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Show 16 REPORTS OF AGEBTS Iii COLORADO. SANITARY. The Utes nregeuerallysupl,osed to ba a w r y healthy tribe, but I am iufornled by the agency pbysioiau that there is mttoh aiekne88 among them. I t iu not practicable to give any reliable st,atiatioal facts in regard to this important subject, for the reason that the Indi.:. do not seem disposed to giro nnj- ic>formatiun as to the prevalence or charaoter of dr r among them. The fact, of n death baviug occurred is iovariahly cuooenled if pass,,. "he establishnlent of n hospital io ool~ueetiou with the agency i s a m:ltt,er of tile first ' ~ o r t a r ~ caen,d uutil this is attended to the treatment of the sick cannot be carried r to advantage. C0NCLUS10S. I regret to say that the result of my labors in behalf of the Indiana placed nuder my care baa not bee11 us sntiafaotory to trrs as I could ~viah. But the waut of school boildisgs, tnnl~uv to ,lag n tailollar, a hospital, nud wall-rliracted tnivsiousry lilirors, has and will ooutiuue, uotil %haS T-ituits suppliatl, to impede thair adrauoeluaut aud oivili-zntioo. ~ ~~~~ Very respeot,fnlly, jwur obatlieut servaut, .JOSEPH B. ABROTT, Usired Slulea h d i n n Ageat. Tho Coatartssroslt~to w I n ~ r aAs a r ~ r s s . Sou~riertlr.U Tn AGEXCYR, ro Lo s Prsos, COIL,., drrgu81 Id. IUiX. SIR: In aomplianoe with oiroular dated Office of Indian Affairs, Jnly 1,1878, I hare the honor to submit the folloni8>g ai>ntlal report of tllis agency: AGENCY UUILDINGS. Sunplies first arrived a t this aeeom7 Januarv 24. 1878. Tho annuities oxme Febrll-here. By tb; iitne \re we& in-<eadiiess to receive the Iudiaua end ooml,ly with what had been promised thern same firevoars previous, t,hey eollld not oomeon account of the unusual depth of t h e auow. Ou t6e 1st day of March 3.58 Utes and 44 ~ T ~ ~ arejp~orcte8d, a t which time rations and aonuities were issued them, suficient of the annuities being reserved fur t,hnse unable on account of suow to oaule to the agency. On aocouut of the snow and nlnlost impassable condition of the roads, it wasiolpraotioablu for tho Xcdiana to bring their trocs aod camp equipage, zod they remained but five days here. Upon tl~eir departure they demauded rations to the amount of a four weeks' isaue, saying they could not retllrn before that tirue. The Iudiaus manifested s bad spirit,"" sooount of the arrival in the mean time of Lieutenant Valoiu, witb a detach-ment of 15 man of the Niutb Cavslrv. for the ourlrosa of ioveatieatinn certain allevsd the best pnlioy to comply with their d-mnnds. The& indianli'did not return uutil the time hadelnpsed, at wbioh time anotller liliedernand ass made. They were again much irritated by the preneoee of the dstachme!~t at the xpooy, whioh in the mean time had returned to Tierrn Amarilla, K. Dles., and had coxre back on aeoouut of H. well-grouuded report of au outorrak between the Ute8 and Naviqjocs. The rumors and oon- |