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Show FORTY YEARS AMONG THE INDIANS. 385 When those whose duty it is to teach them are ready, according to the revelations given, the natives will receive them gladly. Now, as this country, Utah, is fast filling up with inhabitants that have and are coming to stay, there nat-urally will be an element that will push on from time to time. <% Go west, young man," is now obsolete; there is no west to go to, so the pioneer must either turn to the northern plains of Canada or the mountain valleys of Mexico, or allow the heel of civilization to be placed upon his neck for all time. The questions arise, are there no more pioneers? Have they ceased to be have we all found the haven of rest so long looked for? Are the waste places all built up? I cannot think that all progress is at an end, notwith-standing Salt Lake City is a great place. Still, I do not believe all will end here. So, in case there should be an individual or two who have the spirit of pioneering- yet lin-gering within them, I will ask and answer a few questions for their benefit. In answering these questions I may repeat some things already explained in the book ; but for the convenience of many persons I have concluded to ask and answer just such questions as are put to me almost daily, doubtless, many times, by people who wish to gain information. While some ask questions merely to be sociable, my aim is to give those who are interested in the welfare of the people of Mexico and might wish to go to that country, such information as will be of use and protect them from being misled. The most important consideration is good lands with perfect titles. So to begin : Can good lands be procured in Mexico? Yes; as good as can be in Utah or any country I have ever seen. Are the titles good ? Yes ; there are many large 24 |