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Show ( 23 ) ( 22 ) Mr. Burgh'l‘) the Miniftry ought to have .‘.‘ fented, Rand on the fame predicament reduced exorbitant falaries, abated or abo- " with yourfelves," is too glaring a falfhood liflied exceflive perquifites, annihilated ufe- your to deceive you; and I {hall not affront can underftanding f0 much as to fancy you lefs places, {topped iniquitous pcnfions, with-held electioneering expences, and bribes for votes in the Houfc, reduced fuppofe that the pofitive punifhment of the a whole town of Bofton for the offence of an odious and devouring army, and taxed few individuals, when thofe individuals might vice, luxury, gaming, and public diver- have been profecuted according to law, can fions :-----This would have brought into the treafury en times more than could be a cafe fimilar to the running the hazard of hurting a few citizens in the attempt of have ever been expeéted from taxing, by re-taking one of our own towns from the force and authority, the unrcprefcn'ted enemy, Colonies. I have hitherto endeavoured to prevent your time given " Even a conquered city has upon it, it to rnifc the contributions laid being mifled by the fophifiry of thofe who have an interef'c in deceiving you. I fhall and now give you fome of the judicious obfcrva-g . tions of one of your beit friends, in regard to the conduct of your government towards America-w.- . Hilly raiie It . . 111 Its OWE) way. Kr, \vt, f3 K , , . n couhave treated our Colonies worn tha Neither Wales nor Gucr'cd countries. and unrepre- Ireland are taxed unheard a " > " ' ' ' ment, asw. I-lme lia ‘ trfii Par the L'rrtcd 1n ien " Colonies: " Before the taxing of the unreprefentef M f‘ colonies of America was thought of (fays ‘f Mr. ‘ 371:1: 31;, e: frq. " Political Difquilitions, |