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Show • • ®ff1cinl lilcport of tl)t ®wyl)ct ~xptbition. UOLO~EL DREW'~ REPOUT. .T .ACKSoNVILLE, Oregon, } J nnuary 12th 1865. SIR :-I hn ve the honor to Uon of the rcconntiuancc~ ye)u will retort) to ForL Kl.J\mt\th. reportln~ In writing to Lbl ~ office. Such additional tran&portatlon ·aa rnny bo ab1olultly tl«tu ary will bo blred. Very Respectfully your Obedient SernDt, [Signed] R. C. DRUII. Aesietl\nt Adjutt\nt General. submit the following report of 1,he greatest difficulty uoder which I lathe expedition under my cqm- bored before starting out wu in obtaining Jnand, the orderA authorizing the requisite means of transportation. 'rbe it being as follows : character of the country to be cxp1ortd Ihan Qu.utTJms DI':PAnT~JCNT oF Til&} wo.s believed to be such as wo~ld render .PAOJriO, 1:3o.n Fl'l\nclsco, California pnck mules indispensible, anll there were Mu.l'cb 18th, 1864. no trains of these in thia region of country Lieutenant Colontl C. S. Drew, Fint Urt· to be hired on government account. 'l,be gon Cavalry, Camp Baker, Oregon. Columbia river and ·~Northern Miuea" had Sm :- In reply to your letter or tbe 9th been, and still were, tbe point of attraotioa instn.nt, milking certain recommendatloos for the owners of all that means or trana-reltLtive to the moverut'nt of troop!! from Fort Klamt\tb. tlto General commanding tb~ portation which hall been formerly emplo,. De~l\rtment direct. me to E~l\y that lte wiRhes ell iu this 'ficinity, ond tr-.ins from remote you to ta.ko oU your men b"ck to Fort Klu.- region• were hu.t~teniug to t~e some lucromntb as soon o.s the route is prnctlcl\ble, tllua·e lc1nlng" t~ulllcleot number of 1neo at tiYc field of operutions. 'l'he traina flna11y tlu\t p4118t to Hafely gul\rcl tlte ruhlic proper- procured were purchased in 8Uch numbers ty 1\nd protect it ft·om any ndhm ILttuck. d b . d 1 ld be \ ou will go with a. tlctnchmcnt acroHH the &lll t\t sue tameR an Pact'S Ill cou ~ountt·y to t lJc Owybe·~. After the colUph'· found , here am) in California, ntlln.l of tbem |