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Show EMIII'I R-VJ'IOV APPENDIX. FRANKLIN D. RICHARDS, AGENT. 1854-5. "Am "F 5‘1"" . 1 CAI‘TAIN. 1115511511101;‘ PRESIDENT. ,‘ennéuxn01111111111521 P E I‘m" TOT oxxnxxIxxI-.‘ TOTAL. 7. in ._ 3 7 31 JIIchIIII , 115; l ' \IIIInIIIi‘l (III1ing , ' Sun-Non 41; _'11m=111' Elnt‘l'illlela .1111111 111101-11 11311 17 l 1111x11111111 21x 311 12 7 , ‘ Nelson New Orleans Henry I). I'llclps,‘' 11111111 11x1. 11.11111. 11.11 1;xxm11]1;111 1111 5111111151(1 :1: Bmw 1II111mm (<11mllev11icxld.131 Chipnmn PhilaZlg-lphia (my. C. 1111111 1111111 5 11111111111 \\ Its 10. \Villinx111xl1wur Ves F1 ('IIIIIIIg .1101111111 i ¥. l 1122 ‘ 427 1:1 :11; 11; - . Numith, Charla Bun 1m Jams, Iw Ill/l CIIz'mbo Curlilw,.lll(1JolI .IBw/(l, incIIIIhIIIIthuII total numhc s, from 1htheJames Scandinavian Missmns, 115 {mm 0the Swi am] ItIIlinII, 7:frI'II" the FIcIIch, includinw t/hc Channel Islands ThcrenI-c 11150 13 Germans and 1 Prussian. The balance me from thu Unitud Kin,zdom of GIrteaIBritain and [1111.Ind SU\IMARY OF THE LA'ITERDAY SAINTS' EMIGIIATION FRO" E1ROPE, FROM THE COEIMENCEMENT IN 1840, UP TO THE CLOSE OF! Fromlswtn 013.16.) eatlm) , 015511018115 Addf rpcrsons whuhave emxgmitd between IésI and"1355,bu 5111111111ch under the appointed Agency. . E The "History of Josephx Smlth," or the History (1pr 17‘ the (‘hnrnh 11 11 «t1 n 1‘ II ' " 111 - - I the ,1;"Nushaving during the plogresg ofJfifis any3 depaltul‘erom England their names , and the \Vork, passed the[101101] embracedIII the Table ofEml-Iname 0f the 5111HP- gI-aItion or 18401 , June nSIIiIIts to wit '1101-1 ~ w1 Hac1I applars 011 15g9 1"atSt-lyuIIII111|I John 1111511,111111111g11 Moonothc'on60110111:11111117Inthem 01111211111111 |_venabled to sulfimly some of the paIticuIzII-s of Iivlrvich:11e Henry Moon, (1111115 oI'JolIII M:>a11),HI~IIIyI1 were tIen 1 defi Giant \V 8 "01‘0ng 1.91 eel)low Willinmh811 William Sith-eavesm Riledd 1::0 wna Henry Moore." Nancy As111w 11c111d 1111115chng 111111 1111111555, Table for that portion of the statistics Itidlc in the Ship Brilanm'a fI'IhIIII LIveI‘oolp for\IV WIYok besing (5 11m 5111111: 111111 lime uiletl from Englandi I-Zio II.w" BRIGHAM YOUNG, AGE;'T. 1840-1. DATP. 0F SAILINOI TONS: CAPTAXNI Pnzsmnx'r. June 6 Sep7or 3 111-1111111111 111.1111 Axxmica l N01 on Sous. John Mann. TAIL-11111115 'I‘III-Iey. 1 Feb.18 Wood MuIch April I7 ‘11 ' Rnchcstcr WOOI‘llIOI fie 113-1111" Clark. Daniel Browitt. Thonms Smith. H. Y0mIIw llsurvulthaI111 3111511111115 T111111"1111 111 £1.11. 1<x11xxxxx11y0 fthc EmingItiIxu by 15le- BI-Iist gave[1'51]ereP. I'rnttns Agent!" from 18-10 m 18-," which was L‘I'Yoneulls mege15 Briglmnl Ibuug bcnwh111AEnglétnd111111 of the Quorum of the Twe vc,Fro mAp 11,1 1341), until 1.115 (11111111111111 of thePresident <cvenlhumor: Rochester litlelperintendc 11 1111 the inteIests III the Church lIeIe. P11111511 J_ 51111151, I, MooxfiéléiljflivIfiSol. |