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Show 100 ON THE SLAVERY AND C oMMERCE " even into the river by the victors, who, " though they came for the purpofe of "getting }laves, gave no quarter, their cruel-ty even prevailing over their avarice. They made no prifoners, but put all to the [word without mercy. Horrible indeed was the carnage of the vanquilhed on thts occafion, and as we were within two or three hundred yards of them, their cries and lhrieks aftected us extremely. We had got up our anchor at the beginning of the fray, and now ftood clofe in to the fpot, where the victors having followed the vanquiil1ed into the water, :vere continually dragging out and murdcnng thofe, whom by reafon of their w~unds they eafily overtook. The very children, whom they took in great numbers, did not efcape the mallacre. Enraged at their barbarity, we fired our guns leaden with grape llwt, and a volley of final! arms among them, which effectually checked their ardour, and obliged them to retire to a dill:ance from the il1ore; from whence a few round cannon lhot foon removed them into the woods. " The oF THE HuMAN SPECIES. IOI The whole river was black over with the heads of the fugitives, who were fwimming for their lives. Thefe poor wretches, fearing us as much as their conquerors, dived when we fired, and cried moll: lamentably for mercy. Having now effectually favoured their retreat, we ll:ood backwards and forwards, and took up feveral that were wounded and tired. All whofe wounds had dif.1bled them from fwimming, were either butchered or 'drowned, before we got up to them. With ajullice and generofity, never I believe bifore heard of among }lavers, we gave thofc their liberty whom we had take!l up, fetting them on lhore on the Barbary fide, among the poor refidue of their companions, who had furvived the llaughter of the morning." We il1all make but two remarks on this horrid inll:ance of African cruelty. It adds, firll:, a confiderable weight to the ll:atements that have been made; and confirms, fecondly, the conclufions that were drawn in the preceding chapter. For if we even allow the right of capture to be jull:, and the G 3 principles |