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Show II8 ON THE SLAVERY AND CoMMERcr. ourfelves, in lhort, on the continent of Africa, and relate a fcene, which, from its agreement with unqucfiionable facts, might not unreafonabl y be prefumed to have been prefen ted to our view, had we been really there. And firJ1, let us turn our eyes to the cloud of dufi that is before us. It feems to advance rapidly, and, accompanied with difmal fi1rieks and yellings, to make the very air, that is above it, tremble as it rolls along. What can poffibly be the caufe ? Let us inquire of that melancholy African, who feems to walk dejected near the il:Jore . whofe eyes arc il:edfafily fixed on the ap~ proa.ching object, and whofe heart, if we can JUdge from the appearance of his countenance, mufi be greatly agitated. " Alas!" fays the unhappy African, "the cloud that you fee approaching, is a train " of wretched fiaves. They are going to the 01ips behind you. They are de,!l:ined for the Engliil:J colonies, an,d, if you will Jtay here but for a little time, you will fee them pafs. They were Jail: night drawn up upon the plain which you fee before you, where they were branded upon the breafi with an bot iron; and " when oF THE HuMAN SPECIES. 119 when they had undergone the whole of the treatment which is cufiomary on thefe occalions, and which I am informed that you Englilhmen at home ufe to the catt/( which you buy, they were returned to their prifon. As I have fome dealings with the members of the factory which you fee at a little difiance, (though thanks to the Great Spirit, I never dealt in the liberty of my fellow creatures) I gained admittance there. I learned the hill:ory of fome of the unfortunate people, whom I faw confin ed, and will explain to you, if my eye fi1ould catch them as they pafs, the real caufes of their fervitude." Scarcely were thefe words fpoken, when they came dill:inctly into light. They appeared to advance in a long column, but in a very irregular manner. There were three only in the front, and thefe were chained together. The reil: that followed feemed to be chained by pairs, but by preffing forward, to avoid the la01 of the drivers, the breadth of the column began to be greatly extended, and ten or more were obferved abreall:. H 4 Vihile |