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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br> Y. M. C. A. News. <br><br> Carlton L. Kirk. <br> Formerly an association worker, friend of our friend Wildman Murphy, an earnest Bible student and a strong man spiritually, Evangelist C. L. Kirk will address our men's gospel meeting at 4 p. m. today. The service will be held in the gymnasium and will prove a blessing to every man who attends. Spread this notice. <br><br> "God's Remedy for Sin." <br> The above is the subject for the service today at 4 p. m. What is the remedy? Let every man think about this and come prepared to take part in an earnest testimony meeting. Fill the gymnasium. Of course the hall will be crowded with men. Who does not love good music, rousing singing and the gospel presented in a way that appeals to common sense and reason. <br><br> Special Music Today <br> Messrs. Douglas and Ingler who are with Mr. Kirk in this city have justly been called "The Sweet Gospel Singers." They will sing several choice selections today at 4 p. m. among them "The Savior Precious" and "Redeemed." Can you or your friends afford to miss this service. <br><br> Pressing Invitations. <br> The secretary has received a number of pressing invitations to attend and take part in the Secretaries' conference at Springfield May 8th to 12th. This will be a wonderful gathering of association men and great good will result to all associations that are represented. We regret that Salt Lake is not to have a delegate there. <br> The secretary has also received an invitation from Mr. Frank W. Ober to take part in the Anniversary Day exercises of the Omaha Association, Sunday, May 5th. <br><br> Appreciative Letters. <br> The secretary received the following letter one day last week. It speaks for itself. <br> Salt Lake City, April 20th. <br> John T. Axton Esq., City. <br> My Dear Sir:-Enclosed please find $5.00 as my subscription for the support of the Association of which you are the official and honored head. <br> I regret that I cannot add another "0" to this amount, but circumstances will not permit this at present. Yours Kindly, MRS.- <br> Such tokens are wonderfully encouraging. <br><br> Monday Night. <br> Tomorrow night is Debating Club night. The following subpoena has been served on a large number of individuals and some societies. It is headed in the regular court style, the body of the subpoena reads as follows: <br> "The people of the Politic Club send greeting to----. We command you that all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you appear and attend before our District Court of the Politic (Y. M. C. A.) Club to be held in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. in the city and county of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah on the twenty-ninth day of April A. D. 1895 at eight o'clock p. m., there and then to appear as spectator in the case of Meakin vs. Thomas, now pending in the said District Court on the part of the defendants, and disobedience will be punished as contempt by said court and you will also forfeit to the party aggrieved the sum of one dollar and thirty cents and all damages which may be sustained by your failure to attend, according to the law of said club made and provided." <br> The above is signed and sealed in due form and makes an attractive invitation. You are invited. <br><br> Butte Game. <br> Our boys are enthusiastically preparing for a strong contest with the Butte Pastime Athletic club. The man who is not in the pink of condition cannot expect to accompany the team. <br><br> More than <br> You Expect. <br> We have a rather unusual request to make. We don't ask you to pay us one visit. We ask you to pay us two. Come t first for the purpose of seeing our men's, boys' and children's clothing. If you don't buy it won't be because you don't like them; if you do, come again and tell us how you do like them. <br> We feel confident your first impression will be that you made an exceedingly level-headed purchase, and your second- well, to cut it short, your first will be confirmed rather than removed. <br> ONE PRICE. <br> J. P. GARDNER, <br> 136-138 Main Street. <br><br> |
Further Information |
This page has two main sections. The first section is for the Young Men's Christian Association of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is broken into subparts of which discuss meetings, an upcoming performance by The Sweet Gospel Singers, a conference for the secretaries of the associations, a subscription to the association, the debating club, and a football game. The second section is a full column advertisement for J. P. Gardner's clothing store. Debating Club (Salt Lake City, Utah) |