire far housesand the furniture neoessary for use and comfort; by the lnost general desire for and adoption of citizens' dreas; their disposition to use their own means and exert,ionsto procure neceaaary subsistence and comforts for them-selves and their families; by their giving up their medioine.men in many oases, sod applying to us for aid and comfort in sickness and distress ; their abandonment almost entirely, no ease having occurred this year, of killing horses and other animals on the death of relatives or friends; and finally, I would orge the spirit and perseverancewith whioh they meet difficulties and discouragements as evidence of their advancement. Their health r i l l , I think, compare favorably with any former year. Though there has been much complaining and s, few deaths, I think not more, if so msoy, as would occur among the erme number of whites; certainly not more than may be expected, considering the want of a. skillful physician end hospital aooommodatioos. Chronic diseases are the most oomulon, mirising from former immoral praoticen, their most painful and discouraging features showlng themselves in the death of children. SCFlOOL, MIS8ION8, AND RELIGIOUS TRAINING. We had a school for about eight mootha, whioh during a, part of that time did ns well as we could exne~t .b ut when vsrv cold. stormv. and had weather set in. the din- ~~~ ~~~~~~ . , ~" ", tnncr of rhair hotrsen artd ludgvafro~urh o a,nrn~b.~ei ng ronsidrrable (frulu rhie,: to ais mila), rhe chiltlret$ could uur urrmtl. Thn rmclwr atler laboring abuur etghr inourhs, nr a cosr ro the vurrruubeLt uf al,o,tr PBI,o. n..iuued. l'buusll 1111 we hunad tbr \rui not ;~rculuplixltr.dy, zr wt. do n<,r eor,,ider rbb lal& aod rxpru; without fisl~ltsa, *, npnrr from rlre ilo~nardiurab eoenrs m the pupil9 rhc grnnrnl indnrucn of tile teacllrr anal rlao 8ehuol ia mauifrrr upon the rril,, <mkrnilJ. As I Inn\" nrnreli i l l furlner hpun9, par-r~ uuiarlyin s apceial 'meou tibir rarirjwr, rhe hi~ltoat;t odi,,.ar re*ulracilnunly bes<ru#e~l by an m,luotri.,l i>mrditfi..-achuol where rllo pllpc1.i of butit ."led can be brollgLtt n~08lrr the eonsranr antt~rrvieiulru f the reseber, and krl.t fro", tile drmornlir~nei ~~fiucucmer their lodgvn. 1'a:nrtwly hupa, for tIw ".,kt at leiat of the jutto&! of rhlr bind of Iodinns, that greater fac)litira snag b atYbrdvd is,r flwir tuural trainiug. TLr lodian\genernlly are in i h v ~ > rtl~lrf ~ CLOLIbIa n g k*vt nu". Imr do nor,nf roursc,31)r)t~1~:al+-tl~tIrI I I IOI IRI ICI ) of exerting themselves or o<mpilling their ahildren to attend regolarly. As means have been provided, I havedetermined to reappointthe teacher aud makeanother effort to secure better results with the limited facilities available. No miasiooary or religious instruotian has ever been provided by the ohnrch whieh has the nominal control in these matters, apart from the efforts of the agent and em-ployes and their fa,milies. Religious service ia held every Sabbath snd the Indiaue en-couraged to attend, which some of them do, but, oFcourse, our serviaes arelittle under-stood, and of oomparat~relyl ittle value to them. POLICE AND APPRENTICES. By an snt of the last Can resa, and instrnotions from the department, an Indian police has just been eatablia%ed and partially entered upon it8 duties. I t took our Indisos some time to make up their minds relative to this matter, nod I desired that they should understand it as fully as possible, and go into it with their own consent. I gave them ample time after its presentation to them to make np their minds on the subject. They fiodly oanoiuded it was s. good thing and adopted it. Some diftiaulty was met in the selection of tbose moat stlitable for the service, some of those best qoali- 1 fied not being willing to give up their farmingoperations for the service. Still we were able, as we think, toget axit,ahi.blemtn,w ho seem to ecter upon their dutieswithconsider-able zeal, and we hope good fesuits will he secured. |