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Show xvi JlREFATOHY l.E'l"J'ER. b fi . al pursut.t s o f agriculture, but simp. ly of excluding other enc Cl• . . tl c increased production nt exJgencJCs, 1 because, under the prcse I' . rtancc to the cause of · nd pecu 1ar 1mpo of them is of obvwus a f gar and coffee will thus . The luxury o su . justice and humamty. . . n the subject will cease; l 1 mar now cxistmg o become cheap ; t 10 c a h and other articles will be f few years, t esc and, in the course o a . h West and East Indies-not f 1 b both 111 t c ' Produced by rcc a or, h b dance and at so reason· . 1 elf-in sue a nn , ' to mention Afnca 1ers duce will be driven from . h . ilar slave grown pro able a pnce, t at sim . ~ 'd of prohibitory duties. every market, even Without t te az I am thy affectionate brother, J. J. GURNEY. FAMILIAR LETTERS. LETTER I. VOYAGE FROM ri.EW YORK, AND ENTRANCE ON THE TROPICS. Plusldng, L. l. Sixth monllt (June) 1st, 1840. MY DEAR FRIEND, I seize the first day of leisure that has fallen to my lot, since I left Washington, in order to commence a narrative of my late tour in theW est Indies; and I gladly avail myself of thy obliging permission, in addressing a series of letters, on the su~ject, to Henry Clay of Kentucky. Sure I am that the present state of the West India Islands, in a pecuniary, political, and moral point of view, cannot be a matter of indifference to any American statesman. I know that thy feelings of interest in the great experiment, which is now developing its results in that part of the world, are d~ep and lively; and I venture to believe that thou wilt give no severe reception to the familiar incidents-the trilling descriptions, whether in verse or prose·-with which my story may probably be interwoven. B |