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Show t 66 l eternal barriers of the creation. The thing in As ‘ that mode, Ido not know to he poflihle. Imeddle with no theory, I do not abfolutely afiert the impraéticability of inch :1 reprefenta- thefttion. But I do not fee my way to it; and My refolntions therefore mean to er'lahlitii the equrty and jufiice of a taxation of America liar greet, and not by hypo/[lien To mark the [:05 not been who have been more confident, have public more fuccefsful. I'iowever, the arm of port of their government in peace, and for public are often benevolence is not firortened; and there nature feveral means to the fame end. VUl‘iat in has disjoincd in one way, wildom may unite another. \Nhen we cannot give the benefit as c‘C'Iflyfia'ZtZ'if/‘r' of the Colony afiemblies for the {tin- aids in time of war. To acknowledge that this ‘ legal. competency has had a dutiful and [Gaze/Trivia! (K‘s-(3:6? L ;- and that experience has fliewn the} ('75"(,1 M 1‘ 4 Iw n -, ‘ ' ' ' yif 0f J ' zttzr g/(JZXJ, and the fun/zit! affair/M- ) ,1 ,. u ,. ., . . u I, Iii/21W) madam 4:5 :1 mar/30d Gjrflaffflgy. we would with, let us not i'etiife it altogether. a If we cannot give the principal, let us find Thele loli'l truths compote fix. fundamental But how? Where? What fubfiitutez" proppiitions. There are three more reiblutions cororlaryto thele. Ifyo‘u admit the firit fet you can haroiy reject the others. But if you admit the firth}; {hall he far from follicitous whether iiibf'titute. Fortunately I am not obliged for the ways and means of this luhfiitute to tax my own unproductive invention. 1 am not even obliged you‘accept‘or remit: the laft. to go to the rich treal‘ury of the fertile framers maflive piltars will he or": {trencth fufficient to of imaginary common wealths; not to the ReIt is before fupport the tempie f Britilh c%ircord. I have "to more doubt Ithan I entertain of my exiftenee, 2:12,! 1111):",;:i:l::ed rthetre, you Iwould com; me-It is at. my feet, and the rude few/'72 treads daily on it wit/J 121's clawed flow. I only with America 0 1i¥,i:;ag,:;:m::' a lafnng obedience in publick of Plato, not to the Utopia of More; not to the Oceana of Harrington. you to recognize, for the theory, the ancient confiitutional policy of this kingdom with regard to reprefentation, as that policy has been declared in acts of parliament; and, as to the practice, to return to that mode which an uni- form experience has marked out to you, as heft ; and in which you walked with feeurity, advantage, and honour, until the year 1763. M Y ' me {"th . alfirrance. c .-:t I think thefe Iii; peace , andwrta but tolera- c. . rogant In this confident The propofitions are all mere matters of 521.632; and if they are fuch facts as drawiirre: hilthre conclufions even in the Rating, this is the ) Sir, |