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Show In 14 Monthly Parts, Royal 4to, at Is. each ROUTE LROMZLIVERPOOL To GREAT SALT LAKE VALLEY ILLE$TRAT By aseries of Splendid STEEL0 ENGRAVINGS and WOOD CUTS £10111 Sketches made on the spot IIILife, in 1853, expressly for this Work by FREDERICK PIERCY A MAP OF THE OVERLAND PORTION Ol' 'l‘llE JOURNEY. AND CONTAINIXG EDITEDBY JAMES LINFORTH. Tm I I ~ . I IhLI iIIIII'IIey trom Liverpool to Great Salt Lnlie VIIlle), Iterienl, desLIiIItiIe, :IIIII sIII-IILIicIIl iIIiIIIIIIIItieII respecting the places, and the Intlinn tribes on the Item and sIIiIl giI' andIII Utah '1‘errit ("3' The mode in which the Lattel--DaySaints L'lllif'l'lltiflll IS chIIIIctIIII; :7, review of it from the commencement; IIIILI , ,II.. I the \'I\IIIk. T IIII, \‘IlliiSileli information will be IlIIIwn from the most IIIIthIIIIIie semees, and consequently may be relied upon. That portion of"it "illL‘il relates.to the IIIItIeI-DIIy LIIiIIIs will be llfll‘iicuidliy vnlIIIIlIle, owing to the IliIl‘IeIIlIy IIitlIeItto ,I . ,I , . , . I . inthIInt milieu of the public InD". The cIIgI'III'iIIIvs (I\LLp IleI Ol Hills of JIIseplI Smith, IlyIIIm Smith, lleber C. Kimball, "'illnIIl Richards," I'IIIII1 Jolm Smii; and oseIpl \\:IllIeI ("KipAIIIpeen Chiefs of the U tIIh Indians) are all tIIken IIIJIII sketches made outthesmp mt, A mu life VIIIessly I'III this We {It in siIIIiIIII leOLillCiimlS ep‘nins IIIexpense IIIIslIeeII spared to IenIler this ka one of peculizu iIIteIest,‘ usefulness, and]beauty, and the it" il | SlplIIblicIIIio New OIlczIIIsI Biium llInIge -' IllltiIi‘T the Hill. ellillI STE El. ENG IIAVI‘ITGH» BY Ill[\l. lIlI‘ l‘EI\\, \.\'l) E D\VIN' ROFII‘E \\eIIIl HIVor "mmIn which I"(III and lly'IIIIII Smith "I‘l‘rU iInyIisIIn. I (lIiIIIIII‘vI]:I \\III Eldil\\i IIIIiel an] N l\\" Nil! M I' x...nII. .nInin». I.I .I..~ iI-II...,.II» In; mi... '|.~...,.I.- In \I II... .11. L'1)I|I\‘IIIil1iI,j\lIll.l 5... n1 the Pro. IIIIIk. 'iIl min. I ,.I.I-I. IIIIs' IIIIItl's. ll-IIIIIIIIL-I; III liaIIIIaxillII. (III-III S:III IIIIkII. (IIIIIIcil BIII ll FI-I'I . nIIIl group of (IIIII (II-euI \‘II II LCiI Innn. nl IIuI. III- I... (1.1IIIIIIIIII (Inn... Il.IgIIeIIcotypc. V'II-anII II..- M w.‘ River, and Cnnncil John Slllli lI IlIIIu BIIIIl~ IIIIII \H iIInI l'I'tI-~iIlI~IIt 13ll"i|IIu Ygoung, :1I130 GoveInoI Ill; llIII'II l\]i\l '. 1U tIIh T‘I'Iiton. IIInIn II~InII 5tLUHI‘ I.Imp III Iicoknk. NIIIII\II(\. IIIIII. SIniII. the Pmphct sIn III, (nun IIn nI-igInIII pm'mIiL -- sinIII ln~ 'nnll). WiIlaIlIl RiLIIIII‘nIls .II'oIII II Daguenontipe Jniln TIII II)n, CnI-Ihzwe JIIIl. EI'IIigI'nIIt Sinn leaving TIiv.tII'ponl Light IIIIIIIL IItthe IIIOIItIIoI the Mnsig. II,I,.I. OIII Fart llnsnlic. \I'IIIInII llillsI \YOOD CUTS IIY MASON JACKSON. (‘Imtumn I'III IIIII lIIIiIIs. TI'IlIeI-Iinele (I. S. III (‘it Y . (:Ilillu|lL‘_\' Ruck IlUllI IIIII. \\est .I...I-n,.I.w..II.e. Ilrotlicrs. and Chiefs of the IIWL'I'. UIIIII IIILliIIIIs, ImIn oriNiIIIIl _ I... In IIII Rocky MIIIIIIIIIIIISI III-Rpcc (‘lmIIiugs byW. w Mnjnr. ltIIlI 'l‘LI'IIIitIIIinl IIIIIIM, U. I..l. ('ity. III I {LIVERPOOLz F. D RICHARDS 1.3,VtiltonSI. L0\DONII" Boeksoller'sIII PI-iI mi 1.,» .1. 5......I-IIII ‘ 3%: E. C. BRAND, 35, Jewin St, City. I TIII, anoImeI |