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Show ( 18 ) ( i9 ) Our prefent objeé‘rion is gerous triumphs, even to the liberty of re; not to that which the Canadians enjoy, but to It is that of which they are deprived. publican {fates ; but in limited monarchies, When on the conquered are impofed laws; not the prefervation, but the violation of the oppo'fite and ‘hdfiile to the limitations of Royal Word, which fiands the foremoft in power in thefe governments, it never fails of fubjeéting the conquerOrs to the fame mea-l now complain. our lift of grievances. fure of flavery which they have impofed on In the aét for the government of the pro- vince of @ebec, my friends and fellow ci~ tizens, we read defpotifm in every line.---The deluded Canadians, infiead of being put in polleflion of all the privileges and immuni- ties of Englifh fuhjefis, according to his Ma- jefty's proclamation in 176 3, are indeed fa- the conquered. Had the government Of Charles the Fifth been confined to the fovereignty of Spain; the Spaniards might to this day have pre- ferved a greater degree 0f freedom than any Other of the European nations; voured with the full polleflion of their religion, as long as his Majefiy, whoris at the It was the Canada bill, and Other tranf-‘a head of their church, is gracioufly inclined to continue to them fuch indulgence; yet in refpeét both to their civil and religious aétions of the government, which equally engaged the city of London,- and the COunty rights, they are in a more abject Prate of fla- of Middlefex, to exaét from thofe they very than when they were under the French Eleé‘ted into the reprefentative Office, an en-‘ govern talent, gagement, by which their members Were threatened your fecurity and welfare; that bound to endeavour, to the utmoft of their The cqnquefts of‘foreign nations are dangCI'OUS abilities, the repeal of the unconftitutional B 2 |