OCR Text |
Show ~wcinl Cllllllnl'ndnti un ul:"lll, and ful ly llll'rit ; port, the "PlH'I' portiou of U1H1~1! Lui\C promotion . H('rg'l'nnt Or•i:-:y nhvr•.rs JH't' ' \ · nllc·y iR tH·utml grnund . ll!; het W(•r·n tho formed his duty Clti'Nflllly nnd soldi1•r ldH'. , ' 11111\(>, P itt II', l ppc·r P it t. Hinr, ~[odot'r hncl p:-ovccl u 11-1 11 t f.1i thful llr'ltH'otumis 1111d l~ln tuntlt fnd inn~; but. thr ronnlry in· 11ionrd C1ffi1·C'r. 'l'lw ~nttHl n:tuu rk nppii1•Fl fl'!'\ll'<l 11y C'uch of tJu.~o lri lws rl't:jii'CI ivc·ly, to COt'pOI'ul. \V, n. ~lntqni~R. Junl(·~ \\' , honll'l'fl din•<:t ly npnn it , nnd l:d\c'll n~ r\ M,Hqni~s, Williuru Dnnlup1 11. '. ~ ~O· who I<', fortn i! :-; <' 111 ire hnnt:dnry. l I !I ~<Ill'· tlumu, nnd AhnC't' Riddlt·; U11d to pri vut t· rounding, arc !=iueh us will ndrnit <Jf thl! Volnc·y Uolvig, r\ c t ing- 1 \lttlllli:!~nt·y ~~·t· , rnpid 111 0\'l'ltlPt.lt of troop~ ill tillY din•ctiorJ J!<'tlnt. Corporul W. H. lllrtlqtti"'~ had J tl 111 t mi~hL be nqnirl'cl. A potcl nuec E:R· ,pecial chnrg<' of' tht• I :l· lH>Iltll ll' t' Monlltnilt l t niJii~·:l tvd th<•t·c•, the ntuin thnroughfnrt 'l1 J fowitzer, ntH] ll<'{JIIill l'd ltint:-:t·ll' ill n tn o:-;t 1 11ortl 1wurll from the twq pl'ineipnl pointK Pntisfuctory muunl•r in th1~ di~cllttrg-e Cll' 1 in '11 1i i'Mnin- Hvll Bluff und Yrt'IW- UIIl) thnt duty nl o. 'l'lte uniform cllet1t'l'ttltl~~l-l l ot ht>rs 1·c~JH'e\ ivt·ly frnm ,J ad.; ·on\·illl•, i11 aud alacrity with whi ch the lllC'II, flllll all ~ 111\lltern Un·gcm. ont.l l•:ug\·Rc Utty. ill \\•ho were in nny way co~m·c·IC'I~ with '''" / ~I icld lc• OrPgo11, lt!'nd i ll~·':;. routr: frntll ~~1:1 . comm,lnd, pt'rforrn C'd tlwn· d tll l\'.~, uddvd Fort Bni~l', Ill(• lll'W I'Otllc fr om 1• 111'1 u.,,~.' greatly to tlto plen~u rc nn.cl i ntt•rr•tH (If' tl u· :tllll the lhv)lu·r. uncl t lto old Sontltt•rfl trip. The sererul truius ull:ln, wl10 tru vt• l- Un"g"ott J•J111 igt·u nt t'ulllft', wo1tld l't)O\'t't'~t! 'Cu unuer our C'llcon, c·cml'ornnd c;ltel•rf'ully ltt. nud rudialt! clirectl~· from it, und Wtlttld to uti regulations intpo~<'d l1tl tlteit· nccouttt titus t'<'tltle1· uny portion nf till' 8llt'f'oundboth o.s . to the order of tr·nvvl, ~111cl thl'it· l ing couotry 1·t:ulli ly llt.:t.:l'Sl'iible to troops. dt'!lposttron at curnp-un cxcl·plton to the nnd to titt' puulit.:. gcuerul rule io ull sncb Chst•s. The l' i::ll n nee from. n fill to, pt·i nc·i poI ' " • I ., ...l-~ o ;.,A.o o . point:-~ , woulJ ue us fnllowt~ : Frl>lll Fort In the r.onclu!lion (1f this rcpor·t, T would 1~ lntnnth, one huudt·~·n~l and tl·n ntill'H; most r~Spl'Ctfully .sngg<'B L thut n t><•rn.tull<'nl from ,J nck~onvil lc t·ict io't~rl Klnrnntlt , twu post 'estnblished in Uoose Lnl.;tl \1 alley, hundr·t•<.l mil1•f.l. neBr its northern e.:ottr<'rnity, whero then• Prom Yn:lw, p<JI'tinn of ronte to be are all the nntnrnl rPqnisitcH for its rnuin- opC'tlf'cl, two hundrPd nnrl tltirt~· mill'S. tninnnce on an cconomico.l RC'ul<', would he 11'nnn Fort Uroulc rute lttwtln•d tttlll of vast benefit to th~ fronti er 8t•ttll•ment A, twPnty mil •s, or np \Vu t·rl!l. extending from R<~d :Uinff, Culifornin, to Fron\ ltcu Bluff, l'l\lf te l'ntt be expl0rl'cL En~;ene City, in Middle Or<'~on, n distnnce nrobuhly not to exceed two hundn·tl urHt of three hundred and eighty-two miles. und fifty rnil t•R. including in the rung-e, S hnst1.1 City, Wt'l\. From ]l)ug<'ne City, r·nntr to hp rxplor4 Verville, Yrcl<n, Jnckaonville ancl Rose· cd. pt·obubly ubout two ltundrcd tllld six· burg, llOd would doubtlrss hasten the PO· ty miles. riod when military protection uny wltct·e Houle thence to Surpri:~c Vullry, f'nrty· along tbis frontin cuo be happily cliiip(·n~c<l , four mi'es. with. j To Pueblo rnincs. by wn!tnn road, .As bas alrcndy lH•cn statccl in tllii rc· one hund red and tw(.'nt y·niuc tui lt·:-c. I Tu Owyhcu mint·R, uew t'Ollt<', twu huntlrrd nne! fiP \'t•nt v mi ll'S. To Fort Blti&t•, r-;nme runte, tht·rc hun( ln·d li tH! th irty rnil !·~ . Troop:; cnn lw ntnintn inc•1] nt th i ~ poi 11l mnch clwnpt'r than ut Fort H oi~e ot· unywlll'ru in tltat rt·g·ion ; und ope rati o n~ in the Jrul inn Cl•llntry northwnrrl of it to Mulh •ur Rpl'iug·fl, nnc1 nroutHl tu tho C'llRl· w~ll'd to Hnrnc·y Ltd\c, u11d tit<! Owyhr<' rrgion. nn<l of con:·so at nil tho othpr points in its vicinity, Cl\11 be lllOI'O cll~· ot ivcly couductcd witb th is poi nt ns their basr, nn cl nt much lr~s c•xpru~e, tlta11 fr<Jm F ort J)ulk~. \ Ynlln W nllu Ot' Bl1hll'. At Hais Jloiut the rnovemcn t of troopA, in ttny dir·cct ion, would be in n hostile I oui· nn country, our! COllSf"fJUCiltly no time wonld bl" lost in mnvin~ either wny through nny portion of it. The snving in expense \YO uld be rnui11ly on the sc.li'C of tmnsporlntion. Flonr 11ncl bncon coulu ol! drawn from Uog-nc Ui ver· va IIC')', wiH•nc t lwy ore now procLu·ed for 1• 01 t 1\lunrath, ntH! such Au ppl it.'s nR it would he nt'Ct!Rsory to pro· cure from Dt:' fHll'l tn<'!llJ rc~dquarll•rs, wonlcl hr shipp<'d np the. ucrurnC'nto t•i v~·r to al'J lJluff and ft·om thence would have bnt uhout two hund red 1111<.1 lifty m ilcs of lund cnrrinr'o to thcit· dL•stinution. 'l'ltnt 1\ gr·t•ut (") lm,·irw woulu thus be m:1dc OYL'r shiprueutw cP 29 r,.om San Fmncis<:o to J 'ortlund, tlt ~·nce II) Fort \'uneouvcr, thcncr np the Uolumbi1l to 1• ods Du llt·~ nntl \ \'a lia \Yu lla, ontl fl ntLIIy nct·os the c ~>t tntry fur· to the north· wnnl nnrl euRt wur1l of the ptt ints wlwro ll la q;c pl)rlon or I IH·m nrc I'Njltired to b~: 111W1l , cun he very r<•tllli ly ohset·vcd. T here is no poi nt. bet WC'Pil the Ricrrn N {' VtHla r.Iounlain!l uncl the Owylwe ~I itw. , along- the rout e~ we t'xplor~cJ, thut ufl~.,rds timlwt·. citlwr f11r· build ing. or for fu el. tl tHIIC" point lll'llt' ll nru ry T.uko would be thr n(•xt brRt location, so fur us tho nntnrn) r ... qniRitt•!i tor n powt nt·c conc<'I'I1Cd ; hut the nct·cs:-;iry lia· a po l thPrc is not so great uH J\l the point f:n gg-Nlt<:d. T ho route jn,:l expl()rc·d will be n•loptrd <'ul'ly tw.xt,i:lpring IJy the tru \·el from X orlh· t•rn, Culi rorn i1\ uud Soutltct·n Orc>gon , to nncl front t ire Owyhee nnd Boi!':c rt•gion11 ,· nnd at he. t, troops nt G o ')~C Luke, \\"•arnN'~ Vullt·y. Stt·in 's \'u llc·y. nnu II('Or Jordun Cn•l•l~ Yul11•y, will he reqnirrrl cludug the whole of ncxl ~umml'r . From t hl'fiiO points the r·outc cuu be t)lf~·c lnnlly ~unrd1·d r\ tHl n witlc rnng-c of conntry tmvel'l't·tl iu cvL·ry dit'l'Ctiou, tlte ]udinlla pt'l'\'CnlccJ ft·om guthc.:rin:.; their u~uul supplit'S for the nr~t wittll·t·, nnt.l tints cll'i\'l'll to m·>rc remote rc. gions, or forcc·u to n surrcnul'l'. \ |