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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> Now is The Time <br> To take a good spring medicine. Our Compound Extract of Sarparilla purifies the blood, creates an appetite and is a general tonic. <br> L. U. KING & CO. <br> N. E. Cor 1st So. & State. <br><br> C. Cartwright D. D. S., <br> DENTIST. <br> Fills and Extracts Teeth without pain. Has had & successful practice for 36 years. Reduced rates to Ministers and their families. <br> Progress Building, 148 Main St., (Opposite Auerbach's Store) Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br> ELLIS & GOODWIN, <br> Photographers. <br> All our work is Satin Finish and <br> Guaranteed. <br> If you want a Crayon Picture call <br> and see us. <br> We Can Save You 50 percent. <br> 56 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City <br><br> The Washington Market <br> MEATS, GROCERIES, <br> POULTRY, FISH, <br> AND PROVISIONS <br> Orders Solicited. <br> Prompt Delivery. <br> DAY, ROWE & CO. Proprietors, <br> Phone 574, 313 So Main. <br><br> Stinger's Bakery <br> Received First Prize on bread at the Territorial Fair. Try his Cream Bread. <br> LEAVE ORDERS AT 472 2ND E. So. <br><br> Wasatch - Hotel, <br> (Under New Management.) <br> COR 2d SOUTH & MAIN <br> Steam Heat, Electric Light. <br> Elevator Day and Night. <br> Everything First Class. <br> Prices to suit the times. <br> Mrs. M. F. VanGilder, Proprietor <br> Office Room 48 <br><br> WISCOMB & CO., <br> The Family Grocer <br> 58 EAST FIRST SO <br> We carry everything in the grocery line. <br> Choice Teas, Coffees and Pure Spices our Specialty. <br><br> About Wall Paper. <br> We have a large force of competent paper hangers and the largest stock of Wall Paper in Utah, and will do your work on the shortest notice and we are Never undersold. Get bids and thus prove it. <br> When House Cleaning <br> Bear in mind that we do all manner of Cabinet and Upholstery Work and carry everything necessary to furnish a home. <br> H. Dinwoodey Furniture Co. <br><br> For Fine Work <br> Patronize the <br> Empire Steam Laundry <br> Tel. 94. 21 Commercial St. <br><br> F. AUERBACH & BRO. <br> A Week of Actual Great Bargains! <br> NO POETICAL DESCRIPTIONS. <br> NO HIGH FALUTIN' PROMISES. <br> For 31 years in Utah it has been our constant study, not how high, but how low we can sell stylish and reliable goods. A rushing trade rewards our efforts. Come early! Money saved is money earned! We will sell goods this week in all our departments as they never have been sold before. Special new values every day. <br> Special for Monday. <br> Ladies' Chemisettes in White and Colored...... 5c <br> Ladies' Grey striped Waists, value 25c...... 15c <br> Curtis and Wheeler's best Hand Turn Button Shoe square toe, regular value $5.00, for...... $2.50 <br> Special for Tuesday. <br> Ladies' handsome laundried Waists, small sizes, of very fine Percale, were 70c, for...... 25c <br> Ladies' Ecru Jersey Ribbed Vests fine quality, silk edged, were 40c, for...... 20c <br> Pants to match. <br> Special for Wednesday. <br> 66 inch White German Damask, soft finish, stylish design, worth 90c, at...... 65c <br> 5-8 Napkins to match at...... $1.75 <br> White Lace Striped Swiss, the novelty of the season, at...... 17 1/2 <br> Special for Thursday. <br> Printed China Silks, dark grounds, 19 inch black 17 1/2c <br> Heavy Cord Faille Francaise, domestic make, value $1.00...... 69c <br> Special for Friday. <br> Ladies' Patent Tip, Turn Oxford, $1.00 grade...... 50c <br> Cotton Challies, Assorted Figures...... 2 1/2c <br> Children's Bicycle Hose, in fast Black seamless, 35c value for...... 10c <br> Special for Saturday. <br> Two styles of Ladies' Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, with embroidered border and scalloped edge or lace border, regular value 25c, at...... 12 1/2c <br> Gent's Balbriggan Underwear, G. light weight, full fashioned......45c suit.<br><br> |