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Show 8 itlllOCl'llt llllLl nrwfl~ nd ing ·cit ii~L nH: nrtl'r IJUI'i llg- Jll(Jllllh'd (IIIli of till' l lldiHU\1 On the 17th or J lily. our I wo J nJiun hor~c'. . \\'hl'll hi~ hotly W!l~ l'nnnd, the flcout'3 being up ir1 tho Sienu51, f\>tuHlu bon•(', JIJ I<l tltJOthcr of which pu.,l'f'Sion wus party of t wl·nty whi te mrn thur<•, who Jwu ~nir,t·d at the Hume tinw, wuH Y"t HtutHli11g left the Owyhee mines ROOIC1 wcl i\R pn·viouR by it; orw f•f tlwm ~o l>nd ly ~:~ ho t, hOWl'Vl!l', to pro!'p<'cl some of the ileud wntcn; of th 1 that it dit·d n 1'1-w duys nftl'rwnrd~. HnrMnlhenr, but for some r!'n Hnu hnd fnil~d ton wm; tlonhtlc:.:~ody bu llil'd into this uffuir to rench ony portion of th11t strl'ntn, uncl v~trly iu the lllornillg uy till:! thr<'C nwn thut were uow tryil)g to find their w1ly into went with i1 im, uR il npp<>nrR that upon ~urprisp Yulll'y. Our scouts infi1rme1l their !lngKc'~1 ting to him their pl1Ul.'i, auu in~ th~ m of ou r· wlwreu uoutll, prolfcn>cl to I viti r.lg IJim to,.join them, l.'c et first d:~cl incu !{lllue them to our cump, nnd the ~erviec !Javlllg un.) th1ng to clo w1tb the uO'tllr; but wus nccrpted. The scouts ul8o bro u~ht upon l bt:ir tnunl ing bim with the term with thf'ru three of the pl'itrcip(tl Annl\C Jn. "ludiun sytnpllthi~tll'," Ullll applying! to him OiUllS of that region, wholll tJwy WC'rC f\llX· Other terms t'tf1Hdly ohjl'Ctionublc to fronious we should sec. 'J'h e~o lucliuns cum!! t il'rsmcn gC'ncrully, he cotJscnteu to into camp on fool nnu unumwd, ha,·ing JOtn tlwrn, rcmurldng nfl he did so left their lrorsc-s un<l tb cir arms, if thry hatl tll u\ he wus the IMt of li>lll' partners who uny, snme distntwe buck in cburge prob- haclnot l.Jt·cn killed by the l11Jiu11s, nod it ably of sorno of their comrades. 8ome of tundc ltttlc diifcrcneo what slwuld become the party of wbite mrn :iuw tbe hor!lcs nf- of him. The l lllliu n~:~ here, howe\'cr, l1c tcr the Indians hau left them, but seei rw tlid not chu rge with lrnviuO' ever committeJ ~ 0 no Indiun!:l, tb<·y sennrtl to have mntle up any off..:ncc ugain~.~t llim, or unybocly cl ·p~ their minds that un l utl ion hns l:lO rights nor did he or his conll'l.\tl~s eln i m the horl.if:'9 that n wb i te ma rr is bound t Q I'I'Rpctt, u nd, us their property, or as even uot belonging conSl'qnently, tb 1~t these horsrs were ll•g it i· to ti n.: l u(liuns. mate plunder. Both purties remuiurd ncur Upon the very lir!lt intimation of the our camp over night, nnu n<'Xl moroiug, design of these men to wnyluy the ludiane uucler pre.tcxt of going out for· u hunt , four when l ~:~boul d send th£>m from cnmp, I orflf tho whrtc men preceded the llllli tlna 011 tl<·r •J 11 detucluneut in pursuit, to prevent the ronte bnek to the horses, wnylui<l it nny outl'llg·e upon tbe lodinos tltn.t might and fircJ upon tho lndio.ns npon tbcit· np· uc iutcnded, tlllll to bring bucl< the white pronch- but seem to huve douc no dumuge. men. Hu t it wus too lute to benefit even The white men got possession of two of the the aggr·essorf:; fo1· tlpon the nnivul of the horse8: but the l no~ans .b~ving either reach- detachment nt tllC place of diffiettlty, Bur· ed tiJClr guns Or berng JOlUCO by those who ton WaS nJreudy killed nnu Ol'ither of his ~verc ~rrned, a ~k.irmish ensued, resulting cornrndl'S ot· any of tb~ Indinns were anyJn the lostant lollmg of one of the white wlwre to be seen. The detnchmrut rcturn~ on nnm(ld Burton.' and the di~ perBiou of ed, bringing in the holly of Burton nod tho his ~brce ro~rauus •.n ns man~ d i tf~r.eut di- two hOI'!.iCs,·unu f1tHling on the wuy back T<'et10ns. Lurton " us shot wt th n rtfle, <li· one of the other tht·ce com miles, in sound rrctly through the l1enu, und fro 111the front, condition, atHl cvidl'ttlly somrw h11t wiser for ... 0\'\'Y II EE EX PEDlTTON'. 9 ----- ----- ----- ·---·--- - thut lliMllill~(H ('X)ll'ril'llCP . 'J'hr ot]wr tWO I f!r> r nl/ry; SO·('Hih·cl from ll. night attack t' ,ltfiC' in flnh-=t'CJHPntly wi th nnothl'r tl l· tn ch· l lll\Ving- unre lH'rn mucic by the l nuians npmrnt, fll'll t hy unotliC1l' ronte to d~(' r ,fnn·c on a r~Hty of immig"rnn ts while th <.'y Wl're tl 11• fir5:1, ns thrrP wns no wuy to n.'=<'<'rlain l cl'lt'bruting the oppMlllllC' lll'l'ivnl ofl'ri(lnus t ltP Htl'('l1g"th or the lnditllll-1, M the ntt itlld(' with much·fl(;'l'(h•d Rttppli<·A from Cu.l ifornia. wo Rh"nl<l u s~um c tnwardq tlwm, <'XCC'Jll nnd us is ton oft<~ n the case llllcln<'glt>r.terl by nctunl ou!lerv!ltit•n. T he· Ind ianA R<~c' rn- to ~uartl th l•i1· ('nmp. This li t tle Ynllry,or rcl to huvu compn•lcPntlPcl, howevl'r, that glntk, iH about fi\'(' milt'R in leng-th by two the troops wr re in no wuy rcE:pom~ i b lc f, 1r n til<·~ in width, und ufli11·ds cxcdlcnt grnzthc outrn,ge I hnt hn tl lw<' ll pC' rpPt mt('(], !fl~ (\Jill good wnt cr. nne] thPy mtHh· no h>lf:t ilc clPmom:r rn 1 in n~ From thi~ pnint to the ~ummit of tho whntr v <'r towurnA ns. Suh~t'qnrntly th<•RI' pu:-;s the a:<t:l'nt iH very abrupt, n'qll ' t·in; Tn1li1tn!:l wrre rl'prC!-li'III L'cl inn trrntv ('Ouncil d11ub l<! l t·HII IS to w u~l)l lS mo.lerutely Jvad ·d, h('\d with the Klomnth~ hy Mr. il un tin g-- und th ·n thcjonrn<-y i~; Fd t>W nnJ tireH<Ilne. ton, Snpt'ritJit•nd!'nt of Tndinn nfr. 1 ir~ for· A little lu ho1·, however·, tlnu o. chuug-c iu Or·l'g-nn , nrHl PXprrR~Ptl n w ill i n~;n('f:S to ~I) the locution of the loWCI' port ion or lhll npon the K lnrrttlth Hl'Servation, w1 1ctt the road, to n ilpnr of tile monntain uhout n. t rt'nt y ~honld IH' ratifi ~·tl. milo t~ the nMthwtml. Wt>ttld reudtlr tbu Tl e <l('tnils ht~rr rt'latC'd , n~ to tile origin !:{rtlllc cnmpn1·nt.i vl.! ly ~u~y. · nn1l rnnturity of the 1ksi~ns t (J g·ain fol'Ci· From the summit of th i ~ prlSS we ohblc poRAPs~ion of the Tnd inn's hor8rR, w('rC tuinul o. Pp!en1l id r\nJ C' Xt t~n.,i ve pnn1>1'1\ nl;t; ~;nbsNptrntly gh·t' ll to us l•y one of til(! Yicw of t~1c H iem~ X cvud:L mnlttltain•, mnin pnrty of w) Jitc m0n, not in ~y mput lty al on~ the runge both north nnd south of with the Clfft>tHlc r~ , bnt 80tn<'WIIIl t at fHtdl u:i, while direct ly hl'ncmth uq, str·ctcht•d in 1101 advising 11'1 of thci1· int c·t~ t ion~. nl ong- their l't~'i tl! t'll b :l'iC, ft.Lrth er to tho LPnv ing the Goo~e Lake \'nl ley nt n f!outbwtud than the ry~ could re;~ch, '''Y point fwl'uty one rnilt·s uown the ruflt sitk H11rprit~e Va l h~y, of wh ich !lll m:\ny ln l~011Hl of the hd<~, wht•rc we W<'r'C' jt1inc•d hy ::f'ver- necountA ltavu been pnu li ~hcd Jnri11~ the nl henvy trainR front II urnho!1lt ('1 nnt y, pnRt two Y•'l.l. l'~. T c) the c lilt ward of thi -4 ond o!hPr ~().l'tion!l or c .nlifc>rn iu, incl ndilll! I Vl\llt•y, howeVL• r, wu.q fJrCsent~d the mJillll· Revrml fumt!IPR, nil mnv1ng t oward~ the r·c- ~ cholly 1-lpc •t,1ele of Elncce:-~st\'C t'Ui l!{f~~ of g'ion of Boi ~.~e , we again <l ivPrge<l t<• tl1c lligh table lllntl~, covered wi th bhtek vol (' tlAtwnrc1, forming n junction three r11 ii<•R ctwk r·oek, destitute of water·, no timh11r onl with the old 1 'outhem Ort•gon Ellli- excl'pt juniper gr.>wing in occu~ionul pll.tch· grnnt Hond, which pu~flf'B ar on nd the es nn the tnc>.;t inaccesl!iblespot!!, with very south C'od or Oonsc L:tkl', uncl tiJPnec w<>R t- lit tle gmss, in f,Lct ulrnr>fll cotil'(11y withouL wnrrl into either Shtl-.lt\ nr ltog-uc Hiwr any ve~ctu lion <·xccpt the Sl~gl' . which i~ vall<'yR, ntHl Pllt(:r<'u t be lowPt' port ion of' evcr·ywhcrc present on the gre:lL dt.!scrt of a bcnutiful glade, pntt in.t; tlnwn f101n n which tlli!! r('gion form ~ n p:u·t. }Joint nbout a mile and n l1alf froru the From tlH: su:n·nit of th is p1\q:1 J r,lwn into flllm:nit of the old Emigruf.lt l'aRS 0\'L'l' the Snr pr·igc V ulley thr. rl)nte ii pl'E'Cipitou~.~ , Sierras. 'l':ri~ gludo io l~uown ns Fawlc111 . but migl. t be tn tJC'b im;'!l'OV<'O hy u little .. |