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Show r6o ON THE SLAVERY AND COMMERCe believed the faCt? It would have furely il:aggered his faith ; becaufe he could never have heard that any one man ever was, and could never have fuppofed that any one man ever could be, guilty of the murder of fucb a number of his fellow creatures. But when he is jnformed that fuch a faCt as this came before * a court of j ufiice in this very country; that it happened within the lafi five years; that hundreds can come forwards and fay, that they heard the melancholy evidence with tears; what bounds is he to place to his belief? The great God, who looks down upon all his creatures with the fame impartial eye, feems to have infatuated the parties concerned, that they might bring the horrid circumfiance to light, that it might be recorded in the annals of a publick court, as an authentick fpecimen of the treatment which the unfortunate Africans undergo, and at the f.1me time, as an argument to !hew, that there • The aEHon was brought by the owners againft the underwriters, to recover the value of the murdered Ilavcs. It was tried at Guildhall. is oF THE HuMAN SPECIES. is no fpecies of cruelty, that is recorded to have been excrcifed upon thefe wretched people, fo enormous that it may not readily be believed. C H A P. VI. If the treatment then, as before defcribed, is confirmed by reafon, and the great credit that is due to difinterefied writers on the fubjeet; if the unfortunate Africans are ufed, as if their fle01 were fione, and their vitals brafs; by what arguments do you receivers defend your conduCt? You fay that a great part of your favage treatment confifis in puni011nent for real offences, and frequently for fuch offences, as all civilized nations have concurred in puni01ing. The lirfi charge that you exhibit again fl: them is fpecifick, it is that of tbift. But how much rather ought you receivers to bluili, who reduce them to fuch a fituation! who reduce them to the dreadful alternative, that they mufi either )leal or perijh I How much rather ought you receivers to be confidered as robbers your- L (elves, |