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Show . Of the particular Distribution of tbs Absorbent Vessels 2'21 [be (life/r211 I'm/s nflbc Bua'y. THE ABSORBENTS OF THE NECK. THE ABSORBENTS OF THE BREASTS IN W'OMEN. those of the heag,' The vessels I have now described, as well as I have alrea ) these neck; the in glands I have said, pass through nying both the Judescribed as exceedingly numerous, and accompa the glands tolgether «ular veins and carotid arteries. The vessels and body. Tie apd- the in perhaps, ts, absorben of plexus grandest (form the The Inn/inure, or the glands commonly termed the brmsfs in women, are destined by nature to secrete milk, soon after delivery, for the nou- 206 207 " and neck, are only expLe-ss: , pearance of these vessels of the head, face, as I have reserved t (is or as it were, in outlines in the annexed figure, rishment of the child; and this secretion continues as long as the child continues to suck, and ceases on its ceasing to suck. This secretion is renewed after every delivery, ceases soon after, if the mother does not be« come a nurse, and ceases, or at least is almost stopt, if, notwithstanding her being a nurse, she should be impregnated again; which, though not a number of g an1 s onf some future opportunity.---After passing through often, happens sometimes. at last common trunks; tcpit1 ot the sides of the neck, the absorbents form If a woman continues to suckle a number of" the absorbents, an tia the right side is inserted into the second trunk of children in succession, it is impossible to say how many years this secre- tion of milk may last, perhaps six or eight. In cows, milking, as it is duct, near its termination. in the left side commonly joins the thoracre termed, or the pressure and dragging of fingers, has the same effect as cum ea glandularum Haller had seen this plexus ; and says, " Descendunt r.-.I'{ac omnia conutatu rem superio eavam ad venam em jugular serie quze s ramp- comitibu et entibus descend capite a ramis cum in trunculos unita to secrete milk, contrary to nature. rum arteria: Carotidis demum, &c." The absorbents of the napelvot tire sucking; and sucking alone has stimulated, sometimes, the breasts of women These glands, then, differ from all the other glands in the body, in this, that all other glands having begun to secrete their proper fluids, continue to sccrt-te them ever alter, unless they be‘ the scapu :e, afso neck, and from the integuments and muscles between ary processes,- adte. pass through the glands situated on or near the mammill or internal Juguuir which they also run downwards along the external come diseased, or, like the thymus, are temporary; but it is peculiar to the mamma: to secrete their fluids at certain periods only, uhilst at all other times they become quiL "nt, or remain stationary, if T. may use veins. the expression. The testicles in men are said sometimes to he in the. same situation, that is, cease secreting for a time, and afterwards take it up again. The mam/1m: at the time of birth contain milk, both in boys and girls; a very singular phaenomeuon, and not yet properly accounted for: they continue to secrete it for some clays after birth, during which pe- riod, we sometimes find them inllaming, and even suppurating, from the same cause as in women after lying-in; that is, from a large secretion of milk not passing of? easily by the nipples, of course distending the breasts too much. Boys at birth, therefore, have the glandular substance of the breasts, as well as gil‘IS; but in the boy it soon obliterates, except in some rare in- stances, where boys continue increasing in those parts in the same propor- tion as girls, and at sixteen or eighteen are as large in their mammw as girls then commonly are. CONCLUSION. In girls, though the glandular substance docs not D (l * |