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Show 252 APPENI.HX. politically, as well as spiritually. This is the surest of all path-ways to peace and prosperity. . 1 heartily hope that the hints whtch I have so freely thrown out, in thi~ address, will meet with a calm consideration, and kind reception. They arc dictated by no party spirit, but by the feeling of sincere good will for all classes of the people in this dclighttul island. · The views which I have endeavored to lay before you arc practical, and if fairly acted on, would, as I believe, be found beneficial to the whole community. In the mean time may we all "put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness." " Charity sullcreth long and is kind ; charity cnvieth not; vauntcth not herself; is not puffed up ; doth not behave herself unseemly ; is not easily provoked; seckcth not her own; rcjoiccth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth, &c." That this cardinal virtue may spread through the length and breadth of Jamaica, Is the hearty desire and prayer of your Sincere friend and well-wisher, JosEPH JoHN GunNEY. APPENDIX D. FREE AND FRIENDLY REMARKS On a speech lately delivered to the Senate of tlte United States, by Henry Clay, of Kentucky, on tlte subject of the abolition of North American slavery. IT is to me a matter of regret and astonishment that so enlightened a statesman as Henry Clay, of Kentucky, can treat as a" visionary dogma," ami "speculative abstraction," the simple, yet sacred proposition, that man cannot !told a property in his fellow man. Familiar as this gentleman must be with the distinction between de facto and de jure, he must surely have been aware that when tried by the former test-that of actual practice-such a proposition is no philosophical refinement, but a mere falsehood. Every one knows, that in point qf fact, man is, to an enormous extent, 'held as the property of his fellow man; for example, in Russia, in connection with despotism, and in many of the United States, in connection with democracy. In both these instances, manimmortal, rational man-is reduced to the condition of a chattel -may be bought, sold, mortgaged, bequeathed by will, given over as security for debts, &c. &c. Farther than this, it must be freely acknowledged, that so far as human laws are concerned, the de facto, in reference to this portentous subject, is supported by the de jure; since the property of man iri'his fellow man, is amply recognised-sanctioned, though not as this statesman would |