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Show 4GP CONGRESS, 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (Mis.Doc. . 1st Session. ) , I No. SG. \ •6$ \ INDIANS WEST OP THE HOOKY MOUNTAINS. STATEMENT OK M.AJOH J. "WV POWELL MADK 11KFOHK THE COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS, , AS TO The condition of the Indian tribes tccsl of the Rocky Mountains.. JAKUAUY ly7.|,-Kefcrieil to the CuminM lee on Indian AH'.iirs mill oidorcil to ho in intcil. WASHINGTON, D. C, January 13, 187-1. The chairman stated that Major Powell, who had been engaged iiv work among the Indians beyond the llocky Mountains, would make a statement of his views in reference to tha Indians there. The statement was Us follows: • Major POWBLL. The region of country between-the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra. Nevadas was originally inhabited by one race of Indians. The boundaries of tjiis section may be-indicated as follows: Commencing at Xhe northern line of Oregon where it crosses Clio Sierra 2?«!vail:i Mountains, and following the course of this range to the south in,Id Walker's Pass is reached, and from thence east to the Colorado i;ivoi\ crossing it at the southern extremity of Nevada, and continuing in a direction a little north of east until the Little Colorado is re.ieiicvl, and from thence in a direction a little east of north to the thirty-seventh parallel of latitude, and from thence east to the crest of tlie Wocky Mountains, and nori.li along these mountains through the Territory of'Colorado from the northern line of Colorado in a northeast direction along the Wind K'tvcr Mountains, and the mountains separating Montana from Idaho, to the ,oily-sixth degree of latitude, and from, thence west to tho place of beginning. This includes the eastern two-thirds of Oregon, more than foar-l'ifl lis of Idaho, about oue-lillh of Wyoming one-half of Colorado, all of Utah and Nevada, the eastern slope of California, and oue-.ifth of Arizona, and embraces about '150,000 Sfpiaro miles. Tim Iriliivv of I bin gival. men of 1 in I in us Npenk n number id din le.': Is or lnii"iia"e.s of the same slock. Thev tiro known to the white people as Slioshoucs, Eanuacks, Utcs, Pi-Utes, Pah-Utes, To-so-watcs, Koeals, II. i 1 1 I ' . ' H 'jzer:.' urn*** s***- |