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Show In 14 Monthly Parts, Royal 4to, at 1s. each ROUTE FROMO LIVERPOOL GREAT SALT LAKE VALLEY ILLE$VEAWEE By aseries of Splendid STEEL ENGRAVLNGS and WOOD CUTS, from Sketches made on the spot and from Lie,f 1111853, expressly for this Wer,k by FREDERICK PIERCY I ANI) CONTAINING A MAP OF THE OVERLAND PORTION OF THE JOURNEY. EDITED BY JAMES LINFORTH. 'l'II " " ' ' ' " ' "‘ the nay from Livmpool to Great Salt Lake Valley, Id will give histoIical, IleseIiptive, and statislical infonnatlon lcSlIeCtiugmthe places, and the Indian tIihes ou the mute andIn Utah TI tor). 'lhe mode in IIlIiclI the Lnllffil--Day'Saian rmiuIeLIoII is comluctcll; areview of it from the commencement; ‘md " the \\orlI. he statistical infmmation "ill be drawn from the most authentic smures, and consequently may be )‘cliOll IIIInII. llmc pm-Iinn of"iI IIhich Ielales lo the Lama-Day Saiuls "ill be pIrticIIlaIly valuable, Owlll" to the Ililfieulty lIIIheIIu iII IIgI'cII Imrtiun of the public ltrrcss. "IllIILL'Iglmings (e.\'pco the pmzmits of JOSkllll Smith, lIyIum Smith, lIebeI C. l\iIIIlI2,Ill Vi'illz'url- Iliclmruls, and lllllll Smith; and Joscph Walk; and I\I"IIII:eII, Chielis' of the Utah Indian?me all taken fwm' setclws made on Ihesspuclqand mm life exIIIcsslyfOI IlIis\V'qu, aIIIl IIi III III similm plmlueliIIIIs. \‘opnius orexpense has been SJImL-Il IoIeIIIleI this \VOlk one of peculiar llltclest,-|1Sllr|lilluss, and hung, IIIIII the ‘ its publication. SIEEL lI\IIL\VI\G§ BY CHARLES FE\\', AND EDWIN ROFFE. Iiu "llicll Jmcph ml lIyI-um s" ill\ "and [in \vum iIIIpIIM"LI (1mmIewk. , "'Lll Against which Jnccph KrrIillI WW tt'EBlIIfl IIIII-III.~ <1"): I: mu 1 IL~~lIIflli II. upy ~n‘IIIILlI, IImIlIeI01I1 nplIut. I'm0mm 'l'C‘IIIIIla at l\:lmW. rillSk‘IllSHliiIh, _I-IIIII. Sons of me I‘m II.I-III1.IIIIII i phat. PI-IIIIIII t‘ IhIIII,ilILm... Ll|l ~ _ .and group 02' ('0? IIIlelIeI II III (' KimballII-émmhg (IllHI umcmpe [will] sIniII. m IlIc III. e l\ mn-I iiil'l'Il, Imd (HI-moi] "lll'll'tl Ricluuds, mun .I Dngn-I'I0II1_\I.u . I'I-IMun PM; I Ymmgldlso Gumnm John '1' lm, . ~ of I[all 'l'uIrIIIII'II mums. J-' . 1 \cII OIImus Baton III-II'e Mitchel uIIIleI the Hill. Natchez IIII the Hill \[icks1lml'glI. Im , ('1qu 1i Kcohuk. D CUlSBY MASON JACX\SO\ I-. migmm ~hi‘I luning III.IIW I (‘ostuIIIeforllIc Plains. Talmmuclufi. s, IICIIy. I. "hi _Iqu.. .II tin: nun-III. oI the Missis. (ihiuuu Rock II-nm the \IesI. . , 1"va Joseph \\ JIM" Brothers, and was or the A l m the Kockr Mountains IIIIIII IIIduImem minim! AmweeIL Iml) 'IIII-IIIIIIIII llmisu (. .x. I «III. ‘ "a"iM'W-V‘V- ‘V ‘..., \I-IImIII Il'I LIVERPOOL: l‘. D. RICllAlIDS'éli, Hinnton LUNDUN: WM. MAIIIEN 35,Jc\\'iu SL, City. ‘lIIIl may be obtained (If all 1'Oirltrcllurs in (iruu llIilinII and Ireland. IIIHIIII I,_I "1.x... 1. MIIIIIlivll- MIMI. |