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Show [ 74 l " fail/22g 222221 "/22222‘2'220 2‘0 2‘62 crown of G2222 Bri- V.ol XXV". ~16th and 19th May 1757. " 222222, 2/22 I/Zmzd 2/ Cape 8222022, 2222227 22.1 2222/»22- ‘101 X}:Vlll.---June 11t,1758-Ap1112.6th and 30th , 1759~ March 26th and 3111‘. and April 28th, 176o-Jan. 9th and " 127222025." Thefe expences were immenfe for fuch‘ Colo- nies. They were above 200, 000/. lleilin3‘; money firf't railed and advanced on thci1 publi credit. On the 28th or January 17 56* , a 111 {71:1;e from the King 1ans to us, to this efieEt-J‘ I. 1 " M27121», 6222237[2‘22/22/2 0f2'62 :227222222'ozqom‘ 2122/22 " 112/2226 62: jazz/ya! /}.{2/2225 0/ (172222222 (201.221225 222 " " " " " " Nari/2 [4222222222 62sz 212222.27 26 2/2!at: 222 22/222222 {2/ H25 [Wife/2'125 jzzfl r2g62‘s am'pofflom, 225022272:22:27: 22‘ to 2/225 Houfl 20 take 262 /22222 22220 2/2222‘ 2022/222'22‘222‘2022, 222ml to enable H25 1l427y'2fly to 02722 262m fi2c6 rflflmzce as may 62 22 pioper reward and encouragement." On the 3d of February 1756+, the lioufe came to a fuitahle relolution, exprefiedin words 20th,1761. --jan. 22d and 26th, 17 62- M.1‘10l1 14th and 17th, 176°. ii‘, here is therrepeated acknowledgement of P111119. nent, that the L‘olonies not only gave, but gate to iatiety. This when has formallv acl-mowledutl tv 0 tl111113:; tirft that the iColo~ 111es had QCUC oeyond their abilities, Parliament having thoueht it net‘eliary to reimburfe them; econdlv, that they had aired leoallv and laud~ abl y in their grants ot money, and their mainte- nance of troops, lines the compcniation is ex- prefslybGivens1s reward and encouran‘retent. Reward18 not beiton ed for zié‘ts that are unlawful; 11d encouragement is not held out to things th at deleive l‘L tenrehenfion. My 1eiolution there- nearly the lame as thole of the mefiage: but fore does nothing more than tolledinto one pro- with the further addition, that the money then poiition, Whatisteattered throu<3h your Journals. voted 11 as as an 22220222‘22322222222‘ to the Colohies to exert themlelves with vigour. It will not be I give you nothinn but your own, and you cannot refufe in the5grols, wh at you have {0 often acknowledged in detail. The admifiion of this. neceflary to go through all the teflimonies which vour own receids have given to the truth of my i‘elolutions. Iwill only refer vou to the places in the Journals: ~' Journals of the Houfe, Vol. XXVII. which WIll be f0 honourable to them and to you, will, indeed, be mortal to all the miferable fiories, by which the pallions of the mifguided .3. Ibid. people have been engagedin an unhappy fyflem. 'Ihe people heard, indeed, from the beginning or theft-3 |