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Show ( 24 ) Colonies: ( 25 ) Wales fends members to parliament, and Ireland has done f0; and as Ireland is not now reprefented in the. Britifh Parliament, neither is it taxed in 35 " ." "‘ under contribution P-The French Court could but do this if they had conquered England. Have we, conquered our Colonies 3-" the Britifh Parliament, " It is frivolous to alledge, that becaufe the Mother Country has been at'eXpences for the Colonies, therefore the Britilh Par~ liament may taX them, without allowing This excellent Author {hews how the Americans, if there had been a necefiity for fuch a meafure, might have been taxed by our Parliament, Without violating the right of reprefentation; but, with the Bifhop of them any legal opportunity of remonlll‘a- St. Afaph, who fpeaks on this fubjeét in a ting againft the oppreflion. The Mother Country has {pent her blood and her trea- manner, Which Inuit convince every man whofe prejudices are only founded in igno- fure in fupporting, at different times, _France againft Spain, and b‘pain againf'c France, Prufiia againft Hungary, and Hungary againft Prufiia, and {0 on with» out end. rance, heiis of opinion, that the mof't be- neficial way of taxing the Colonies is the obliging them to an exclufivecommerce with us. Does this give our Parliament a right to tax all Europe? To all the ref'trié'tions laid on their trade, the Americans declare they will ever readily " What difference is there between the Britifh Parliament's taxing America, and fubmit ; and this on the generous confidera- - tne LCHCD Courts laying England tion that they are fuppofed to be for the be- nefit and advantage of the whole empire. ,‘6 under At 'u 31-7 1 , . |