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Show ,38 Description (f the Situation and Number found in this clustered form at the root many quadrupeds they are only to be their forming of the mesentery. and, from Asellius found them so in dogs; well as from other Circumstances, supa line. of some length at that place, as ugh succeeding anatoinists discoverAltho as. pancre the be to them posed this conglomeration of the lympha- call to nued conti still ed his error, they of the Pancreas of Asellius. name the by tic glands, in those animals, ents on the lower part of the me- I have said, that the glands of the absorb (jibe Glands (fl/2c ABsoaisisNi-s. :39 . ‘ from meseuter' the n C‘Cnttlli )» 1 d thgldtseased glands, weighed thirty pounds" " Tumor ' ' ' nus»; etiam Cartilaainei‘ -‘ ' .i ' . - ' I > " cum ir‘ati 4 5 Paltlbllt, tilgiuta librarinn ‘0 pondere," THE GLANDS 01" THE MESOCOLON. d The fgllands of the mesocolon are neither so large nor so numerous as than side, are smaller and less numerous sentery, and towards the right part of ioseo tie niesentery. They are am) ~ _ ' ' i ( theirdnumber seldom exceedsitn'enty o: Iiliit'itlyL "1114121321116 {slitCuthZilyii and the large er number, and even through passes afterwards through a great ct" that what is not strictly true respe so y; nter mese the of root the glands at inly true respecting the Certa is r, Halle by ted asser h ing the vessel, thoug led "momma"?!{:::EC a} . 1:11":lag:ta;‘l, :;fl::ti::ifngt :L‘::L()'n it \Onlylfllm'g peritoneumWhat'is which ca"- be- ongs to the captit coli, and also to the Sigmoidc Ilexurc of the colon Tl side; but the cliyle from the lower those toward the upper and left s, ently through fewer and smaller gland appar the ilittm, if it passes at first tiee we oftli ' 'i *- H _ i t i ( ACMCT :pedalso found oln \vliat IIaller calls the mesocolon inferior, in the liolliili Vas lacteum, quod inihi sclegerim, cliyle absorbed from the ilium. " Idem mest‘ntcrii presecutus sum." ad quintam usque glandulam, in superfieie e sacrum, w tat Dr. H ‘ " ‘ ‘ little of. these gill: ::hl\::1uiiiecr:lsl 33." . or nothing . i. i:iihiilifiilliieL"I t s mesenterii et meso- ‘m. inn" tery and ulceration of the intes quently depends upon a species of dysen ulcers carry the inflammation to the of tines. The absorbents arising out t. The absorption of the cliyle, are of a pure white colour; but I never saw this and indurated; this enlargement freThe glands often become enlarged - cause of their‘ enlargemen the mesenteric glands, and become the scrophula, without any inllam~ from ge enlar y also nter mese glands of the as children liable to this corn- : and, tines intes the mation or ulceration of and soon after die, their emaci- plaint are generally Very much emaciated, uction in the glands pre- ation and death has been attributed to the obstr the blood; and the disease has been venting the ehyle from entering into dy said. Haller says, " Non alibi, alrea have a, asI called tabes mesenteric et steatomatibus etiam lain eorporc humano frequentior schirro locus est m tumor ct schirrus pro cau- m earu dudu no Omni ut ibus, etion s concr pidci " After which he exhibits a sa peculiaris atrophize infantilis habiti sunt. glands :-" Schirrus enor- ts these of gemen long list of indurations and enlar ium totum lapidostiin-Glandu- mis librarum decem-In atrophia mcsenter ro feta."--Dieinerbroccl< appears to lat mesenterii tumidissimze, intus tarta n these glands for the stagna- have mistaken the scrophulous suppuratio of atrophia glandulae mesenIn : " them in tion and coagulation of the chyle mentions a case where terica: tumidae easeoso chylo plctiai." De Haen the colt glandulis conJungitur." The mesenterie glands, at the time of the happen to the glands of the mesocolon. \Viuslow says that he demon strated, to the Academy of Sciences, Chile in the lacteals of the Great in- testines. This I have already observed I never saw. The chyle iDSPI‘lllCl: pally found in the jejunum; and the contents of the iliuin towards its lower end, approach very much to the nature of farccs. In lhe great in‘ testine I have never found any thing but fences. The circumstance of the glands beingniore numerous in the mesentery, along which almost all the chyle is carried, and being smaller and less numerous 0n the lTlCSOCOlOH throlugh which hardly any passes, looks as if the glands were intended td protuce some remarkable chat U ‘ ' i " ‘ ' ' liable to schirrus as those on tlizcgdlsetiitceiii . , t'irldm‘L sometimes glaf‘d" ‘dl‘c (.DldH'Cd I‘uit 5° i-yllciut from cancers and scliirri in the great intestines, which occur there moon" frequently than in the small. |